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Kellawan Lall incident

The Working People’s Alliance (WPA) says that to all appearances members of the PPP/C and government are “above the law and their lawless behaviour is condoned by no less a person than President (Bharrat) Jagdeo.”


According to the party in a press release on Friday, the latest example of this can be found in President Jagdeo’s reported refusal to request the resignation of or to dismiss Minister Kellawan Lall for what the party described as “the dangerous and lawless behaviour in the incident between him and Joseph Doodnauth on November 18.”

“In any society where decency is an expected standard of behaviour, any high governmental official against whom such a serious allegation has been made would demit office or be removed in order to facilitate an investigation.”

Not so in a Guyana governed by the PPP/C, the WPA remarked, as the “records will show that several examples of this, including the notorious Gajraj affair, exist.”


The WPA said that Guyanese must now focus on what the party said was the “contradictory behaviour” by the head of state in relation to gun crimes that are causing havoc and grief in this country and the reasons why the Guyana Police Force is impotent to act when serious violations of the law are committed by members of the ruling party and government.

Local Government Minister Lall allegedly gun-butted 19-year-old Doodnauth and then fired his gun in the air several times following a drunken brawl at an East Coast Demerara bar.

The gun-toting minister shares a relationship with the teenager’s aunt and may have mistaken Doodnauth for a rival, while at a barbecue event at Vryheid’s Lust, ECD. This led to the government official allegedly slamming the young man in the forehead with his firearm and later on the road driving his vehicle close to Doodnauth and jamming him, following which he fired his weapon in the air.

Since then President Jagdeo has resisted calls by the opposition to sack Lall. Jagdeo has also declared that he would not ask Lall to step aside to facilitate an investigation, as the minister was not in the way.


What is even more appalling, the WPA contended, is that even while Jagdeo is swearing zero tolerance against gun crimes, this “latest episode in a long list of interventions on the side of political cronies sends the signal that gun crimes are unacceptable by the government only if they are committed by certain people.”

The WPA declared that it is very clear that the “hands of the acting Commissioner of Police and the Guyana Police Force are tied and that they do not and cannot display the same zealousness against members of the ruling party as they do against Buxtonians and other citizens not protected by the shield of the rulers.”

This attitude, the WPA argued, only serves to underscore “people’s perception of a two-faced response by the police to crime in Guyana which allows members of the Force to harass and execute some but never to touch others.”

“The list of untouchables is long and growing longer,” the party asserted.


It said also that because of the serious implications that President Jagdeo’s latest “irresponsible utterances have for Guyana, the time has come for Guyanese and their organizations to join together and take the necessary actions to bring the Jagdeo government under control.” The party said that the alternative is “to continue on the slippery slope to anarchy and mayhem”.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Vish DeFake Indo,

Do you have any concern about the alleged rape of one of the Hanuman girls by a former powerful minister in the Burnham and Hoyte administrations?

As a matter of fact, I very much do.

If I was you, and if you have the evidence, you and the Hanuman people should make it an I dont know if there is any statutory limitations on rape, but something can be done, even though its a past crime. I understand there is evidence of this. At the time the Hanuman's were strong supporters of the PNC.

I understand too that that person, now a prominent lawyer (according to my uncle), should be held responsible. I understand the family did not want that type of publicity (of a trial) at that time, assuming a trial was held.

And by the way, the PPP encouraged the same type of authoritarian society that prevented people who committed these types of acts from being prosecuted. 

Sean posted:

What de rass you so obsessed wid PPP ? 
PPP will buss the 28 percent PNC tire ?

Read this carefully:

1. PPP wont win this election...I already give you 10 reasons why?

2. If they win (by a miracle), they will not be allowed to govern. Their term will be cut short or marred by protests.

3. When they lose this election, that party will be out of power for a conceivably long time, without any rigging.

4. The PPP will not be able to win another election unless the party transform itself, change its leadership, induct new and fresh bool with intelligence, and give up socialism and democratic centralism.

5. Jagdeo and others in the PPP fully know this. Their lives are set with all the corruption and wealth they stole. That party is taking you all for a ride. They do not give a squat about anyone, except themselves.

Take that to the bank....


All of what you posted is horseshyte. Anyway, why are you supporting a constitutional rapist Granger ?

What protest ? Jagdeo and The late Brother Gaj buss PNC balls when they tried the last terror campaign and protest. PNC is still balling for murder till this day ! Jadgeo has balls, he is no coward like Jackass Jagan. It is a known fact that only Blackmon does loot and burn after elections. Jagdeo used dem Mattie to pepper dem rioters rass. 

Bai, go back and finish you homework.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

What de rass you so obsessed wid PPP ? 
PPP will buss the 28 percent PNC tire ?

Read this carefully:

1. PPP wont win this election...I already give you 10 reasons why?

2. If they win (by a miracle), they will not be allowed to govern. Their term will be cut short or marred by protests.

3. When they lose this election, that party will be out of power for a conceivably long time, without any rigging.

4. The PPP will not be able to win another election unless the party transform itself, change its leadership, induct new and fresh bool with intelligence, and give up socialism and democratic centralism.

5. Jagdeo and others in the PPP fully know this. Their lives are set with all the corruption and wealth they stole. That party is taking you all for a ride. They do not give a squat about anyone, except themselves.

Take that to the bank....

Banna, relax yuhself!  This is all in your head!  The people are not swayed much by that.  The PPP could win, the PPP could loose.  Two factors are critical;

1. Can they motivate their “lagoo bagoo” base to turn out in mass?

2. Who the small % of swing voters prefer to go with!

Of course, this is apart from electoral fraud!

VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

What de rass you so obsessed wid PPP ? 
PPP will buss the 28 percent PNC tire ?

Read this carefully:

Sean posted:

All of what you posted is horseshyte. Anyway, why are you supporting a constitutional rapist Granger ?

Bai, go back and finish you homework.

VishMahaber jus' wake up an' posting wha deh rattlin' een ee head.

Last edited by Former Member
Last edited by Former Member

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