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The PPP must be the world’s most undemocratic party

Bharrat Jagdeo stated that before 2018 ends, the Central Committee (CC) of the PPP will choose the presidential candidate for the 2020 poll. He affirmed in his belief that the central committee is the right forum. He stated this has been the pattern and he will continue with it.
It has to be the worst party in the entire world that in its sixty five year of existence would choose a person that could be the president of the country and such a person’s election comes from a group of 35 persons.
In this part of the world, party leaders come to the top from a congressional election or from the ballots of its membership.
Every PPP member must demand from his party’s leadership the answer to the question– what is essentially flawed about delegates choosing their party candidate for the 2020 contest. Why does Jagdeo have no faith in his party delegates or the entire membership?
In the recently concluded local government poll, Jagdeo openly embraced local candidates who live in their neighbourhood to govern effectively. If the PPP could allow each NDC to field its own people to rule Guyana (make no mistake, NDCs and municipalities do have crucial authority within the overall administration of Guyana) why can’t such people be allowed to end delegates to a social congress for the purpose of electing the 2020 candidate?
It is literally an anachronism in today’s world where small groups with a political party vote for their leaders. It is a thing of the past. The PNC broke from that tradition a long time ago. David Granger won from Carl Greendige by twelve votes at a congressional process. It was a phenomenal resurgence by Greenidge because he was out of the country for twenty years while Granger was a household name during that time.
In 2017, at a delegates’ conference hundreds of AFC members voted for a new leader. The incumbent, Khemraj Ramjattan, lost by one vote to Raphael Trotman. This is the way of politics in today’s world. It is inconceivable that in a party with thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of members, a small cabal would make the choice.
I believe Jagdeo wants the CC to vote because he has enough authority to manipulate the system. What is hard to comprehend is how those within the PPP can remain silent when they think of what Guyana has to offer after 2020. And their party can lose out because of the will of one man. Every human in the world that read up on Guyana’s oil future has agreed that the economy will improve.
The party in power in 2020 will not lose in 2025. There will be sufficient funds available to develop Guyana to the extent that the population may feel that the ruling party should be reelected. In 2018, in allowing the CC of just 35 persons to decide who is to be the presidential candidate, the PPP may be making its final destructive act.
Out of power after, 2020, the PPP may not regain office long into the future.
There are two nightmares facing the PPP at the moment. Against the backdrop of their stunning performance in the 2018 PPP leaders feel they could win in 2020. Here are the two ghosts stalking them. Jagdeo will claim that his leadership created the LGE phenomenon. Based on such exaltations, Jagdeo will want to have a substantial input into the presidential candidate debate.
In direct contradiction to this is the thinking in some quarters in the PPP that the APNU+AFC government is badly tattered and the PPP in enjoying renewed credibility. That credibility should be taken to its logical climax by the selection of names that are presentable and have no baggage which the PPP campaign may be vulnerable to.
Simply put; those claimants are saying it is time for new PPP leadership because it is that type of leadership that will win in 2020.
If Jagdeo is allowed the latitude he wants then the CC will make the decision and the outcome will certainly be someone Mr. Jagdeo feels will be dependent on him. Those who want new faces in the PPP leadership have only one way of getting that; it is to allow the members or a special congress to make the decision.
There are rising arguments within the PPP for the presidential candidate to be chosen democratically. The PPP has never operated in their congressional elections with democratic instincts.
That party is now facing its worse unnerving moment in a long time – will it control oil money or stupidly throw away an opportunity to do so?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

So the ABC countries will only support a party headed by an Afro person?

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

No way, An Indo Jagdeo buss their backside at LGE. I support an Afro PM with a diverse list of candidates like the PPP presented at LGE. That is the success formula.

Why dont ABC countries tell Congress Place to put forward an Indo PNC Presdiential candidate ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.

As I said, your mama was unfortunate to have a blue baby so that oxygen starved brain still think sub par so you come up with these baseless claims that only you alone believes. 

Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

Maybe case for Anthony!  Isn't he dugla or mixed or something?

