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Former Member

The seeds of competition


In Guyana, the question of an equitable distribution of economic goods has always loomed large. And history offers valuable perspectives on this condition; perspectives that should assist us in moving away from the finger-pointing stage (interspersed with gun-toting episodes) that we seem to be mired.

The concern over economic distribution should not be surprising in light of our origin as a colony founded on slave and indentured labour. As a non-settler European colony, the Guyanese economy was structured to produce primary products in agriculture and mining at the cheapest possible labour cost, for export to the metropole countries.

The movement for the abolition of slavery in the 19th century, followed by the agitation in India for humane working conditions for the indentured labourers in the 20th century, left a legacy of sensitivity to the exploitation – economic and otherwise – of labour in Guyana. In fact, the trade union movement – founded to agitate for economic justice on behalf of workers – was launched here as far back as 1919, long before political parties appeared on the scene. It was the womb for most modern politicians. The ethnic organisations, formed contemporaneously by mostly middle-class elements, were also concerned about the economic status and progress of their members.

The historical development of the colony, by and large, led to ethnic economic specialisation and this was to have far-reaching consequences. Within a decade of the abolition of slavery, the majority of Africans left the plantation and were channelled – by laws and other institutions – into becoming an urbanised workforce of lower civil service clerks, messengers, transport workers, dock workers, shop assistants, artisans, masons etc. The unbroken wave of rural to urban migration, continuing to the present, soon created a large African urban underclass, which could be used to depress urban wages and led to several riots. Some Africans gravitated into the hinterland to prospect for gold and opened up a new industry.

Those Africans who remained on the sugar plantations constituted the majority of skilled factory workers, who were inevitably separated from the mostly Indian field workers. When the bauxite industry was developed following WWI, the workers recruited were primarily Africans. The Portuguese and Chinese, small in numbers, also gravitated to the urban centres directly after serving their indenture contracts, with some remaining as shopkeepers in the newly formed villages. Some Portuguese became gold prospectors and soon became the large operators in that field. The majority of Indians, even after indentureship ended in 1921, were encouraged to remain on the plantations or to form rural settlements near the plantations so as to provide readily available seasonable labour for sugar – focusing primarily on rice and vegetable cultivation and cattle rearing.

Economic competition was sustained with the rural migration continuing as a constant feature of the colony’s development since the towns were promoted as the centre of “civilised” life and higher standards of living. As mentioned, rural African migration precipitated severe contradictions as the African underclass grew while opportunities stagnated. The early success of the Portuguese migrants in business, (even in the production of vegetables for the Sunday markets) which squeezed out many Coloured/African entrepreneurs, led to several African – Portuguese riots, notably in 1848, 1856 and 1888. The Portuguese were seen as unfairly moving ahead of Africans due to special treatment from the colonial powers.
It was the beginning of the movement of Indians into the urban-centred occupations after the end of indentureship in 1917 however, that precipitated the greatest stresses in the society – some of which are still unresolved. The Indians, building on their successes in rice, cattle rearing and petty retailing, began to open businesses in Georgetown by the 1920s and also to enter the independent professions of medicine and law. These were very highly prized occupations in colonial society that helped to define status and when some Indians began to percolate into the Civil Service by the 1930s, the Coloured/African elite began to feel threatened.

They felt that the Indians, with their immigrant drive for economic advancement coupled with their greater numbers (by the end of indentureship) would become so economically dominant even if they were to occupy only a proportionate share of the valued economic platforms, as to overwhelm them. This fear increased as the Indians slowly began to follow the path earlier trod by the rural African to the urban centres.
The fear actuated, and still actuates politics today.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy. They allowed even the Portuguese to push them out.

You see their nature.


soon created a large African urban underclass, which could be used to depress urban wages and led to several riots

The early success of the Portuguese migrants in business, (even in the production of vegetables for the Sunday markets) which squeezed out many Coloured/African entrepreneurs, led to several African – Portuguese riots, notably in 1848, 1856 and 1888. The Portuguese were seen as unfairly moving ahead of Africans due to special treatment from the colonial powers.

skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . .


"Within a decade of the abolition of slavery, the majority of Africans left the plantation and were channelled – by laws and other institutions – into becoming an urbanised workforce of lower civil service clerks, messengers, transport workers, dock workers, shop assistants, artisans, masons etc. The unbroken wave of rural to urban migration, continuing to the present, soon created a large African urban underclass, which could be used to depress urban wages and led to several riots.

Some Africans gravitated into the hinterland to prospect for gold and opened up a new industry."



Last edited by Former Member

It must be rememberd, Indian immigrants to British Guiana came from the working class, mainly farmers in zamindari system. They recieved a small portion of the produce for their efforts. The Brahmins who never touched the plough got his portion before the distribution started. The farmer paid the taxes, if he borrowed money it was repaid, if he extended the land for cultivation that was an expensive to him. Left with very little, aimed to survive on it. Then the famine came, everyone gravitated to Calcutta, the seat of British India looking for help. The help was the West Indies and Demerara. Arriving in British Guiana, they had education and good common sense. They knew how to operate under the repressive zamindari system of the Brahims. Some attitudes juss different ppl of race and color. When they managed their existence under the baccra man, they had to and have to contend with blacks who like the Brahmins determined to squeeze lesser castes. Indians will survive, always.

