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October 26 2019


Dear Editor,

Only if you have been living under a rock then you would be surprised at the stalled elements emanating from the meeting between APNU and AFC. Empty promises and schmoozing combined without any meaningful plan to reconcile differences among the spiel politicians within APNU have haunted and handicapped this regime from delivering from the first days that it slipped into power. Their ultimate aim has been to keep the PPP as far away from power as possible, and in so doing, have failed to meet mandated responsibilities: protecting the average person from wanton crime and providing job opportunities to the youths, among others. We have been in Mudville for a long time and there seems to be no change shortly. What makes it more disheartening is that AFC has always danced to the tune and tone of the PNC and now the former has been caught with its pants down. AFC cannot conceal the fact the seams of the coalition have been fragile, that it has lost credibility of being a third force, that its support base has decreased precipitously and that it does not have much to offer to APNU in terms of maintaining or bringing additional votes to assure victory in the upcoming general elections.

Three characteristics make Khemraj Ramjattan an unlikely and unsuitable Prime Ministerial candidate to APNU. First, he has displayed too much angst towards the opposition and its supporters to bring any unity between Africans and Indians. His selection would create more divisions and may very well undermine any chances of APNU to be successful at the polls. Second, he has proved to be through his track record an ineffective minister. Under his watch crime has been inexorable. He will not do well as a Prime Minister considering conditions in Guyana will become less malleable. Third, Ramjattan is a scalawag politician, ad nauseam.

The self-imposed problem Ramjattan faces is that he would find it too difficult to fool the citizenry for the second time without having to stand the consequences of his action. Do you remember the $9000 per bag promise for paddy? Do you remember the closing down of most of the sugar estates? What could he say to the people in Berbice to bring in votes for APNU? Even if he swears under oath that his promises are real, most people will not take him seriously. Why would the APNU want to grant him that coveted Prime Ministerial position? What would provide hope for Khemraj Ramjattan is some self-pruning to improve his carpetbagging status but that is too late.

Yours faithfully,

Lomarsh Roopnarine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

Dave , do have anything to add to the deception about the promises of $9,000.00 for one bag  of paddy ?

I wasn’t there bhai, did you hear eh whisper those words to the voters ... but lots of people attest to this promise by Moses prior to 2015 election. 
Farmers across the country is making this claim of promised.

Knowing Moses to be a pathological liar what do you think Djanjo. 

- before you answer the question above, Moses and Rumjat promised 20% increase for sugar workers, promise never to closed sugar estates. 

- Moses say he will NEVER betray PPP.

- Moses accept defeat at the NCM and say election in 3 month, he challenged his own comments lol . 

So Djanjo, you believe Moses never promised the farmers $9000. Per bag. 


Mr. Ali:

I spoke to the farmers one week ago and they were dismayed at the way they were treated. In Wakenaam Island, the story is the same. In Essequibo, the story is the same. TheGovernment is faced with a moral dilemma and that dilemma is that it has to explain to the people why the promise of $9,000 per bag of rice cannot be materialised when the very Government can find the resources to increase its salaries by 50%. It is a moral dilemma and the Government is afraid to face the farmers to explain this moral dilemma.


I want to repeat what both of my colleagues, over on this side of the House, just said. Not so long ago when they were on the election campaign two honourable gentlemen, who are sitting over there now, senior gentlemen on that side of the House, went on a television station in Berbice,when the farmers were getting more than $3,000 per bag of paddy, and they said that that is cheap they will get $9,000. It was a wild promise that they made on a television station in Berbice. They are coming here today, coming to this House today, to tell us that they have the concern of the
rice farmers at heart. They have destroyed the rice industry already.

Ms. Manickchand

I think that might be when he did not know what rough rice is - gone there to negotiate. None of that has come to fruition; none of it has come to reality. In fact, what we have had was a private miller taking rice to the Bahamas and it was dumped and turned back. That is negotiation. We have had all these glorious promises - we are looking at this, we are going to talk about that. Let us chat. Have patience rice farmers, this Government got your back. Never mind it does not know what rough rice is; never mind it does not know how much we are even producing, and never mind it would stand here and deny its own promise, which is, that it would have given the rice farmers $9,000. The Members are asking us in this House to trust them.


