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During the month of September, Amerindian heritage is celebrated with grand fanfare and while it is an ideal opportunity to showcase the diversity of Guyana’s first peoples, it also provides a platform for issues affecting this section of the populace to be highlighted nationally.

With this year’s observances in full swing and talks of impending national and regional elections dominating the headlines, those issues have gained renewed prominence as the political parties get into campaign mode.

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic, under whose administration Amerindian Heritage Month was conceptualised and placed on the national calendar in 1995, is one political force looking to convince the indigenous population that it is the right group to look after their interests.

The Party’s Presidential Candidate Irfaan Ali believes that while β€œwe continue to celebrate the culture and heritage of Guyana’s indigenous people”, this particular group has endured β€œalmost five years of misery, hardship and neglect to these communities by the government.”

Ali contended that once voted into office at the next elections, the PPP/C government would strengthen its focus on the country’s indigenous people, making reference to the party’s history of β€œensuring their rights, access to resources and development are met.”

β€œYour next government will focus on job creation, infrastructure development, community enhancement and improved health, education, water and other social services. Of great importance would be enhancing the rights of our indigenous people,” Ali, a former Housing and Tourism Minister, highlighted.

Ali contended that once voted into office at the next elections, the PPP/C government would strengthen its focus on the country’s indigenous people

The Presidential hopeful outlined a number of policies that would be pursued under his leadership, key among the rehiring of the 2000 CSOs, the expansion of that programme and increased presidential grants.

Implementing an expanded hinterland housing programme, which incidentally started under the PPP/C, supporting farmers, agriculture and infrastructure upgrade and market support for village economy are also on Ali’s list of things-to-do come 2020 and beyond.

Among the key infrastructure projects on Ali’s agenda are upgrading to hinterland roads, airstrips and water supply, while the resumption of the household solar and computer programmes is also on the cards.

Improved condition for education and health workers, resume and accelerate the Amerindian Land titling programme, remove hardship taxes, reduce cost of transportation, goods and services to hinterland communities, improved access to education with heavy focus on secondary and tertiary education and providing opportunities for access to technical education in the hinterland are all measures Ali and his Cabinet plan to pursue once elected at the next polls.

β€œThe removal of hardships taxes that would reduce the cost of doing business and prices for essential commodities and services. This, in turn, would create greater disposable income at the individual, family and community levels,” Ali promised.

He added, β€œThese are snippets of measures the next PPP/C government will pursue that would positively contribute to the development of Guyana’s indigenous people and hinterland communities.”

Stormborn posted:

Its election time. Amerindians are suddenly courted by both sides as usual and the stupid ones fail to get wise to the lies so it is little wonder we are in 70% deep poverty with areas as Baramita and region 8 experiencing totalized destitution and with Baramita complete breakdown of law and order. 

They need to stick with Shuman.  PPP, PNC don’t give a shit once they get into office!  Dem don’t even care bout Coolie or Blackman!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Its election time. Amerindians are suddenly courted by both sides as usual and the stupid ones fail to get wise to the lies so it is little wonder we are in 70% deep poverty with areas as Baramita and region 8 experiencing totalized destitution and with Baramita complete breakdown of law and order. 

They need to stick with Shuman.  PPP, PNC don’t give a shit once they get into office!  Dem don’t even care bout Coolie or Blackman!

Owi you,  the sun shining from Shuman headquarters today. 

Everyday you wake up with a different feelings πŸ˜„

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Its election time. Amerindians are suddenly courted by both sides as usual and the stupid ones fail to get wise to the lies so it is little wonder we are in 70% deep poverty with areas as Baramita and region 8 experiencing totalized destitution and with Baramita complete breakdown of law and order. 

They need to stick with Shuman.  PPP, PNC don’t give a shit once they get into office!  Dem don’t even care bout Coolie or Blackman!

Owi you,  the sun shining from Shuman headquarters today. 

