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October 21 2018


Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo Saturday night warned the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) that it risked losing its credibility if it does not overturn a decision by Guyana’s courts that President David Granger’s unilateral appointment of a Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) was constitution although he had been given 18 names.

“This travesty in the ruling that we have seen by the Court will be overturned at the CCJ. If the CCJ doesn’t overturn that, it loses all of its credibility because this is what was placed in the Constitution through joint agreement by all the parties and twenty-five years of practice upheld that interpretation of the Constitution and now Granger unilaterally changes this all and now we have this perverse decision of our courts here in Guyana,” he said.

Addressing a People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) local government election campaign meeting at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara, the former Guyanese leader justified his decision for Guyana to join the CCJ back in 2005.

“This is one of the reasons why I took Guyana into the CCJ so that we can have an external review of decisions made here and today that will test the mettle of the CCJ,” said Jagdeo who was President from 1999 to 2011.

Attorney-at-Law, Anil Nandlall criticised the Guyana Court of Appeal last week for upholding a High Court decision that the President enjoyed the constitutional right to unilaterally appoint a GECOM Chairman if he did not find favour with any of the Opposition Leader’s nominees.

“I am disappointed but not surprised. This yet another case that shows how far more our judiciary has to mature  because it is part of a trend. All the cases that are deeply political are decided in a way and that has to change. Those f you, who were in court, would have heard that all my submissions were upheld…and then suddenly as they are about to make that crucial ruling, there is a collapse- a mental, judicial, jurisprudential collapse in reasoning,” he said. Nandlall said he was happy that Chancellor of the Judiciary, Yonette Cummings-Edwards, and Justices of Appeal Dawn Gregory and Rishi Persaud know what the Constitution says but “it’s unfortunate that they did not give effect to their knowledge”.

Nandlall, on behalf of his client PPP Executive Secretary Zulficar Mustapha, plans to appeal the case at the CCJ.

Jagdeo’s remarks about the CCJ came four months after the Trinidad-headquartered regional court ruled that Guyana’s Constitution was properly amended by Parliament, instead of a referendum, to provide for two-term limits on the presidency. That decision has effectively blocked Jagdeo from contesting the 2020 general elections for a third time, having been elected in 2001 and 2006. When the CCJ handed down that decision in June, Jagdeo had accepted the ruling without any criticism.

The CCJ had earlier this year frowned on then Barbados Prime Minister, Freundel Stewart’s announcement at an election campaign rally that he would have pulled out of the regional court had he won those polls. His announcement had been made against the backdrop of the CCJ ordering the elections management authority in Barbados to register  St. Lucian professor Eddy Ventose and allow him the right to vote in Barbados as a Caricom national.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Mr. Basil Williams, who is Head of the Bar, condemned Nandlall’s criticism of the Court of Appeal Judges, saying that it was a “reckless and churlish attack on the judiciary”.

“It is also very clear that Mr Nandlall is becoming unhinged and for a man who has been claiming that other people are losing cases he seems to have suffered a complete meltdown on losing another major case. Perhaps this experience in losing this case regarding the appointment of the GECOM Chairman should enlighten him that in the practice of law before the courts you win some and you lose some.

However, what is very frightening, is the serious deficiency in Mr Nandlall’s psychological framework for him to believe that he will find the courts to rule in his favour despite the plain and literal language of Article 161 (2) that the appointment of the Chairman of GECOM is to be done by the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and not the Opposition Leader,” said Williams.

The Attorney General called on the “usual commentators and the Guyana Bar Association” to also call condemn Nandlall.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Did the court not made a decision based on the constitution.  The opposition leader can submit 100 names, but it is the decision of the president to select the chairman of GECOM.  Jagdeo as president would do the same.

If the CCJ decision don't favour Jagdeo, he gun call dem all airheads.  But if their decision favours him, he will invite dem all to a mansion pool party. What a nice Dr. Dr. Dr. guy. Maybe he should see what is between Mutt ears.  

Django posted:

The more Jagdeo opens his mouth, the hole getting deeper to thwart democracy.

