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Dealing With Guilt

Ephesians 1:3-14

Yesterday we saw that guilt can be false or legitimate. But in either case, its effect on us is the same.

Feeling ashamed can lead us to doubt God’s presence, provision, or promises. We might struggle to believe He loves us, and if the emotions are strong enough, we may even question our salvation. Guilt can cause us to forget we are free from condemnation (Rom. 8:1) and can make us fearful that God is judging us harshly.

Another response to self-reproach is to try and pay the Lord back for our real or imagined mistakes. To earn His approval, we get compulsively busy and stay that way. Then, there’s remorse over “shoulds,” “oughts,” and “musts”—guilt over unfinished tasks can rob us of pleasure in our relationships, as we question our use of time. Such self-condemnation can lead to discouragement and depression.

Because of guilt’s corrosive power, we need to take care of it quickly. When we have broken God’s commands, the solution is to repent and accept the Lord’s forgiveness. False guilt, on the other hand, is erased by embracing biblical truth:

I am special. God chose me and is transforming me into Christ’s image.

I am loved. God loves me unconditionally, unalterably, and continuously.

I am forgiven. Jesus paid the full price for my every sin. God has permanently forgiven me and adopted me into His family.

God has provided a way out from the burden of guilt you carry. Won’t you accept His offer?

-Intouch Ministries-


If it is God who chooses to transform some people into Christ's image and that makes those people special it would have to mean that God chose to deny about 75% of the people he created from being special. 


The People God Uses

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Think of a time when you were asked to handle a particular task at church but felt you didn’t have enough education, experience, or ability to do it. We all tend to feel like this on occasion and may even offer God excuses why we couldn’t possibly be the one to take on the project. But the Lord doesn’t always use strong, influential, or accomplished people to do His work.

In fact, God often chooses to have His work done through those whom the world regards as foolish, weak, unimpressive, or ordinary. He has two main purposes for doing this. First of all, by accomplishing great things through unexceptional people, He proves that the world’s wisdom is foolishness. And second, God’s people don’t have any reason to boast: They have no power to save themselves and no ability to serve Him apart from His strength and wisdom.

God isn’t interested in impressive human talent and natural ability. He’s looking for humble people who are totally dependent upon Him and willing to make themselves available for whatever He calls them to do. Moses didn’t feel the Lord could use him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he wasn’t eloquent, but he became one of the greatest leaders in Jewish history. David was young and had no experience as a warrior, but the Spirit of God empowered him to kill a giant with one small stone.

If you’re a believer, it doesn’t matter how young or old you are or how qualified you feel. If you’ll simply depend on Christ, make yourself available, and obey Him, He’ll use you for His glory.

-Intouch Ministries-

Keith posted:

The People God Uses

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Think of a time when you were asked to handle a particular task at church but felt you didn’t have enough education, experience, or ability to do it. We all tend to feel like this on occasion and may even offer God excuses why we couldn’t possibly be the one to take on the project. But the Lord doesn’t always use strong, influential, or accomplished people to do His work.

In fact, God often chooses to have His work done through those whom the world regards as foolish, weak, unimpressive, or ordinary. He has two main purposes for doing this. First of all, by accomplishing great things through unexceptional people, He proves that the world’s wisdom is foolishness. And second, God’s people don’t have any reason to boast: They have no power to save themselves and no ability to serve Him apart from His strength and wisdom.

God isn’t interested in impressive human talent and natural ability. He’s looking for humble people who are totally dependent upon Him and willing to make themselves available for whatever He calls them to do. Moses didn’t feel the Lord could use him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he wasn’t eloquent, but he became one of the greatest leaders in Jewish history. David was young and had no experience as a warrior, but the Spirit of God empowered him to kill a giant with one small stone.

If you’re a believer, it doesn’t matter how young or old you are or how qualified you feel. If you’ll simply depend on Christ, make yourself available, and obey Him, He’ll use you for His glory.

-Intouch Ministries-

Thought slavery was abolished. Do we still have slave masters?


Prior to Jesus, God demanded that people EARN their salvation. Even Jesus perform the same rituals as those before him to EARN his salvation. After Jesus left, Paul started preaching that people are not saved by works but rather by grace. Jesus must be thinking, "wish someone had told me that so I don't waste all that time with all those rituals". Now they say that Jesus' blood has washed away the sins of the world. Yet they insist the world is still full of sin. Everything about Jesus is like a world of confusion.

