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While I know that Jagdeo's name is Leader of Mischief and Confusion I am also concerned that Guyanese are thinking that after 2020 heaven will descend on Guyana and all their worries will be washed away.

I will love it if the gov't were to publish estimates of its anticipated revenues for each of the years 2020-25 and to disclose exactly how reimbursements of Exxon's development costs (as dictated by the agreement) will be paid out.

Every utterance from the gov't is that Guyanese should drop everything and prepare for this oil bonanza. Maybe the gov't needs to inform Guyanese in a realistic way as to where these opportunities will exist.  This so that people don't engage in waste as they did when Jagdeo screamed that every Guyanese should be building hotels in anticipation of the CWC 2007. GT is now full of empty rooms as foreign execs will not go to facilities below a certain standard, especially in a place which is not seen as safe or "tourist friendly".


APNU+AFC has been touting economic nirvana from "first oil" in 2020. Christopher Ram, Charles Ramson and other experts have cautioned "not so fast, hold your horses." Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has basically endorsed the oil & gas experts' views.

In comes Joe Harmon & DPI propagandists panicking with "ignore the doom and gloom rants" of Jagdeo. Sheer echo from past darkness. Remember how the PNC regime had promised to "feed, clothe and house the nation by 1976"? Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan had said "mission impossible." PNC screamed that Jagan was preaching doom and gloom. Remember how PNC used to boast about "bumper rice crops"? Jagan had countered: "Lies. Farmers are abandoning the land." Again the PNC screamed that Jagan was preaching doom and gloom.

Just as voters got fed up with empty promises and kicked the PNC out in 1992, they will kick APNU+AFC out in 2020 if not before. This is a government of fat promises. Like Jagan, "doom and gloom" Jagdeo will be vindicated. Echoes from the past playing out.

Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC has been touting economic nirvana from "first oil" in 2020. Christopher Ram, Charles Ramson and other experts have cautioned "not so fast, hold your horses." Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has basically endorsed the oil & gas experts' views.


Please stop being foolish. When commodity prices soared during the Great Recession, sparing Guyana (and T&T, and Suriname) of the challenges that the service based Caribbean countries faced Jagdeo screamed nirvana due to "excellent" PPP policies.  This when prior to this the economy was either stagnant or in decline and what activity that existed was in speculative real estate and retail ventures (money laundering).

Jagdeo is jealous that "first oil" will not happen under him and terrified that the electorate might decide to see how the Coalition handles it rather than putting the PPP in power.

You have returned back to your tribal pastures so no longer can be seen as attempting objectivity.  The PPP was given 23 years to deliver on their promises but failed to do so, even retaining Burnham's constitution.

Last edited by Former Member

Saudi Arabia began exporting shrimp to China.  The Saudis know that revenues from energy will decrease significantly in the future . They have to develop other industries to create jobs and generate revenues.  Let it be a lesson for Guyana. 



Billy Ram Balgobin

2020 is one year and two weeks from today.  Exactly when is the oil money coming.  Exxon keeps finding new wells and send bills to the Gov’t for drilling and other fees.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC has been touting economic nirvana from "first oil" in 2020. Christopher Ram, Charles Ramson and other experts have cautioned "not so fast, hold your horses." Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has basically endorsed the oil & gas experts' views.

In comes Joe Harmon & DPI propagandists panicking with "ignore the doom and gloom rants" of Jagdeo. Sheer echo from past darkness. Remember how the PNC regime had promised to "feed, clothe and house the nation by 1976"? Opposition Leader Cheddi Jagan had said "mission impossible." PNC screamed that Jagan was preaching doom and gloom. Remember how PNC used to boast about "bumper rice crops"? Jagan had countered: "Lies. Farmers are abandoning the land." Again the PNC screamed that Jagan was preaching doom and gloom.

Just as voters got fed up with empty promises and kicked the PNC out in 1992, they will kick APNU+AFC out in 2020 if not before. This is a government of fat promises. Like Jagan, "doom and gloom" Jagdeo will be vindicated. Echoes from the past playing out.

The PNC had nothing to show for their 28 years of rule through rigged elections.  They left a bankrupt country in 1992 buried in debt.  PNC part 2 is outspending PNC part 1.  And the consequences will be worse.