As for the Putagees, they encouraged Black farmers selling at Stabroek Market that they would be better growing the produce and let the putagees do the selling. And many Blacks agreed to the scheme. Only later that they resorted to raiding black farms, stealing the produce without compensations from the Governor or the Colonial Police. Eventually dey juss stop farming. The Putagee gave up the stalls in Stabroek. The Indian moved in.   

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . .


"Within a decade of the abolition of slavery, the majority of Africans left the plantation and were channelled – by laws and other institutions – into becoming an urbanised workforce of lower civil service clerks, messengers, transport workers, dock workers, shop assistants, artisans, masons etc. The unbroken wave of rural to urban migration, continuing to the present, soon created a large African urban underclass, which could be used to depress urban wages and led to several riots.

Some Africans gravitated into the hinterland to prospect for gold and opened up a new industry."



Black ppl were proud to state that they gave up good jobs to be pork knockers in the interior.

I worked at Blairmont Estate on the the 10.00pm to 6.00am shift. After midnite, when the factory is humming away the General Forman would tell stories of his pork knocking days. Many from Ithaca worked at Blairmont who were pork knockers, leaving teaching jobs and office work. It was an important event in local history, as kids we told about in school. 

Last edited by seignet
seignet posted:

Black ppl were proud to state that they gave up good jobs to be pork knockers in the interior.

you talk like that is a bad thing

close afro ole time family i know tek gold money from porknocking in the interior and buy land fuh plant rice and coconut in their ole age . . . would never be able to do duh if they had continued to work at, yes, that SAME Blairmont estate

alyuh cuss black people for 'preferring' safe wage jobs rather than uncertain entrepreneurship

then twist alyuh mouth and in turn cuss them for giving up "good jobs" at the sugar estate to work [haaard] for themselves in the interior

go figure?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . . gon have to simplify dis for him...with smaller went right over his big head....

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

Black ppl were proud to state that they gave up good jobs to be pork knockers in the interior.

you talk like that is a bad thing

close afro ole time family i know tek gold money from porknocking in the interior and buy land fuh plant rice and coconut in their ole age . . . would never be able to do duh if they had continued to work at, yes, that SAME Blairmont estate

alyuh cuss black people for 'preferring' safe wage jobs rather than uncertain entrepreneurship

then twist alyuh mouth and in turn cuss them for giving up "good jobs" at the sugar estate to work [haaard] for themselves in the interior

go figure?

Very good for them. 

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . . gon have to simplify dis for him...with smaller went right over his big head....

Any criticisms coming from you two public assistance negroes do not bother me at all. I could give a rat's ass what Redux or you have to say.

skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . . gon have to simplify dis for him...with smaller went right over his big head....

Any criticisms coming from you two public assistance negroes do not bother me at all. I could give a rat's ass what Redux or you have to say.

"criticisms" would suggest that you are a peer

maybe after another lifetime of decent education . . . perhaps

but as of right now, you rise only to the level of my ridicule banna

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . . gon have to simplify dis for him...with smaller went right over his big head....

Any criticisms coming from you two public assistance negroes do not bother me at all. I could give a rat's ass what Redux or you have to say.

"criticisms" would suggest that you are a peer

maybe after another lifetime of decent education . . . perhaps

but as of right now, you rise only to the level of my ridicule banna

You and the wannabe coolie are the only two educated morons on this site. You got a PNC athletic scholarship(paid by the taxpayers) and ended up in college wrestling. The other one is still trying to pass geology 101(rocks for jocks).

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Why is the black man blaming coolies? They chose to move to the cities and be lazy.

You see their nature.

rabid, ignorant pillow-biting refugee with skimpy education who marrid fuh green card must get that periodic 'mini-fuhrer' fix somewhere, somehow

i can hear yuh poorly-fitting dentures clicking with excitement all the way over here

nah suh bai Skeldon_man?

ahmmm, lessee now . . . gon have to simplify dis for him...with smaller went right over his big head....

Any criticisms coming from you two public assistance negroes do not bother me at all. I could give a rat's ass what Redux or you have to say.

"criticisms" would suggest that you are a peer

maybe after another lifetime of decent education . . . perhaps

but as of right now, you rise only to the level of my ridicule banna

You and the wannabe coolie are the only two educated morons on this site. You got a PNC athletic scholarship(paid by the taxpayers) and ended up in college wrestling. The other one is still trying to pass geology 101(rocks for jocks).

your dunce incoherence is noted

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

Black ppl were proud to state that they gave up good jobs to be pork knockers in the interior.

you talk like that is a bad thing

close afro ole time family i know tek gold money from porknocking in the interior and buy land fuh plant rice and coconut in their ole age . . . would never be able to do duh if they had continued to work at, yes, that SAME Blairmont estate

alyuh cuss black people for 'preferring' safe wage jobs rather than uncertain entrepreneurship

then twist alyuh mouth and in turn cuss them for giving up "good jobs" at the sugar estate to work [haaard] for themselves in the interior

go figure?

The man who recounted the stories to us had no regrets. They were proud to say what they gave up for making as you say lots of money. It was risky with hard work and uncertain of the rewards. But they took the risk.

Quell the anger bro.


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