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Former Member

PPP alleges that many SOPs are fake; urges GECOM to halt declaration of results

May 14, 2015 9:25 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

PPP[] – The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) in a memorandum to the diplomatic community is contending that irregularities plagued the May 11t, 2015 General and Regional Elections including specifically the voting at Polling Stations and the processing of the voting by GECOM electoral staff and others.

In support of its contention, the PPP/C disclosed that many Statements of Polls (SOPs) received by GECOM from the ten Electoral Districts were identified as fakes.

The Party in a statement noted that at its meeting of on Wednesday, Chief Elections Officer of GECOM, Mr. Keith Lowenfield, disclosed that he had noticed that many of the SOPs had formats different from the authentic SOPs that were earlier distributed to the Electoral Districts to be used by Presiding Officers to tabulate votes at Polling Stations.

“These fake SOPs did not additionally carry the endorsed signatures of GECOM that were applied to every SOP purchased by GECOM from Canada,” the PPP noted.

According to the PPP, it was also disclosed that SOPs had numbers of voters that exceeded the voters that were assigned to the Polling Stations.

As a result of this, the PPP/C has decided that GECOM should ceased declaration until the following is completed:

  1. a) The establishment of the genuine nature of each SOP submitted to GECOM for the ten (10) Electoral Districts and provision of a quantitative assessment of fake SOPs;
  2. b) The total recount of all ballots cast in the May 11th, 2015 Elections;
  3. c) The earliest disclosure of these irregularities, the nature and the results of the investigation done by GECOM;
  4. d) The submission of interventions to regain confidence in the Electoral process of May 11th, 2015.

If GECOM accepts the requests by the PPP/C, then there will be no final results of the elections today.

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Lawd, these cockroaches just won't go away easily. Don't they realize that they are looking like idiots to sane Guyanese and the international community. They are laying the foundation for the next elections. Spread the lie that the Coalition stole the elections so next time they can repeat to their supporters that the PNC are habitual riggers. How can they expect the Coalition to be gracious in victory when they are being scumbags in defeat. It works both ways.


BREAKING NEWS: US Embassy rejects PPP elections claims...stands by elections being Free, Fair and Credible.

U.S. Embassy Stands by its Assessment of Free, Fair, and Credible Electoral Process

GEORGETOWN –– The United States Embassy is in receipt of the recent allegations made by the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and has looked into the claims. Nothing contained therein changes our baseline assessment of the electoral process.

Based on our observations of the polling, counting, and tabulation process and the conclusions reached by other international observer missions, we continue to assess that the election process was free and fair. We remain confident in the Guyana Elections Commission's ability to deliver credible results that accurately reflect the way votes were cast by the Guyanese people on May 11. We urge the Guyana Elections Commission to continue with its important tabulation work and to provide verified results at the earliest possible opportunity.

The United States Embassy understands the Guyanese people's desire to see the final results of these elections. It is important, however, to provide the Guyana Elections Commission the time and space to conclude its work. We urge the people of Guyana to continue to exercise patience.

The United States Embassy calls upon all political leaders to adhere to the Political Party Code of Conduct, which specifically proscribes public criticism of the Guyana Elections Commission or interference with its work. We expect all parties to respect the final results of these elections.


(Gordon Moseley)

Last edited by Former Member

UK High Commissioner, Greg Quinn says there is no evidence to support new allegations made today by the PPP/C of irregularities in Monday’s elections.

Quinn’s statement follows another by the US Embassy standing by its assessment that Monday’s elections were free and fair.

The statement follows:


We continue to believe that what we observed on Election Day was a free, fair and credible process.

We (and our colleagues in other Observer Missions) investigated several complaints which were highlighted to us on Election Day.  We found nothing that we believe would materially affect any result.

We note the allegations made by the PPP/C but have found no evidence to support them.  Nor have we been given any. We remain confident in GECOM’s ability to deliver an accurate result and urge them to produce a final tally as soon as possible. We also urge all to continue to exercise patience, support the work of GECOM, and respect its final result.

We would like to remind the parties of the commitments they made in signing the Code of Conduct for Political Parties and encourage them to abide by its provisions.

Greg Quinn

British High Commissioner

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

There are many creatures who still support them to this day and refuse to accept that these creatures are intent on destroying the country.

More bull from the PPP.  What I can tell you Dr Leslie Ramswammy is blogging all kinds of racist stuff.  From where - he right now in the USA.


What an FAG.


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