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“I cannot allow people to usurp my authority to choose” – Granger

AFC’s split threats

The uncertainty surrounding the selection of Alliance for Change (AFC) leader Khemraj Ramjattan as the prime ministerial candidate for the coalition has the minor party on edge, but according to President David Granger, he cannot allow anyone to usurp his power to pick either his running mate or his intended Cabinet.

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan

Granger was at the time a guest on newly introduced podcast “Inside Source”. Asked about the tension between his A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and AFC, Granger played down the impasse but noted that talks are progressing.
Questioned about the AFC’s insistence that it should be allowed to choose its own candidate for PM since APNU was allowed to choose their presidential candidate, Granger said that they cannot agree on things outside what the agreement allows. Moreover, he pointed to his own duty to select the team he will run with for the elections.
“I am open to recommendations from all of my parties. And it is my duty to give the country the best team of Ministers. If we prejudice discussions by deciding beforehand, who should be [various Ministers], we’ll get bogged down,” Granger said.

President David Granger

He added that it has to be a careful nomination process. “Is this the best candidate? In every respect and ultimately, the Chief Executive has to make that decision. When the record of our coalition is written, people will speak about the Granger Administration. The buck stops at Granger. I cannot allow people to preempt or usurp my authority to select the best people for the Guyanese.”
The AFC had hinted that they could break away, but according to Granger, he is confident that they will return to the campaign trail as a coalition. The President noted that these negotiations are following a three-step outline that both sides agreed to.
“There is a three-stage process and both sides agreed to that process. The first stage is agreement on core principles and we have passed that stage successfully. The second stage is revision. This is not the time to speak about personalities. Now is the time to speak about principles and policies.”
He added that “once we agree on those principles and policies, the personality will fall into place. We have not discussed personalities, apart from the fact that I will be the presidential candidate. We have an agreement that should things hit a wall, the issues will be referred back to the respective party leaders. Nothing has been referred to me, indicating that there is a problem.”
AFC and APNU, which form the current coalition Government, were in talks over the revision of the Cummingsburg Accord so that they could contest the elections again as a coalition. The Accord, which binds the two parties, states that the presidential position will be filled by the APNU while the prime ministerial position would be filled by the AFC.
However, Treasurer of the AFC, Dominic Gaskin stated at a press conference on Thursday last that these negotiations have been stalled as the parties have since failed to reach a consensus on the prime ministerial candidate.
Vice Chair, Cathy Hughes also revealed, “The Alliance For Change is willing to work with anyone committed to the principles of constitutional reform and the creation of a more equitable Guyana where everyone has an equal opportunity.”

On Friday, one day after the AFC announced that talks regarding the coalition’s prime ministerial candidate have reached a stalemate, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) executive, Volda Lawrence said that the party is “unaware” of an impasse

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‘Rigid checks of candidates’

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President David Granger

President wary of actions by Charrandass Persaud
…to insist on thorough background checks of all coalition candidates

PRESIDENT David Granger has likened the ‘Coalition’ partner’s penchant of late for engaging in debates about ‘personalities’ before clearly establishing principles and policies, to putting the proverbial cart before the horse’.

On the local podcast, Inside Sources, aired on Sunday, President Granger told the interviewer, Gordon Moseley, that his interest in the ongoing discussions between the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) lies in following the Constitution and the negotiation process.

In August, the APNU and AFC initiated the process of revising the Cummingsburg Accord, the agreement which brought them together as a coalition on February 14, 2015.

Though they’ve agreed on the core principles ahead of the negotiation, last Thursday, the AFC contended that talks had broken down over the selection of a Prime Ministerial Candidate, whom it believes it has the right to select. Last June, the AFC, upon electing Khemraj Ramjattan as its Leader, nominated him for the position ahead of the 2020 General and Regional Elections.

President Granger has since said that to describe the process as being “stalled” is to exaggerate the situation, as all of the parties within the coalition have agreed to a three-stage process of negotiation.

“The first stage is the discussion and agreement on core principles,” he said, “and we’ve passed that stage successfully; both the APNU and the AFC have agreed on core principles. The second stage is the revision of the Cummingsburg Accord, and I’ve stated repeatedly that this is not the time to speak about personalities; it’s the time to speak about principles and policies.”