Jagdeo is an ass. He’s trying to tip the scales in favor of the PPP by questioning the credibility of the court’s ruling even before they make it. He should refrain from making such stupid remarks and let the court do its job. The PPP crafted the clause that Granger used to select the GECOM chairman and now he’s crying foul. All Granger did was to follow the constitution. Deal with your own stupidity.


Gist of this specific issue ...

1. Opposition Leader submits to the president a list of candidates.

2. If none is acceptable, the president requests another list.

3. President can ONLY unilaterally appoint a Chairman when the Leader of the Opposition FAILS to submit a list of candidates.


0770221E-5684-40EA-8EAA-372BF4B4D148The president can appoint his own GECOM chairman if the list submitted by the Opposition Leader does not satisfy all of the provisions specified. One provision is that the list of names must not be unacceptable by the president. The president found the list to be unacceptable hence he has the right to unilaterally appoint the chairman. The High Court and the Appeals Court confirmed that the appointment by the president was in accordance with the Constitution. I don’t see any reason why the CCJ would overturn the ruling of the courts.



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Mars posted:

0770221E-5684-40EA-8EAA-372BF4B4D148The president can appoint his own GECOM chairman if the list submitted by the Opposition Leader does not satisfy all of the provisions specified. One provision is that the list of names must not be unacceptable by the president. The president found the list to be unacceptable hence he has the right to unilaterally appoint the chairman. The High Court and the Appeals Court confirmed that the appointment by the president was in accordance with the Constitution. I don’t see any reason why the CCJ would overturn the ruling of the courts.


Well, that’s a stupid ass rule. So the list is just a dog 🐕 and jackass show!   

That don’t sound right Banna!  

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

0770221E-5684-40EA-8EAA-372BF4B4D148The president can appoint his own GECOM chairman if the list submitted by the Opposition Leader does not satisfy all of the provisions specified. One provision is that the list of names must not be unacceptable by the president. The president found the list to be unacceptable hence he has the right to unilaterally appoint the chairman. The High Court and the Appeals Court confirmed that the appointment by the president was in accordance with the Constitution. I don’t see any reason why the CCJ would overturn the ruling of the courts.


Well, that’s a stupid ass rule. So the list is just a dog 🐕 and jackass show!   

That don’t sound right Banna!  

Ask the PPP why they wrote it like that. Now it came back to bite them they are crying foul.

Last edited by Mars


ACT NO. 2 OF 1980

Source --


NOTE carefully ... from the Guyana Constitution ..

for the article 161 the following article was substituted ––


  1. There shall be an Elections Commission for Guyana consisting of a Chairman and such other members as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
  2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Minority Leader after consultation with the political parties represented in the National Assembly, other than the party to which the President belongs: 

    Provided that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.



The following article, 161, has been temporarily suspended by the effect of the Constitution (Amendment) Act, No. 15 of 1995. See Appendix.

