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This is the Calabash tree where the Dutchmen jumbie live in. Many say Bakoos from Suriname live there too. Even so, calabashes were used for different purposes as well.

Here is some of the useful purpose of calabash, the jumbie gobies.

1. You can eat in it. 2. You can drink water from it. 3. You can wash you BT with it. 4. You can dip water from the trench with it. 5. You can bathe with it. 6. You can fix it on your head for a hair cut (the famous calabash cut). 7. You can make a musical instrument with it (the shack-shack). 8. And so much more....

What mystery do you know about the gobie tree and what is the calabash is used for?

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Originally posted by shanazb:
I know they used to have a radio show name Calabash All??/

De show de name "Cyalabash Ali" gyal.

Me Naanie (Gawd Bless she sweet soul) had plenty a dem trees in she yaad a Essakibbo....and all de dippah in de watah tanks was made framm Kyalabash Smile ...ohhh and rite nexx to de watah tank waz de famous nenwah huxx skrubbah!
Originally posted by Villagebelle: used to stand up right next to the watah tank and bade wid the nice cold rain water!!
just thinking about it makes me want to go.....brrrrrrrrr!!

How yuh mean gyal! De onlee hot watah system back den is if Naanie or Mommy decided fuh bile a pot a watah and mixx am up wid de kold one! Smile
Hear nah ...kupple yares a go we wuz in Whitfield Hall, Jamaica (a nice lil rustic Inn before yuh climb de Blue Mountains)....and de place nice and kool....but de watah comes rite aff de mountin....and bleddy hell kold de sweaty framm de drive deh...suh me decided fuh tekk a bade....yuh see when dah watah hit Figgy....every ting "shrivvel up" and jump and me hallah "YOWTCH" and nealee run out de bathroom bare batty!
Originally posted by Cobra:
1. You can eat in it. 2. You can drink water from it. 3. You can wash you BT with it. 4. You can dip water from the trench with it. 5. You can bathe with it. 6. You can fix it on your head for a hair cut (the famous calabash cut). 7. You can make a musical instrument with it (the shack-shack). 8. And so much more....

What mystery do you know about the gobie tree and what is the calabash is used for?
Excellent adjective when describing someone of dark complexion as in "black like goobie juice".
Facts on Calabash tree:

1.The flowers of the calabash tree blooms in the evening and emit a slight odour.

2.The flowers close and wither away by noon time.

3.Bats pollinate the tree when they blossom at night.

4.The bark of the tree is an excellent growing place for orchids.

5.The hard fact about this calabash fruit is that pregnant people should not use this fruit since it has been traditionally used to induce labor.

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