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Public Security Ministry seeks help of AG Chambers

– as millions in overpayments to staffers uncovered

Over at the Public Security Ministry, a situation has arisen wherein some staff members have been overpaid by millions, prompting the Ministry to seek help from the Attorney General to recover the money.
This is according to the Auditor General’s (AG) 2017 report, which was recently made public. According to the AG, ten public servants were overpaid in that fiscal year by $1.3 million.
While some of the money was subsequently recovered, some $1.1 million is still outstanding. Monies were also outstanding from the previous year. According to the report, overpayments totalling $2.5 million were made.
Some of the money has also been recovered, leaving approximately $1.5 million in limbo. All may not be lost, however, as the Ministry revealed that they have sought the help of the Attorney General Chambers.
But why did the overpayments occur in the first place? According to the AG report,

Ministry of Public Security

a pay change mix-up with the Central Accounting Unit at the Ministry is responsible for the overpayments.
In their recommendations, the AG urged the Ministry to continue in its efforts to recover the money. In addition, the office recommended that the interface with the Central Accounting Unit be enhanced to prevent recurrences.
Overpayments of salaries to staff are not isolated incidents. Nor are they limited to Ministries. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries were overpaid to staff of the Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) Administration, and this was flagged by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) earlier this year.
The meeting had revealed that since the Auditor General cited the issue in his 2016 report, not much has changed. In the Auditor General’s 2016 report, overpayment of salaries was flagged as a prior year issue that was partially implemented.
In the Auditor General’s 2015 report, it was recorded that “Fourteen and seventeen employees were overpaid net salaries for the years 2012 and 2014, respectively, with the related deductions also being overpaid to the various agencies.
Although the regional administration made some progress with recovery of these overpayments, this situation recurred in 2015 with nine employees being overpaid. However, to date, there has been no progress with the recovery of the deductions paid over to the various agencies.”
It was also reported that “Unpaid net salaries totalling $9.838 million were refunded to the Consolidated Fund for the years 2012 to 2014. However, the related deductions totalling $2.075 million paid to various agencies were still not recovered.
Similarly, for 2015, amounts totalling $1.471 million were refunded to the Consolidated Fund as unpaid salaries for thirty-six” employees, and the related deductions of $308,946 paid to the various agencies were also not recovered.”

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What is strange is how the slop can crew missed this story. Looks like they have selective perception when it comes to PNC crookish activity.  In PPP time lillybai and company had a great deal to say about wasting of tax payers dollars and fat cats, now these same folks are quietly acquiescing to pnc corruption. 


Public Security Ministry seeks help of AG Chambers


Last edited by Django

Most of the overpayments happened under the PPP watch. 

Overpayments of salaries to staff are not isolated incidents. Nor are they limited to Ministries. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries were overpaid to staff of the Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) Administration, and this was flagged by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) earlier this year.
The meeting had revealed that since the Auditor General cited the issue in his 2016 report, not much has changed. In the Auditor General’s 2016 report, overpayment of salaries was flagged as a prior year issue that was partially implemented.
In the Auditor General’s 2015 report, it was recorded that “Fourteen and seventeen employees were overpaid net salaries for the years 2012 and 2014, respectively, with the related deductions also being overpaid to the various agencies.
Although the regional administration made some progress with recovery of these overpayments, this situation recurred in 2015 with nine employees being overpaid. However, to date, there has been no progress with the recovery of the deductions paid over to the various agencies.”
It was also reported that “Unpaid net salaries totalling $9.838 million were refunded to the Consolidated Fund for the years 2012 to 2014. However, the related deductions totalling $2.075 million paid to various agencies were still not recovered.
Similarly, for 2015, amounts totalling $1.471 million were refunded to the Consolidated Fund as unpaid salaries for thirty-six” employees, and the related deductions of $308,946 paid to the various agencies were also not recovered.”



These are not purposeful acts but admin errors.  This is why you have the auditor's staff consistently in the field.  They need to improve the rigidity and effectiveness of controls to reduce and prevent these happening.

kp posted:

This government when in opposition claimed they had the Fix All remedies, today they are doing worst and have no clue.

They know they cannot, just politics.  BJ has all the answers to the problems today...which were the same as when he was ruler.

Take it all with a grain of salt...

yuji22 posted:

Ok mits, so you started with goon squad, don't run and cry when I refer to the AFC gutter rat gang.

Saw you posted about GECOM from the Guyana Times, two classic letters in Stabroek News ,will post tomorrow. 

kp posted:

This government when in opposition claimed they had the Fix All remedies, today they are doing worst and have no clue.

Same old tune, did the article headline stated seeking AG assistance to recover the overpayment made when the PPP was in gov't. 

Django posted:
kp posted:

This government when in opposition claimed they had the Fix All remedies, today they are doing worst and have no clue.

Same old tune, did the article headline stated seeking AG assistance to recover the overpayment made when the PPP was in gov't. 

Me tink you wasting time wid dem low IQers and achievers.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

Look at how this article backfired on the PPP goon squad. LOL!  

They always get busted when posting articles from Guyana Times.

Sometimes they tried to hide it, by not posting the source.

Trickery to influence people don't work well.


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