VishMahabir posted:
Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.


If you mean Iguana...

Iggy is a different guy...different writing style...he probably still sleeping...and hissing in his sleep.

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

No way, An Indo Jagdeo buss their backside at LGE. I support an Afro PM with a diverse list of candidates like the PPP presented at LGE. That is the success formula.

Why dont ABC countries tell Congress Place to put forward an Indo PNC Presdiential candidate ?

Why dont ABC countries tell Congress Place to put forward an Indo PNC Presdiential candidate ?


Because Congress Place running the country...nobody likes likes disruption...they had enough of PPP abuse

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
previewed VishMahabir posted:

Those two persons must have credibility and be above Jagdeo's influence.

I am wondering how they will create a "balanced" ticket to appeal to Afros, Indos and Amerindians

The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro , for any appeal outside of PPP Indians supporters to grow its party  base.

PPP is seen as a Indian base party, similarly to PNC as. AFRO base party . PPP ignore their grass root while in government and did more for Afro hoping to win them over and it did not work. 

Currently, Indians are suppress and discriminate against with APNU having a AFRO President. Indians have nothing to loose by putting a AFRO President outside of party base - they will feel a sense of security and it will be a win win for all race in Guyana. 

I believe the ABC country will throw their support with PPP if they make this move. 

Maybe case for Anthony!  Isn't he dugla or mixed or something?

He DOUGLA?   Nice!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.

As I said, your mama was unfortunate to have a blue baby so that oxygen starved brain still think sub par so you come up with these baseless claims that only you alone believes. 

Let's keep posters mothers out of bounds on this board.  Shall we?

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.


If you mean Iguana...

Iggy is a different guy...different writing style...he probably still sleeping...and hissing in his sleep.

How you know who is Iggy?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.

As I said, your mama was unfortunate to have a blue baby so that oxygen starved brain still think sub par so you come up with these baseless claims that only you alone believes. 

Let's keep posters mothers out of bounds on this board.  Shall we? are what your mama made least that is what a sexy polish singer said in a global charting hit. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:

As I said, your mama was unfortunate to have a blue baby so that oxygen starved brain still think sub par so you come up with these baseless claims that only you alone believes. 

Let's keep posters mothers out of bounds on this board.  Shall we?

Wow, from Queen buze down!  You seem fairly stable today!

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. 

bleats the sheep!

Says the Guana who use the same track as D2.

As I said, your mama was unfortunate to have a blue baby so that oxygen starved brain still think sub par so you come up with these baseless claims that only you alone believes. 

Let's keep posters mothers out of bounds on this board.  Shall we? are what your mama made least that is what a sexy polish singer said in a global charting hit. two boys need to go outside and play...leave the keyboard alone...

Ah sure hope we dont hear about dem Guyanese birds and monkeys again...

VishMahabir posted: two boys need to go outside and play...leave the keyboard alone...

Ah sure hope we dont hear about dem Guyanese birds and monkeys again...

It is cold outside and why should I leave the board on account of some imbecile needing to feel good with posting pretentious nonsense?

D2 posted:
VishMahabir posted: two boys need to go outside and play...leave the keyboard alone...

Ah sure hope we dont hear about dem Guyanese birds and monkeys again...

It is cold outside and why should I leave the board on account of some imbecile needing to feel good with posting pretentious nonsense?

Cold like rass, and I have a Charity fund raiser event in Queens this evening!  Hope they have valet parking!

Dave posted: The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro 

The PPP presidential candidate will definitely be drawn from the party's Central Committee. Look at the current CC members in this link; which Afro you support for the candidacy?

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted: The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro 

The PPP presidential candidate will definitely be drawn from the party's Central Committee. Look at the current CC members in this link; which Afro you support for the candidacy?


Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted: The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro 

The PPP presidential candidate will definitely be drawn from the party's Central Committee. Look at the current CC members in this link; which Afro you support for the candidacy?

Frank Anthony is tight behind Jagdeo, he might be a top contender for the Presidential Candidate.

Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted: The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro 

The PPP presidential candidate will definitely be drawn from the party's Central Committee. Look at the current CC members in this link; which Afro you support for the candidacy?

Roger Lunchman  OR    Kwamy "Bamsey" MaKoy

PPP will have a serious problem balancing he ticket!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted: The PPP Presidential canditate need to be a Afro 

The PPP presidential candidate will definitely be drawn from the party's Central Committee. Look at the current CC members in this link; which Afro you support for the candidacy?


As a hard core PPP supporter,

You joking, right????????????????????????????



skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


Your political immaturity is showing like a brazen h*** on Pitt street.

Me believe Skelly is fully  aware of his political description of 'dis Vulga lady', so if you want to 'larn' about Guyana, ease up on your condemnation of others, when placing yourself  on a pedestal. 

FYI, this is an open board and ANYONE can reply to ANY post. Therefore, if anyone decides to call you a shit-head, only the murderator can say its not allowed.   

Tola posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


Your political immaturity is showing like a brazen h*** on Pitt street.

Me believe Skelly is fully  aware of his political description of 'dis Vulga lady', so if you want to 'larn' about Guyana, ease up on your condemnation of others, when placing yourself  on a pedestal. 

FYI, this is an open board and ANYONE can reply to ANY post. Therefore, if anyone decides to call you a shit-head, only the murderator can say its not allowed.   


Listen carefully,

I am fully aware...its called "satirical sarcasm"...its meaning is obviously over both of your heads...maybe some of your esteemed friends checking this site for second hand research materials about Guyana can explain this to you.


"FYI, this is an open board and ANYONE can reply to ANY post. Therefore, if anyone decides to call you a shit-head, only the murderator can say its not allowed."   "


...for the record...I have a limit to how far I would go..."knucklehead" at best ...I have never used that S word (yours) or V word (above) in any of my posts to describe anyone.

My point: its an open forum yes....but included... have an obligation to exercise self-control...I am sure the moderator understands this. 

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

That would be a revolutionary strategy because it has never boon done.

The PPP base (like the PNC) will be secured. 

However, that person cannot be a Harper-like, unknown, perceived "uncle tom", but someone with credibility among Afros (though the majority will still support the PNC, given the race divide).

The question is : is the PPP willing to break from the past, and will the CC accept such a change?

Jagdeo cannot be seen as if he is pulling the strings....

The ABC are still nervous about the PPP, given its ideology, history and "anti-capitalist" philosophy, but a more democratize PPP will send a different signal to the ABCs.

How about Volda?

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


Here in Guyana, I have heard lots of people calling her by that name after her comments about giving work only to PNC members. By lots, I mean over twenty and less than fifty. Have cut back on my travel because of tge Christmas season.


My opinion regarding leadership candidate is that the PPP will go with an Indo-Guyanese from the CC, most likely Frank Anthony because he has lots of support and not closely allied to Jagdeo. Nandlall has political baggage, including his telephone call and now law book fiasco. Also, Frank Anthony has no major political baggage. An outsider will be viewed as a puppet  of Jagdeo and might not bring in the “independent votes that the PPP need to go over the top. I do not see them having an Afro-Guyanese presidential candidate because it opens the possibility that the A section of the PPP base will not be pleased, switch support to the AFC and thus the presidency to the PNC. In addition to the reason just listed is added the “Uncle Tom” label and that their last Vp candidate seemed to not have had an impact. (My personal opinion based on conversations)

The VP candidate might be a female Amerindian because she will address the critical need for the crucial and highly contested Amerindian votes and also to bring a female into the higher echelons of power and for the female vote. - My opinion


Does it really matter?  I think the PPP will put together a strong ticket and BJ will be the man behind the scene.  If the APNU/PNC does not turn the tide, they will lose in 2020.

Panthress Volda's "apartheid" comment has certainly done harm as not only Indians were in the cross-hairs, but all other who don't "look like she!"  Whatever BJ may and said or how construed pales in comparison to her rant!  And that ain't going away as long as she has national prominence.

