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Former Member

Robbery of jewellers needs thorough probe

Dear Editor,

What is Guyana coming to when one of the pillars of Stabroek Market for nigh on a century – L Seepersaud Maraj and Sons Jewellers – gets robbed in very suspicious circumstances. These brothers are my friends and proud Indo-Guyanese -a great tribute to their father and the nation.

Time for a thorough investigation of what looks  like an inside job. C’mon on GPF and C’mon SOCU time to show your professionalism mettle and stop playing politics!

Yours faithfully,
John ‘Bill Cotton/Reform’ Mair

Replies sorted oldest to newest

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic


there is something very very sick going on here

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

How in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

Is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

there is something very very sick going on here

On this I agree with you.  What they experienced pales in comparison to many ordinary folks who lose life and limb in such criminal acts.

And I agree, what does "proud Indian" have to do with anything?

What I don't get, they are very successful and still operate out of a Stabroek stall.  They should have had a nice glossy building near the market that has its own security ops, CCTV, Internet, etc.

Me think dem lil cheap!

ronan posted:

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic


there is something very very sick going on here

I agree, no need to identify the ethnicity of the people. I suspect he is writing in jest...this sounds like a Guyanese cultural thing...people tend to refer to others cultural background...I notice this in my own family members when they talk to other Guyanese....dont think they have bad intentions in mind. Then again, I dont know this Mair banna.

But my question is this...if these jewellers have established a business that is located in the market, what progress have they made after several generations? Why dont they have a well secured, well established building that is well secured. AND, who goes to a market t buy jewelry, especially when criminals are roaming the streets? What is this market like?  

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic

 there is something very very sick going on here

I suspect he is writing in jest...this sounds like a Guyanese cultural thing . . .


like i said banna . . . you're not ready for prime time

might i suggest that that your time would be more productively spent exchanging 'ideas' with yuji, drugb and nehru dem

just thinking out loud

Last edited by Former Member

smfh right back at you banna

Like i people are conditioned to see race in everything...its a psychological sickness...give it a rest banna, less it consume you.

Where on the internet has dis Mair guy shown a proclivity towards Indos?

Why cant you people find something positive to focus on Guyana?

VishMahabir posted:

Where on the internet has dis Mair guy shown a proclivity towards Indos?

who's debating anything about "proclivity towards Indos"?

damn, how many of these red herrings do you have in your purse banna?

this is about PPP media politics, sir . . . John Mair is a sometime  Freedom House fellow traveler

and you are a poser

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Where on the internet has dis Mair guy shown a proclivity towards Indos?

who's debating anything about "proclivity towards Indos"?

damn, how many of these red herrings do you have in your purse banna?

this is about PPP media politics, sir . . . John Mair is a sometime  Freedom House fellow traveler

and you are a poser

"this is about PPP media politics, sir . . . John Mair is a sometime  Freedom House fellow traveler"

Really? I did the search for you....check it out...


You cockeyed knucklehead...your bias is obvious for everyone to see...

For the short time I have been a member here, I know there are many GNI knuckleheads here who post a lot of crap to make the PPP look like saints. 

You are no different, except all you have been doing is dirty propaganda, selectively picking newspapers articles and letters to argue that Indos are racists and anyone not supportive of the coalition is a PPP operative.


Tek it from this dougla boy, yer full of it...


VishMahabir posted: 

. . . all you have been doing is dirty propaganda, selectively picking newspapers articles and letters to argue that Indos are racists

pathetic poser tactics . . . pull some alternative 'facts' out of your ass for pelting and roll with it while moonwalking away from the real conversation

your antics almost remind me of ksazma and his flailing when caught up in poser contradictions . . . but without the religious baggage

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic


there is something very very sick going on here

I agree, no need to identify the ethnicity of the people. I suspect he is writing in jest...this sounds like a Guyanese cultural thing...people tend to refer to others cultural background...I notice this in my own family members when they talk to other Guyanese....dont think they have bad intentions in mind. Then again, I dont know this Mair banna.

But my question is this...if these jewellers have established a business that is located in the market, what progress have they made after several generations? Why dont they have a well secured, well established building that is well secured. AND, who goes to a market t buy jewelry, especially when criminals are roaming the streets? What is this market like?  

Simply nonsense!

ronan posted:

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic


there is something very very sick going on here

Robbery or no robbery, Gilly is a proud Indo Guyanese, Ronan. In this statement Indo is an adjective. I'm not an adjective but a noun. Guyanese is the noun, is the name of a person. It stands to logic that if I'm a proud Indo-Guyanese I'm a proud Guyanese too. I dread the day when my kith and kin in Guyana will have to look over their shoulders before affirming they are proud Indo-Guyanese. Stating thus doesn't automatically make us racial. I have no problem with the description of L Seeperdaud Maraj as proud Indo-Guyanese. That family is certainty proud Hindu of the highest rank.

