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Zed posted:

As far as I know, Jagdeo said that no dual citizen will sit as an MP. This was in the local media.

He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

As far as I know, Jagdeo said that no dual citizen will sit as an MP. This was in the local media.

He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.


PPP/C MPs with dual citizenship will not return to Parliament–Jagdeo

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Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

LEADER of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo has said that PPP parliamentarians who hold dual citizenship will not return to the National Assembly and will be replaced.

Amidst fallout over parliamentarians holding dual citizenship here, Jagdeo had confirmed that Adrian Anamaya and Party Stalwart, Gail Teixeira have dual citizenship. Other sources have confirmed that Odinga Lumumba also holds dual citizenship.

Although the opposition leader was adamant that his members have no intention of returning to the National Assembly for now, he said those Members of Parliament (MPs) would be replaced if need be. “We will not return to the National Assembly unless it concerns elections,”

Dave posted:
. Other sources have confirmed that Odinga Lumumba also holds dual citizenship.


And have people other than Gail resigned as MPs?   I refer especially to Lumumba.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
. Other sources have confirmed that Odinga Lumumba also holds dual citizenship.


And have people other than Gail resigned as MPs?   I refer especially to Lumumba.

The answer provided is for your question below … 

caribny posted:
He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.


Dave posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:
. Other sources have confirmed that Odinga Lumumba also holds dual citizenship.


And have people other than Gail resigned as MPs?   I refer especially to Lumumba.

The answer provided is for your question below … 

caribny posted:
He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.


And they have yet to resign and he didn't even mention Lumumba, so my position still stands.  Gail he wants to get rid of so pressured her out.

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

As far as I know, Jagdeo said that no dual citizen will sit as an MP. This was in the local media.

He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.

Please list them here!

caribny posted:
Zed posted:

As far as I know, Jagdeo said that no dual citizen will sit as an MP. This was in the local media.

He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.

When you say he offered up Gail, do you mean as in a prostitution ring?

Bibi Haniffa

The opposition leader has said that the PPP will only return to parliament to deal with election issue. Until then, it follows that no ppp my will be in parliament or need to be in parliament.

was it not Anna Ally that said that all coalition MP will return to parliament? Does this signify that one section of the PNC has won on this issue?

Zed posted:

The opposition leader has said that the PPP will only return to parliament to deal with election issue. Until then, it follows that no ppp my will be in parliament or need to be in parliament.

was it not Anna Ally that said that all coalition MP will return to parliament? Does this signify that one section of the PNC has won on this issue?

There are competing factions with the PNC. There are the hardliners who want to resurrect burnham PNC and there are the reformists, like Granger, who resists!  Amna Ally is a hardliners!

Baseman posted:
Zed posted:

The opposition leader has said that the PPP will only return to parliament to deal with election issue. Until then, it follows that no ppp my will be in parliament or need to be in parliament.

was it not Anna Ally that said that all coalition MP will return to parliament? Does this signify that one section of the PNC has won on this issue?

There are competing factions with the PNC. There are the hardliners who want to resurrect burnham PNC and there are the reformists, like Granger, who resists!  Amna Ally is a hardliners!

Who are the hardliners  in leadership position of the PNCR ?

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Zed posted:

The opposition leader has said that the PPP will only return to parliament to deal with election issue. Until then, it follows that no ppp my will be in parliament or need to be in parliament.

was it not Anna Ally that said that all coalition MP will return to parliament? Does this signify that one section of the PNC has won on this issue?

There are competing factions with the PNC. There are the hardliners who want to resurrect burnham PNC and there are the reformists, like Granger, who resists!  Amna Ally is a hardliners!

Who are the hardliners  in leadership position of the PNCR ?

Banna yuh late this marn!  Me and Bibi was crowing since 5!

Meh guh ask mi bruddah. He knows wah going on wid dem bannas!  But it’s not so much hard power. Soft power matters!


President David Granger, stumped all the naysayers. I knew he will take a stand on the Dual-Citizenship MP's, Prakash Ramjattan mentioned it will be discussed at cabinet level.

Well no competition for Basil Williams, he is free to move up the ladder.

Currently Naga is President and Prak is Prime Minister.

Baseman posted:

There are the hardliners who want to resurrect burnham PNC and there are the reformists, like Granger, who resists!  Amna Ally is a hardliners!

what a DUMB post!

typical . . . nuff prancing and silly talk about "hardliners" and "reformists" simply to sound 'informed'

this is a dilemma over maintaining salary/perks/privileges/POWER and a bolt hole all at the same time

"Burnham" would have demanded [undated] resignations a month ago


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

There are the hardliners who want to resurrect burnham PNC and there are the reformists, like Granger, who resists!  Amna Ally is a hardliners!

what a DUMB post!

typical . . . nuff prancing and silly talk about "hardliners" and "reformists" simply to sound 'informed'

this is a dilemma over maintaining salary/perks/privileges/POWER and a bolt hole all at the same time

"Burnham" would have demanded [undated] resignations a month ago


Where do you fall, hardliner or reformer?