Keith posted:

The People God Uses

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Think of a time when you were asked to handle a particular task at church but felt you didn’t have enough education, experience, or ability to do it. We all tend to feel like this on occasion and may even offer God excuses why we couldn’t possibly be the one to take on the project. But the Lord doesn’t always use strong, influential, or accomplished people to do His work.

In fact, God often chooses to have His work done through those whom the world regards as foolish, weak, unimpressive, or ordinary. He has two main purposes for doing this. First of all, by accomplishing great things through unexceptional people, He proves that the world’s wisdom is foolishness. And second, God’s people don’t have any reason to boast: They have no power to save themselves and no ability to serve Him apart from His strength and wisdom.

God isn’t interested in impressive human talent and natural ability. He’s looking for humble people who are totally dependent upon Him and willing to make themselves available for whatever He calls them to do. Moses didn’t feel the Lord could use him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt because he wasn’t eloquent, but he became one of the greatest leaders in Jewish history. David was young and had no experience as a warrior, but the Spirit of God empowered him to kill a giant with one small stone.

If you’re a believer, it doesn’t matter how young or old you are or how qualified you feel. If you’ll simply depend on Christ, make yourself available, and obey Him, He’ll use you for His glory.

-Intouch Ministries-

Isn't God the creator of the world, its people and their talent and natural abilities? Why then is he so adversarial to it? Maybe he lost confidence in himself when he saw that his creature Satan has taken over the world he created. You snooze you lose. Maybe he shouldn't have taken that nap on the seventh day.


Can You Trust Your Conscience?

1 Timothy 1:18-19

To enable us to distinguish between what is morally right and wrong, God has given us a conscience. It is His gift to help us avoid shipwreck in our lives. Your conscience serves as a kind of spiritual radar; the condition you keep it in will determine how much you can trust it.

The sacred conscience is one that has been kept spotless through confession of sin (1 John 1:9) and reflects a desire to know and follow God’s will. Once we are cleansed, we can live without guilt, walking openly and transparently before the Lord. When we do sin, we know immediately that we need to get right with God.

The struggling conscience is clogged with rules and regulations, and its spirit of legalism makes us critical of our performance. Having created our own radar system of “should, ought, and must,” we’ve used it to determine right or wrong. In doing so, we fail to understand God’s righteousness, which can never be replaced with self-righteousness.

The soiled conscience is stained from harboring sin. If we consistently choose our way over God’s, we lose sight of what’s suitable and true. Excuses like “I can’t help it” add to our lack of peace and the unreliability of our inner compass.

The seared conscience is insensitive to sin. When we continually resist and ignore its warnings, such a conscience will, over time, become numb to moral alarm.

Ask God to show you how well your internal conscience is operating, and then allow Him to restore it.

-InTouch Ministries-

Keith posted:

Can You Trust Your Conscience?

1 Timothy 1:18-19

To enable us to distinguish between what is morally right and wrong, God has given us a conscience. It is His gift to help us avoid shipwreck in our lives. Your conscience serves as a kind of spiritual radar; the condition you keep it in will determine how much you can trust it.

The sacred conscience is one that has been kept spotless through confession of sin (1 John 1:9) and reflects a desire to know and follow God’s will. Once we are cleansed, we can live without guilt, walking openly and transparently before the Lord. When we do sin, we know immediately that we need to get right with God.

The struggling conscience is clogged with rules and regulations, and its spirit of legalism makes us critical of our performance. Having created our own radar system of “should, ought, and must,” we’ve used it to determine right or wrong. In doing so, we fail to understand God’s righteousness, which can never be replaced with self-righteousness.

The soiled conscience is stained from harboring sin. If we consistently choose our way over God’s, we lose sight of what’s suitable and true. Excuses like “I can’t help it” add to our lack of peace and the unreliability of our inner compass.

The seared conscience is insensitive to sin. When we continually resist and ignore its warnings, such a conscience will, over time, become numb to moral alarm.

Ask God to show you how well your internal conscience is operating, and then allow Him to restore it.

-InTouch Ministries-

What happens if I ask god the question and his response was positive?  What happens then?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Keith posted:

Can You Trust Your Conscience?

1 Timothy 1:18-19


Ask God to show you how well your internal conscience is operating, and then allow Him to restore it.

-InTouch Ministries-

What happens if I ask god the question and his response was positive?  What happens then?