Gilbakka posted:
ronan posted:

how in heaven's name does "proud Indo-Guyanese" factor into commentary on this robbery?

is it to become the custom now to ID victims of crimes against property as "proud Afro-Guyanese, or "proud Amerindian-Guyanese" or "proud Portuguese-Guyanese" or "proud Chinese-Guyanese" or "proud Mixed Race-Guyanese" as is being done here with "proud Indo-Guyanese"?

of a piece with IAC/Saira Alli's ignar deposit on the same topic


there is something very very sick going on here

Robbery or no robbery, Gilly is a proud Indo Guyanese, Ronan. In this statement Indo is an adjective. I'm not an adjective but a noun. Guyanese is the noun, is the name of a person. It stands to logic that if I'm a proud Indo-Guyanese I'm a proud Guyanese too. I dread the day when my kith and kin in Guyana will have to look over their shoulders before affirming they are proud Indo-Guyanese. Stating thus doesn't automatically make us racial. I have no problem with the description of L Seeperdaud Maraj as proud Indo-Guyanese. That family is certainty proud Hindu of the highest rank.

not sure what you are tilting at . . . where in my post am i condemning affirmation of pride by Indo-Guyanese in their ethnicity as undesirable, much less "racial"?

you are a well-read man . . . i most certainly don't feel the need to dissect the obvious 

my meaning/intent is neither obscure nor subtle!

i find your calculated, overwrought straw man 'set up' to be gross, disingenuous and disappointing

Gilbakka posted:
. I have no problem with the description of L Seeperdaud Maraj as proud Indo-Guyanese. That family is certainty proud Hindu of the highest rank.

The issue is about crime and Guyanese of all races are involved in crime, both as victims and as perpetrators.  So why not a focus on crime PERIOD!

This is just Jagdeo on the war path, using some stool pigeon. A second letter with the  same racial code language. Yes 2020 is going to be "black man a kill ahbe".   The racial implications is there for all to see. When Afro Guyanese were robbed, including some elderly folks I don't remember any chatter about "proud Afro Guyanese".

I don't know how that helps the PPP as it will galvanize the black/mixed voter out to vote as it did in 2015.  Even as many aren't happy with APNU.  Someone needs to tell Jagdeo that Indians are a minority and the PPP doesn't have the largesse to buy Amerindian votes as they did last time.

ronan posted:
not sure what you are tilting at . . . where in my post am i condemning affirmation of pride by Indo-Guyanese in their ethnicity as undesirable, much less "racial"?

you are a well-read man . . . i most certainly don't feel the need to dissect the obvious 

my meaning/intent is neither obscure nor subtle!

i find your calculated, overwrought straw man 'set up' to be gross, disingenuous and disappointing

Gilly ran back to the PPP and knows that 2020 the PPPs campaign slogan will be "black man a kill ahbe".  Even as Indo on Indo crime has become too hard to ignore they will still peddle Indo victimhood with the black police force deliberately encouraging black on Indo crime.

Its a pity that this is the best that the PPP can do.  No "Love & Unity" campaign for them.

caribny posted:
ronan posted:
not sure what you are tilting at . . . where in my post am i condemning affirmation of pride by Indo-Guyanese in their ethnicity as undesirable, much less "racial"?

you are a well-read man . . . i most certainly don't feel the need to dissect the obvious 

my meaning/intent is neither obscure nor subtle!

i find your calculated, overwrought straw man 'set up' to be gross, disingenuous and disappointing

Gilly ran back to the PPP and knows that 2020 the PPPs campaign slogan will be "black man a kill ahbe".  Even as Indo on Indo crime has become too hard to ignore they will still peddle Indo victimhood with the black police force deliberately encouraging black on Indo crime.

Its a pity that this is the best that the PPP can do.  No "Love & Unity" campaign for them.

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey…

talk about shameless red herring . . .

what in god's name does "Ivelaw Griffith" have to do with this conversation?

dude, why don't you start your own thread to accommodate fully your psychosexual obsessions with "blackman" and Indo women

invite your peer group in ROAR, and Jagdeo too, to participate and wallow

your nasty 'deniability' little klown act is increasingly tiresome and transparent

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey…

talk about shameless red herring . . .

what in god's name does "Ivelaw Griffith" have to do with this conversation?

dude, why don't you start your own thread to accommodate fully your psychosexual obsessions with "blackman" and Indo women

invite your peer group in ROAR, and Jagdeo too, to participate and wallow

your nasty 'deniability' little klown act is increasingly tiresome and transparent

Hey hey ROAR jumbie ayoo chokin ayoo nite time? de race bait sun chapman memorial escape ayoo one love do gooders church goers...hey hey FIU race bate strategy culture escape ayoo...hey hey hey... 

