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Former Member

The Working People’s Alliance (WPA), one of the parties in the ruling Coalition Government, is insisting on cash transfers of oil revenue to citizens on a monthly basis.

Party Executive David Hinds Thursday told a public forum at Buxton, East Coast Demerara that cash transfers must be an integral part of the Coalition’s platform as it faces new elections from a No Confidence motion.

Towards this end, he said the WPA will “fight like tiger to ensure that cash transfer is given to you once the oil money starts to flow.”

Hinds said that even the minimum revenue from oil production, due to start next year, would be enough to change the economic and infrastructure landscape in Guyana.

As such, Hinds said the WPA is insisting that there must be monthly cash transfer of the oil revenue to citizens.

He said that even if 75% of the benefits of oil goes to ExxonMobil, the remaining 25% would be enough to transform Guyanese society and the lives of citizens.

But he said that people must demand the benefits.

A section of the gathering at the event held in Buxton

“Our leaders tend not to begin with our people. When we think about policy, we sometimes think about foreign investors first. I am suggesting that going forward we must begin with policy in the interest of people. We’ve got to invest in people,” he stated.

He said it is ok to invest in roads and bridges, but “we’ve got to invest in people.”

“You could get the best bridge and smoothest road, but if people are hungry and don’t have any work, those roads mean nothing; you have to invest in people,” he stated.

Under this proposal, he said that every month that Guyanese would get a cheque and that would be sued to supplement their income.

“A teacher working for $80,000 a month can’t cut it; that’s why we have problems in the education sector,” he suggested, but if they are given extra cash, they will not teach with a heavy heart.

Hinds rejected claims that citizens, especially the poor, would squander cash handouts.

“They say that if we give poor people money they will spend it on rum. I think it is an eyepass.

“They eyes pass we.”

Pointing to Buxton, he said that if one were to walk around in the village, people are on the corner hustling, selling ‘lil beer, selling lil black pudding,’ but if they get a cash transfer, they wouldn’t spend it out smoking or drinking, but would use it to expand their business.

He suggested the WPA would not back down from the issue, claiming that the matter of cash transfers is practised in many countries around the world.

Speaking to a small group, he said that what the WPA is proposing is not outright cash transfers, but cash transfers that hang on certain conditions that would ensure a more educated and healthy population.

He said the conditions include a 90% attendance rate at school and regular vaccinations and health check-ups.

“Now what that will mean is that school attendance will go up. It means you will take that money and buy more nutritious food for your children.

“And so at the end of the day we have a healthier society and we have more educated society.”

The first oil production phase, due to start early next year, is expected to generate over US$7 billion in royalty and profit oil revenues for Guyana during the life of the project.

This first phase will see a daily extraction of 120, 000 barrels of oil per day.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Zara posted:

Under the coalition, all people of Guyana will benefit from our fortunes.  Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will make this real. We are strong and will we win in 2020.

When you mouth like battie, guess what? All you can do is talk sh*t and fart.


Hinds thinking of Black ppl portion and not meaningful employment. A monthly lil raise from exxon. 

Visionless. Imagine this is the kind of leadership that black ppl follow. It is men like Hinds who has black ppl in the place they are in. I hope these pp ketch some sense, and soon.



Looks like Hinds hoping to buy votes. The last time the Coalition made lots of promises and the one they kept was the one they didn't make. 50% pay raises for their ministers. 


People will say anything. Most Guyanese will judge the Coalition under Cde Granger and Nagamootoo as the best to do things for our people!

The people of Guyana has a bright future under the Coalition!


What we can say with certainty is that the PPP has no intention of sharing any oil money with anyone outside the Jagdeo circle. Jagdeo himself wants to take over the money handling aspect, which means he wants to be Chief of Thieves.

Mr.T posted:

What we can say with certainty is that the PPP has no intention of sharing any oil money with anyone outside the Jagdeo circle. Jagdeo himself wants to take over the money handling aspect, which means he wants to be Chief of Thieves.

That sums it up nicely.  

skeldon_man posted:
Zara posted:

Under the coalition, all people of Guyana will benefit from our fortunes.  Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will make this real. We are strong and will we win in 2020.

When you mouth like battie, guess what?

All you can do is talk sh*t and fart.

Extremely kind and gracious description of her/his expressions.

