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Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by TI:
When AFC join up with PNC, then people gun be so scared they don't time to worry about Islamists. belnah

Terry Ishmael, you are such a bigot! You can't hide that bro

You planning to go loot too? Think I don't know allyu gat your eyes on the rich PPP bias mansions. Big Grin

They are going to come to your house first!
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by TI:
When AFC join up with PNC, then people gun be so scared they don't time to worry about Islamists. belnah

Terry Ishmael, you are such a bigot! You can't hide that bro

You planning to go loot too? Think I don't know allyu gat your eyes on the rich PPP bias mansions. Big Grin

Thief from thief does mek God laff!
Guyanese will return the incumbent PPP/C to office for the next five years. There is no other choice. Why would anyone vote APNU into office? For those of you, who is supporting APNU formally known as PNC/R just don’t be disappointed when they have to settle for the second spot. Guyana has a silent majority, so keep that in mind.
Originally posted by alena:
Originally posted by Chief:
The young people are voting in droves and they are all voting AFC.

Like u monitoring them from New york.

As at 14:00 Hours Jagdeo's home village of Unity, Mahaica, of a list of 412 voters only 100 had cast their votes.
Originally posted by TI:
When AFC join up with PNC, then people gun be so scared they don't time to worry about Islamists. belnah

Then there will be the unity that the PPP pretended to have but didnt get. The AFC with its heavily Indo votes and the PNC with its almost exclusively Afro.

Its only the racists like you of the "ahbe pan tap" era that will have to worry.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
The PPP has lost!!! It is too close to call between the AFC and APNU but the PPP have been defeated!!! Gov't ministers are already fleeing the country, while the police have thrown Kwame McCoy in Jail!

Serious bro! The Kwame thing is still to be confirmed but my sources are confident! Also Lumumba slapped a polling agent and smashed a cell phone from a EAB observer and later apologized to the observer and offered to buy him back a phone. He claimed it was an accident
I hope you are not joking.
Originally posted by westdem:
Guyanese will return the incumbent PPP/C to office for the next five years. There is no other choice. Why would anyone vote APNU into office? For those of you, who is supporting APNU formally known as PNC/R just don’t be disappointed when they have to settle for the second spot. Guyana has a silent majority, so keep that in mind.
Dude, the statistics coming in tonight will bear me out; Indians will put the PPP back in power by the skin of their teeth. They will also be aided by the Amerinds with whom the PPP has been trading beads. Unfortunately they are a captured audience and do not yet know their rights since the PPP and the PNC has kept them in the dark and into believing they are "given" help and are a dependent class. The PPP cannot win with more than the low fifties if they win which will mean they are again barely a majority co opting all power. This is not about APNU but a lack of leadership from them to correct this dis-empowerment of almost one half of our nation.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Serious bro! The Kwame thing is still to be confirmed but my sources are confident! Also Lumumba slapped a polling agent and smashed a cell phone from a EAB observer and later apologized to the observer and offered to buy him back a phone. He claimed it was an accident

I can see what they problem and the panic is. All those idiots went running for soup. Now the soup looks like its finished. Having exposed themselves the others have no soup to give them.

Oh well GR told Kwame to behave himself and jum ship when he could. He is too hard ears. Time in the women's prison will be a good punishment. Unless some serious lesbian gets a hold of him.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
When AFC join up with PNC, then people gun be so scared they don't time to worry about Islamists. belnah

Then there will be the unity that the PPP pretended to have but didnt get. The AFC with its heavily Indo votes and the PNC with its almost exclusively Afro.

Its only the racists like you of the "ahbe pan tap" era that will have to worry.

Worry about looting? I have dobermans waiting! Big Grin
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by D2:
. THey will also be aided by the Amerinds with whom the PPP has been trading beads. .

The PPP got less than 50% of those votes last time. With disarray in the TUF, a party which does well with this group, its not neccessary that the PPP will increase votes.
They got the 5% to take them over the top. TUF was implanted to split the vote. But the PPP did a number on these people, dressing them up in their monkey suits, handing over ATVs and solar panels etc at over the last month and they believe they are "given" something my their new masters.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by TI:
When AFC join up with PNC, then people gun be so scared they don't time to worry about Islamists. belnah

Then there will be the unity that the PPP pretended to have but didnt get. The AFC with its heavily Indo votes and the PNC with its almost exclusively Afro.

Its only the racists like you of the "ahbe pan tap" era that will have to worry.

Worry about looting? I have dobermans waiting! Big Grin
you is not ready yet,my uncle put kwame,bynoe and joe photo on his make bad dogs beware panman
According to the recent update I received, it appears that the APNU party seems to be pulling a lot of votes. However, this is not certain. We must still wait for the final results.
Futher, I was told that two geocom staff members on the west coast were fire today for some underhand business.
Ducky Ramotar got booed today in Plaisance when he went to cast his ballot. And Kwame was escorted by the police from the meadowbrook polling station. His district I understand is diamond. what was he doing there is anybody's guess.
That's all I have for now.
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Dear All,

A massive misinformation campaign is currently being carried out on the Corentyne by the desperate PPP. Indo Guyanese voters are being told that Khemraj Ramjattan has just resigned from the leadership of the AFC and handed it over to a BLACK MAN. A black man that has killed their people, David Granger. Racism in it's purest form.

Khemraj Ramjattan and Moses Nagamotoo are currently on... their way to the Corentyne. More to come......

