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Jagdeo’s disgraceful claims


The Opposition Leader is bold, and rather extra with his claim that the APNU+AFC Government is the most corrupt in Guyanese history and the English-speaking Caribbean. Yet the People’s Progressive Party’s tricks and evasion tactics will not protect them from the law.For the past three years, former President Bharrat Jagdeo and his counterparts have been taunting the government; claiming that they went on a witch–hunt in the name of corruption against opposition members and public servants aligned with their party but failed to prove same.

Now that the investigation teams are winding down and finally putting the evidence in its correct perspective to file their cases, we will see more former ministers and public agents being charged and more evasion and counter arguments of corruption coming from their ranks.When the Special Organised Crime Unit first commenced their work, we remember them telling the media that the magnitude of illegal and corrupt practices was beyond what they had expected and was branching out to highlight other crimes. I remember one of the agents saying to the media that when they would have gone in to investigate one matter, for example fraud, it was leading to cases of money laundering, bribery and racketeering among others.I also remembered the agent saying that the connections they were making while investigating the crime network that existed under the last administration, was one of the main reasons that prosecutions were taking so long.

Two top officials who served the last government have been charged in absentia with misconduct in office, where they allegedly sold state assets way below market price and handpicked those who would receive these assets. The former president who presided over this filthy governing style, Bharrat Jagdeo, is calling the charges “frivolous”. Of course, he would.If we recall the startling revelations of blatant corruption by Kaieteur News, then we ought to have an idea of what will come, because KN was right on the ball all along.

Guyana is stepping onto the world stage, and if we want to prove our sincerity as a clean and transparent business destination, then now is the time to take a page from Brazil’s book and clean up the corrupt politicians and businessmen that have contaminated and stunted growth of our economy by keeping the wealth among a few.

Peter Joseph
Nazeema Mohamed
Roy Mason

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Even though most of what the Jagabaat saying is true he cannot gain any political milage pointing it out. The PPP needs a new face without no baggage but the Jagabaat wants all the thunder for himself and end up just shoot himself in the foot...


I thing Dr Jagdeo is doing a fine Job speaking about the situations. He is the Leader of the Party and therefore has a right to do so. When Election comes, we will hear of the candidate and DR Jagdeo will be an asset to he/she.

Nehru posted:

You have to be a CERTIFIED BATTY WASHER AND ASS KISSER  to know the PNC is the most CORRUPT, INCOMPETENT and DUMB Govt on the Planet not just the Caribbean!!!!!!

You are doomed without that qualification that only comes with hard work..

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

The same reason Trump does, they believe they are better than everyone and what they say is supposedly "the truth"

Last edited by cain
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Simple..Reporters are like sharks on a feeding frenzy, they chose go after an easy prey that is already bloody, intestines and all exposed so its easy to feed on juicy morsel...

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak, the PNC is hoping to bring Jagdeo to their level which is the gutter.

This reminds me of Donald Trump receiving free media coverage and at the end he won the election, so let them bring it on to Dr Jagdeo more fuel to the fire.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak, the PNC is hoping to bring Jagdeo to their level which is the gutter.

This reminds me of Donald Trump receiving free media coverage and at the end he won the election, so let them bring it on to Dr Jagdeo more fuel to the fire.

Threat you are out of your mind,the more he is around the merrier for the Coalition Gov't.That's what the his supporters can't see.

As to the success as leader,check the records for the years of his tenure,nothing to brag about.

cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

The same reason Trump does, they believe they are better than everyone and what they say is supposedly "the truth"

Trump is not opposition leader.  The reason, maybe the people and media sees BJ as the person blunting PNC slide into the abyss of corruption!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because he squeaks,  squeaks,  squeaks. 

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak,.......

So the present admin has the baltz to go after the strongest...shows they are good. On the subject of Ramoutar, who is he again, does anyone even those in the PPP know of him?

kp posted:

the PNC is hoping to bring Jagdeo to their level which is the gutter.


You mean like cussing out and busing people? Or victimizing innocent people for not bowing down to his wishes? That kind of gutter?

cain posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak,.......

So the present admin has the baltz to go after the strongest...shows they are good. On the subject of Ramoutar, who is he again, does anyone even those in the PPP know of him?

Who is Granger, when last he held a press briefing , we know more of Harmon and Trotman.

The roads, schools ,hospitals, stadium, hotel and the many businesses were all established under the Jagdeo's government,that can't be said of this administration, what ever they touch went BAD, look at Kitty market, just repairing and still can't finish, look at Durban park stadium it is falling apart.So tell me , What have they BUILT.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly. 

