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Django posted:
cain posted:
Vish M posted:

I am a little short here

They does be selling shoe inserts, dah could help yo know.

They also have additions for shoe heels.

Perhaps, these could be for starters.

High-heeled shoes


My opinion for what it is worth is that precedents set in English common law cannot supersede ghevtermscset out in a written constitution. The Guyana constitution is clear on the matter.

tgey are grasping at straws, hoping to refer the matter to the court so they can delay it as they are doing the election petition.


Also, Lloyd Singh, a key financial backer of the AFC has been peddling around here that the 2007 constitution amendment might be used to reverse the speaker’s ruling.

Django posted:
ronan posted:
Vish M posted:

I am a little short here

Ramkarran wrote an article justifying 34
A: see StabroekNews November 26

Where did he change his number to 33
A: after the vote when Nigel Hughes posted on FaceBook agreeing with him

uh huh

Ronan, take a look at the attachment.

Also check this link

I believe the vote is valid. However, this banna is part of the confusion.  His view on the issue is questionable!   I wish him well with ENUG. 

Does anyone have a link to the website?

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:
Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:



Gyal, I think you meant Hindi Songs. BiBi stated that you are not Indo. Assuming that it is true, I do understand that you won’t like Hindi songs, perfectly fine. Have a good evening.

You and her ran a DNA test to proclaim that I'm not Indo?

My apologies if I made an incorrect assumption based on what BiBi posted.

Are you a man or a mouse? Why are you clinging on a woman for protection? 

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!    Miss Leonora, when you ketch wan Packoo, yuh buss he back and rub salt. 

Leonora posted:
Ray posted:
ronan posted:

“fanciful”  . . . hmmm?

is that what the “denouncer” calls his own analysis?

Guyana is indeed a strange place

sore loser

Not fair coming from an Admin. Do you want everyone to jump on the BJ bandwagon, clap hands and sing Hare Rama, Hare Bharrat?

How come? Not because a man is on a diet he cannot browse the menu. Ray has in the past criticized the PPP also. He is an equal opportunity criticizer.

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:
ronan posted:

“fanciful”  . . . hmmm?

is that what the “denouncer” calls his own analysis?

Guyana is indeed a strange place

sore loser

Not fair coming from an Admin. Do you want everyone to jump on the BJ bandwagon, clap hands and sing Hare Rama, Hare Bharrat?

How come? Not because a man is on a diet he cannot browse the menu. Ray has in the past criticized the PPP also. He is an equal opportunity criticizer.

Ray was AFC, then on Dec. 21 became PPP. No problem with that but A FAIR ADMIN. LISTENS TO ALL SIDES AND DOES NOT STIFLE OPPOSITION. His behavior highlights that this is a PPP board with PPP yes men and women.

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
Ray posted:
ronan posted:

“fanciful”  . . . hmmm?

is that what the “denouncer” calls his own analysis?

Guyana is indeed a strange place

sore loser

Not fair coming from an Admin. Do you want everyone to jump on the BJ bandwagon, clap hands and sing Hare Rama, Hare Bharrat?

How come? Not because a man is on a diet he cannot browse the menu. Ray has in the past criticized the PPP also. He is an equal opportunity criticizer.

Ray was AFC, then on Dec. 21 became PPP. No problem with that but A FAIR ADMIN. LISTENS TO ALL SIDES AND DOES NOT STIFLE OPPOSITION. His behavior highlights that this is a PPP board with PPP yes men and women.

And he allows Ronan and Salipenta boy to harass PPP posters? I find it hard to believe he is a PPP supporter. He looks at the better of the two evils. Since his maturity, he has become a bit more independent, unlike Django who said he is an independent.

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:

This confirms that the banned redux reincarnated as Ronan.

Did your spy software give you this info.? Why are you so fixated with who is who? 

..he is looking for an "edge" because he is an empty headed moron. A blowhard. Knows nothing about the issues being discussed, so gravitates to the personal to use as "higher ground" from which he can engage in his fish market tactics that he excels in. That creature is comfortable in the gutter from whence he was dragged.

Iguana posted:
skeldon_man posted:

And he allows Ronan and Salipenta boy to harass PPP posters?

.....awwww yuh crying again? pulling out yuh victim kyard, weeping and wailing.....