My guess is that Keith believes that would ONLY be possible if you are a Christian. And ONLY a non-Catholic Christian. So God has no place for nearly 75% of the people he created. Well. He does. Hell. Because as he proudly stated, He is a jealous God who has no problems pouring fire and brimstones on those nearly 75% of the people He created.


Blessed to Bless Others

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

God’s blessings to us are not meant to end with us. His desire is that they filter down to others. This principle applies in all areas of our life, including our finances. Did you know that our heavenly Father has plans for our money? God’s children generally want to discover what His will is for their life, but so often they fail to consult Him about His desires for their paycheck.

The Lord graciously supplies us with income so we can provide for our needs and even some of our desires. But He also wants us to use our money to achieve His purposes. And one of His goals is that we share our resources with others. If we decide in our heart to participate in His plans, He commits to provide all we need to live and to share.

Just look at His extravagant promise in 2 Corinthians 9:8: “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed” (emphasis added). This encouraging scripture is a good reminder that sharing blessings with others will never lead to deprivation. In fact, the Lord promises to increase the harvest of our righteousness and enrich us in everything in response to our generosity. We can never outgive God.

A hoarded blessing is never enjoyed as richly as a shared one. Using your gift to meet someone else’s need glorifies the Lord by demonstrating His grace at work in your life. Don’t allow His generous provisions to end with you. Pass them on to others and discover the joy of a never-ending cycle of blessings.

-InTouch Ministries-

Last edited by Keith
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keith posted:

Can You Trust Your Conscience?

1 Timothy 1:18-19


Ask God to show you how well your internal conscience is operating, and then allow Him to restore it.

-InTouch Ministries-

What happens if I ask god the question and his response was positive?  What happens then?

My guess is that Keith believes that would ONLY be possible if you are a Christian. And ONLY a non-Catholic Christian. So God has no place for nearly 75% of the people he created. Well. He does. Hell. Because as he proudly stated, He is a jealous God who has no problems pouring fire and brimstones on those nearly 75% of the people He created.

Looks like Keith doesn't want to answer ant question where he cannot cut and paste from the bible.


I have been watching the two Sunday night shows on CNN. Finding Jesus and Believer. On last night's Finding Jesus they focused on a building that they believe was Jesus' childhood home but they concluded that while there are some elements that it may be, they don't know for sure. All these preachers who regularly talk to God and God talks back to them and still God wouldn't clarify it for them. Like everything about Jesus, nobody knows for sure. Imagine after 2000 years preachers still have to convince people that Jesus actually existed. That he wasn't an imaginary person.

ksazma posted:

I have been watching the two Sunday night shows on CNN. Finding Jesus and Believer. On last night's Finding Jesus they focused on a building that they believe was Jesus' childhood home but they concluded that while there are some elements that it may be, they don't know for sure. All these preachers who regularly talk to God and God talks back to them and still God wouldn't clarify it for them. Like everything about Jesus, nobody knows for sure. Imagine after 2000 years preachers still have to convince people that Jesus actually existed. That he wasn't an imaginary person.

Most of the time carbon dating have proven them wrong. Not sure why these dudes continue to push this crap. Reminds me of the redneck show "Finding Bigfoot", they always see something behind the bushes but cannot get a picture of big foot. I think these shows are money making fakes. I also watched these shows on CNN.


Christian preachers are not in favor of carbon dating because of their revelations. For 1000 years people of that church thought that the piece of wood embedded in the cross in their church was part of Jesus' actual cross brought to Rome by Constantine's mother, Helen only to be proven to be a new piece of wood that was less than 1000 years.

By the way, that guy Reza Aslan is one courageous guy. In the episode last Sunday he was in Haiti doing a piece on Voodoo and toward the end the guy who the spirit was in had a machete on Reza's head pressing it but not cutting Reza. Wonder what he will be doing next week.


Inadequacy as a Barrier

Ephesians 3:14-21

Do you ever feel unequal to the task God has set in front of you? At times, all of us struggle with such feelings because certain responsibilities appear to be bigger than one human being is able to accomplish. Problems can develop when we wear inadequacy like a cloak in order to protect ourselves from doing the Lord’s work. We sometimes try to convince ourselves that a task is too great or that God expects too much.

When this is the case, we might be tempted to turn away from some tremendous God-given opportunities. For example, sometimes the Lord provides a situation that is just right for sharing the good news of Christ with a coworker, family member, or acquaintance. But how often do we back off and end up squandering such opportune moments because we’re afraid we won’t know what to say?

