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PPP elections commissioner plans to block house-to-house registration


PPP GECOM Commissioners: (left to right) Sase Gunraj, Robeson Benn and Bibi Safora Shadick

Opposition-nominated elections commissioner, Robeson Benn has threatened to take Chief Elections Officer Keith Lowenfield to court to block the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) from conducting house-to-house registration.

Through his Attorney-at-law, Anil Nandlall, Benn said house-to-house registration would introduce residency status in Guyana as a new condition to be registered and that would result in thousands of overseas-based Guyanese being unable to vote.

“In the circumstances, I respectfully demand that you refrain from embarking on, or proceeding with, this unlawful and unconstitutional exercise, which will disenfranchise thousands of persons now qualified to vote.

If I do not hear from you within seven days of the date hereof, I will assume that you have rejected my demand and I will have no alternative but to advise my client to institute legal proceedings against you, to restrain you from embarking on, or proceeding with, the aforesaid house-to-house registration,” Nandlall told Lowenfield.

The letter was copied to Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Retired Justice James Patterson.

Nandlall, on behalf of elections commissioner Benn, contended that house-to-house registration would unconstitutionally bar Guyanese overseas from voting.

“The ultimate consequence of this decision of GECOM is that GECOM is, indirectly, adding a new qualifying requirement to vote, which is not provided for by the Constitution, and which is ultra vires the Constitution: that requirement is “residency within Guyana,” Nandlall said.

The three governing coalition commissioners and the GECOM Chairman reportedly voted in favour of house-to-house registration before General elections are held some time in November, 2019.

Pro-coalition elections commissioners Desmond Trotman, Charles Corbin and Vincent Alexander.

Nandlall contended that house-to-house registration would be fraught with hazards, including, the violation of the Constitution and the constitutional rights of qualified electors to vote and creating the potential for a subsequent vitiation of the entire elections.

He noted that Article 59 of Guyana’s Constitution states that “Subject to the provisions of Article 159, every person may vote at an election if he or she is of age eighteen years or upwards and is either a citizen of Guyana or a Commonwealth citizen domiciled and resident in Guyana.”

Article 159 provides that no one shall vote at an election unless he is registered as an elector and a person shall be qualified to be so registered, if on the qualifying day, that person is eighteen years and over and a citizen of Guyana or, a Commonwealth citizen, who is domiciled and resident in Guyana for a period of one year immediately preceding the qualifying date.”

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Since when is the house to house exercise unconstitutional?   Isn't the requirement that people be registered essential?  Also shouldn't deceased people not be removed. 


If Jagdeo stops behaving like a child he can insist that Guyanese who are already registered shouldn't be removed unless there is proof of death. 

In fact in many states in the USA your names are removed if you haven't voted for a while. And this being in NYS, not some Southern state with voter suppression.  So why not Guyana where accusations of rigged elections are legendary.

You know that if the PPP loses, even after a week of voter counts, they will scream "ahbe been rigged by dem black man!" and will rush off to T'dad to the CCJ (assuming that the latter rules in their favor).

So why not have a voter list which is reasonably accurate........that is unless the PPP was hoping to "vote on behalf of overseas based Guyanese" in other words, attempting to rig.


Through his Attorney-at-law, Anil Nandlall, Benn said house-to-house registration would introduce residency status in Guyana as a new condition to be registered and that would result in thousands of overseas-based Guyanese being unable to vote.


Article 159 provides that no one shall vote at an election unless he is registered as an elector and a person shall be qualified to be so registered, if on the qualifying day, that person is eighteen years and over and a citizen of Guyana or, a Commonwealth citizen, who is domiciled and resident in Guyana for a period of one year immediately preceding the qualifying date.


IF yuh hold merikan passport yuh cant vote. wah suh difficult fuh understand

Last edited by Pointblank
Pointblank posted:

Through his Attorney-at-law, Anil Nandlall, Benn said house-to-house registration would introduce residency status in Guyana as a new condition to be registered and that would result in thousands of overseas-based Guyanese being unable to vote.


Article 159 provides that no one shall vote at an election unless he is registered as an elector and a person shall be qualified to be so registered, if on the qualifying day, that person is eighteen years and over and a citizen of Guyana or, a Commonwealth citizen, who is domiciled and resident in Guyana for a period of one year immediately preceding the qualifying date.


IF yuh hold merikan passport yuh cant vote. wah suh difficult fuh understand

Article 159 indicates that all of the Indo Nazis who were planning to rush down and vote "so we can take wheh de govt from black man" will have to stay in Guyana for 12 months prior to the elections.  That is probably why Yuji has disappeared. Nehru and Skeldon should follow if they plan to vote.  Except that they will have to hope that elections aren't until next year.

caribny posted:
Pointblank posted:

Through his Attorney-at-law, Anil Nandlall, Benn said house-to-house registration would introduce residency status in Guyana as a new condition to be registered and that would result in thousands of overseas-based Guyanese being unable to vote.


