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PPP/C and their cabal is put on notice. 

United States Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Co-chair of the Caribbean Cacus in the US House of Representatives, in blistering comments Monday night condemned foreign interference in Guyana’s elections process. The Congresswoman said she has been monitoring what has been taking place in Guyana and is eager to get back to Washington to be fully briefed on what the State Department is actually doing in Guyana and is willing to take strong action if necessary.



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@Rochelle posted:

PPP/C and their cabal is put on notice. 

United States Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Co-chair of the Caribbean Cacus in the US House of Representatives, in blistering comments Monday night condemned foreign interference in Guyana’s elections process. The Congresswoman said she has been monitoring what has been taking place in Guyana and is eager to get back to Washington to be fully briefed on what the State Department is actually doing in Guyana and is willing to take strong action if necessary.



She could go to hell.  PNC rigged and the US has been involved in Guyana since the 60's.

She should STFU and get fully briefed first on the issues before commenting!

@Rochelle posted:

PPP/C and their cabal is put on notice. 

United States Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Co-chair of the Caribbean Cacus in the US House of Representatives, in blistering comments Monday night condemned foreign interference in Guyana’s elections process. The Congresswoman said she has been monitoring what has been taking place in Guyana and is eager to get back to Washington to be fully briefed on what the State Department is actually doing in Guyana and is willing to take strong action if necessary.



The US pokes its nose in everybody's biznis. Why is Guyana different? Why all of a sudden? And further, why didnt Ms. Clarke voice her words when the Carter delegation were present in the Republic.

I have to give u some credit tho. Yuh fighting hard.

Fite bai, fite. πŸ˜ƒ


Five years ago  congresswoman Yvette Clarke had written then US Secretary of State, John Kerry, on February 2nd of 2015, urging that the Obama administration official look into the President Donald Ramotar’s behavior. The correspondence in part read:

β€œWe are deeply concerned by the decision of President Donald Ramotar of Guyana to dissolve the National Assembly when members started to debate a motion of no confidence. Democracy cannot exist without the consent of the government – in a republic such as the United States or Guyana, expressed by their elected representatives. Under the Constitution of Guyana, the National Assembly has the authority to enact a motion of no confidence which, if successful, requires general elections within three months. The apparent attempt by President Ramotar to prevent general elections has effectively disenfranchised the people of Guyana by precluding a majority of the members of the National Assembly from acting in the interests of their constituents. We urge Secretary of State Kerry to investigate this situation in collaboration with the community of nations and to work with elected officials in Guyana to secure fair elections in which the people the ability to control the future of their nation.”

At the time, Ramotar, faced with the threat of a no confidence motion, was in his third month of the prorogation of parliament but had just two weeks earlier, after tremendous pressure from local and international stakeholders, already named March 11 as the date for elections. Four months later, at a mid-June APNU+AFC victory rally in Brooklyn, Jeffries was one of the special guest speakers, where he outlined the role that he and other US politicians personally played in ensuring that Guyana conducted β€œa free and fair election”, adding that the work is not all done yet. He stressed, in that speech, that he would make sure that he stands with the coalition government against all enemies, both domestic and foreign.
Jeffries’ interview with the New York-based Burke came a day after US State Department Director of Caribbean Affairs of the Western Hemisphere, Katherine Dueholm had reiterated the country’s policy on Guyana – that the process must be conducted in a credible and transparent manner – during an audio-conference with the Guyana International Inclusive Alliance (GIIA), a diaspora group.


@Rochelle posted:

PPP/C and their cabal is put on notice. 

United States Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Co-chair of the Caribbean Cacus in the US House of Representatives, in blistering comments Monday night condemned foreign interference in Guyana’s elections process. The Congresswoman said she has been monitoring what has been taking place in Guyana and is eager to get back to Washington to be fully briefed on what the State Department is actually doing in Guyana and is willing to take strong action if necessary.



She is a loner, with partisan interest in collusion with like Hakeem Jeffries, in this regard. They were influenced by that racist, Rickforn Burke and the coalition supporters in Brooklyn. They perpetuate double standards. I wonder if she will call CARICOM states as intervening in Guyana's affairs after the Gangsta said he will acknowledge their report on the election recount. The State Department, through Pompeo, already made his position will reflect the State Dept position because they also have diplomatic correspondence from the US liaison in Guyana.  


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