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What chapter(s) and verses are included in Juz’ 17?:


The seventeenth juz’ of the Qur’an contains two complete chapters of the Quran: Surah Al-Anbiyaa and Surah Al-Hajj (21:1-22:78).


When were the verses of this juz’ revealed?:


Surah Al-Anbiyat was revealed towards the end of the Prophet's time in Makkah, prior to the Hijrah, as the people of Makkah continued to reject and persecute the Muslims. As for Surah Al-Hajj, the first part of it was revealed prior to the Hijrah and the latter part of it directly afterwards, during the first year that the Muslims were in Madinah.


Select Quotations:

  • "Not an apostle did We sent before you (Muhammad) without this same inspiration sent by Us to him: there is no god but I; therefore worship and serve Me." (21:25)
  • "We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be no more than the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it to account." (21:47)
  • "Verily this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher. Therefore, serve Me and no other." (21:92)
  • "To those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight, because they are wronged. And truly, Allah is most Powerful to help them. They are those who have been expelled from their homes, in defiance of right, for no cause except that they say, 'Our Lord is Allah.'  If Allah did not check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques - in which the name of Allah is celebrated in abundant measure..." (22:39-40)

What is the main theme of this juz’?:


The first part of this section, Surah Al-Anbiyaa, is titled "the Prophets."  The leaders of Makkah had dismissed the Prophet Muhammad as a false prophet or a mere "poet."  Some doubted his intentions or his sanity.  These verses set the record straight, that the Prophet teaches the same message of tawhid, Unity of God, that all previous prophets had also taught their people. 


A long line of prophets is discussed, the message being that they all were rejected by their people, yet their message lived on.  The leaders of Makkah and other unbelievers are warned that their rumors and backbiting will not hurt the Prophet or the message of Islam in the least; on the contrary, they will be the ones facing punishment in the Hereafter.  Rather than being a curse, it was a blessing to them that the Prophet was amongst them, to give them a warning and a chance to change their behavior for the better.


In the next chapter, Surah Al-Hajj, the first 24 verses focus on a similar theme, warning the unbelievers that the punishment is coming.

The rest of Surah Al-Hajj is believed to have been revealed after the Muslims migrated to Madinah.  There, they began to form a community dedicated to the worship of Allah and the practice of Islam. When the believers spent their first Hajj month in Madinah, however, some believers found themselves feeling torn - nostalgic for their homes in Makkah, wavering in the face of hardships, and/or angry about being prevented from performing Hajj by the Makkan leaders.


The rituals of Hajj were established by the Prophet Abraham for the worship of One God (22:26-35). Since that time, the pagans in Makkah had turned the Hajj into a pagan rite, and put up idols in the Ka'aba. Under the circumstances, the believers were given permission to fight against the tyrants of Makkah, to reestablish their rights and establish a righteous way of life (see more about jihad in Islam).


In the final paragraph of this section, the believers are called "Muslims" for the first time:

"And strive in His cause as you ought to strive, with sincerity and discipline. He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you in religion; it is the faith of your father Abraham. It is He Who has named you Muslims, both before and in this Revelation, that the Messenger may be a witness for you, and you be witnesses for mankind! So establish regular prayer, give regular charity, and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector - the Best to protect and the Best to help!" (22:78)


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