You must mean, run the PPP because it seems there is no one sensible enough to do so and you people worship BJ even though he is......the Rat.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?

A quantity of the marijuana packed in the trunk of the motorcar, PKK 1609.

Granger's legacy in the making.

kp posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak,.......

So the present admin has the baltz to go after the strongest...shows they are good. On the subject of Ramoutar, who is he again, does anyone even those in the PPP know of him?

Who is Granger, when last he held a press briefing , we know more of Harmon and Trotman.

The roads, schools ,hospitals, stadium, hotel and the many businesses were all established under the Jagdeo's government,that can't be said of this administration, what ever they touch went BAD, look at Kitty market, just repairing and still can't finish, look at Durban park stadium it is falling apart.So tell me , What have they BUILT.

Bhai, you left out Skeldon Sugar factory and the floating wharves.

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
cain posted:
kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Jagdeo is a threat to the present administration and their supporters, he is experienced and tried political success as a leader. They would not attack Ramoutar although he was the last president because he is weak,.......

So the present admin has the baltz to go after the strongest...shows they are good. On the subject of Ramoutar, who is he again, does anyone even those in the PPP know of him?

Who is Granger, when last he held a press briefing , we know more of Harmon and Trotman.

The roads, schools ,hospitals, stadium, hotel and the many businesses were all established under the Jagdeo's government,that can't be said of this administration, what ever they touch went BAD, look at Kitty market, just repairing and still can't finish, look at Durban park stadium it is falling apart.So tell me , What have they BUILT.

Bhai, you left out Skeldon Sugar factory and the floating wharves.

And don't forget PNC Trotman's "bill wahway" all Guyana oil, the future of Guyana.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?

Absolute nonsense!  Drugs and corruption have gotten worse under the current admin.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly. 

You must mean, run the PPP because it seems there is no one sensible enough to do so and you people worship BJ even though he is......the Rat.

Don't forget it was the  supporters of the PPP who helped Granger to get into power. Now regrets are bountiful everywhere in Berbice. The razor thin victory at the polls should not make you so arrogant.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?

Absolute nonsense!  Drugs and corruption have gotten worse under the current admin.  

Drugs and corruption are at its best in years and that is reflected in the TI index. Serious crime is on the downswing. They are slowly improving. Don't forget that it's Jagdeo who gave birth to the the drug trade, nurtured it and refused help from the DEA and Scotland Yard to curb it. We don't need that crook anywhere near the presidency ever again.

skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?


A quantity of the marijuana packed in the trunk of the motorcar, PKK 1609.

Granger's legacy in the making.

Y'all forget during Jagdeo days when boatloads of cocaine would be leaving Guyana every other week. Everything that we exported was found with cocaine. Even Nandlall mother in law was arrested with the coke in the poke as Jalil use to remind us. 

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is the Opposition leader getting more media coverage than anyone else in the country?  Including the sitting President.

Because his political party will be elected to form the government should there be an compromised, free and fair election in 2020.

Jagdeo is now seen as the only man who can run the country properly.  Granger has been a big disappointment even to his party comrades.

Drugs, corruption and an economic mess are Jagdeo's legacy. Why would anyone want a repeat of that?

Absolute nonsense!  Drugs and corruption have gotten worse under the current admin.  

Drugs and corruption are at its best in years and that is reflected in the TI index. Serious crime is on the downswing. They are slowly improving. Don't forget that it's Jagdeo who gave birth to the the drug trade, nurtured it and refused help from the DEA and Scotland Yard to curb it. We don't need that crook anywhere near the presidency ever again.

Jagdeo will always be part of Guyana's politics in the future...just like Forbes.

skeldon_man posted:

Jagdeo will always be part of Guyana's politics in the future...just like Forbes.

I have no problem with him being the opposition leader for life. Who am I to argue if y'all want to worship Guyana's biggest crook as your God.

Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

You worship FILTH HEAD and THIEVES, it is your choice in a free society!!!

Incorrect. I do not lick the PPP batty like you do. 

You Chatay Gadaha Batty and the namakaram SHIT from his kakahole!!!

Nehru posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:

You worship FILTH HEAD and THIEVES, it is your choice in a free society!!!

Incorrect. I do not lick the PPP batty like you do. 

You Chatay Gadaha Batty and the namakaram SHIT from his kakahole!!!

You bend over every other week on Liberty Avenue for PPP funny fellas to feed your alcoholic habit. You're a nasty man, selling your bamsy fuh rum.


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