Bibi Haniffa

Some of the die hard pnc fellows will follow them off the edge of a cliff which is where they are leading Guyana, while skillfully filling their pockets from the nations coffers. Meanwhile the slopsters have their head in the sand and excuse every crooked action of the PNC. 

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo full of shit too, just like Caribj, in the mirror men!

Jagdeo is right here even if for the wrong reasons because he would have done the same. Remember, the give away began with JJ and extended through his regime where EXXON was given gratis some 600 oil plots. He is however right as the lure of oil cash has the APNU intoxication with potential good life from graft . The People will suffer like the suffer in every oil rich economy on the planet minus a tiny few in the first world. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The oil money for the next five years have already been spent according to one Guyanese 😅

they are racking up loans left and right, so yes...they are already spending it. Meanwhile we do not know where the first money from oil, 18 million, disappeared to.... If that obvious black hole does not peak the interest of the curious or portends what will happen in the future then keep buying bridges for cheap.

Drugb posted:

Some of the die hard pnc fellows will follow them off the edge of a cliff which is where they are leading Guyana, while skillfully filling their pockets from the nations coffers. Meanwhile the slopsters have their head in the sand and excuse every crooked action of the PNC. 

ah shut the ....up. Were you not carrying slop cans for the PPP? Not a damn word about their thievery during their existence but you still have the nerve to present yourself as the moral one here...take your ugly behind da side! Ugly here does not mean your lack "good looks"  but your ugly mind. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PNC had nothing to show for their 28 years of rule through rigged elections.  They left a bankrupt country in 1992 buried in debt.  PNC part 2 is outspending PNC part 1.  And the consequences will be worse.

Indeed they do not but your gods in the PPP similarly pillaged the state and matched the PPP on every metrics for horrible government from extra judicial murder to thievery, incompetence and negligence. They even stole a seat from the AFC so electioneering was not outside their portfolio.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC has been touting economic nirvana from "first oil" in 2020. Christopher Ram, Charles Ramson and other experts have cautioned "not so fast, hold your horses." Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has basically endorsed the oil & gas experts' views.


Please stop being foolish. When commodity prices soared during the Great Recession, sparing Guyana (and T&T, and Suriname) of the challenges that the service based Caribbean countries faced Jagdeo screamed nirvana due to "excellent" PPP policies.  This when prior to this the economy was either stagnant or in decline and what activity that existed was in speculative real estate and retail ventures (money laundering).

Jagdeo is jealous that "first oil" will not happen under him and terrified that the electorate might decide to see how the Coalition handles it rather than putting the PPP in power.

You have returned back to your tribal pastures so no longer can be seen as attempting objectivity.  The PPP was given 23 years to deliver on their promises but failed to do so, even retaining Burnham's constitution.

Jagdeo may be grieving he does not have his proboscis in the nations blood stream but he is right in his warnings. As I said earlier, greed is what motivates people with absolute power as he had and now the PNC has. They cannot avoid their curse. 


We need to focus on the reality we are strolling the wide avenues of the resource curse with every thing we presently do. The PNC Is not healing the sociry or relinquishing authoritarian power. We are on the way to being another equatorial Guinea or Nigeria and Angola. 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo full of shit too, just like Caribj, in the mirror men!

Jagdeo is right here even if for the wrong reasons because he would have done the same. Remember, the give away began with JJ and extended through his regime where EXXON was given gratis some 600 oil plots. He is however right as the lure of oil cash has the APNU intoxication with potential good life from graft . The People will suffer like the suffer in every oil rich economy on the planet minus a tiny few in the first world. 

Right for the wrong reasons because!!!!  You assuming what either will do based on whom.

I’m taking his own words and trying to understand his logic.   Would the PNC screw up, I’m sure they will.  But how can;

- investment in infrastructure be bad?

- how is investment in the sovereign fund be spending out?

- why is a direct assault on poverty be bad?

Lumping these as ”wasteful spending” makes no sense. This is exactly what this windfall should be used for.  

The PPP might have different approaches, but I cannot believe they would have wanted anything vastly different.   

caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

APNU+AFC has been touting economic nirvana from "first oil" in 2020. Christopher Ram, Charles Ramson and other experts have cautioned "not so fast, hold your horses." Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has basically endorsed the oil & gas experts' views.