During the third stage, President Granger said, the “Coalition” will establish its manifesto for the coming elections. Once these principles and policies are agreed upon, he said, the identification of personalities will fall into place.
He also noted that there have been no formal discussions on the matter of personalities, apart from the uncontested re-selection of himself as the Presidential Candidate for the 2020 elections.

“All other matters are still being discussed, and it would be premature to raise these issues at this stage,” he said.

“We have an agreement that should the teams hit a wall, the issues which caused any stalling would be referred to the respective party leaders; nothing has been referred to me indicating that there is a problem,” President Granger further stated.

Meanwhile, at a recent press conference held by the AFC, its Executive Member, Dominic Gaskin said that while the party is committed to coalition politics, some things are “non-negotiable”; things such as the naming of the Prime Ministerial Candidate.

He opined that the naming of Ramjattan as the Prime Ministerial Candidate was in keeping with the Cummingsburg Accord, which is still in effect.

“We are not asking the Cummingsburg Accord to supersede the Constitution; we are saying that the AFC should name the Prime Ministerial Candidate, and the APNU should name the Presidential Candidate,” he said, adding: “After the elections, the President appoints the Prime Minister as per the Constitution. There is no clash or collision with the Constitution in the Cummingsburg Accord stipulating that the AFC will name the Prime Ministerial Candidate.”

Article 101 of the Constitution states: “The President shall appoint an elected member of the National Assembly to be Prime Minister of Guyana…”

Explaining his position on the issue, the Head of State said: “The President is the Chief Executive of the country. I am open to recommendations from all of my parties, and it is my duty to give the country the best team of ministers in order to accomplish the strategic objectives of the ‘Coalition’, and that is to give Guyanese people a better quality of life.

And that is what we’re doing. If we prejudice discussions by deciding beforehand who should be the minister – for example—of Public Health or the Minister of Communities, we’ll get bogged down in personalities. Let us decide what type of public health system we want; what type of public security we want; what type of Public Telecommunications, Public Infrastructure and let us see who I s the fittest person to fit those posts.”

The president underscored that Guyana must be represented by Ministers and public officials who are incorruptible, intelligent, loyal to the country, unbribable and able to take advice from experts and technically qualified persons.

Factors he also wishes to take into consideration are the realisation of gender equality and balance amongst constituency representation in the National Assembly.

The President has plans to prepare a list of ministries along with their functions for the examination of the best possible candidates who have secured the support of their constituencies.

“I don’t want to have a Cabinet of technocrats who are strangers to the population,” he said. “People must trust their ministers; people must trust the people who represent them in the National Assembly. This is what gave us a big problem on December 21 last year; that it is possible if we do not confirm to that principle or comply with that principle that persons could possibly be nominated or may even be sent into the National Assembly who do not have the best interest of the country at heart.”

In December 2018, Charrandass Persaud, former AFC Member of Parliament (MP) voted in favour of an Opposition-sponsored motion in the National Assembly to bring down his Government.
President Granger said that he is open to sitting with AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan to discuss the fitness and readiness of persons to serve in the capacities, but only after the necessary principles and policies are agreed upon as a clear guideline for selection.

While refraining from indicating his preference for Prime Ministerial candidate, the President did not deny that, over the years, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo handled the Government and Cabinet very well during his [the President’s] absence from the country.

“It is not for me to say at this point whether any other person will be nominated or whether other factors would have arisen,” he said, “but I am very satisfied with Mr. Nagamootoo’s performance over the last four years and four months, and I know that I am bound to listen to the other five members of the coalition. There are six of us in this room; not one, not two, six. And I have to listen to everybody. I have to ensure that, at the end of the day, the people of Guyana are happy with the type of government that has been selected and installed.”


He is playing the same game with the AFC that he played with the PPP in nominating the chairperson for GECOM.  I see a direct parallel here. From what he said to the news reporter, Gordon Mosley, the AFC's candidate for PM does not meet the criteria. He also expressed his feelings of mistrust of AFC leaders. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
kp posted:

‘Rigid checks of candidates’

By Staff Reporter - 0, 2225, Share on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter
President David Granger

President wary of actions by Charrandass Persaud
…to insist on thorough background checks of all coalition candidates

PRESIDENT David Granger has likened the ‘Coalition’ partner’s penchant of late for engaging in debates about ‘personalities’ before clearly establishing principles and policies, to putting the proverbial cart before the horse’.