All of our Colleagues here spoke about what was promised and we all heard the same thing. A now sitting Vice-President of the Government went into the Cane Grove and Corentyne Berbice and spoke about $9,000 per a bag. In Cane Grove, he was accompanied by the same Dr. Doerga who was hoping for a big position in the Government I was told. Dr. Doerga then fell out of favour with the Government because the Government realise who it was dealing with, the
creature it was dealing with. So Dr. Doerga was very disappointed and went on to attack the Minister, the management and the Board of Directors and all of that.


Excerpts from 37th Sitting of the 11 Parliament , Thursday, 12 th May, 2016

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave , do have anything to add to the deception about the promises of $9,000.00 for one bag  of paddy ?

I wasn’t there bhai, did you hear eh whisper those words to the voters ... but lots of people attest to this promise by Moses prior to 2015 election. 
Farmers across the country is making this claim of promised.

Knowing Moses to be a pathological liar what do you think Djanjo. 

- before you answer the question above, Moses and Rumjat promised 20% increase for sugar workers, promise never to closed sugar estates. 

- Moses say he will NEVER betray PPP.

- Moses accept defeat at the NCM and say election in 3 month, he challenged his own comments lol . 

So Djanjo, you believe Moses never promised the farmers $9000. Per bag. 

Don’t bother with DJ, he in damage control!

He sees the end coming!


The things ppl will do to keep the corrupt men and women of the PPP out of office. Good and decent individuals eventually gets into the PPP quagmire, even from the opponents, the PNC and AFC.

The electorate is like toilet paper or condoms, used and to the waste heap. Yet, these powerful souls with a singular vote can collectively put the deplorable disrespectfuls to the pasture.

But, they fail.

All those educated men who claims to be Indo Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese and have all the Queen's English to justify their stupidity to the masses have them in ignorance.

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave , do have anything to add to the deception about the promises of $9,000.00 for one bag  of paddy ?

I wasn’t there bhai, did you hear eh whisper those words to the voters ... but lots of people attest to this promise by Moses prior to 2015 election. 
Farmers across the country is making this claim of promised.

So Djanjo, you believe Moses never promised the farmers $9000. Per bag. 

Yes again !!

Moses Nagamootoo never promised $9,000.00 for a bag of paddy, to date from the challenge  to the lies , for the PPP to provide the facts , none presented.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave , do have anything to add to the deception about the promises of $9,000.00 for one bag  of paddy ?

I wasn’t there bhai, did you hear eh whisper those words to the voters ... but lots of people attest to this promise by Moses prior to 2015 election. 
Farmers across the country is making this claim of promised.

Knowing Moses to be a pathological liar what do you think Djanjo. 

- before you answer the question above, Moses and Rumjat promised 20% increase for sugar workers, promise never to closed sugar estates. 

- Moses say he will NEVER betray PPP.

- Moses accept defeat at the NCM and say election in 3 month, he challenged his own comments lol . 

So Djanjo, you believe Moses never promised the farmers $9000. Per bag. 

Don’t bother with DJ, he in damage control!

He sees the end coming!

Facts bhai..the PPP good at spreading lies and the followers believed.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Django, don’t copy and post.

My questions are straight forward, answer the question like a businessman. 

What question and what businessman , have to do with my answer ?

I post the question about about Moses fail promises and denial. 
I mentioned businessman, because I would expect you to have some principal and not believing a pathological liar like Moses.

Take a leaf out of Badal book. A fearless successful businessman who is not afraid to speak out against politicians.  

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Dave , do have anything to add to the deception about the promises of $9,000.00 for one bag  of paddy ?

I wasn’t there bhai, did you hear eh whisper those words to the voters ... but lots of people attest to this promise by Moses prior to 2015 election. 
Farmers across the country is making this claim of promised.

Knowing Moses to be a pathological liar what do you think Djanjo. 

- before you answer the question above, Moses and Rumjat promised 20% increase for sugar workers, promise never to closed sugar estates. 

- Moses say he will NEVER betray PPP.

- Moses accept defeat at the NCM and say election in 3 month, he challenged his own comments lol . 

So Djanjo, you believe Moses never promised the farmers $9000. Per bag. 

Don’t bother with DJ, he in damage control!

He sees the end coming!

Facts bhai..the PPP good at spreading lies and the followers believed.

You weren’t there and not even living in the country, how the Fck are you justifying what’s fact and lies .. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Django, don’t copy and post.

My questions are straight forward, answer the question like a businessman. 

