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MPs unanimously pass motion to revoke Aung San Suu Kyi's honorary citizenship

Myanmar's de facto leader has been condemned for complicity in Rohingya crackdown

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Myanmar's commander-in-chief, shakes hands with Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. MPs passed a motion Thursday to strip Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship. (Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters)

MPs have unanimously passed a motion to strip Aung San Suu Kyi of her honorary Canadian citizenship.

More and more Canadian politicians have been calling on Ottawa to revoke the honour bestowed on the de facto Myanmar leader in 2007 over her complicity in the brutal crackdown of the Rohingya people.

A United Nations fact-finding mission recently found the Myanmar military was committing genocide against the minority Muslim population and other ethnic minorities, and that Suu Kyi had failed in her duty to protect her own citizens.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested Parliament could consider revoking her honorary Canadian citizenship, but that he believes such a move would do little to ease the humanitarian crisis afflicting the Rohingya people.

Andrew Leslie, parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland, said the next steps are not immediately clear, since this is "new ground."

"Keeping in mind this is the will of Parliament, now the machinery of government will actually chew over the details of what specifically is required to implement," he said.

While Suu Kyi is no longer recognized as an honorary citizen by the House of Commons, the Senate must pass a similar motion before it is officially revoked.

Last week, MPs from all parties unanimously adopted a motion condemning the acts of the Myanmar military against Rohingya Muslims as an act of genocide.

The UN report names six military commanders in Myanmar who should be investigated for genocide in Rakhine state, and crimes against humanity in other areas, calling their actions "shocking for their horrifying nature and ubiquity."

"Many of these violations undoubtedly amount to the gravest crimes under international law," it read.

The report also condemns Suu Kyi for failing to use her power or moral authority to prevent the persecution of the Rohingya and protect the civilian population. Instead, civilian authorities have spread false narratives, allowed hate speech to flourish and blocked independent investigations, the report says.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the symbolic gesture won't do much to ease the suffering of the Rohingya.

"Whether she has citizenship or not, it doesn't help the Rohingya in any degree," he said. "Parliament granted her citizenship, Parliament can take it away. But we're focused on helping the millions of people who are suffering either in place or as refugees."

In Canada, honorary citizenships are not conferred by the prime minister or the cabinet of the day, but by a vote in Parliament. Similarly, it would take such a vote to strip someone's honorary citizenship away.

6 people have honorary Canadian citizenship

Only six people have received honorary Canadian citizenship:

  • Raoul Wallenberg (1985).
  • Nelson Mandela (2001).
  • Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama (2006).
  • Aung San Suu Kyi (2007).
  • Karim Aga Khan IV, 49th Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims (2009).
  • Malala Yousefzai (2014).

Freeland's spokesman Adam Austen said the government supported the motion, put forward by the Bloc Quebecois, "in response to her continued failure to speak out against the genocide of the Rohingya, a crime being committed by the military with which she shares power."

"We will continue to support the Rohingya people through humanitarian assistance, targeted sanctions against Myanmar's generals and by pushing for accountability for those responsible through an appropriate international body," he said.

Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi was the fifth person to receive honorary Canadian citizenship. Former Conservative Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird delivered a certificate to her in Yangon on March 8, 2012, five years after she received the honour. (Paul Chiasson/Pool/Reuters)

Tens of thousands of Rohingya are believed dead and more than 700,000 Rohingya have been forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh, where they are living in squalid and overcrowded refugee camps.

Today in Geneva, the United Nations Human Rights Council decided to create a new panel to expedite criminal prosecutions against Myanmar's military commanders involved in the brutal crackdown against the Rohingya.

The council adopted a resolution to set up a system to collect and analyze evidence and prepare files to make it easier for prosecutors to bring cases to trial in national, regional or international courts.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

The monks saw it, and their role, differently!  You should listen to them.  They have crusaders mentality!

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

The monks saw it, and their role, differently!  You should listen to them.  They have crusaders mentality!

I was thinking about becoming a Buddhist until I read about the controversial Mahavamsa manuscript that was purportedly written by the Enlightened one and exploited by Sinhalese nationalists to suppress the Tamil population of Sri Lanka. It was an American veteran from the Civil war who revived Buddhism in present day Sri Lanka which mutated into form of radicalism. The Tamil fight was right even terror tactics was wrong.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

The woman is a SNAKE!! I hope they take back the the Nobel Prize!!

That woman want some western sex to put she straight. Only them she will see the light to recognize the Rohingyans. She is too much in the monk-key business. She name is chop-Suki? 

