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This is FROM A FACEBOOK POST. The writer obviously is a PPP Arun. Yall PPP supporters better take heed... 
Irfaan’s Bogus Education Certificates is a national and international embarrassment to the PPP jeopardizing the party’s chance at winning the next election on March 2. Jagdeo personally selected Irfaan as Presidential candidate; Jagdeo threatened members of the party’s Central Committee that if they didn’t vote fir Irfaan, he would fire them from jobs at Freedom Hoyse or deny them a parliamentary seat. They were forced to vote for Irfaan for political and or economic survival. Irfaan’s fraudulent degrees and certificates are matters of public ridicule for himself and PPP. Voters have cited education fraud as reason for not voting for him and the PPP. Thus, PPP will lose.
Irfaan dropped out of University of Guyana. But he printed himself a certificate saying he received a Bachelors Degree from a non-existent college on West Coast. He used this fake certificate to apply for and get a scholarship to India where he did a short course of nine months and claims he received a Conditional Masters Degree from an unknown college; a real Masters Degree takes two years.
Irfaan used the Conditional Masters Degree to gain admission to UWI (Trinidad) in a doctoral program on urban development. He never attended classes at UWI, a minimum mandatory requirement to meet qualifications to receive a PhD. A minimum requirement for PhD is a course in Methodology (statistics and the procedure of doing research and writing a dissertation – minimum 250 pages book like paper). Irfaan is not known to attend classes at UWI. He did not leave Guyana for any length of time to sit through a four months course. How did he attend classes? How did he master the contents of the course? When did he take exams in courses?
Irfaan never wrote any articles in the public domain. He was never known to be intellectually articulate on any subject matter. Every PhD course requires a paper and written exams. How did he develop the skill to write papers in courses? How did he write a 250 pages dissertation? Who wrote the dissertation for him? Jacob Opadeyi and Pacha have a lot to answer for in perpetrating this fraud on Guyanese and UWI. The professor who wrote the dissertation can’t be the professor who supervises it and who sit as the examiner. That is academic fraud.
What message is being sent to young minds who have to struggle through classes and exams in order to achieve a degree when a person who is supposed to be a role model acquires a Bachelors, Masters, and PhD through fraud? Others earn their degrees the honest way. How can these intellects look up to an academic fraud? How can such a cheating person even think of running for President? And how can he be a role model even if elected as President. Which educated young mind will vote for such a person? Why is Jagdeo foisting that scamp and fraud on the population? Irfaan will be defeated. Why is Jagdeo going ahead with this big risk that will be a setback to supporters of PPP?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

Baseman posted:

The PhD was conferred by UWI!

Go argue with them!

Yes....and a non-existent school in west demerara conferred a BA to him.

This PhD issue will haunt look like UWI was duped also.

Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.




I read that fb post by Arun , also Arun is a FB friend. Leave the frauds alone , they ain't winning no elections.

Real qualified candidates from the PPP will will emerge , only then the party will be back in power.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:


I read that fb post by Arun , also Arun is a FB friend. Leave the frauds alone , they ain't winning no elections.

Real qualified candidates from the PPP will will emerge , only then the party will be back in power.

I wonder if we can ever depend on your predictions. I see. To remember that you predicted that the coalition would have won at the CCJ over the NCV. Let us await the results of tge elections, if it actually happens.