161.(1)There shall be an Elections Commission for Guyana consisting of a Chairman and such other members as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
 (2)Subject to the provisions of paragraph (6), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be appointed by the President from among persons who hold or have held office as a judge of a court ha ving unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who are qualified to be appointed as any such judge.
 (3)In addition to the Chairman, there shall be one member of the Commission (hereinafter referred to as a "representative member") in respect of every list of candidates which at the election next preceding the appointment of such member obtained not less that five seats in the Assembly: 
Provided that no appointment shall be made under this paragraph during the period of three months immediately following the date of an election held pursuant to the provisions of article 61.
 (4)For the purposes of the preceding paragraph a list shall be regarded as having obtained a seat in the Assembly if a seat has been located to that list or if a person identified with that list has been elected in an electoral area established under article 160 (2).
 (5)Subject to the provisions of paragraph (6), a representative member of the Commission shall be appointed by the President, acting, in the case of a member to be appointed in respect of the list in which the mane of the President was included as a Presidential candidate, in his own deliberate judgment, and in the case of any other member, in accordance with the advice of the person who, under such provisions may be made under article 63, has po wer to identify persons to fill casual vacancies among the seats of members of the national Assembly from the list in respect of which the member is appointed or, if a majority of the members of the Assembly who belong to that list notify the President th at he should act in accordance with the advice of some other member of the assembly who belongs to that list, in accordance with the advice of that member: 
Provided that if occasion arises for making an appointment while Parliament stands dissolved this paragraph shall have effect as if Parliament had not been dissolved.
 (6)A person shall be disqualified for appointment as a member of the Commission if he is a public officer of an alien.
 (7)A member of the Elections Commission shall vacate his office ––
  (a)at the expiration of three months from the date of the election held pursuant to the provisions of article 61 and next following his appointment; or
  (b)if any circumstances arise that, if he were not a member of the Commission, would cause him to be disqualified for appointment as such.
 (8)The provisions of article 225 (which relate to removal from office) shall apply to the office of member of the Elections Commission, and, for the purposes of paragraphs (4) and (6) of that article, the prescribed authority shall be the Prime Minister: 
Provided that, before tendering any advice to the President under paragraph (4) of the said article in relation to the representative member appointed in respect of a list other than that to which the Prime Minister belongs, the Prime Minister shall consult the person on whose advice, if the office of that member were vacant, the President would act under paragraph (5) in appointing a person to fill the vacancy.
 (9)If, by reason of his illness, absence from Guyana or suspension under the said article 225, any member of the Elections Commission is unable to perform his functions as such, a temporary member may be appointed in his place.
 (10)The provisions of this article shall apply in relation to the appointment of a temporary member of the Commission and to a temporary member appointed in accordance with this article as they apply in relation to the member of the Commission in whose place he is appointed: 
Provided that his appointment shall have effect only for the period ending when the person in whose place he has been appointed resumes his functions as, or ceases to be a member of the Commission.
 (11)For the purposes of paragraphs (5) and (8) a person shall be regarded as belonging to a list if his name appears on that list or if he was identified with that list and elected in an electoral area established under article 160 (2).




Act No. 15 of 1995

AN ACT to alter the Constitution in accordance with articles 66 and 164.

Enacted by the Parliament of Guyana: ––

1. This Act may be cited as the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1995. Alteration of the Constitution.

2. During the period commencing on the date on which this Act comes into operation and ending on the date of the enactment of a new Constitution for Guyana or on the expiry of three months from the date of the next General Election, whichever is earlier, the Constitution shall have effect as if ––

  1. for the article 161 the following article was substituted ––


    1. There shall be an Elections Commission for Guyana consisting of a Chairman and such other members as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
    2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Minority Leader after consultation with the political parties represented in the National Assembly, other than the party to which the President belongs: 
      Provided that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.
    3. In addition to the Chairman, there shall be six members of the Commission who shall be appointed in the following manner ––
      1. three members to be appointed by the President, acting in his own deliberate judgment; and
      2. three members to be appointed by the President acting in accordance with the advice of the Minority Leader tendered after consultation with political parties represented in the National Assembly, other than the party to which the President belongs.
    4. A person shall be disqualified for the appointment as the Chairman or other member of the Commission if he is an alien.
    5. The Chairman or any other member of the Elections Commission shall vacate his office if any circumstances arise that, if he were not a member of the Commission, would cause him to be disqualified for appointment as such.
    6. The provisions of article 225 (which relate to removal from office) shall apply to the office of the Chairman or other members of the Elections Commission for the pur poses of paragraphs (4) and (6) of that article, the prescribed authority shall be the Prime Minister: 
      Provided that in the case of the members referred to in paragraph (3)(b), the Prime Minister shall consult the Minority Leader before tendering any advice to the President under article 225 (4).
    7. If, by reason of his illness, absence from Guyana, or suspension under article 225, the Chairman or any other member of the Elections Commission is unable to perform his functions as such, a temporary Chairman or other member, as the case may be, may be appointed in his place.
    8. The provisions of this article shall apply in relation to the appointment of a temporary Chairman or other member of the Elections Commission, and to a temporary Chai rman or other member appointed in accordance with this article, as they apply in relation to the Chairman or other member, as the case may be, of the Elections Commission in whose place he is appointed: 
      Provided that his appointment shall have effect only for the period ending when the person in whose place he has been appointed resumes his functions as, or ceases to be, the Chairman or other member, as the case may be, of the Commission.
  2. immediately after article 161 there were inserted the following article ––