On the local podcast, Inside Sources, aired on Sunday, President Granger told the interviewer, Gordon Moseley, that his interest in the ongoing discussions between the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) lies in following the Constitution and the negotiation process.

In August, the APNU and AFC initiated the process of revising the Cummingsburg Accord, the agreement which brought them together as a coalition on February 14, 2015.

1. The Constitution has absolutely nothing to do with -- hence unrelated -- to the Cummingsburg Accord.

2. Cummingsburg Accord is a personal agreement with the PNCR and AFC.

ksazma posted:

Ramjattan and the Coolie faction of the AFC is fvcked. 

Blacks tekkin over everything just like dem did before. 

Banna, the coolie faction was always fvcked!  They were too full of themselves!  Everyone was looking what's in it for them.  This is ok, but it was crabdaggish!  They were so blind with hatred, they walked into the bobby tray!  They fvcked each other before the PNC screwed them over!

Stupid bunch!


Interesting how Granger saying that he cannot allow anyone to usurp his authority. Yet he has no problems with himself and his coalition usurping the constitution’s authority. That is typically how despots behave. In Guyana’s history Burnham, Hoyte and Granger behave that way. C & J Jagan, Hinds, Jagdeo and Ramotar didn’t. What is the common denominator of those two sets of Presidents?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Come in Django. Don't hide from this one

And he has the audacity to speak of PPP integrity. No wonder Zed tell he everyone is abusing him. 

He is a good man outside of politics, but he’s two face when it comes to race and politics in Guyana. 

Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Come in Django. Don't hide from this one

And he has the audacity to speak of PPP integrity. No wonder Zed tell he everyone is abusing him. 

He is a good man outside of politics, but he’s two face when it comes to race and politics in Guyana. 

Ayuh leave mi jine fambly alone.  He having a tough time with NCV, PPP, Dr Irffy😁, AFC, etc. 

Poor Django, when it rains, it pours!  And he tentless!

Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Come in Django. Don't hide from this one

And he has the audacity to speak of PPP integrity. No wonder Zed tell he everyone is abusing him. 
He is a good man outside of politics, but he’s two face when it comes to race and politics in Guyana. 

Let Django explain a few things ,i have made race and politics of Guyana my personal study. I know where i stand regarding taking political sides.

Regarding abuses [ Name calling..etc ] by a few here are usually from arrogant individuals , who are not intelligent enough to have fruitful discussions.


Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Come in Django. Don't hide from this one

And he has the audacity to speak of PPP integrity. No wonder Zed tell he everyone is abusing him. 
He is a good man outside of politics, but he’s two face when it comes to race and politics in Guyana. 

Let Django explain a few things ,i have made race and politics of Guyana my personal study. I know where i stand regarding taking political sides.

Regarding abuses [ Name calling..etc ] by a few here are usually from arrogant individuals , who are not intelligent enough to have fruitful discussions.

Brother, we know where you stand.  You are not too intelligent or overly intelligent for us GNIer to have a fruitful discussion with. You find yourself in controversy because you are controversial on almost every  issue involving race and politics in Guyana. You defend the PNC on every issue and discredit the PPP on everything you can find. Your stance on political is certainly not neutral.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

My inside sources tell me the AFC will not be fully excreted!  The AFC extracting itself will be their choice!  They will not get the PM spot.  Their role will be watered-down!  The PNC’s big concern is the loyalty of the Indian faction!  Due to crab barrel infighting among the coolie faction, it becomes unstable!  This could lead to another Charrandass scenario!

I tell you this, Ramjattan is not a Uniter!  He is about him and his clan!  The Indian faction can never heal their rift with him as leader!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Come in Django. Don't hide from this one

And he has the audacity to speak of PPP integrity. No wonder Zed tell he everyone is abusing him. 
He is a good man outside of politics, but he’s two face when it comes to race and politics in Guyana. 