Article 159 provides that no one shall vote at an election unless he is registered as an elector and a person shall be qualified to be so registered, if on the qualifying day, that person is eighteen years and over and a citizen of Guyana or, a Commonwealth citizen, who is domiciled and resident in Guyana for a period of one year immediately preceding the qualifying date.


IF yuh hold merikan passport yuh cant vote. wah suh difficult fuh understand

Article 159 indicates that all of the Indo Nazis who were planning to rush down and vote "so we can take wheh de govt from black man" will have to stay in Guyana for 12 months prior to the elections.  That is probably why Yuji has disappeared. Nehru and Skeldon should follow if they plan to vote.  Except that they will have to hope that elections aren't until next year.

Hoh skont, mi plans gone fuh channa!  I have my residency set up in Belair, Guyana passport in hand.  I going and vote!

Banna, if you are a Guyanese born dual citizen and living in Guyana, you can vote.  The dual citizen exclusion extends to voting rights as an MP.  

Ray posted:


He needs a bigger key dem new ones for autistic kids

....his fingers too big, so he typing 2 words every time he hit the letter on the key board... 

Baseman posted:

Hoh skont, mi plans gone fuh channa!  I have my residency set up in Belair, Guyana passport in hand.  I going and vote!

Banna, if you are a Guyanese born dual citizen and living in Guyana, you can vote.  The dual citizen exclusion extends to voting rights as an MP.  

You better have evidence that you have been living in Guyana since November.  You have to satisfy 3 conditions.  Firstly that you are a citizen of Guyana, or some Commonwealth nation (so you can pull out your Canadian passport), secondly that you are registered and thirdly that you have been living in GY for 12 months prior to the election.

Now go and thank Granger for giving you time to pull off your scam as you know that Indo Nazis will be given a hard time to vote.

Jagdeo can flood GY with tons of Indo Nazis from Caroni and show proof that they have been living in GY for 12 months. He should thank Granger for giving him time to pull off that scam. All they need is a T&T passport.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Hoh skont, mi plans gone fuh channa!  I have my residency set up in Belair, Guyana passport in hand.  I going and vote!

Banna, if you are a Guyanese born dual citizen and living in Guyana, you can vote.  The dual citizen exclusion extends to voting rights as an MP.  

You better have evidence that you have been living in Guyana since November.

Now go and thank Granger for giving you time to pull off your scam as you know that Indo Nazis will be given a hard time to vote.

Do you have to show that you were living there consistently for 12 months (it will be difficult for government to disprove that a person who claim to be there was not actually there) or do you have to show proof that you were in the country 12 months ago?

VishMahabir posted:

Do you have to show that you were living there consistently for 12 months (it will be difficult for government to disprove that a person who claim to be there was not actually there) or do you have to show proof that you were in the country 12 months ago?

It says 12 months in residence, which is different from 12 months visiting, so it implied continuous residence.

Now when I say "Indo Nazi" I mean Indians who hate blacks.  However the PNC defines "Indo Nazi" to mean any Indian who isn't going to vote Coalition.

We can usual sniff out PPP Indos so Baseman will not get away with it. We have trick questions, which I will not disclose for security reasons. If you fail then you will have to show proof that you were in Guyana all 365 days prior to the date of the election.

Hindus are especially scrutinized.  People from the Corentyne are also deeply suspect.   If you are a Hindu from the Corentyne you have to show PNC or WPA membership, as this by definition makes the PNC think that you are an Indo Nazi and Charrandas' treachery made it even worse. GT Indos might be able to pass the test even if PPP die hards.  If they don't tremble and flee when Volda bellows at them the scrutiny is also less, also if they know how to wine (though this doesn't work for Indo Trinis as it is assumed that they can wine so this isn't a test.

And Prashad shouldn't bother.

Last edited by Former Member

and by the way if a black Bajan comes in, says he has a distant cousin living in Guyana all he needs to do is visit 12 months before the election, and be present in Guyana when the House to House people visit his cousin's home.   You see the PNC must win especially now that Harmon isn't an MP.

caribny posted:

and by the way if a black Bajan comes in, says he has a distant cousin living in Guyana all he needs to do is visit 12 months before the election, and be present in Guyana when the House to House people visit his cousin's home.   You see the PNC must win especially now that Harmon isn't an MP.

Look like you enjoying this....


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