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Former Member
Jagdeo and the PPP love this autocratic system where legislators are creatures of the president and dare not dissent or be sacked. We need natural constituencies with direct competition so legislators are not hand picked slaves but representative of a constituency and therefore acting on behalf of the country rather than some vindictive micromanager in office.

Jagdeo says that he ordered Dr Luncheon to sack Bissessar
October 25, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

Former Personal Assistant to the President, Rajindra Nauth Bissesar, who recently forged a union with the Alliance for Change (AFC) was not spared the brunt of a verbal assault during the Lusignan rally on Sunday.

The President said, “I told (Dr Roger) Luncheon to get rid of him,” as he chastised Bissesar who recently came out on the AFC platform along with former People’s National Congress Reform stalwart Dr Richard Van West Charles.

Jagdeo in his continued assault on the media diverted to say that Bissesar, whom he threw out of the party, was placed in media reports as a presidential advisor. “He was advising me on collecting garbage in the flood time.”

“Bissesar” Jagdeo bawled, “I didn’t even know when he was in my office. And he is my advisor gone to AFC.”

Rajindra Nauth Bissesar and AFC Prime Ministerial Candidate Raphael Trotman

Jagdeo said that Bissesar was a junior member of the party and he was thrown out of the party. “I told Luncheon to fire this guy years ago.”
He attended at the University of Guyana in 1976, and became the head of the PYO and was the presidential candidate for the PPP at the student elections.
Despite reported rigging, Bissesar was able to win six of the nine seats and was said to be later beaten with sticks carried by persons suspected to belong to the then controversial House of Israel.

He was a Central Committee member of the PYO and formally joined the PPP in 1980 where he became a candidate member of the PPP Central Committee in 1990.
He was said to be integrally involved with the strikes by bauxite and sugar-workers in 1989. After the PPP resumed office in 1992, he worked as an advisor to the Minister of Human Services, then to the Minister of Labour and then served as a personal assistant to the President. He also served on the Bermine Board, on the National Parks Commission and the Guyana Tourism Authority.

He was a writer for the PPP, and wrote a weekly column in Kaieteur News on economic and political issues.
Since the second term of Bharrat Jagdeo, he became critical of the PPP Government and eventually ventured out publicly on Spotlight and on the AFC programme.

He criticised the corruption, and the moving away from working class interests as the government policy resulted in the rich becoming richer and the poor poorer.

Bissesar is said to have opposed the confrontational attitude of the PPP Government and saw that it was not conducive to national unity and was in fact extremely divisive.

His public criticisms included writing to the press attacking the lack of internal democracy in the PPP and the marginalisation of Moses Nagamootoo.
When he was introduced as an AFC affiliate he was described as one that has “become a part of the many disillusioned, disenchanted and totally sidelined members of the PPP.”

Turning his attention to Dr Van-West Charles, Jagdeo said, “The other one is Van -West Charles…Van-West Charles couldn’t save his father-in-law (Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham) when he was Minister of Health, how could he offer anything to you.”
“What has he got to offer today.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP campaign is not going good. That is why Robert and Jagdeo have turned to Joey. Which one of you guys on this board would want to have Joey next to you. Hell thinking about that alone gives me the chill.
And knowing all that, the people would vote for Donald Ramoutar because he is not Bharat.

If a house is divided, it will surely dismantled. The politics in Guyana has been cultured to the extent that it would have to take a moracle for any change to be made.
lagislation cannot and will not change anything.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
And knowing all that, the people would vote for Donald Ramoutar because he is not Bharat.

If a house is divided, it will surely dismantled. The politics in Guyana has been cultured to the extent that it would have to take a moracle for any change to be made.
lagislation cannot and will not change anything.

Take comfort in that ma man, it's all you have now . . .
Originally posted by Wally:
The PPP campaign is not going good. That is why Robert and Jagdeo have turned to Joey. Which one of you guys on this board would want to have Joey next to you. Hell thinking about that alone gives me the chill.

Joey who?
Well Jagdeo is only confirming what we always knew. He abuses power. First, he is proud to Nigel Hughes will never be promoted and now he ordered the firing of Bissessar. Keep it Jagdeo. Keep talking.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Well Jagdeo is only confirming what we always knew. He abuses power. First, he is proud to Nigel Hughes will never be promoted and now he ordered the firing of Bissessar. Keep it Jagdeo. Keep talking.

HehHehHeh . . .
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Well Jagdeo is only confirming what we always knew. He abuses power. First, he is proud to Nigel Hughes will never be promoted and now he ordered the firing of Bissessar. Keep it Jagdeo. Keep talking.

He was firm and objective. Bissessar was a no show in the PPP. His contributions were nil.