Let Django explain a few things ,i have made race and politics of Guyana my personal study. I know where i stand regarding taking political sides.

Regarding abuses [ Name calling..etc ] by a few here are usually from arrogant individuals , who are not intelligent enough to have fruitful discussions.

Brother, we know where you stand. You are not too intelligent or overly intelligent for us GNIer to have a fruitful discussion with.

You find yourself in controversy because you are controversial on almost every  issue involving race and politics in Guyana.

You defend the PNC on every issue and discredit the PPP on everything you can find. Your stance on political is certainly not neutral.

In my view , same can be said of you !!!  

Controversy are healthy when discussing intricate issues ,when you peeled it getting to the core , concrete decisions can be made to resolve issues.

Regarding the last sentence , that's your take.

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

My inside sources tell me the AFC will not be fully excreted!  The AFC extracting itself will be their choice!  They will not get the PM spot.  Their role will be watered-down!  The PNC’s big concern is the loyalty of the Indian faction!  Due to crab barrel infighting among the coolie faction, it becomes unstable!  This could lead to another Charrandass scenario!

I tell you this, Ramjattan is not a Uniter!  He is about him and his clan!  The Indian faction can never heal their rift with him as leader!

This sounds logical to me. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

It is good that Ramjattan and Moses are not with the PPP. They are power hungry politicians hellbent on pursuing their own selfish interest ahead of party and supporters. Look at Mitwah, he ran away in shame. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

My inside sources tell me the AFC will not be fully excreted!  The AFC extracting itself will be their choice!  They will not get the PM spot.  Their role will be watered-down!

 The PNC’s big concern is the loyalty of the Indian faction!  Due to crab barrel infighting among the coolie faction, it becomes unstable!  This could lead to another Charrandass scenario!

I tell you this, Ramjattan is not a Uniter!  He is about him and his clan!  The Indian faction can never heal their rift with him as leader!

Regarding the PM spot that's plausible.

I don't think there are any rift in the AFC , Khemraj Ramjattan was elected as leader transparently according to the AFC dictates, he can be removed when the next time comes around , there is no leader for life in the party.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

My inside sources tell me the AFC will not be fully excreted!  The AFC extracting itself will be their choice!  They will not get the PM spot.  Their role will be watered-down!  The PNC’s big concern is the loyalty of the Indian faction!  Due to crab barrel infighting among the coolie faction, it becomes unstable!  This could lead to another Charrandass scenario!

I tell you this, Ramjattan is not a Uniter!  He is about him and his clan!  The Indian faction can never heal their rift with him as leader!

so base, as per your conclusion that Rumee is not uniter, him and the nickaram Mosee left PPP on this reason too nah.


Moses was hallucinating and dead drunk when he declared that Jagan appointed him the leader of the PPP. As for Ramjattan, he is always a drunkie. Granger used them good and prappa. They might end up with the FEDUP party.

Churchill and others are now silent as GrAnger and the PNC rape democracy in GUyana. Those crab dawg Indos put us where we are today. He is a big Moses supporter. 

Last edited by Former Member

Granger is a very dangerous man, he use the CCJ running to stall the election, now  he is now quoting the constitution on the AFC  regarding the PM. So to hell with the Cummingburg Accord. 

Sean posted:

Moses was hallucinating and dead drunk when he declared that Jagan declared him the leader of the PPP. As for Ramjattan, he is always a drunkie. Granger used them good and prappa. The might end up with the FEDUP party.

These two guys should be put on suicide watch and keep the rope and any other body harming objects away from them. Lock them up in a secure mental facility.


Ramkarran chides APNU+AFC over accord breach

There would be no violation of the constitution if the terms of the Cummingsburg Accord are implemented, according to Senior Counsel Ralph Ramkarran, who warned that APNU and the AFC’s willingness to sacrifice the fundamental core of the Accord will prove to be the undoing of the coalition.

Ramkarran noted that a series of interviews over the past two weeks given by President David Granger and Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo suggest that a review of the Accord is underway. The Accord underpinned the successful pre-election alliance between the two parties.