    1. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Constitution the power to make appointments to the offices mentioned in paragraph (2) and to remove and to exe rcise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such offices shall vest in the Elections Commission ––
    2. The offices referred to in paragraph (1) are ––
      1. those offices to which persons are appointed under the Representation of the People Act, namely ––
        1. Chief Election Officer;
        2. returning officer;
        3. deputy returning officer;
        4. election clerk;
        5. presiding officer;
        6. assistant presiding officer;
        7. poll clerk and other offices as may be necessary or desirable under the said Act;
      2. those offices to which persons are appointed under the National Registration Act, namely ––
        1. Commissioner of Registration;
        2. Deputy Commissioner of Registration;
        3. district supervisor;
        4. registrar;
        5. deputy registrar;
        6. divisional registrar and other offices as may be necessary or desirable under the said Act.
      3. any office, however styled, similar in nature and status to an office referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph, appointment to which is made under any writ ten law relating to local government."
    3. The Elections Commission may, by directions in writing and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, delegate any of its powers under paragraph (1)to any one or mo re members of the Commission; or by such directions and subject to such conditions as it thinks fit, delegate to a person who holds an office mentioned in paragraph (2)(a) (i) to (v) or (2)(b) (i) to (iv), the power to appoint a person to an office mentio ned in paragraph (2) which is subordinate to the office of the person to whom the power of appointment is delegated.
    4. Before the Elections Commission or any member thereof or other person exercising powers under this article appoints to or to act in any office referred to in paragrap h (2) any person who holds or is acting in any office, power to make appointments to which is vested under this Constitution in the Judicial, the Teaching, the Police or the Public Service Commission, the Elections Commission or that member or other perso n shall first seek and obtain the approval of the Commission in which that power is vested.
    5. Where a public officer is appointed to an office referred to in paragraph (2)he shall, subject to paragraph (1), remain a public officer.
    6. Nothing in this article shall be construed as precluding the Elections Commission from appointing any person who is not a public officer to an office referred to in paragraph (2).


  3. for article 226 (5) thereof the following were substituted ––

    (5)    For the purposes of the preceding paragraph a quorum shall consist, in the case of the Elections Commission, of the Chairman and not less than two-thirds of the number of other members (not being temporary members) for the time being appointed to the Commission: 

    Provided that if at any stage of a duly summoned meeting a quorum is not present, due to the absence of members therefrom without just cause, such absence of just cause being determined by the Chairman, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the following day at the same time and place and notice of such adjournment shall be given to the absent members; and if at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present, the members then present, being not less than four including the Chairman, shall be dee med to constitute a quorum and any decision made at that or any such meeting shall be valid in law and binding."


Source - Guyana Constitution -

Mars posted:
Baseman posted:
Mars posted:

0770221E-5684-40EA-8EAA-372BF4B4D148The president can appoint his own GECOM chairman if the list submitted by the Opposition Leader does not satisfy all of the provisions specified. One provision is that the list of names must not be unacceptable by the president. The president found the list to be unacceptable hence he has the right to unilaterally appoint the chairman. The High Court and the Appeals Court confirmed that the appointment by the president was in accordance with the Constitution. I don’t see any reason why the CCJ would overturn the ruling of the courts.


Well, that’s a stupid ass rule. So the list is just a dog 🐕 and jackass show!   

That don’t sound right Banna!  

Ask the PPP why they wrote it like that. Now it came back to bite them they are crying foul.

If that’s the case, who ever wrote that should be fired!


Jagdeo is doing what opposition leader is supposed to do to make noise and quote laws and balls when he loses the supreme court and the court of appeal's case on old man Patterson. CCJ will put him to shame. The man has a kakahole giving him legal advice. Them two like batty and Po.

Demerara_Guy posted:


ACT NO. 2 OF 1980

Source --


NOTE carefully ... from the Guyana Constitution ..

for the article 161 the following article was substituted ––


  1. There shall be an Elections Commission for Guyana consisting of a Chairman and such other members as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
  2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Minority Leader after consultation with the political parties represented in the National Assembly, other than the party to which the President belongs: 

    Provided that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.