If the President failed then his advisors must be blamed. The AFC is a party with failed politicians..
Penny ante vainglorious behavior by this trifling piffle of a man assuming he is our divinely appointed potentate! There would be no greater joy than seeing him stripped to his skivvies and made to do real work to earn a living if the AFC prevents a majority win for the PPP

Jagdeo attacks Nigel Hughes
October 25, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

…accuses him of being an associate of criminals

  • “[color=#000000]I (Jagdeo) appoint senior counsel…He will never be a Senior Counsel once I am President and I don’t know whether Donald Ramotar will ever give him because he is a drug dealers’ Lawyer”[/color]

  • Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo on Sunday, during his party’s most recent election campaign rally in

  • Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo making the charges against Nigel Hughes

  • Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, delivered a scathing attack on several members of the Opposition including Attorney-At-Law Nigel Hughes of the Alliance for Change (AFC).

  • Jagdeo stopped just short of implicating Attorney Hughes in the 2003 murder of Buxtonian Brian Hamilton but did say that he suspects the attorney was present at the time of the killing.

  • The 35-year-old father of one was shot and killed by one or more gunmen as he sat in the office of his Buxton Public Road gas station.
    Jagdeo, over the past few weeks, has been on the campaign trail, at times spewing venomous attacks on persons opposed to him and the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C).

  • Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC and has now attracted the brunt of the ire of the president who painted him as an attorney for ‘drug-dealers.’

  • Jagdeo did not seek to disguise his attack on Hughes, vowing that under his Presidency, Hughes would never be appointed a Senior Counsel.
    Jagdeo also accused Hughes as the person on the AFC’s platform peddling racism. “They (AFC) got a man called Nigel Hughes to do the dirty work…he has gone on their platform and peddling the race line.”

  • The President disclosed that the administration knows Hughes as a man that has lobbied, “a lot of people to become Senior Counsels…I (Jagdeo) appoint Senior Counsels…He will never be a Senior Counsel once I am president and I don’t know whether Donald Ramotar will ever give him because he is a drug dealers’ lawyer.”

  • The President in his unrelenting attack against the eminent attorney said that every case drug dealers “have Nigel Hughes, before the police catch them,…is in the police station…he is on permanent retainer.”

  • Jagdeo, in painting Hughes and Basil Williams as the criminals’ lawyers said that every criminal caught in Buxton has been defended by either of the two Attorneys. “Every criminal that we ever caught in Buxton, guess who their lawyer is? Basil Williams and Nigel Hughes…criminals’ lawyers…every single one of them,” Jagdeo asserted.

  • The President also accused Hughes of currently driving a car belonging to a drug dealer. “And he pushes the race line everyday …every single day he talks about the racism,” said Jagdeo.

  • Expanding on his beliefs as it relates to the Brian Hamilton murder Jagdeo told the Lusignan crowd, “By the way you know when Hamilton was killed at the gas station in Buxton…guess what happen, Nigel Hughes showed up.” The President suggested that there was a video recording of the killing that had occurred but said that Hughes took away the tape and that the police subsequently never recovered the recording.

  • “They had a camera and he (Hughes) took away the tape…the police never got hold of that tape and I am saying it here publicly tonight because it’s the truth and why did he take away the tape of how this guy was killed?” Jagdeo asked.

  • “I don’t know but let me tell you, my suspicion is that he (Hughes) was also right there when Brian Hamilton was killed by the bandits in Buxton.”
    There are reports from the 2003 killing that Hughes did hand over the recording to the Police. The police later took the recording to some television stations to get help in enhancing the images. This has since been verified by television station owners who saw the tape.

    Contacted by this publication Hughes described Jagdeo’s attack as a most disturbing, vile and scandalous attack, particularly the president accusing him of being involved in the murder of Brain Hamilton on March 21, 2003.

    “It is regrettable that the highest office in the Republic is now being abused and degraded by the wild imaginings of a delusional President.”
    According to Hughes, “Brain Hamilton was a member of our family and it was my sincere hope that the horrific circumstances surrounding his death would have been left behind so that his widow and daughter would not have to relive the awful manner of his death…The recent utterances of his Excellency cannot be left unanswered.”

    According to Hughes, Brian Hamilton was murdered at 7.42 AM on March 21, 2003 at the family’s Buxton petrol station on the East Coast of Demerara by unmasked gunmen who entered his office and shot him.

    “At the time of his death I was at home in New Providence some fifteen miles away on East Bank Demerara.”

    Hughes stated that his brother who was married to Brian’s sister-in-law, was out of town at the time and he asked that Hughes attend to his grieving wife and father who were inconsolable at Brian’s wife’s parents’ home in New Haven.

    “I visited Mr. Oscar Hamilton, Brian’s father, who informed me that the Police had requested that he attend his petrol station as there was a surveillance tape still in the recording machine which the Police were unable to eject.”

    Hughes added, “Mr. Hamilton asked me if I would take him to Buxton which I did. He further informed me that he was concerned about the police securing the tape without providing him with a copy….On arrival at Buxton at 11. 15 AM Mr. Hamilton ejected the tape and asked the crime scene officer whether he could keep the tape for the purpose of making a copy. He was granted permission.”

    Hughes further contends that at the time of “our arrival at Buxton we were informed that there were eyewitnesses to the killing who had identified the killer to the police…One eyewitness had to be evacuated from his home in Buxton under army protection the same day.”
    The attorney stated that the tape was sent to a recording studio in Georgetown.