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

The woman is a SNAKE!! I hope they take back the the Nobel Prize!!

That woman want some western sex to put she straight. Only them she will see the light to recognize the Rohingyans. She is too much in the monk-key business. She name is chop-Suki? 

She was married to a Brit I think.  I believe he croak so she revert to local customs. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

The monks saw it, and their role, differently!  You should listen to them.  They have crusaders mentality!

I was thinking about becoming a Buddhist until I read about the controversial Mahavamsa manuscript that was purportedly written by the Enlightened one and exploited by Sinhalese nationalists to suppress the Tamil population of Sri Lanka. It was an American veteran from the Civil war who revived Buddhism in present day Sri Lanka which mutated into form of radicalism. The Tamil fight was right even terror tactics was wrong.

The Tamil Tigers took the wrong approach.  They attacked every other armed Tamil group and defeated them.  Every Tamil group that was allied with the Indian army was attacked by the Tamil Tigers and defeated.  Now that the Tamil Tigers are totally defeated by the Sri Lankan state there is no one left to carry on the fight.


Prashad is against Hindus fighting Buddhists. But in this situation, the Tamils were being discriminated because of their dark skin and religion by the Buddhists.

Last edited by Prashad

Rohingya massacres:


  • Chut Pyin massacre, massacre of Rohingya people by the Myanmar Army and armed locals on 26 August 2017
  • Gu Dar Pyin massacre, massacre of Rohingya people by the Myanmar Army and armed locals on 27 August 2017
  • Inn Din massacre, massacre of Rohingya people by the Myanmar Army and armed locals on 30 August 2017
  • Maung Nu massacre, massacre of Rohingya people by the Myanmar Army on 27 August 2017
  • Tula Toli massacre, massacre of Rohingya people by the Myanmar Army on 2 September 2017
  • (Wikipedia)
Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

Billy Ram how come you are not saying anything about the killing and persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh? Only white nationalist Faith Goldy who is running for Mayor of Toronto is speaking out about the persecution and killing of Bangladeshi Hindus by a more and more Islamic radicalized Bangladesh.  She recently met with persecuted Bangladeshi Hindu refugees living in the  Toronto area.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

Billy Ram how come you are not saying anything about the killing and persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh? Only white nationalist Faith Goldy who is running for Mayor of Toronto is speaking out about the persecution and killing of Bangladeshi Hindus by a more and more Islamic radicalized Bangladesh.  She recently met with persecuted Bangladeshi Hindu refugees living in the  Toronto area.

It’s funny you mentioned that.  This is what the monks are saying they are staving off.  They reference Bangladesh where they claim these people came from.  They are saying if they don’t act now, they will be outnumbered and suffer the faith of Hindus and Buddhist in Bangladesh and other Muslim countries. 

So that’s their argument against these Muslim “invaders”, as they refer to them.  They have widespread support among the population who actually believe it’s a creeping invasion!  Remember, Burma 🇲🇲 is not Guyana, they have thousands of years of deep history.

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The killing of muslims in Burma runs contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.  The same applies to those Sinhalese nationalists who discriminated against the Tamil people of Sri Lanka. 

Billy Ram how come you are not saying anything about the killing and persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh? Only white nationalist Faith Goldy who is running for Mayor of Toronto is speaking out about the persecution and killing of Bangladeshi Hindus by a more and more Islamic radicalized Bangladesh.  She recently met with persecuted Bangladeshi Hindu refugees living in the  Toronto area.

It’s funny you mentioned that.  This is what the monks are saying they are staving off.  They reference Bangladesh where they claim these people came from.  They are saying if they don’t act now, they will be outnumbered and suffer the faith of Hindus and Buddhist in Bangladesh and other Muslim countries. 

So that’s their argument against these Muslim “invaders”, as they refer to them.  They have widespread support among the population who actually believe it’s a creeping invasion!  Remember, Burma 🇲🇲 is not Guyana, they have thousands of years of deep history.

Islam is a great religion if it is practiced the way the Prophet wanted it to be practiced.  For example, I asked the RSS leader in my area to show me the Hindu Financial System.  I had silence because there is none.  The problem is people using Islam to bash others.  That is not good.  I noticed from 1997 Banglas becoming radicalized when I started hearing some of them saying things like we only had a language problem with Pakistan.  India needs to seal off their borders with Bangladesh.  That country will become a major problem in the future.

Last edited by Prashad

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