No Weeping and Wailing.  Trying to justify that 32 is greater than 33 is more like a PNC bullying tactic. Accept that your PNC was ambushed by one of it's own...AFC is the same as the PNC. Remember Patriot Charandas said they were all "yes' men for your PNC. Your PNC cannot accept that they did not have a chance to bully and threaten death on Charandass before the vote. He rub blackpat on dem face.

Leonora posted:
yuji22 posted:



Gyal, I think you meant Hindi Songs. BiBi stated that you are not Indo. Assuming that it is true, I do understand that you won’t like Hindi songs, perfectly fine. Have a good evening.

You and her ran a DNA test to proclaim that I'm not Indo?

You miss the slight and sneer. To this racist Indian cow shit eater, ANY Indian woman who does not support the PPP or ventures out of the parameters set for them by Indian men, cannot be a "true" Indian.  

In Guyana, efforts were made to paint and "defame" such women as "black men lovers" etc. It's an old trick used by old, racist Indians that is being used here against you. He learnt it well on his bramananananana plantation.

Reference the thread he posted on Varshnie and GDF etc. Same tactics here. Sick bastard.

skeldon_man posted:

No Weeping and Wailing.  Trying to justify that 32 is greater than 33 is more like a PNC bullying tactic. Accept that your PNC was ambushed by one of it's own...AFC is the same as the PNC. Remember Patriot Charandas said they were all "yes' men for your PNC. Your PNC cannot accept that they did not have a chance to bully and threaten death on Charandass before the vote. He rub blackpat on dem face.

Not talking about 33 and 32. Talking about you screaming and crying like a lil b..h about ronan and gwana.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Leonara, for as long as I have been on GNI, Ray has identified himself as PNC.

Looks like he take a  U Turn.

He recognized the wrong and strong behavior of them the past few days. I don’t think he changed sides. I think he isn’t siding with their wrong and strong behavior.

Iguana posted:
skeldon_man posted:

No Weeping and Wailing.  Trying to justify that 32 is greater than 33 is more like a PNC bullying tactic. Accept that your PNC was ambushed by one of it's own...AFC is the same as the PNC. Remember Patriot Charandas said they were all "yes' men for your PNC. Your PNC cannot accept that they did not have a chance to bully and threaten death on Charandass before the vote. He rub blackpat on dem face.

Not talking about 33 and 32. Talking about you screaming and crying like a lil b..h about ronan and gwana.

Ronana/Gwana/Redux, all de same. You talk about frilly panties etc. A wounded animal is a dangerous animal. This is the current state of your PNC. They are ready to attack.

Iguana posted:

You miss the slight and sneer. To this racist Indian cow shit eater, ANY Indian woman who does not support the PPP or ventures out of the parameters set for them by Indian men, cannot be a "true" Indian.  

In Guyana, efforts were made to paint and "defame" such women as "black men lovers" etc. It's an old trick used by old, racist Indians that is being used here against you. He learnt it well on his bramananananana plantation.

Reference the thread he posted on Varshnie and GDF etc. Same tactics here. Sick bastard.

Can you believe how the 2 of them attacked a DEAD Pandit who was in Jagdeo's Cabinet??? What in the world is that all about? They dared not do that when he was alive. Very shameful and disgraceful behavior.

Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:

You miss the slight and sneer. To this racist Indian cow shit eater, ANY Indian woman who does not support the PPP or ventures out of the parameters set for them by Indian men, cannot be a "true" Indian.  

In Guyana, efforts were made to paint and "defame" such women as "black men lovers" etc. It's an old trick used by old, racist Indians that is being used here against you. He learnt it well on his bramananananana plantation.

Reference the thread he posted on Varshnie and GDF etc. Same tactics here. Sick bastard.

Can you believe how the 2 of them attacked a DEAD Pandit who was in Jagdeo's Cabinet??? What in the world is that all about? They dared not do that when he was alive. Very shameful and disgraceful behavior.

Gyal, some of the religious men are the worst crime perpetrators of crime against humanity. We see it in the Catholic church, Muftis and Pandits. I know of a pandit who ran away to NY with a young woman only to be dumped by her. He came back with his tail between his legs begging his wife to take him back.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How is “Black men lover” a defame?  Leonora can love whoever she wants. That’s nobody’s business.

So why the mention Leonora  isn't  Indo [ East Indian ]

I wasn't married to an old Duggla for green card, and I don't have QC PNC friends.

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