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I have just finished reading Manning Marables biography of Malcolm X and came across this piece of Information:

There has been an active suppression of Malcolm’s work and his intellectual legacy for more than forty years. And the suppression has been deliberate and for various reasons. First, many of the key people in his entourage in the Nation and in the OAAU had to go underground. I just interviewed this week James 67X Shabazz (Abdullah Razzaq) who went underground and lived in Guyana for nineteen years , because he was threatened with murder and also threatened by the FBI. So it’s only now in his mid-seventies that he’s returned to the United States several months a year. He lives in Brooklyn with his son. James 67X was Malcolm’s chief-of-staff and his secretary for many years. The others who were closest to Malcolm are now dead. There is Herman Ferguson who is the best eyewitness to the murder. I’ve interviewed him several times and I’m interviewing him once more next week, which will be fun. His eyewitness to the murder, his recount to me, which has partially been published in my journal Souls, is absolutely stunning and it raises many questions about the assassination.

Can anyone shed light on why he ended up in GT or even know him.
In the late sixties and early seventies, PNC was a nationalist pan african party with close ties to the black movement. Nation of Islam had close connections to the PNC govt and some PNC Muslims. Remember Hammie also converted, and Nation of Islam used to send representatives to lecture in Guyana.

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