VishMahabir posted:
This is FROM A FACEBOOK POST. The writer obviously is a PPP Arun. Yall PPP supporters better take heed... 
Irfaan’s Bogus Education Certificates is a national and international embarrassment to the PPP jeopardizing the party’s chance at winning the next election on March 2. Jagdeo personally selected Irfaan as Presidential candidate; Jagdeo threatened members of the party’s Central Committee that if they didn’t vote fir Irfaan, he would fire them from jobs at Freedom Hoyse or deny them a parliamentary seat. They were forced to vote for Irfaan for political and or economic survival. Irfaan’s fraudulent degrees and certificates are matters of public ridicule for himself and PPP. Voters have cited education fraud as reason for not voting for him and the PPP. Thus, PPP will lose.
Irfaan dropped out of University of Guyana. But he printed himself a certificate saying he received a Bachelors Degree from a non-existent college on West Coast. He used this fake certificate to apply for and get a scholarship to India where he did a short course of nine months and claims he received a Conditional Masters Degree from an unknown college; a real Masters Degree takes two years.
Irfaan used the Conditional Masters Degree to gain admission to UWI (Trinidad) in a doctoral program on urban development. He never attended classes at UWI, a minimum mandatory requirement to meet qualifications to receive a PhD. A minimum requirement for PhD is a course in Methodology (statistics and the procedure of doing research and writing a dissertation – minimum 250 pages book like paper). Irfaan is not known to attend classes at UWI. He did not leave Guyana for any length of time to sit through a four months course. How did he attend classes? How did he master the contents of the course? When did he take exams in courses?
Irfaan never wrote any articles in the public domain. He was never known to be intellectually articulate on any subject matter. Every PhD course requires a paper and written exams. How did he develop the skill to write papers in courses? How did he write a 250 pages dissertation? Who wrote the dissertation for him? Jacob Opadeyi and Pacha have a lot to answer for in perpetrating this fraud on Guyanese and UWI. The professor who wrote the dissertation can’t be the professor who supervises it and who sit as the examiner. That is academic fraud.
What message is being sent to young minds who have to struggle through classes and exams in order to achieve a degree when a person who is supposed to be a role model acquires a Bachelors, Masters, and PhD through fraud? Others earn their degrees the honest way. How can these intellects look up to an academic fraud? How can such a cheating person even think of running for President? And how can he be a role model even if elected as President. Which educated young mind will vote for such a person? Why is Jagdeo foisting that scamp and fraud on the population? Irfaan will be defeated. Why is Jagdeo going ahead with this big risk that will be a setback to supporters of PPP?

You are jealous that the man has a PhD from a reputable university when you are still struggling to get a BA. 

Why is it obvious that the writer is a PPP supporter? Whose narrative is this and whose and what purpose  does it serve.  Use your head man. There are assertions made with no facts to back them up. Also, some of the statements made are incorrect. The writer seems to be parroting someone’s else narrative. 


VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

The PhD was conferred by UWI!

Go argue with them!

Yes....and a non-existent school in west demerara conferred a BA to him.

This PhD issue will haunt look like UWI was duped also.

You are the BIGGEST FAKE and a hypocrite, the bogus school you claimed to attend opens in the summer.. remember how you was caught with your panty down. 

You  and  the other poster who keeps gossiping about Dr BJ and Dr Ali are jealous, Ayo can’t fit in their shoes.

The Guyanese electorate knows what they are getting. We gon continue sharing the good news and keep ayo burning with your own fire. Now gawn so and get a real degree and remove the mask. 



Baap ray baap. Buddoop. This topic getting redundant.

Should I be cynical? For the past 55 years Guyana has had heads of government with unquestionable academic certificates. But the country has not made significant progress in many important fields. Time to give the job to someone with questionable academic certificates. 😊

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.


My understanding, BJ was conferred an Honorary Doctorate.  It was public and he never claimed anything else.  Many receive this type of doctorate!

Peter earned an On-Line PhD from a US on-line outfit.  You surely can question the accreditation, but it is what it is!

Irfaan was conferred a PhD by UWI. I don’t know their prerequisites for this type of non-technical PhD however, I assume they did some due diligence and concluded it met their requirements!  If UWI is that laxed then it calls into question many of their programs!  But then again, even judges in Guyana cannot do basic math!

If UWI was duped, they can rescind!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.


My understanding, BJ was conferred an Honorary Doctorate.  It was public and he never claimed anything else.  Many receive this type of doctorate!

Peter earned an On-Line PhD from a US on-line outfit.  You surely can question the accreditation, but it is what it is!

Irfaan was conferred a PhD by UWI. I don’t know their prerequisites for this type of non-technical PhD however, I assume they did some due diligence and concluded it met their requirements!  If UWI is that laxed then it calls into question many of their programs!  But then again, even judges in Guyana cannot do basic math!

If UWI was duped, they can rescind!

What about the procedures and questions raised about "Arun"?

Irfaan's degree is not a "honorary" one like BJ. It seems legit...but when was he studying for the PdD or taking courses?

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.


My understanding, BJ was conferred an Honorary Doctorate.  It was public and he never claimed anything else.  Many receive this type of doctorate!

Peter earned an On-Line PhD from a US on-line outfit.  You surely can question the accreditation, but it is what it is!

Irfaan was conferred a PhD by UWI. I don’t know their prerequisites for this type of non-technical PhD however, I assume they did some due diligence and concluded it met their requirements!  If UWI is that laxed then it calls into question many of their programs!  But then again, even judges in Guyana cannot do basic math!

If UWI was duped, they can rescind!

What about the procedures and questions raised about "Arun"?

Irfaan's degree is not a "honorary" one like BJ. It seems legit...but when was he studying for the PdD or taking courses?