What question and what businessman , have to do with my answer ?

I post the question about about Moses fail promises and denial. I mentioned businessman, because

I would expect you to have some principal [the word is principle ] and not believing a pathological liar like Moses.

Take a leaf out of Badal book. A fearless successful businessman who is not afraid to speak out against politicians.  

Who are you to judge the quality of my principles, what and whom to believe ?

Suh you piggy backing on Badal , i have met him since in his young days , his boss at  Stockfeeds was a friend and customer of mine.

He can be a great leader of the country. Will the people give his party a chance ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Django, don’t copy and post.

My questions are straight forward, answer the question like a businessman. 

What question and what businessman , have to do with my answer ?

I post the question about about Moses fail promises and denial. I mentioned businessman, because

I would expect you to have some principal [the word is principle ] and not believing a pathological liar like Moses.

Take a leaf out of Badal book. A fearless successful businessman who is not afraid to speak out against politicians.  

Who are you to judge the quality of my principles, what and whom to believe ?

Suh you piggy backing on Badal , i have met him since in his young days , his boss at  Stockfeeds was a friend and customer of mine.

He can be a great leader of the country. Will the people give his party a chance ?

It’s a typo error ( principle) , but I am not good at grammar. But you of all person wants to correct me on grammar LOL. 

Ok, I make the reference of Badal because he’s a businessman living in the country and is not afraid to call a spade a spade. 

All of the above in this comment is off topic but a “businessman in principle has to do with Moses and his lies” 

Do you get it. It’s NOT difficult. 


Django posted:

Suh you piggy backing on Badal , i have met him since in his young days , his boss at  Stockfeeds was a friend and customer of mine.

He can be a great leader of the country. Will the people give his party a chance ?

I will. But the 90+% of PNC supporters has to promise on their life that they will also. I am not going to waste my vote and open the door for the wicked PNC to win the next elections. Whenever Granger truly decides to have it.


I think that Granger is doing the same thing regarding his PM candidate as he did with the appointment of the GECOM chairperson. He p ussyfoot to the point of making his eventual appointment unconstitutional and ended up illegally appointing old man PNC Patterson. He will eventually tell the AFC that he is picking a PNC for PM candidate. Actually, he wouldn't even tell the AFC. He will just do it and let one of his handlers announce it. Granger is a very untrustworthy person and I think the AFC are beginning to realize it but they cannot do anything about it just yet. When dogs get fvcked in Guyana, they are unable to get unstuck for a while. That is the dilemma that the AFC is dealing with right now.


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  • mceclip0

Was Badal not involved in Human trafficking ? I stand corrected but his name was once mentioned somewhere. Was he not also linked to smuggling ?

I wonder what Vish will say when he reads this letter about Ramjattan ?

Base is right, DJ is in damage control mode for the PNC but the inevitable end is near. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Django, don’t copy and post.

My questions are straight forward, answer the question like a businessman. 

What question and what businessman , have to do with my answer ?

I post the question about about Moses fail promises and denial. I mentioned businessman, because

I would expect you to have some principal [the word is principle ] and not believing a pathological liar like Moses.

Take a leaf out of Badal book. A fearless successful businessman who is not afraid to speak out against politicians.  

Who are you to judge the quality of my principles, what and whom to believe ?

Suh you piggy backing on Badal , i have met him since in his young days , his boss at  Stockfeeds was a friend and customer of mine.

He can be a great leader of the country. Will the people give his party a chance ?

It’s a typo error ( principle) , but I am not good at grammar.

But you of all person wants to correct me on grammar LOL.

Ok, I make the reference of Badal because he’s a businessman living in the country and is not afraid to call a spade a spade.

All of the above in this comment is off topic but a “businessman in principle has to do with Moses and his lies” 

Do you get it. It’s NOT difficult.

Where have you beaten Django writings on GNI ? , the world can be the judge.

Regarding the other statement , you are very confused fella.


Moses was also the banna who said that Jagan told him on his death bed that he wants him to be the next PPP President. Somehow he didn't bring this up when Janet was running for President in 1997. He should have because since she would probably be in the room with him and Jagan, she would have been in the best position to concur with Moses. Instead, he rouught it up some 14 years later. Then although he said that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP, he just picked up and leave when Ramotar was instead picked as the PPP presidential candidate in 2011. So now 22 years after Jagan allegedly hand picked him to succeed him, he is still not President. Instead, he is the PNC lapdog. Now if that isn't the true definition of a haraami, what is?

