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Former Member

NGOs step up pressure against Greene


In letters in today’s newspaper Help and Shelter joined others calling for the immediate removal of Police Commissioner Henry Greene from office and activist Karen de Souza pointed out that there had been no response to complaints about him to the Police Service Commission and the Police Complaints Authority.

In its letter, Help & Shelter said it “wholeheartedly agrees with the Guyana Human Rights Association, APNU, Red Thread and all those who regard the acting Chief Justice’s ruling in the Henry Greene matter a travesty and joins in the calls for the DPP to appeal the ruling and for Mr Greene to be immediately removed from office.

“We need not repeat what has already been said regarding the flaws in the ruling, including the judge’s disregard for the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act and failure to acquaint himself with how women may react to the trauma of being raped.

Mr Greene is not the first person holding the office of commissioner of police to be accused of rape. The first case did not even reach the stage of the then DPP advising that charges be laid. But the result of both will be the same if last Friday’s ruling is allowed to stand and a man who at the very least has, by his own admission, flagrantly abused his office is allowed to remain in it. (We have today [Thursday] heard that Mr Greene may be intending to resign. We feel strongly that he should not be allowed to do so, but should be dismissed.)

“Given all the work that has been done to level the field for victims of rape in the 21 years between these two matters, including the passing of new sex offences legislation (with all party support after extensive public education and consultation) we expected better for our client. We sincerely hope that our expectations will not prove to have been irrational”, Help and Shelter, which provides services to  mainly abused women and children said.

In a separate letter, De Souza said that she delivered the following correspondence to the offices of The Police Complaints Authority, the Office of Professional Responsibility and the Police Service Commission on March 30.  As of Thursday, April 5, 2012,  she said that she and the other signatories have not even received an acknowledgement of receipt from any of the three. She said , this raises the question whether the Office of the Commissioner of Police is above the law.

The correspondence follows:

“Complaint against Mr Henry Greene

“Mr Henry Greene, Commissioner of Police, in connection with the DPP’s advice that he be charged for rape, swore to an affidavit which was proffered in the court of the Chief Justice.

“The Commissioner of Police swore in his affidavit that he engaged in a sexual encounter with a woman who came to him for assistance in his capacity as Commissioner, and that he engaged in the sexual encounter with her knowing that she was the subject of an active police investigation.

“This behaviour of the Commissioner breaches the most permissive codes of accepted ethical behaviour, and certainly, in a professional of Mr Greene’s position, at a minimum, it amounts to (1) potentially perverting a police investigation and (2) abusing his official position to secure sexual favours.

“We anticipate your urgent examination and institution of disciplinary measures in relation to this complaint.“

Yours faithfully,
Karen de Souza
Wintress White

Greene’s office and the police force have been silent on these matters.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

“...Mr Greene is not the first person holding the office of commissioner of police to be accused of rape...

“...Given all the work that has been done to level the field for victims of rape in the 21 years between these two matters..."

This  would put  us  back  to  1991 when  if  my memory  serve  me right,  Laurie  Lewis was  the  substantive  commissioner  Of  Police. For  some  reason, I  seem  to  recall an  allegation  of  rape  against  Floyd  McDonald and no  Chinkylo Lewis.??

Seems to be a political issue here with Greene. Guyana has a poor record of women's rights and abuse. I hope this organization is addressing these also instead of focusing on Greene. When I look at this case, the woman husband was having an affair, the woman was blackmailing the other woman who also was cheating on her husband, and Greene was having an affair with the blackmailer. This is a comedic issue that Freddie likes to write about.
Originally Posted by PRK:

It is obvious the drugs interests want Greene. If the drugs peddlers and pushers want Greene then PPP shall have Greene. Guyana is a deadly place. 

The tide of public  opinion is rapidly turning  against  Greene and  Ramotar would have  to  be  a  complete moron  not to cut  loose  of  this embarrassment post haste. In  fact as far  as I am  concern Rohee as  Minister  Of  Home Affairs should also be  on  the  chopping  block.  These people,  if  one  can  call them  that,  are  irredeemable and way below  acceptable standard of  any  half  decent society.

Originally Posted by TI:
Seems to be a political issue here with Greene.Guyana has a poor record of women's rights and abuse. I hope this organization is addressing these also instead of focusing on Greene. When I look at this case, the woman husband was having an affair, the woman was blackmailing the other woman who also was cheating on her husband, and Greene was having an affair with the blackmailer. This is a comedic issue that Freddie likes to write about.

Henry  Greene is the  horny  gorilla  in  the  chamber  at the  moment and  all  arrows  are  rightly  trained  on  his rump. Let's  get of this  beast, then  we  can readjust our  sights  on  the  rest of  the  rutting rodents.


The demand for him to leave ought top be perfunctory. He did have sex( consequential or otherwise) with a member of the public who came to him in his capacity of a representative of the law. It is morally reprehensible for the president not to have taken that position by default. What the hell is he condoning if not an excuse for any in high office to abuse the public and excuse it on consent. It is also on this ground alone I think the judge erred. How the hell is he able to adjudicate on the mental health of a woman in a position of need under the control of one of his role and function in the society?

Even  from  a  layman's  perspective,   the  CJ's   ruling  seems outrageous and  I  seriously  doubt  that  it  would  find  wide   concurrence and  acceptance in legal  circles and  fraternities.  in  my  opinion,  he  departed  the  bench and  assumed  the  role  of  defense  council  for  Greene and at the same  time spared no effort in  ravaging  the  character of  the   victim/ virtual  complainant in the  matter.   
Last edited by Former Member
The woman was taking money from him and feeding him pepper pot after the incident as well as texting him on a daily basis. Hardly the actions of a rape victim. This is what the CJ looked at.
Originally Posted by TI:
The woman was taking money from him and feeding him pepper pot after the incident as well as texting him on a daily basis. Hardly the actions of a rape victim. This is what the CJ looked at.

Remember the case of the girl kidnapped as a teen and forced to endure years of being raped and bore the rapist children while living in horrible circumstance in a tent in his back yard and never seeking to escape? I guess by that act she consented!

Originally Posted by TI:
The woman was taking money from him and feeding him pepper pot after the incident as well as texting him on a daily basis. Hardly the actions of a rape victim. This is what the CJ looked at.

 Admittedly  she was  no innocent virgin.  However  we  are  talking about  Guyana  here, where  sexual predation by authoritative figures are  an  everyday  occurrence and the  coping  mechanism of  victims  are sometime  bizarre.  Given  what  is  publicly  known  so far, I  have  absolutely no  doubt  that Henry  Greene   would be  facing    sexual  assault charges had been  in a country like  Canada  or  the  US.  


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