You have to read Article 161, paragraph 2 in its entirety and not just cherry pick and bold a few lines and hope that it holds up in court. It will not and that was borne out by the rulings of the High Court and the Appeals Court.

It states that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list "as provided for", meaning that the list must meet the provisions in the first paragraph of paragraph 2. The provisions are the list must contains six persons, they must not be unacceptable to the President, and the Minority Leader must consult with the parties other than the president's. 

The president found that the second clause was not satisfied (not unacceptable to the President) so he rejected the list and exercised his right to unilaterally choose a Chairman. End of story. Good luck trying to get the CCJ to reverse the ruling of the Guyana Courts.


So Jagdeo thinks that he can intimidate those islanders the way he does the sheep who vote for him?  The CCJ will look at the case and come to their own conclusions.  His attempt to intimidate them will most likely not strengthen his case.

Mars posted:
Django posted:

The more Jagdeo opens his mouth, the hole getting deeper to thwart democracy.

Jagdeo is an ass. He’s trying to tip the scales in favor of the PPP by questioning the credibility of the court’s ruling even before they make it. He should refrain from making such stupid remarks and let the court do its job. The PPP crafted the clause that Granger used to select the GECOM chairman and now he’s crying foul. All Granger did was to follow the constitution. Deal with your own stupidity.

Jagdeo modified the constitution to ensure that the PNC was not able to appoint someone who he didn't like.  For this reason almost all of the PNC's nominees were Indians as they knew that the racist nature of the PPP would allow these people to be selected.

Mars posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:


ACT NO. 2 OF 1980

Source --


NOTE carefully ... from the Guyana Constitution ..

for the article 161 the following article was substituted ––


  1. There shall be an Elections Commission for Guyana consisting of a Chairman and such other members as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
  2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), the Chairman of the Elections Commission shall be a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge, or any other fit and proper person, to be appointed by the President from a list of six persons, not unacceptable to the President, submitted by the Minority Leader after consultation with the political parties represented in the National Assembly, other than the party to which the President belongs: 

    Provided that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list as provided for, the President shall appoint a person who holds or has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge.

You have to read Article 161, paragraph 2 in its entirety and not just cherry pick and bold a few lines and hope that it holds up in court. It will not and that was borne out by the rulings of the High Court and the Appeals Court.

It states that if the Minority Leader fails to submit a list "as provided for", meaning that the list must meet the provisions in the first paragraph of paragraph 2. The provisions are the list must contains six persons, they must not be unacceptable to the President, and the Minority Leader must consult with the parties other than the president's. 

The president found that the second clause was not satisfied (not unacceptable to the President) so he rejected the list and exercised his right to unilaterally choose a Chairman. End of story. Good luck trying to get the CCJ to reverse the ruling of the Guyana Courts.

... fails to submit a list as provided for ...


means that the list for the Chairman MUST contain  ... 

a. a person who holds or who has held office as a judge of a court having unlimited jurisdiction in civil and criminal matters in some part of the Commonwealth

b. or a court having jurisdiction in appeals from any such court or who is qualified to be appointed as any such judge,

c. or any other fit and proper person,


It does not mean that the list MUST have a plus b plus c ...

It means a or b or c ... that is ONE of the three.


Valid question Alena, PPP must have international observers across Guyana in 2020. PPP has to get cracking, PNC has never allowed a free and fair national election under their watch. Hoyte buckled under international pressure and the rigging machinery was crushed by the PPP.

That fear has reignited under PNC’s Granger. 

What is it about the PNC and rigging ? Just have a nice clean political fight and may the better party win. But no, Granger wants his own personal GECOM chairman.

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!


The PPP will be looking for friends to observe the elections, after they pissed off the ABC countries, when they were the government.

Jagdeo is using the same intimidating strategy with the CCJ and expect a favourable result.  

Good luck !!

Tola posted:


Jagdeo is using the same intimidating strategy with the CCJ and expect a favourable result.  

Good luck !!

Tola can you provide any proof ? BTW, Jagdeo is NOT running in 2020. Get with the times man. This is NOT 1938 with you reading from the daily Mirror.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!