The PPP will boycott parliament, so needless to say they the one with duel citizenship don't have to resign. If and when they attend parliament only then they will make that decision.

 Since this matter is before CCJ ,the government should wait before holding parliament, what's the hurry.

kp posted:

The PPP will boycott parliament, so needless to say they the one with duel citizenship don't have to resign. If and when they attend parliament only then they will make that decision.

 Since this matter is before CCJ ,the government should wait before holding parliament, what's the hurry.

Tief and gee dem PNC membahs b4 dem get trow out.


The government will now rehire the four ministers that resign, at what pay? These are old cows and should be placed in the pasture of retirement, it is a good opportunity for some young blood be given a break.

kp posted:

The government will now rehire the four ministers that resign, at what pay? These are old cows and should be placed in the pasture of retirement, it is a good opportunity for some young blood be given a break.

Similar to those who are as young as James Patterson, etc..

kp posted:

These are old cows and should be placed in the pasture of retirement, it is a good opportunity for some young blood be given a break.

You think young PNC blood better than old PNC blood? How so? Neither young nor old is kosher.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
kp posted:

These are old cows and should be placed in the pasture of retirement, it is a good opportunity for some young blood be given a break.

You think young PNC blood better than old PNC blood? How so? Neither young nor old is kosher.

Old blood are hardliners.  Young blood  would be willing to compromise.  But young or old PNC Blood is tainted blood. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Zed posted:

As far as I know, Jagdeo said that no dual citizen will sit as an MP. This was in the local media.

He offered up only Gail, who he probably wants to get rid of.  There are others and their names are known.

Please list them here!

Lumumba is one.  So where is his resignation?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

When you say he offered up Gail, do you mean as in a prostitution ring?

Jagdeo used to hang out with several drug traffickers.  they met him in his office and he went to their businesses. He awarded corrupt deals to them.

When thus was pointed out to Gail (when she was Home Affairs minister) she stated that this concerned her.  Jagdeo promptly demoted her and has been seeking revenge since then.  So he dumped the old hen out of the fowl coop and now hopes the mongoose come and gobble her up.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When you say he offered up Gail, do you mean as in a prostitution ring?

Jagdeo used to hang out with several drug traffickers.  they met him in his office and he went to their businesses. He awarded corrupt deals to them.

When thus was pointed out to Gail (when she was Home Affairs minister) she stated that this concerned her.  Jagdeo promptly demoted her and has been seeking revenge since then.  So he dumped the old hen out of the fowl coop and now hopes the mongoose come and gobble her up.

Were you ever in Jagdeo's office, did you ever speak to him. You seems to know a lot of hi m more then he knows of himself. Is your name NOEL??

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When you say he offered up Gail, do you mean as in a prostitution ring?

Jagdeo used to hang out with several drug traffickers.  they met him in his office and he went to their businesses. He awarded corrupt deals to them.

When thus was pointed out to Gail (when she was Home Affairs minister) she stated that this concerned her.  Jagdeo promptly demoted her and has been seeking revenge since then.  So he dumped the old hen out of the fowl coop and now hopes the mongoose come and gobble her up.

Were you ever in Jagdeo's office, did you ever speak to him. You seems to know a lot of hi m more then he knows of himself. Is your name NOEL??

No I wasn't but Gail was and what she saw disturbed her.  These were HER words.  I am shocked that you are going against the last "white savior" left within the PPP.  The last person for you all to worship as you did Janet Jagan.

So go scream at Gail.  She let the cat out of the bag and Jagdeo remains angry with her.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When you say he offered up Gail, do you mean as in a prostitution ring?

Jagdeo used to hang out with several drug traffickers.  they met him in his office and he went to their businesses. He awarded corrupt deals to them.

When thus was pointed out to Gail (when she was Home Affairs minister) she stated that this concerned her.  Jagdeo promptly demoted her and has been seeking revenge since then.  So he dumped the old hen out of the fowl coop and now hopes the mongoose come and gobble her up.

Were you ever in Jagdeo's office, did you ever speak to him. You seems to know a lot of hi m more then he knows of himself. Is your name NOEL??

No I wasn't but Gail was and what she saw disturbed her.  These were HER words.  I am shocked that you are going against the last "white savior" left within the PPP.  The last person for you all to worship as you did Janet Jagan.

So go scream at Gail.  She let the cat out of the bag and Jagdeo remains angry with her.

You have no proof, it's your word against the facts. What benefits you get from spreading Fake News you can do better with your time.


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