    “Shortly after the tape was handed over to Mr. Hamilton, a senior officer of the Guyana Defence Force requested a copy of the tape and asked that the Police not be made aware of their request…An officer of the Guyana Defence Force subsequently uplifted the tape from the recording studio the same afternoon.”

  • He said that the following day “I personally attended the CID Headquarters for the purposes of handing over the tape to then Crime Chief Mr. Leon Trim…He was not there. I decided against leaving the original with a sentry for obvious reasons.”

  • Hughes reports that “On Sunday I again attended the CID Eve Leary and again Mr. Trim was not present…On Monday morning at 8.15 AM, I attended the CID Eve Leary where the original time coded tape was handed over.”
    Hughes says that Mr. Trim confirmed in a public statement that since Monday March 24, 2003 he had received the tape.

  • “When the issue of the surveillance tape arose some eight years ago I issued a statement on the matter…It is deeply disturbing in light of the above matters after the murder of so many innocent persons in that very unhappy chapter of our national life we still have been unable to bring closure to the period.”

  • Hughes says that it remains his hope that a public inquiry will be conducted in the deaths of those many citizens who died as a result of the events in that tragic period.

    Meanwhile Hughes in a public statement yesterday in responding to what he called the President’s slanderous statements about him said, “Our professional oath as Attorneys- at-Law oblige us to represent our clients without fear or favour and I have had the privilege of representing an array of clients including, Mrs. Varshnie Jagdeo over the course of my professional life.

  • “The categorization or classification of my clients has not been a concern of mine as I am not retained as a priest but an Attorney-at-Law.”
    Hughes added also that the fact that the current administration found it impossible to identify a single person of African descent qualified to represent this country of ours at the level of Ambassador at any international posting is probably the most salient statement on the practice of racism in politics in contemporary Guyana.

  • He lashed out at the President saying that he does not require him to validate his work as an Attorney-at-law. “It will speak for itself.”
    Hughes added that Jagdeo’s statements have confirmed a long held belief in the profession that the conferral of the status of Senior Counsel by the present regime is a political act.[
    “Accepting the conferral of such an award from the present regime would be like asking Steve Biko to accept an award from P.W. Botha during the apartheid era.”
  • He warned that Jagdeo’s statements about the considerations for the award of silk have considerable implications on the independence of the judiciary and they have been noted.

  • “If His Excellency ever feels disposed to emerge from beneath the cloak of immunity I would be more than happy to engage with him in an appropriate forum at his convenience.”

  • He said too that it is his hope that should the occasion arise post November 28, 2011, that “His Excellency may require appropriately qualified legal counsel whether from Senior Counsel or otherwise, and that he does not feel constrained by comments made at Lusignan.”
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Well Jagdeo is only confirming what we always knew. He abuses power. First, he is proud to Nigel Hughes will never be promoted and now he ordered the firing of Bissessar. Keep it Jagdeo. Keep talking.

He was firm and objective. Bissessar was a no show in the PPP. His contributions were nil.

If the President failed then his advisors must be blamed. The AFC is a party with failed politicians..

If the president fails, then he fails. The advisors are his by his choice. If they mis-guided him to failure, then he failed in leadership to assemble a competent and effective team, and failed to manage them. The buck stops at the leader's feet, no one else.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Well Jagdeo is only confirming what we always knew. He abuses power. First, he is proud to Nigel Hughes will never be promoted and now he ordered the firing of Bissessar. Keep it Jagdeo. Keep talking.

He was firm and objective. Bissessar was a no show in the PPP. His contributions were nil.

If the President failed then his advisors must be blamed. The AFC is a party with failed politicians..

If the president fails, then he fails. The advisors are his by his choice. If they mis-guided him to failure, then he failed in leadership to assemble a competent and effective team, and failed to manage them. The buck stops at the leader's feet, no one else.

But did the president fail? In my opinion he didn't! It was those who had wanted his job and sabotaged his eveymove to make him look bad. The mistake of the AFC is that they are still fighting Jagdeo. They should be going after Donald. Now that Donald came up with a manifesto which included all of the AFC's slolen Changes, they have noting more to say. They already give up...
Jagdeo, in painting Hughes and Basil Williams as the criminals’ lawyers said that every criminal caught in Buxton has been defended by either of the two Attorneys. “Every criminal that we ever caught in Buxton, guess who their lawyer is? Basil Williams and Nigel Hughes…criminals’ lawyers…every single one of them,” Jagdeo asserted.

BJ is ignorant or what? Isn't he aware know that criminals are also defending by lawyers, what a stupid statement to make.

Doan worry BJ, it's a possibility these same guys you're vex with will be defending you and the rest of your corrupt members after the game is over.
Originally posted by D2:
Jagdeo and the PPP love this autocratic system where legislators are creatures of the president and dare not dissent or be sacked. We need natural constituencies with direct competition so legislators are not hand picked slaves but representative of a constituency and therefore acting on behalf of the country rather than some vindictive micromanager in office.

You better ketch some sense, most people in the cabinet and its periphery work at pleasure of the president even here in the US. Obama can hire and fire with impunity so please ketch some sense.

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