Bai stop with the lady, Amral, warned you. She seh fuh tell u she don’t need a dhall bai. 😀😀No hard feelings, let it go.

alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!

Bai stop with the lady, Amral, warned you. She seh fuh tell u she don’t need a dhall bai. 😀😀No hard feelings, let it go.

I don’t know why Base keeps picking on the Gyal. I don’t see BIBI picking on he lately. Base has to let things go. He is a smart fella and can do a lot better. 

The me too movement might mek a move on him if he na stop picking on de Gyal. Mits was me tooed for the same type of thing.

alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!

Bai stop with the lady, Amral, warned you. She seh fuh tell u she don’t need a dhall bai. 😀😀No hard feelings, let it go.

I just asked a question.  Wah a wan dhall bai?  Me nah remember eating dhall wid she in Switzerland or Italy or anywhere else!!   Oh maybe once at Singh roti shapp!!

Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!

Bai stop with the lady, Amral, warned you. She seh fuh tell u she don’t need a dhall bai. 😀😀No hard feelings, let it go.

I just asked a question.  Wah a wan dhall bai?  Me nah remember eating dhall wid she in Switzerland or Italy or anywhere else!!   Oh maybe once at Singh roti shapp!!

Was going to ask, is it was East Indian bhai ?

yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:


Jagdeo is using the same intimidating strategy with the CCJ and expect a favourable result.  

Good luck !!

Tola can you provide any proof ? BTW, Jagdeo is NOT running in 2020. Get with the times man. This is NOT 1938 with you reading from the daily Mirror.

In fact he is running as he will select the candidate and control him if he wins.  If Jagdeo is so bold face as to try to intimidate the CCJ you know that he has the PPP under his boot.  They all quake whenever he barks.  He is like Donald Trump.

Tola posted:

The PPP will be looking for friends to observe the elections, after they pissed off the ABC countries, when they were the government.

Jagdeo is using the same intimidating strategy with the CCJ and expect a favourable result.  

Good luck !!

Jagdeo will not be a Presidential candidate in the 2020 election.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:
...BTW, Jagdeo is NOT running in 2020. Get with the times man. This is NOT 1938 with you reading from the daily Mirror.

Oh please, everyone sees through BJ's schemes. He was hoping to run for a 3rd term, after that failed he began lots of campaigning. They will announce the frontrunner next month, if he wins he'll be another Donald Ramotar with BJ running the show. What does BJ and his naïve disciples believe, his plan is transparent. He is running behind another person's face, but he is running. It will not work; the US, ABC and everyone sees the latest BJ con job at work!!


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
alena06 posted:
Baseman posted:
alena06 posted:

Wonder if anyone already started to reach out to the International Observers to make sure they are in full attendance in 2020.

Wouldn’t Bibi know?  She knows everything!

Bai stop with the lady, Amral, warned you. She seh fuh tell u she don’t need a dhall bai. 😀😀No hard feelings, let it go.

I don’t know why Base keeps picking on the Gyal. I don’t see BIBI picking on he lately. Base has to let things go. He is a smart fella and can do a lot better. 

The me too movement might mek a move on him if he na stop picking on de Gyal. Mits was me tooed for the same type of thing.

Stay out of people's business you little twerp!!!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Tola posted:


Jagdeo is using the same intimidating strategy with the CCJ and expect a favourable result.  

Good luck !!

Tola can you provide any proof ? BTW, Jagdeo is NOT running in 2020. Get with the times man. This is NOT 1938 with you reading from the daily Mirror.

In fact he is running as he will select the candidate and control him if he wins.  If Jagdeo is so bold face as to try to intimidate the CCJ you know that he has the PPP under his boot.  They all quake whenever he barks.  He is like Donald Trump.

Jagdeo needs to keep his corrupt backsides out of public view. I will support his royal highness king Charles or Antony  but all the others can eat cake. At least the former can show some independence and has the thinking skills. The lattes is simply to hold space for another term since he is fully indoctrinated into PPP group think. I cannot support granger again. Lacking a third party one is back to mangy dog politics and it is yours versus theirs. 

Last edited by Former Member

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