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey…

talk about shameless red herring . . .

what in god's name does "Ivelaw Griffith" have to do with this conversation?

dude, why don't you start your own thread to accommodate fully your psychosexual obsessions with "blackman" and Indo women

invite your peer group in ROAR, and Jagdeo too, to participate and wallow

your nasty 'deniability' little klown act is increasingly tiresome and transparent

Hey hey ROAR jumbie ayoo chokin ayoo nite time? de race bait sun chapman memorial escape ayoo one love do gooders church goers...hey hey FIU race bate strategy culture escape ayoo...hey hey hey... 

again, what does "sun chapman memorial" and "FIU race bate strategy" got to do with this conversation other than your need to vomit the random race stink binding up your innards

and just so you know, jagdeo too had nuff nuff to vomit about the Indian "dautas" and dem blackman at UG . . . ask Freddie Kissoon

ROAR, btw, is just personal between me and you . . . nothing to do with public policy

ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey…

talk about shameless red herring . . .

what in god's name does "Ivelaw Griffith" have to do with this conversation?

dude, why don't you start your own thread to accommodate fully your psychosexual obsessions with "blackman" and Indo women

invite your peer group in ROAR, and Jagdeo too, to participate and wallow

your nasty 'deniability' little klown act is increasingly tiresome and transparent

Hey hey ROAR jumbie ayoo chokin ayoo nite time? de race bait sun chapman memorial escape ayoo one love do gooders church goers...hey hey FIU race bate strategy culture escape ayoo...hey hey hey... 

again, what does "sun chapman memorial" and "FIU race bate strategy" got to do with this conversation other than your need to vomit the random race stink binding up your innards

and just so you know, jagdeo too had nuff nuff to vomit about the Indian "dautas" and dem blackman at UG . . . ask Freddie Kissoon

ROAR, btw, is just personal between me and you . . . nothing to do with public policy

Hey hey hey...ayoo hear de one love do gooder sunday church goer...hey hey hey...ayoo do gooders dont doan gat nothin to add...ayoo want tek wan audit from 1966 to now? Hey hey hey...ayoo want wan jhandi foh de ROAR jumbie suh it na choke ayoo so much ayoo cyant see the race bait Griffith FIU sout command paper to de dunce yankees? Hey hey hey... 'academic' freddie doing...he manage foh publish de prappa way yet? hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:
ronan posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey dem coolie peopkle bad...hey hey hey...dey doan want dem dauta marry blackman...ayoo ever read ivlav Griffith strategy cultua race bait? Hey hey hey…

talk about shameless red herring . . .

what in god's name does "Ivelaw Griffith" have to do with this conversation?

dude, why don't you start your own thread to accommodate fully your psychosexual obsessions with "blackman" and Indo women

invite your peer group in ROAR, and Jagdeo too, to participate and wallow

your nasty 'deniability' little klown act is increasingly tiresome and transparent

Hey hey ROAR jumbie ayoo chokin ayoo nite time? de race bait sun chapman memorial escape ayoo one love do gooders church goers...hey hey FIU race bate strategy culture escape ayoo...hey hey hey... 

again, what does "sun chapman memorial" and "FIU race bate strategy" got to do with this conversation other than your need to vomit the random race stink binding up your innards

and just so you know, jagdeo too had nuff nuff to vomit about the Indian "dautas" and dem blackman at UG . . . ask Freddie Kissoon

ROAR, btw, is just personal between me and you . . . nothing to do with public policy

Hey hey hey...ayoo hear de one love do gooder sunday church goer...hey hey hey...ayoo do gooders dont doan gat nothin to add...ayoo want tek wan audit from 1966 to now? Hey hey hey...ayoo want wan jhandi foh de ROAR jumbie suh it na choke ayoo so much ayoo cyant see the race bait Griffith FIU sout command paper to de dunce yankees? Hey hey hey... 'academic' freddie doing...he manage foh publish de prappa way yet? hey hey hey...

Hey hey hey...abie one love sunday church goer na see de sunday mainin church man sayin bout de sun chapman memorial...hey hey hey...ow dat ROAR jumbie chokin ayoo brain...ayoo cyant see...hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...ayoo hear de one love do gooder sunday church goer...hey hey hey...ayoo do gooders dont doan gat nothin to add...ayoo want tek wan audit from 1966 to now? Hey hey hey...ayoo want wan jhandi foh de ROAR jumbie suh it na choke ayoo so much ayoo cyant see the race bait Griffith FIU sout command paper to de dunce yankees? Hey hey hey... 'academic' freddie doing...he manage foh publish de prappa way yet? hey hey hey...

Hey hey hey...abie one love sunday church goer na see de sunday mainin church man sayin bout de sun chapman memorial...hey hey hey...ow dat ROAR jumbie chokin ayoo brain...ayoo cyant see...hey hey hey…

so, de big rodent 'responding' to heself . . . playin in he own race vomit

nothing more needs to be said

Last edited by Former Member

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