Edmon H Braithwaite

dem collie done no dat and dem done vote go eat yu heart out...yall gun get heart attack when yall hear the Berbice results cheers
E- Day in Berbice draws large turnout

Berbicians came out in very large numbers on E- Day in what appears to be a huge expression of their democratic right. This website visited several communities across East and West Berbice on Election Day and observed jam- packed polling places. Things were pretty busy in New Amsterdam at the Berbice High School, Berbice Educational Institute and New Amsterdam Multilateral School where large numbers of voters joined the lines to exercise their franchise.

The process ran relatively smoothly in New Amsterdam, and things were much quieter along the East Bank of Berbice. Police officers were visible at each polling station as well. In East Canje, the Canje Secondary School was a hub of activity, seeing a long line of voters around 09:00 hrs. One woman, who turned up there around 11:00 hrs, was complaining that if her name was not found on the list at Canje Secondary, she would go back home and not vote, since she had been running around all morning to various polling centres in Canje.

She finally found her name and joined the line there.

Elections Day brought with it the usual chit- chat in the voting lines, among which were a few light jokes shared by a few persons as to why the polling agents had to loudly announce voters’ particulars, like name, address, occupation etc. “Is wha he shouting out people thing suh for?” said a voter in the line at the Canje Secondary School. “If you wanted, you get catch right here”, said another man.

The Assistant Presiding Officer then came outside and asked the persons to tone down their voices.

When contacted, the political parties in Berbice, Alliance For Change, Dr Veerasammy Ramayya said that things went fairly smooth, from his party’s perspective. He related no problems save for the fact that a few persons needed some assistance to find their names on the Official List of Electors, which he said, the party assisted.

Regional Chairman of Region 6 and Chairman of the Party in the Region, Mr Zulfikar Mustapha said that “things have been going on smoothly”.

I am very optimistic we will be having a very good turnout, in terms of percentage of people turn out. I am confident we will win the region again with a larger majority because when I look at the figures, they are very encouraging. I am hoping by the close of polls this afternoon, that we can have close to 100% of voters to cast their ballots in Region 6”.

He did say that there have been some “concerns” but while he was not prepared to specify, he did say that he raised these with the Presiding Officers and was hoping that they “concerns” would be resolved by the close of polls.

AFC and PPP throw allegations at each other

Bhoj Singh, AFC Member of Berbice said that, “Our expectations are, we expect to win 60% of the votes in East Berbice. We are confident of that. It is time for the PPP to go, they cannot win.”

Singh alleged that the PPP’s supporters in the region were “intimidating people at the polling stations”. He said that these persons were arrested by police and locked up. “The police promised to go into Albion where the people are doing the same”,

“Somebody voted before and she was walking on the road, they stopped the lady threatened her that she had to go to a polling station to vote PPP,” he posited. Singh alleged that they took away her ID Card.

“The police arrested some of their (The PPP) supporters from the polling stations in Canje. It happened, too at the Port Mourant Human Development Resource Centre, and about 75 of polling stations they did that. We had to get the police to help us. It went to the extent that one of our polling stations at Eversham, some peoples’ names were on the list and the Presiding Officer was issuing tendered ballot to the people. This, he alleged, happened at the Corentyne Eversham Primary School, GECOM #631123.

Responding to the claims, PPP Central Committee Member, Zulfikar Mustapha made similar allegations against the AFC.

“AFC supporters were next to the fence at the Rose Hall Town Primary School checking people names whereas they supposed to be 200 yards away,(from the polling place)”, he said.

“I saw AFC polling agents had a pen with ‘AFC’ Bloomfield [on the Corentyne]”, he posited.

“I understand that [Dr] Ramayya had his vehicle with AFC posters driving on the road at Whim. He said the police had to be called in.

He added that the police never brought any complaints about PPP supporters intimidating voters. Our people were told to be 200 yards away from the polling stations”, Mustapha said.

“This morning I had a call that APNU supports were in the New Amsterdam Multilateral School (NAMS) compound intimidating people and when the police went, it was true”, he posited.


Meanwhile Kervin Crawford, Election Agent of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), said, “so far we’re having a fair turnout”

She added that the party encountered 2 hiccups in the morning, the first whereby a Presiding Officer, Mrs Pamela Mootoo, was fired on the spot by the Returning Officer, Alfa Mohammed for “deliberately issuing electors with tendered ballots. Those ballots would not be counted”, she said. Crawford went on to explain that a tendered ballot is issued if “somebody come and behave bad and you want to get rid of them, you give them a tendered ballot”.

“It was [quite] a scene so the Returning Officer intervened and she was dismissed on the spot by the Returning Officer on the spot, for not observing protocols on the Elections Act”.

Crawford added that a second hiccup was that another person, Cornell Mearz, of Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, who wanted to vote at the Overwinning Primary on the East Bank of Berbice “ by proxy for another person, and they person did not assent to any proxy so when the person turned up he {his name} was already scratched off that means the PPP were forging people’s signature on proxy certificate”, she added.

“We expect some more hiccups which we would not disclose at this time”. Crawford ended by dispelling allegations of APNU’s supporters “intimidating PPP supporters” in the N/A Multilateral School Compound. “That is all false and we reject such a statement”.
Originally posted by Chief:
In America 2 hrs after poll closes we have results.
In Trinidad its the same.
guyana is the most developed country in the caribbean,so the the counting will take a couple of days.i think the computer to count the votes is still in patent my fellow guyanese,guyana is on the move,they have a hightech turtle bring the ballot boxes from wide and far

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