Tola posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

If Volda is PNC candidate...the PPP might have a shot

You take dis Vulga lady seriously. Are you obsessed with Vulga? Is she your main squeeze or are you Mr. Vulga..only black people ah me frenno dem?

Skeleton-Brain above again...I am responding to Baseman.

...and you misspelling the woman's name...its VOLDA bro


Your political immaturity is showing like a brazen h*** on Pitt street.

Me believe Skelly is fully  aware of his political description of 'dis Vulga lady', so if you want to 'larn' about Guyana, ease up on your condemnation of others, when placing yourself  on a pedestal. 

FYI, this is an open board and ANYONE can reply to ANY post. Therefore, if anyone decides to call you a shit-head, only the murderator can say its not allowed.   

Tola, I think Vish is Mr. Vulga. He must have "dis hidden ting" for only "PNC members ah me frenno dem". He needs to rub blackapt on his face and visit the hospitals and dispensaries to scare the little children so they can drink their castor oil.
He lucky I did not use the "V" instead of the "G". Abie cane cuttah family can be downright brutal.

Last edited by Former Member

Another matter of concern where we ignorantly ignore the salient features that would make for a good selecting process and focus on how well we can preserve patterns of behaviors that has kept us trapped in ideological stasis and ethnic rivalry that could one day blossom into all out war given that the stakes are higher with vast amount of money coming into the mix. We have lost all concern with nationalism or a focus on the raison d'êtr that makes us a transitional democratic society. 

The PPP and what they do in our society concerns us and not simply the PPP party and its ideologues. We would be wise to inform them that democratic centralism that actualizes "oldfogery" and  its attendant petrified reasoning structure has long lost its appeal. Why should 35 ( actually 15) people get to chose who will lead a party and most likely lead the nation?

The world is a different place in the era of Trump. With him we see the loss of national centering in the US that we are accustomed to have as a buttress to many issues ranging from health research, emergency aid to nations in crisis and a bastion for traditional western democratic concerns, His insular, alt right nationalism has left the world leaderless and this vacuum predicates all sorts of destabilizing eventualities like we see presently in France as a leaderless protest movement threatens to tear down established structures. Least you miss it there is a growing sense of gloom and disconnect with people and their society.

The PPP and the PNC for that matter, need to be cognizant of this. In the urgency to reconcile our people and rescue us from the clutches of nihilism and lack of sense of being connected to others in the society there is a need to break with the past. The recent tiff with Ms Lawrence is what I speak of here. Lets not fool ourselves she alone is in the wrong. In our hearts she is all of us. It is time to select from among our ranks individuals who are located in this generation, the young and the vibrant, and the creative and the hopeful even if they are less tempered and lacking in experience. They are the open minded among us and can restructure our love for country and each other. They are less invested in ethnicity, political pedagogy and naturally oriented to look to the future. 


We need hope, innovation, and a difference from what have been our stultifying lot; we need new blood. Jagdeo and those representing the archetypes of the past must step back. Lacking that we are heading for ethnic war as oil wealth reveals the naked underbelly of our long standing low level internecine ethnic war that has been seething since the origination of the state. We need to be a people. Only the young can make us a people.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Leave the political parties select their candidates and let the Guyanese people exercise their constitutional right. They will have to live or die with their decisions.

Constitutional rights or democratic expression has no place in the PPP selecting mechanism. They are of the old world order where the notion of a vanguard party populated by the political cognoscenti who had experienced in the works of the party  ( not necessarily among the people) do the selecting. It is the Leninist creed formulated in the third communist congress to which they regress for their selecting process. It is 1921 thinking and bears no resemblance or reflection on thought and thinking in the 21st century. 

The primary season is coming in the US and one can see on the democratic side potential candidates emerging like my class mate Ms Kamla Harris and also Bero O' Rourke. How alien is this view to the 1921 communist era where the suffocating and creatively crippling  anti democratic process  that the PPP clings to! These old fogies are selecting the potential President by diktat.   

Last edited by Former Member

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