Sean posted:

Was Badal not involved in Human trafficking ?

I stand corrected but his name was once mentioned somewhere. Was he not also linked to smuggling ?

I wonder what Vish will say when he reads this letter about Ramjattan ?

Base is right, DJ is in damage control mode for the PNC but the inevitable end is near. 

Banna what you coming up with ?

The professor should get the facts correct.

ksazma posted:

Moses was also the banna who said that Jagan told him on his death bed that he wants him to be the next PPP President. Somehow he didn't bring this up when Janet was running for President in 1997. He should have because since she would probably be in the room with him and Jagan, she would have been in the best position to concur with Moses. Instead, he rouught it up some 14 years later. Then although he said that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP, he just picked up and leave when Ramotar was instead picked as the PPP presidential candidate in 2011. So now 22 years after Jagan allegedly hand picked him to succeed him, he is still not President. Instead, he is the PNC lapdog. Now if that isn't the true definition of a haraami, what is?

The current PPP good at use , abuse and cast aside.


Ramjattan isn't going to be the next PM candidate. Nagamootoo isn't either. Neither is Shuman. Granger will let one of his handlers announce that the next PM candidate will be someone from the old PNC club. And no one will be able to challenge that because he would be acting fully within the confines of the Constitution. The question is if the AFC will object to his behavior and betrayal or if they will continue to have this

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Moses was also the banna who said that Jagan told him on his death bed that he wants him to be the next PPP President. Somehow he didn't bring this up when Janet was running for President in 1997. He should have because since she would probably be in the room with him and Jagan, she would have been in the best position to concur with Moses. Instead, he rouught it up some 14 years later. Then although he said that he would have to be a neemak haram to leave the PPP, he just picked up and leave when Ramotar was instead picked as the PPP presidential candidate in 2011. So now 22 years after Jagan allegedly hand picked him to succeed him, he is still not President. Instead, he is the PNC lapdog. Now if that isn't the true definition of a haraami, what is?

The current PPP good at use , abuse and cast aside.

That may be the case but the comments was about Moses' statements and if he has demonstrated sufficient evidence to deem him untrustworthy. We guh deal wid de PPP after dem win de eleckchuns. 

Django posted:
Sean posted:

Was Badal not involved in Human trafficking ?

I stand corrected but his name was once mentioned somewhere. Was he not also linked to smuggling ?

I wonder what Vish will say when he reads this letter about Ramjattan ?

Base is right, DJ is in damage control mode for the PNC but the inevitable end is near. 

Banna what you coming up with ?

The professor should get the facts correct.

How do you know Moses never say those words about $9000. ???? 

The last I read Dominic Gaskin - Granger son in law ( Minister without  high school degree ) willing to put his head on a block, that no money was transferred to Patterson account... well Patterson himself run his Arss over with  a 18 wheeler . 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Was Badal not involved in Human trafficking ?

I stand corrected but his name was once mentioned somewhere. Was he not also linked to smuggling ?

I wonder what Vish will say when he reads this letter about Ramjattan ?

Base is right, DJ is in damage control mode for the PNC but the inevitable end is near. 

Banna what you coming up with ?

The professor should get the facts correct.

How do you know Moses never say those words about $9000. ???? 

The last I read Dominic Gaskin - Granger son in law ( Minister without  high school degree ) willing to put his head on a block, that no money was transferred to Patterson account... well Patterson himself run his Arss over with  a 18 wheeler . 

Find something dispute , instead of behaving like a kid.

ksazma posted:

Ramjattan isn't going to be the next PM candidate. Nagamootoo isn't either. Neither is Shuman. Granger will let one of his handlers announce that the next PM candidate will be someone from the old PNC club. And no one will be able to challenge that because he would be acting fully within the confines of the Constitution. The question is if the AFC will object to his behavior and betrayal or if they will continue to have this

Word out there, Granger wants to pull out but Ramjattan not allowing. No wham bam, thank you maam!

Seriously, I got inside info.  Granger and the PNC strongmen/women have in their calculus the condition of Granger.  They want someone with better mass appeal.  Granger will likely step aside if his health deteriorates.   Ramjattan has no appeal with either the PPP or the PNC constituencies!

Me thinks he and he posse cark duk!


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