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Prince posted:

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This is how I envision HOLI. Blank out politics, racism, Indo & Afro. See them as children of the human race. See them as Guyanese expressing love as they celebrate a shared culture together. They see no color between them. They only see themselves as friends and citizens of Guyana. 

Push for United Guyana

Princess....I hope you also like celebrating Mashramani...


If it wasn't for Cribby, we wouldn't read about black this and coolie that so much on GNI. The rest of us have had no problem expanding our interests beyond race. Obama broke the ultimate glass ceiling and the reason he didn't care for Obama because he did not think Obama did enough for black people. Same way, he is always griping that the PPP didn't do anything for black people. But you will never read him writing that blacks should do more for themselves.

ksazma posted:

If it wasn't for Cribby, we wouldn't read about black this and coolie that so much on GNI. The rest of us have had no problem expanding our interests beyond race. Obama broke the ultimate glass ceiling and the reason he didn't care for Obama because he did not think Obama did enough for black people. Same way, he is always griping that the PPP didn't do anything for black people. But you will never read him writing that blacks should do more for themselves.

I don’t know bout that Obama, he brukup nuff tings, now Trump  gafu fix!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If it wasn't for Cribby, we wouldn't read about black this and coolie that so much on GNI. The rest of us have had no problem expanding our interests beyond race. Obama broke the ultimate glass ceiling and the reason he didn't care for Obama because he did not think Obama did enough for black people. Same way, he is always griping that the PPP didn't do anything for black people. But you will never read him writing that blacks should do more for themselves.

I don’t know bout that Obama, he brukup nuff tings, now Trump  gafu fix!

That may be the case but Cribby didn't dislike him for that. He disliked him specifically because he thinks Obama didn't do enough for black people.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If it wasn't for Cribby, we wouldn't read about black this and coolie that so much on GNI. The rest of us have had no problem expanding our interests beyond race. Obama broke the ultimate glass ceiling and the reason he didn't care for Obama because he did not think Obama did enough for black people. Same way, he is always griping that the PPP didn't do anything for black people. But you will never read him writing that blacks should do more for themselves.

I don’t know bout that Obama, he brukup nuff tings, now Trump  gafu fix!

That may be the case but Cribby didn't dislike him for that. He disliked him specifically because he thinks Obama didn't do enough for black people.

Cribby dislike burnham for not teaching blacks to run business. Cribby dislike Hoyte for being pro Indian even with his Slo Fiya mantra.  Cribby dislike Mandela for not chasing out White People and giving their assets to blacks as his idol Idi did to Indians.  Cribby dislike Gandhi for being a coolie!

Me thinks Cribby dislikes Cribby because Cribby don’t know what to do with Cribby self!

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

If it wasn't for Cribby, we wouldn't read about black this and coolie that so much on GNI. The rest of us have had no problem expanding our interests beyond race. Obama broke the ultimate glass ceiling and the reason he didn't care for Obama because he did not think Obama did enough for black people. Same way, he is always griping that the PPP didn't do anything for black people. But you will never read him writing that blacks should do more for themselves.

I don’t know bout that Obama, he brukup nuff tings, now Trump  gafu fix!

That may be the case but Cribby didn't dislike him for that. He disliked him specifically because he thinks Obama didn't do enough for black people.

Dem want money fuh reparations. Nothing else will satisfy their demands. What I cannot understand is that their forefathers suffered, why should they be rewarded for their sufferings. They should be thankful that their forefathers suffered to make their lives better.


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