I never said it was Honorary!  I was addressing you with the 3 “fake” Doctorates!

All your other points, well let UWI address.  “Arun” can confer with UWI!  As I said, they can rescind!


I find it strange that when someone comments on an apparent corrupt fellow perpetuating a fraud there are those  insisting that one is "jealous" of the fraudster. This habit is particularly prevalent among Guyanese and it is plainly stupid.

Who gets jealous of a crook? The fellow above short cut his way to the pantheon of academic godhead...if the story is true... and it needs an explanation not stupid commentary by clearly morally stunted dunces about "jealousy". Reflect on the ethics of this and what it portends for us to have a leader with these qualities. 

Comment on the damn anchor weights we deliberately put on our people when we aid and abet deception. It is the reason we have failed at everything...none of our 10 government controlled industries ever made money and all are bankrupt despite millions poured into them.  

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.


My understanding, BJ was conferred an Honorary Doctorate.  It was public and he never claimed anything else.  Many receive this type of doctorate!

Peter earned an On-Line PhD from a US on-line outfit.  You surely can question the accreditation, but it is what it is!

Irfaan was conferred a PhD by UWI. I don’t know their prerequisites for this type of non-technical PhD however, I assume they did some due diligence and concluded it met their requirements!  If UWI is that laxed then it calls into question many of their programs!  But then again, even judges in Guyana cannot do basic math!

If UWI was duped, they can rescind!

What about the procedures and questions raised about "Arun"?

Irfaan's degree is not a "honorary" one like BJ. It seems legit...but when was he studying for the PdD or taking courses?

I never said it was Honorary!  I was addressing you with the 3 “fake” Doctorates!

All your other points, well let UWI address.  “Arun” can confer with UWI!  As I said, they can rescind!

Yes...but the problem with you chaps is that you accept everything hook line and sinker....and most Indos are infected with the syndrome of the "other"...dislike for the PNC automatically translate to likeness for the PPP, without even questioning what these leaders do or stand for....their excesses are automatically excused. 

Because Indos (and Guyanese) are so easily duped, people automatically assume that others (I did some research on this) like "Dr." Ramaya and "Dr" Vishnu Bandhu are individuals who legitimately earned their doctorates through hard work and academic rigor like Dr Rodney. 

The questions raised by "Arun" are legitimate ones...and yes...its possible that UWI may have been duped....the PPP has a habit like other politicians of duping people. 

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Sean posted:

Dis bai Vish needs help with his homework and he cannot sleep since Ali became a doctor. Bai Vish, jealousy is a very bad thing. A dose of humility and common sense will be good for you. Why are you attacking the doctor ? Take it with the UWI Na ?

well...yall seem to have 3 questionable doctors now....Peta Ramsarup, Irfaan and Jagdeo.


My understanding, BJ was conferred an Honorary Doctorate.  It was public and he never claimed anything else.  Many receive this type of doctorate!

Peter earned an On-Line PhD from a US on-line outfit.  You surely can question the accreditation, but it is what it is!

Irfaan was conferred a PhD by UWI. I don’t know their prerequisites for this type of non-technical PhD however, I assume they did some due diligence and concluded it met their requirements!  If UWI is that laxed then it calls into question many of their programs!  But then again, even judges in Guyana cannot do basic math!

If UWI was duped, they can rescind!

What about the procedures and questions raised about "Arun"?

Irfaan's degree is not a "honorary" one like BJ. It seems legit...but when was he studying for the PdD or taking courses?

I never said it was Honorary!  I was addressing you with the 3 “fake” Doctorates!

All your other points, well let UWI address.  “Arun” can confer with UWI!  As I said, they can rescind!

Yes...but the problem with you chaps is that you accept everything hook line and sinker....and most Indos are infected with the syndrome of the "other"...dislike for the PNC automatically translate to likeness for the PPP, without even questioning what these leaders do or stand for....their excesses are automatically excused. 

Because Indos (and Guyanese) are so easily duped, people automatically assume that others (I did some research on this) like "Dr." Ramaya and "Dr" Vishnu Bandhu are individuals who legitimately earned their doctorates through hard work and academic rigor like Dr Rodney. 

The questions raised by "Arun" are legitimate ones...and yes...its possible that UWI may have been duped....the PPP has a habit like other politicians of duping people. 

Who accept anything?  As I said, a credible institution conferred that PhD!  If they were duped, let them rescind!

If what is being claimed is true and UWI overlooked or did not validate, then I question UWIs credibility, which raises wider concerns!