Last edited by Former Member

Guyanese do not need a hand out. They need the money directed to simple things so we can bootstrap ourselves. Simply things like increased teachers pay, Maternity leave, New Baby hampers so mothers can get a leg up on child care. There are hundreds of more pressing needs for the cash than state welfare.

Stormborn posted:

Guyanese do not need a hand out. They need the money directed to simple things so we can bootstrap ourselves. Simply things like increased teachers pay, Maternity leave, New Baby hampers so mothers can get a leg up on child care. There are hundreds of more pressing needs for the cash than state welfare.

Even using the proceeds to fund infrastructure could put lots of Guyanese to work and provide better meaning for their 'handouts' than just sending them a monthly unearned cash voucher. Almost everything in Guyana needs to be built or repaired. Hinds is just tricking the people of Buxton with his promise of cash vouchers. He saw how it worked in 2015 and think it will do so again. He did forget to tell the crowd that the promises in 2015 weren't kept. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:

Guyanese do not need a hand out. They need the money directed to simple things so we can bootstrap ourselves. Simply things like increased teachers pay, Maternity leave, New Baby hampers so mothers can get a leg up on child care. There are hundreds of more pressing needs for the cash than state welfare.

Even using the proceeds to fund infrastructure could put lots of Guyanese to work and provide better meaning for their 'handouts' than just sending them a monthly unearned cash voucher. Almost everything in Guyana needs to be built or repaired. Hinds is just tricking the people of Buxton with his promise of cash vouchers. He saw how it worked in 2015 and think it will do so again. He did forget to tell the crowd that the promises in 2015 weren't kept. 

And a properly funded tertiary education to go with it. Get the people educated/skilled up to participate in the economy in a meaningful way.  This is what Guyana needs!  Not handouts!

Zara posted:

Under the coalition, all people of Guyana will benefit from our fortunes.  Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will make this real. We are strong and will we win in 2020.

In which year would that be? After the coalition loot Guyanese wealth for themselves and their family and pay off exploration expenses, what percentage will Guyanese receive and when? Can you be more specific? Please note: the oil is still under the ocean. The election is still hanging in the balance and people are crying for work, pay raise and a decent standard of living. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:
Zara posted:

Under the coalition, all people of Guyana will benefit from our fortunes.  Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will make this real. We are strong and will we win in 2020.

In which year would that be? After the coalition loot Guyanese wealth for themselves and their family and pay off exploration expenses, what percentage will Guyanese receive and when? Can you be more specific? Please note: the oil is still under the ocean. The election is still hanging in the balance and people are crying for work, pay raise and a decent standard of living. 

WOW!!!! Einstein reincarnated.

skeldon_man posted:
WOW!!!! Einstein reincarnated.

  You bring back memories of my scientific genius boss Rich who died a few years ago, originally from Berlin, and whose dad was Einstein's friend. We all sat and listened in awe as Rich regaled us with stories about Einstein and how he rose to become the genius who wrote 300+ scientific papers.


I want to know if Hinds's cash transfer proposal applies to all Guyanese or just to Buxtonians. If his proposal materializes then rest assured that many people will avoid work just to qualify for free money like what they do here in the U.S. under the welfare program.  President Johnson's war on poverty which began in the sixties has been an abject failure. Give incentives to businesses so they can grow and create jobs. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
WOW!!!! Einstein reincarnated.

  You bring back memories of my scientific genius boss Rich who died a few years ago, originally from Berlin, and whose dad was Einstein's friend. We all sat and listened in awe as Rich regaled us with stories about Einstein and how he rose to become the genius who wrote 300+ scientific papers.

I am sure you told him about the brains we have here on GNI. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
I am sure you told him about the brains we have here on GNI. 


  He was brilliant and I miss him. On the day I interviewed for the job, he approached me with clasped hands. I asked him why; he said he visited Indian scientists frequently and that's how they greeted each other. I was deeply touched and explained I'm not from India but of Indian origin. 

Last edited by Former Member
Zara posted:

Under the coalition, all people of Guyana will benefit from our fortunes.  Cde Granger and Cde Nagamootoo will make this real. We are strong and will we win in 2020.

Are you official crafter of slogans from APNU? Well you are doing poorly. These are as creative as they are banal. You have to be more crafty to overcome long standing and well known frauds. These are hapless, insipid and increasingly nauseating fellows. 


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