Inadequacy grows out of fear—specifically, fear of failure and of not meeting people’s expectations. No matter how unqualified we feel, apprehension is not an acceptable excuse for avoiding responsibility. The truth is, even if a Christian feels incapable of accomplishing some of the awesome tasks God calls him to do, the Holy Spirit is more than adequate! As believers, we do not have to possess perfect qualifications or skills; we need only to be willing.

What have you refused to do for the Lord because you feel inadequate? 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that God has given us a spirit of power, not one of timidity. All the believer has to do is step out in faith; the Holy Spirit’s strength and courage will be there to meet us.

-InTouch Ministries-


After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, many evangelicals went to Haiti to spread the word of Christ. Because of their network they are able to open shelters, schools and food distribution centers to help the destitutes of Haiti. Unfortunately, the biggest complaint of the Haitians about these evangelicals is that they don't extend these services and benefits to Haitians who want to keep their Voodoo religion. In a sense they are forced to become Christians if they want help. The evangelicals argue that it is their fault that they choose their Voodoo beliefs which keeps them in poverty than Christ who can make them prosperous.

ksazma posted:

Christian preachers are not in favor of carbon dating because of their revelations. For 1000 years people of that church thought that the piece of wood embedded in the cross in their church was part of Jesus' actual cross brought to Rome by Constantine's mother, Helen only to be proven to be a new piece of wood that was less than 1000 years.

By the way, that guy Reza Aslan is one courageous guy. In the episode last Sunday he was in Haiti doing a piece on Voodoo and toward the end the guy who the spirit was in had a machete on Reza's head pressing it but not cutting Reza. Wonder what he will be doing next week.

ksazma posted:

Christian preachers are not in favor of carbon dating because of their revelations. For 1000 years people of that church thought that the piece of wood embedded in the cross in their church was part of Jesus' actual cross brought to Rome by Constantine's mother, Helen only to be proven to be a new piece of wood that was less than 1000 years.

By the way, that guy Reza Aslan is one courageous guy. In the episode last Sunday he was in Haiti doing a piece on Voodoo and toward the end the guy who the spirit was in had a machete on Reza's head pressing it but not cutting Reza. Wonder what he will be doing next week.

Reza is one brave dude. Saw him also in India. The Indian "cannibal" started pissing in his hand and drinking it. I also watched the Haiti episode. I had to switch away when they brought the black ram goat to be sacrificed. I could not watch them doing any killing. I am not sure I trust those voodoo people. Tasting the raw goat blood was strange.


I couldn't watch the killing either. I don't have the stomach to watch animals being killed. I am not afraid of voodoo but I wouldn't want to be in the midst of a ritual though.


Inadequacy as a Blessing

2 Corinthians 3:1-6

Inadequacy can be a roadblock to doing the Lord’s will—it can deter us from stepping out in faith to accomplish what God calls us to do. It’s no sin to feel insufficient, but we can transgress by not attempting to overcome that attitude. In contrast, a right response to shortcomings can turn inadequacy to blessing.

Even the apostle Paul felt inadequate, but he didn’t allow his feelings to hold him prisoner and prevent his sharing the gospel. (See 1 Tim. 1:15-16.) Instead, he allowed recognition of his limitations to drive him closer to God. For believers, the correct reaction is more prayer and biblical meditation so that our reliance upon the Lord strengthens. As we shed the burden of relying on our own strength, we become motivated to work in the power of the Holy Spirit.

God’s Spirit enables us to achieve whatever it is we are called to do. The disciples followed Jesus for years, but His final instructions left no doubt concerning their limitations: Go and tell the world about Me after you have received the Spirit’s power (Acts 1:4-8). Jesus’ disciples were inadequate, too.

But our inadequacy enables God to demonstrate the great things He can do with so little. Remember that Moses and David were mere shepherds, and Gideon was least among Israel’s men (Judg. 6:15), yet the Lord accomplished amazing feats through them.

Our inadequacy can turn out to be a blessing by driving us into a stronger relationship with God. We can say with Paul, “I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Cor. 12:9).


Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

ksazma posted:

I have been watching the two Sunday night shows on CNN. Finding Jesus and Believer. On last night's Finding Jesus they focused on a building that they believe was Jesus' childhood home but they concluded that while there are some elements that it may be, they don't know for sure. All these preachers who regularly talk to God and God talks back to them and still God wouldn't clarify it for them. Like everything about Jesus, nobody knows for sure. Imagine after 2000 years preachers still have to convince people that Jesus actually existed. That he wasn't an imaginary person.