In a recent interview, Granger had told Stabroek News that parts of the agreement underpinning the historic alliance between APNU and the AFC collide with the Constitution and would therefore have to await reforms. He had said that it was following legal advice this would have been discovered. The coalition government has been criticized by observers for what appears to be a breach of the Cummingsburg Accord, which states that the Prime Minister will chair Cabinet meetings; this has not been done.

" alt="" />David Granger
David Granger
" alt="" />Moses Nagamootoo
Moses Nagamootoo

Writing in his Sunday Stabroek column, Ramkarran observed that both APNU and the AFC appear anxious to amend the Cummingsburg Accord allegedly on the ground that the reality of political office has clashed with the Accord’s constitutionality.

The former Speaker of the National Assembly noted that the Cummingburg Accord has two limbs. The first is the number of seats in parliament and ministries in government that each constituent party would be assigned while the second limb provides for the more substantive core of the relationship between the parties, namely, the division of responsibility in the management of the government.

The Prime Minister was expected to chair the Cabinet and be responsible for domestic affairs except national security while the President would be responsible for foreign affairs and national security.


Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger is telling the AFC it's my way or the highway. If the AFC wants to be part of the coalition again then they would have to go along with what the PNC dictates.  The hypocrisy of Granger and PNC is blatantly obvious when they accepted that the AFC has only 4% popular support based on the last local gov't. elections and at the same time declaring the voter's list fraudulent charging that it has 200,000 fake names. 

I hope Django is not blind to this. 

My inside sources tell me the AFC will not be fully excreted!  The AFC extracting itself will be their choice!  They will not get the PM spot.  Their role will be watered-down!

 The PNC’s big concern is the loyalty of the Indian faction!  Due to crab barrel infighting among the coolie faction, it becomes unstable!  This could lead to another Charrandass scenario!

I tell you this, Ramjattan is not a Uniter!  He is about him and his clan!  The Indian faction can never heal their rift with him as leader!

Regarding the PM spot that's plausible.

I don't think there are any rift in the AFC , Khemraj Ramjattan was elected as leader transparently according to the AFC dictates, he can be removed when the next time comes around , there is no leader for life in the party.

You fall prey so easy!  Have you ever wondered why he was elected when polling within the PNC had him way behind Nagamootoo as preferred leader?


The AFC is comfortable being a utensil of the PNCR



The Cummingsburg Accord was fatally flawed. It was an agreement which was mainly intended to remove the PPPC from office and not one intended to promoted consensus within government.
The APNU, using the 2011 elections as a benchmark, knew that it could not by itself win the presidency. Under Guyana’s elections laws, the party or grouping with the plurality wins the presidency.
At the 2011 general elections, the PPPC secured 48.6% of the total votes cast; the APNU 40.81% of the votes at the 2011 elections; and the AFC 10.23%. Though a minority in the National Assembly, the PPPC won the presidency.
The APNU needed the AFC to boot the presidency away from the PPPC. Without the AFC, the APNU would have continued on the opposition benches.
The two groupings, the APNU and the AFC, decided to come together to contest the 2015 elections as a coalition. Within the 2011 parliament, the two sides frustrated and in cases curtailed the PPPC’s ability to govern. The two seized control of critical committees in the National Assembly and even tried to silence a PPP Minister within the Assembly.
The decision to form a pre-election coalition to contest the 2015 elections came at a late hour, a mere three months before the May 2015 elections. It was a hurried arrangement and its focus was mainly about removing the PPPC from government.
The agreement was centered on the division of spoils – how Cabinet, parliamentary seats and ministries were to be split and who would Chair Cabinet. These were intended to give comfort to the AFC supporters so that they would not fear that their party would be marginalized by the larger APNU.
The reality for the AFC turned out to be different. The AFC has become a footstool of the APNU.
The missing element of the Agreement was how decisions were going to be made. The agreement was silent on how the Executive presidency with its enormous powers would be tamed and how decisions would be made within Cabinet.
Under the Constitution, all executive authority rests with the President. Cabinet is just a deliberative body which is collectively responsible to the National Assembly. The President therefore can use his or her executive.
Some persons were reportedly identified for senior appointments within government without prior discussion with the APNU. The portfolios of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Public Security and the Minister of Natural Resources suffered diminution and there was nothing in the Cummingsburg Accord which could reverse this.
And even after the passage of the no-confidence motion there were reports of high-level meetings which excluded the AFC leaders within the Cabinet.
The AFC has found itself shacked by Cabinet. AFC Ministers are bound by the principle of collective responsibility within Cabinet. It means that these AFC Ministers – some of whom have railed against the almost identical principle of democratic centralism – have to go along with decisions of Cabinet.
The AFC is outnumbered within Cabinet and therefore has been forced to go along with the majority. The APNU has the majority and therefore has used this to sideline the AFC.
The Cummingsburg Accord has not prevented the AFC from being dominated within the government. As such, coalition politics has been lopsided.
It is surprising therefore that the AFC would still today be arguing for a retention, rather than a renegotiation of the Cummingsburg Accord. If the AFC was serious about consensus politics it would insist that executive authority should take account of consensus within Cabinet and that decisions of Cabinet be arrived at only by special majorities.
This would allow the AFC a greater say in the running of the country.
The AFC is electorally weaker than the PNCR. But without the AFC, the PNCR will be locked out of power. The AFC therefore should not be negotiating from a position of weakness. It should not cheapen the value it brings to the coalition.
But that is exactly what it is doing by refusing to call for a major overhaul of the Cummings Accord. The AFC now seems comfortable with the perquisites of power rather than the principles which should guide the use of that power.
What the AFC has failed to realize is that as far as the PNCR is concerned, the Cummingsburg Accord is dead and buried. The AFC will have to be part of any APNU coalition on PNCR’s terms. It will therefore continue to be reduced to a utensil of the PNCR once the coalition returns to office by whatever means it does so.


