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Former Member

WASHINGTON—U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday referred to Omarosa Manigault Newman as “that dog” as the former senior White House adviser continued a publicity tour to promote her new book that depicts Trump as a racist.

In a morning tweet, Trump praised his chief of staff, John F. Kelly, for last year having fired Manigault Newman, the former reality television star who was the highest-ranking Black employee in the White House.


“When you give a crazed, crying low-life a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out,” Trump said. “Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!”

Trump’s tweet came shortly after Manigault Newman appeared on CBS This Morning and released a new recording purportedly of a discussion in October 2016 among campaign aides about how to handle a tape on which Trump is said to have used the N-word.

In tweets Monday night, Trump denied ever using “such a terrible and disgusting word,” and his aides have denied having strategized about how to contain the damage if such a tape surfaced. Manigault Newman has said she heard the tape of Trump using the term, which dates from Trump’s years hosting the NBC reality show The Apprentice.”

In her book, Unhinged, Manigault Newman claims the Trump campaign was aware of the existence of the tape. She describes a phone conversation about how to handle potential fallout with Lynne Patton, then an assistant to Eric Trump, a son of the president; then-Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson; and campaign communications director Jason Miller.

 The recording played on CBS on Tuesday morning purportedly includes the voices of Patton and Pierson. CBS said it has not confirmed the authenticity of the tape.

On the tape, a person whom Manigault Newman identifies as Pierson is heard saying: “I’m trying to find out at least the context it was used in to help us figure out a way to spin it.”

A person Manigault Newman says is Patton then describes having a conversation with Trump about the alleged tape: “I said, ‘Well, sir, can you think of anytime this might have happened?’ and he said, ‘No.’”

“Well, that’s not true,” Manigault Newman then says on the tape.

The person said to be Pierson later says: “No, he said it. He is embarrassed.”

During an appearance Monday night on Fox News, Pierson denied having had a conversation about alleged Trump tape.

“No, Ed, that did not happen,” she told host Ed Henry. “Sounds like she’s writing a script for a movie.”

In her book, Manigault Newman says she understands that Trump used the slur “multiple times throughout the show’s taping during off-camera outtakes, particularly during the first season of the Apprentice.”

In tweets Monday, Trump attacked his former aide as “vicious, but not smart” and claimed that “people in the White House hated her.”

When will it stop with this idiot of a president.

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Trump has lost his marbles.

Those words should not be coming from a President. Even if he disagreed with her, he should be more civil in his comments. Calling her a dog is unacceptable and there appears to be an element of racism at play here. 

Shameless behaviour from Trump. 

Nehru posted:

America does NOT have a President but a street Thug and IDIOT!!!

A woman called me a dog at one time. She said all men are dogs. She has two young sons at the time without a husband, and I said to her that you have two puppies growing up. One day they will become dogs. Trump meant to say she is a bitch.  

Nehru posted:

America does NOT have a President but a street Thug and IDIOT!!!

Be care bai. He might unleashed his modern day Gestapo outfit aka ICE on your ass and throw u in one a dem concentration camp aka detention center.

Prince posted:

Trump is hoping to strip unpatriotic citizens of their U.S. citizenship and send them back to their shithole country. ICE know who to visit first. 

You and Trump ker Al Yuh Skont suh

Nehru posted:

Tell him to make my day The man is a ****

You are a patriotic citizen of this country. I was referring to the make-believe American who can't cook to save his life. 

Last edited by Former Member

Poetic justice.  Just last year Trump was screaming that Omarosa was proof that he was popular with blacks. 

As for Trump we don't care whether he used the "n" word or not.  He screamed that all blacks live in ghettoes so that is all the proof that we need.  He was asked to offer proof that there were senior blacks at the Trump Org and was only able to name some mid level blacks.

No wonder he described white supremacists as "nice people".

caribny posted:

Poetic justice.  Just last year Trump was screaming that Omarosa was proof that he was popular with blacks. 

As for Trump we don't care whether he used the "n" word or not.  He screamed that all blacks live in ghettoes so that is all the proof that we need.  He was asked to offer proof that there were senior blacks at the Trump Org and was only able to name some mid level blacks.

No wonder he described white supremacists as "nice people".

Black unemployment is the lowest in history, he has an initiative to free many Blacks from prisons and a plan to fund skills training so they become employable!

Omarosa always was in this for fame and now she hoping to get fortune.  Trump's weakness, he likes helping out pretty women, part of his Type A persona and end up getting burned.

Omarosa might be in some legal trouble taping a conversation without notifying the other party, then publishing it.

Anyway, Trump should not refer to her as a "dog" as she seems more like a Witch with a capital "B!"


So the PNC are not racists ?

It is time that we acknowledge that both the PPP and PNC are responsible for the racial divide in Guyana and Guyanese are equally responsible for allowing them to continue with this nonsense. 

Last edited by Former Member

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