The world has very very few BELIEVERS. 

Obviously, u r not one of dem.

To be a believer is not a convincing job.

It is a pre-ordained thing.

Something like being a Brahmin.


But, then there are people who instantly recieves a BLESSING.

For them, there is absolutely no doubts, for Christ is real.

During a BELIEVER's lifetime, a DIVINE VISITATION will take place.

The visit is not to eatablish proof. Rather is it for Comfort, because the world has alot of stupid people of races and relgions.



I doan really know what you meant there Brother Siggy but I do believe there was a Gentle Jesus and he may have done some healings during his lifetime. I wont go much further than to say during some of my therapies I have seen healings take place. I would never call myself a healer even though some practioners do which I find presumptious. I believe the body has ways of healing itself and with the right help it sometimes works which could seem to some as being a miracle.


Turning Inadequacy Into Victory

Philippians 2:13

In every life, a sense of insufficiency will surface from time to time, but through the Holy Spirit, we have the power to combat it. Like the many insufficient but willing saints who have gone before us, we can turn inadequacy into victory.

1. Acknowledge your weakness. Suppose a neighbor walks across the yard and tells you about his sister’s life-threatening illness. He is upset and scared, wondering what comes after death. You clearly sense God speaking in your heart, urging you to explain His saving grace to the man, but inadequacy nearly drowns out the prompting. Feeling unsure is a normal human reaction, and following God’s directive requires that we acknowledge our fear—for example, by praying, “Lord, I don’t feel capable of witnessing to my neighbor.”

2. Pray for strength. Say to God, “Father, I know this is what You want me to do, so I am trusting You to be true to Your Word. You said You would make me adequate in Christ Jesus.” The Lord assumes responsibility for enabling you to know what to say, how to say it, and the spirit in which to deliver His message.

3. Step out in faith. Do something that propels you into the God-given opportunity, allowing Him to prove His power and your ability when you rely upon Him.

Let the Lord turn your inadequacy into victory—He delights in proving Himself in His children’s lives. The key is to look beyond our limitations to Jesus Christ’s total sufficiency. Only then can we live joyfully and confidently, even when we are painfully aware of our personal shortcomings.

ksazma posted:

Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

There are some who are inadequate no matter how simple you break it down they cannot grasp the ability to comprehend which result in an display of ignorance day after day. You fits that category well and you wear it like a badge of honor.

Last edited by Keith
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

There are some who are inadequate no matter how simple you break it down they cannot grasp the ability to comprehend which result in an display of ignorance day after day. You fits that category well and you wear it like a badge of honor.

Dude for a Christian you are really mean spirited. Now people would expect that from me since I am not a Christian but what is your excuse?


Miracles mean nothing. Even Jesus said that some would perform miracles which would fool even the very elect. Anyone remember those evangelicals and their miracles? Billy Graham used to heal lots of people but he couldn't heal himself. He had to pass the baton to his extremist son Franklin because he was too weak to keep up his schedule. Believers of Jesus are supposed to have faith and trust in Jesus but even Jesus had moments when he lost faith and trust in God. Pie in sky preaching.

ksazma posted:
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

There are some who are inadequate no matter how simple you break it down they cannot grasp the ability to comprehend which result in an display of ignorance day after day. You fits that category well and you wear it like a badge of honor.

Dude for a Christian you are really mean spirited. Now people would expect that from me since I am not a Christian but what is your excuse?

just stating the obvious buddy

ksazma posted:

Miracles mean nothing. Even Jesus said that some would perform miracles which would fool even the very elect. Anyone remember those evangelicals and their miracles? Billy Graham used to heal lots of people but he couldn't heal himself. He had to pass the baton to his extremist son Franklin because he was too weak to keep up his schedule. Believers of Jesus are supposed to have faith and trust in Jesus but even Jesus had moments when he lost faith and trust in God. Pie in sky preaching.

You speak of things as though you have an understanding of the Bible and even when one of knowledge clarify that what you failed to understand you resist which is not surprising at all because it's your motto to reject others opinion because you are right in your own eye.

Last edited by Keith
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

There are some who are inadequate no matter how simple you break it down they cannot grasp the ability to comprehend which result in an display of ignorance day after day. You fits that category well and you wear it like a badge of honor.

Dude for a Christian you are really mean spirited. Now people would expect that from me since I am not a Christian but what is your excuse?

just stating the obvious buddy

What? That you are a Christian and mean spirited!

Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Miracles mean nothing. Even Jesus said that some would perform miracles which would fool even the very elect. Anyone remember those evangelicals and their miracles? Billy Graham used to heal lots of people but he couldn't heal himself. He had to pass the baton to his extremist son Franklin because he was too weak to keep up his schedule. Believers of Jesus are supposed to have faith and trust in Jesus but even Jesus had moments when he lost faith and trust in God. Pie in sky preaching.

You speak of things as though you have an understanding of the Bible and even when one of knowledge clarify that what you failed to understand you resist which is not surprising at all because it's your motto to reject others opinion because you are right in your own eye.

I don't have an obligation to accept the silly explanations you give for the written words. I can competently understand what I read and because I don't foolishly follow others I have zero chance of accepting your explanations. Notice I don't even ask you anything directly? I may comment on what you post but have already determined that you are inadequate to represent what you post here.


Brother Keith's theme says "Not a Sermon only a Thought". This one long ass thought. Wonder when he will finish his thought? I think Brother Keet is a real reverend and he posts here to prepare himself for his Sunday's sermon from the pulpit.


What Bro. Keith did with that "Not a Sermon only a Thought" is a classical bait and switch evangelical tactic. I am familiar of this tactic of theirs and that is why a picked up on it very early.


Serving Christ

Matthew 25:34-40

Stop for a moment and consider the purpose of your life. Are you living to pursue your own interests or success? Is your energy spent only on family? Perhaps your ambition is to change the world for the better.

All these aims—even the last one, which sounds so selfless—are futile and without lasting value unless the underlying goal is to serve Christ. As Jesus’ followers, we should model our life after His. And Matthew 20:28 tells us that even the Lord “did not come to be served, but to serve.”

Yet sometimes we can feel overwhelmed when we consider the amazing ways that other believers serve the Lord. With God on his side, King David led great armies into war. Also, there are evangelists today who speak to tens of thousands and see many saved. How could anything we do compare with accomplishments like these? And while comparisons may discourage us, some Christians use other excuses for not trying—such as a lack of experience or having the wrong personality for the task.

But God’s call for each person is unique. He will provide the situations, words, and ability so you can achieve what He wants done. Remember, our Father is the one who makes the difference. We are merely tools, and we’re blessed to be used by Him.

Are you demonstrating your love for the heavenly Father by serving others? As Christians, we should all live in such a way that every evening we can say to Him, “Lord, in the best way I know how, I have attempted to serve Your purpose today.”

ksazma posted:
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Poor Bro. Keith didn't seem to know which is which. Or maybe he did and was intent on pulling wool over peoples' eyes. Someone should have told the brother that Guyanese aren't stupidee.

There are some who are inadequate no matter how simple you break it down they cannot grasp the ability to comprehend which result in an display of ignorance day after day. You fits that category well and you wear it like a badge of honor.

Dude for a Christian you are really mean spirited. Now people would expect that from me since I am not a Christian but what is your excuse?

just stating the obvious buddy

What? That you are a Christian and mean spirited!

The obvious of how inadequate you are to comprehend. That's the what.

ksazma posted:
Keith posted:
ksazma posted:

Miracles mean nothing. Even Jesus said that some would perform miracles which would fool even the very elect. Anyone remember those evangelicals and their miracles? Billy Graham used to heal lots of people but he couldn't heal himself. He had to pass the baton to his extremist son Franklin because he was too weak to keep up his schedule. Believers of Jesus are supposed to have faith and trust in Jesus but even Jesus had moments when he lost faith and trust in God. Pie in sky preaching.

You speak of things as though you have an understanding of the Bible and even when one of knowledge clarify that what you failed to understand you resist which is not surprising at all because it's your motto to reject others opinion because you are right in your own eye.

I don't have an obligation to accept the silly explanations you give for the written words. I can competently understand what I read and because I don't foolishly follow others I have zero chance of accepting your explanations. Notice I don't even ask you anything directly? I may comment on what you post but have already determined that you are inadequate to represent what you post here.

You are in your rights to not accept my explanation. I am in my rights to  correct the false and misleading comments due to your lack of understand of the Bible. Stick to the matter you know best which is the Quran but then I doubt you understand that convoluted book.

Last edited by Keith
Keith posted:

The obvious of how inadequate you are to comprehend. That's the what.

What you see as my inadequacy to comprehend I see as your tendency to deny facts.

Last edited by Former Member

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