Please stop being foolish. When commodity prices soared during the Great Recession, sparing Guyana (and T&T, and Suriname) of the challenges that the service based Caribbean countries faced Jagdeo screamed nirvana due to "excellent" PPP policies.  This when prior to this the economy was either stagnant or in decline and what activity that existed was in speculative real estate and retail ventures (money laundering).

Jagdeo is jealous that "first oil" will not happen under him and terrified that the electorate might decide to see how the Coalition handles it rather than putting the PPP in power.

You have returned back to your tribal pastures so no longer can be seen as attempting objectivity.  The PPP was given 23 years to deliver on their promises but failed to do so, even retaining Burnham's constitution.

The PNC boys got resources to play with in 2020 which the PPP could have only dreamt of.  If they play that card well, they could pull off a 2020 victory.  

That $5,000 per family poverty reduction initiative, not sure how BJ can discredit that in 2020!  

There are lots of poor illiterate Indians who might give the PNC a shot.  The PPP nirvana economy left these people in the ditches!

D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Some of the die hard pnc fellows will follow them off the edge of a cliff which is where they are leading Guyana, while skillfully filling their pockets from the nations coffers. Meanwhile the slopsters have their head in the sand and excuse every crooked action of the PNC. 

ah shut the ....up. Were you not carrying slop cans for the PPP? Not a damn word about their thievery during their existence but you still have the nerve to present yourself as the moral one here...take your ugly behind da side! Ugly here does not mean your lack "good looks"  but your ugly mind. 

I am unaware of ppp thievery. Maybe as a public service you can educate us here and provide the evidence of this thievery which a high powered panel called SARA/SARU/SOCU etc filled with pnc appointees have yet to prove 3 1/2 years into this administration. 


Hey hey hey...dem bais invent more corruption dan PPP commit. De plan was to get patronage and create wuk sayin how dem finding PPP tiefin. Hey hey hey. Dem coolies tief off de book and dem blackman like Thamas/PNC one lovers tief pon de book. Hey hey hey...

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

Some of the die hard pnc fellows will follow them off the edge of a cliff which is where they are leading Guyana, while skillfully filling their pockets from the nations coffers. Meanwhile the slopsters have their head in the sand and excuse every crooked action of the PNC. 

ah shut the ....up. Were you not carrying slop cans for the PPP? Not a damn word about their thievery during their existence but you still have the nerve to present yourself as the moral one here...take your ugly behind da side! Ugly here does not mean your lack "good looks"  but your ugly mind. 

I am unaware of ppp thievery. Maybe as a public service you can educate us here and provide the evidence of this thievery which a high powered panel called SARA/SARU/SOCU etc filled with pnc appointees have yet to prove 3 1/2 years into this administration. 

Use the same criteria for examining thievery in the APNU as a strategy to investigate what the PPP did and maybe the mote will be removed from your eyes. 

Baseman posted:

The difference between the PPP and PNC, PPP feed the cow 🐄 grass then milk it, PNC milk the cow and now looking for grass.

Thats the difference between the PPP and the PNC!

That is the bigot in you thinking. The two are no different in by any criteria and are similar since they participate in the same social ethos and are driven to act in similar manner given similar circumstances. That they will both inevitably steal is a consequence of absolute power. That they will both hire their own kith and kin is also per our ethnic based political divisions.  The PPP does not seem to know a damn thing abour cows, grass ( rice and sugar cane included) or milk. Under t heir watch all of these industries were brought to ruin. 

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The difference between the PPP and PNC, PPP feed the cow 🐄 grass then milk it, PNC milk the cow and now looking for grass.

Thats the difference between the PPP and the PNC!

That is the bigot in you thinking. The two are no different in by any criteria and are similar since they participate in the same social ethos and are driven to act in similar manner given similar circumstances. That they will both inevitably steal is a consequence of absolute power


Yes, no one says they had no ills, I would never say that.  However, the PPP began to over indulge some time after getting the house in order.  The PNC got into power and before the figure out where the men’s room was located, they voted themselves massive salary increases, so much so that the IMF issued a caution!

D2 posted:

Use the same criteria for examining thievery in the APNU as a strategy to investigate what the PPP did and maybe the mote will be removed from your eyes. 

Just as I thought, another sakiwinki is a bird story hey. 


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