“It will therefore continue to be reduced to a utensil of the PNCR once the coalition returns to office by whatever means it does so.”

Translational: The accord is now PNC’s posey. 

Sean posted:

Moses was hallucinating and dead drunk when he declared that Jagan appointed him the leader of the PPP. As for Ramjattan, he is always a drunkie. Granger used them good and prappa. They might end up with the FEDUP party.

Churchill and others are now silent as GrAnger and the PNC rape democracy in GUyana.

Those crab dawg Indos put us where we are today. He is a big Moses supporter. 

Blame others , not the fearless  Indo-Guyanese leader for life.


Why drag others into the dutty behaviour of those two low life politicians Moses and Ramjattan ?

You rass better worry how you going to defend the PNC before dem PPP bais buss you back again today.


Sean posted:

@ Skelly
It would be better for Guyana if they actually take a piece of rope. Granger is roping them everyday regardless. 

Those two guys might have to buy Afro wigs and a lot of black shoes polish. They would be treated by the coolies the same way Idi Amin Dada treated the coolies and ran them out of Uganda. They would need to be aligned with the negro scum bags.


Rumjaat and Nagga left the PPP because they did not get Ministerial positions, they will play hard ball with Granger for the PM position and Granger clearly stated he is the one to select who he wants to serve as PM. Them two Dutty Coolie will soon pack them grip and graze in the retirement pasture.

This is the last chance the PNC to solidify their base as a Blackman Party , with the oil resources soon at hand they can buy who they want and still have crumbs for the electorate. Granger and the PNC stop playing NICE guys, they view the AFC as TRAITORS.

kp posted:

Rumjaat and Nagga left the PPP because they did not get Ministerial positions, they will play hard ball with Granger for the PM position and Granger clearly stated he is the one to select who he wants to serve as PM. Them two Dutty Coolie will soon pack them grip and graze in the retirement pasture.

This is the last chance the PNC to solidify their base as a Blackman Party , with the oil resources soon at hand they can buy who they want and still have crumbs for the electorate. Granger and the PNC stop playing NICE guys, they view the AFC as TRAITORS.

Making up tales !!! memory refresher !!!

Ramjattan expelled from PPP

Moses Nagamootoo withdraws from PPP/C



Peeping Tom struck the nail on the head. The AFC gave it away. The PNC bully is too strong for them to handle. They created a monster and unable to deal with it. Just dance to their tune and pretend everything is fine.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:

You fall prey so easy!  Have you ever wondered why he was elected when polling within the PNC had him way behind Nagamootoo as preferred leader?

Bhai , i thought you know a thing or two , Naga about to end his political career.


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