However, In the end, he has to face the electorate and they can decide. 

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

All your other points, well let UWI address.  “Arun” can confer with UWI!  As I said, they can rescind!

Yes...but the problem with you chaps is that you accept everything hook line and sinker....and most Indos are infected with the syndrome of the "other"...dislike for the PNC automatically translate to likeness for the PPP, without even questioning what these leaders do or stand for....their excesses are automatically excused. 

Because Indos (and Guyanese) are so easily duped, people automatically assume that others (I did some research on this) like "Dr." Ramaya and "Dr" Vishnu Bandhu are individuals who legitimately earned their doctorates through hard work and academic rigor like Dr Rodney. 

The questions raised by "Arun" are legitimate ones...and yes...its possible that UWI may have been duped....the PPP has a habit like other politicians of duping people. 

If what is being claimed is true and UWI overlooked or did not validate, then I question UWIs credibility, which raises wider concerns!

However, In the end, he has to face the electorate and they can decide. 

Is Mole Vish insinuating that all UWI degrees are suspect? Oh skoant, we got a member of Scotland Yard spying on us. He should quit trying to get a passing grade in Geology 101 and advise UWI.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

All your other points, well let UWI address.  “Arun” can confer with UWI!  As I said, they can rescind!

Yes...but the problem with you chaps is that you accept everything hook line and sinker....and most Indos are infected with the syndrome of the "other"...dislike for the PNC automatically translate to likeness for the PPP, without even questioning what these leaders do or stand for....their excesses are automatically excused. 

Because Indos (and Guyanese) are so easily duped, people automatically assume that others (I did some research on this) like "Dr." Ramaya and "Dr" Vishnu Bandhu are individuals who legitimately earned their doctorates through hard work and academic rigor like Dr Rodney. 

The questions raised by "Arun" are legitimate ones...and yes...its possible that UWI may have been duped....the PPP has a habit like other politicians of duping people. 

If what is being claimed is true and UWI overlooked or did not validate, then I question UWIs credibility, which raises wider concerns!

However, In the end, he has to face the electorate and they can decide. 

Is Mole Vish insinuating that all UWI degrees are suspect? Oh skoant, we got a member of Scotland Yard spying on us. He should quit trying to get a passing grade in Geology 101 and advise UWI.

That was my point!

ksazma posted:

If the PhD that UWI conferred on Ali is suspect, then a lot of UWI PhD graduates should start worrying about how their degree will be regarded.

That’s what I meant earlier. Then the entire credibility of every graduate is in question!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If the PhD that UWI conferred on Ali is suspect, then a lot of UWI PhD graduates should start worrying about how their degree will be regarded.

That’s what I meant earlier. Then the entire credibility of every graduate is in question!

My last comment on this...

So if "Pocahantas" faked her biographical information to get a scholarship and claimed she was Native American before entering Harvard, does that mean the credibility of all applicants (or graduates) in Harvard is in question?

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If the PhD that UWI conferred on Ali is suspect, then a lot of UWI PhD graduates should start worrying about how their degree will be regarded.

That’s what I meant earlier. Then the entire credibility of every graduate is in question!

My last comment on this...

So if "Pocahantas" faked her biographical information to get a scholarship and claimed she was Native American before entering Harvard, does that mean the credibility of all applicants (or graduates) in Harvard is in question?

Someone submitting inaccurate information to get into college is solely their doing. The college is not culpable for their actions. A college conferring a degree on someone is solely their burden and they are fully culpable for any inaccuracies in conferring same.


I believe Dr. Vishnu Bandhu certificates are fake too.  I attended one of his meetings and was told that the tall giant possesses three doctorates.  I asked what did he get those doctorates in.  The girl who works closely with him answered in a rather harsh tone "Me Nah Know".  I gathered he got his three doctorates in the following fields:

1) Me

2) NA

3) Know.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If the PhD that UWI conferred on Ali is suspect, then a lot of UWI PhD graduates should start worrying about how their degree will be regarded.

That’s what I meant earlier. Then the entire credibility of every graduate is in question!

My last comment on this...

So if "Pocahantas" faked her biographical information to get a scholarship and claimed she was Native American before entering Harvard, does that mean the credibility of all applicants (or graduates) in Harvard is in question?

Someone submitting inaccurate information to get into college is solely their doing. The college is not culpable for their actions. A college conferring a degree on someone is solely their burden and they are fully culpable for any inaccuracies in conferring same.

Duh was bettuh dan how me could seh!


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