Everyday you wake up with a different feelings πŸ˜„

Banna shut yuh stupid skont.  I ain’t like you, cussing Blackman one day, cussing jagdeo next day, cheering black man dying one day, crying coolie dying next day!

Think of it, is low life skonts like you why Guyana is so fked up.  

The man was in NY, did you see me attend!  So shut yuh stupid ass up trying to interpret what I say.  You don’t have it in you!

Now run along and do what you do best, cuss Blackman!!

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Its election time. Amerindians are suddenly courted by both sides as usual and the stupid ones fail to get wise to the lies so it is little wonder we are in 70% deep poverty with areas as Baramita and region 8 experiencing totalized destitution and with Baramita complete breakdown of law and order. 

They need to stick with Shuman.  PPP, PNC don’t give a shit once they get into office!  Dem don’t even care bout Coolie or Blackman!

Owi you,  the sun shining from Shuman headquarters today. 

Everyday you wake up with a different feelings πŸ˜„

Banna shut yuh stupid skont.  I ain’t like you, cussing Blackman one day, cussing jagdeo next day, cheering black man dying one day, crying coolie dying next day!

Think of it, is low life skonts like you why Guyana is so fked up.  

The man was in NY, did you see me attend!  So shut yuh stupid ass up trying to interpret what I say.  You don’t have it in you!

Now run along and do what you do best, cuss Blackman!!

Owi bhai, me nah hopscotch like you. Me cussing some Blackman ... I have a reason and then me learn a little from you 😊 . Cussing Jagdeo when he do stupidness is good.. nothing wrang...

now, me friend next to me say ... low life people is them one who are like rolling stone and them nah know what the rass them want ... but me nah know if a true. 

let me see what else ... oh... me does torment you a little and does still like some ayo comments... does that mean I hate you man ... gash 

peace and love . 


Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:

Its election time. Amerindians are suddenly courted by both sides as usual and the stupid ones fail to get wise to the lies so it is little wonder we are in 70% deep poverty with areas as Baramita and region 8 experiencing totalized destitution and with Baramita complete breakdown of law and order. 

They need to stick with Shuman.  PPP, PNC don’t give a shit once they get into office!  Dem don’t even care bout Coolie or Blackman!

Owi you,  the sun shining from Shuman headquarters today. 

Everyday you wake up with a different feelings πŸ˜„

Banna shut yuh stupid skont.  I ain’t like you, cussing Blackman one day, cussing jagdeo next day, cheering black man dying one day, crying coolie dying next day!

Think of it, is low life skonts like you why Guyana is so fked up.  

The man was in NY, did you see me attend!  So shut yuh stupid ass up trying to interpret what I say.  You don’t have it in you!

Now run along and do what you do best, cuss Blackman!!

Owi bhai, me nah hopscotch like you. Me cussing some Blackman ... I have a reason and then me learn a little from you 😊 . Cussing Jagdeo when he do stupidness is good.. nothing wrang...

now, me friend next to me say ... low life people is them one who are like rolling stone and them nah know what the rass them want ... but me nah know if a true. 

let me see what else ... oh... me does torment you a little and does still like some ayo comments... does that mean I hate you man ... gash 

peace and love . 


Bai, nah tek on Base. He duz get confused from time to time. 

That said, I do think Amerindians should give their votes to Shuman.

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

Nice photos of our PRESIDENT.

Yeh bai, you notice that pic in the first post of him shaking hands, really nice eh?

Bai Cain, that banna ain’t president anymore. His presidency fell last December. Based on all his illegal shenanigans since last December, he is currently squatting in office illegally.

But there is another problem there. I feel bad for those people around him. He must really stink. It seems he wears the same clothes everyday so if he is not bothering to change his clothes, chances are he is also not bothering to shower.

Maybe that is why that Toshao banna was talking all that stupidness about respecting Granger. Maybe the stench was affecting his brain.


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