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Expert: Guyana's request is a hostile move against Venezuela

Aníbal Martínez, the head of Venezuelan NGO Instituto de Defensa del Petróleo (Institute for the Defense of Oil), recalled that some oil blocks in Venezuela's Atlantic front have been put for tender

Thursday September 22, 2011 - 02:22 PM
Source - El Universal

Oil analyst Aníbal Martínez contrasted Venezuela’s “kindness” with Guyana’s “unfriendly” acts (Photo: Oswer Díaz)

Aníbal Martínez, the head of non-governmental organization Instituto de Defensa del Petróleo (Institute for the Defense of Oil), thinks that Guyana's request to extend its continental shelf from 200 miles to 350 miles represents "the culmination of a series of hostile acts that have been carried out by this country against Venezuela, while our country has not exercised its legitimate right to defend the territorial integrity of the motherland."

Martínez addressed the issue with members of the Ávila group, and said, "Venezuela has indisputable rights in its Atlantic front."

Martínez explained that since 1999 Guyana has bid oil and gas fields in marine and submarine waters located within the disputed territory, thus disregarding the historical documents that prove the legitimate rights of Venezuela, disturbing Surinam and Barbados, and extending its claims over disputed areas even within the 110 km which are Venezuelan territory at the mouth of the Orinoco Delta.

He explained that the sea front has an area of 159,000 km2. Nevertheless, both Barbados and Guyana have made bid oil fields located within the 130,000 km2 corresponding to the Atlantic coast of Venezuela under the straight baseline set on July 9, 1978.

He stressed that Guyana's ratification in 1994 of the Law of the Sea Convention of 1982 hinted the position of Guyana, whose aspiration saw the light of day before the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, without any consultation with Venezuela "which is the legitimate holder of the rights over the disputed territory."

He said that instead of protesting at these hostile acts by Guyana, Venezuela has allowed Guyana to enter the Caracas Energy Accord (2001) and Petrocaribe (2005), under which Caracas supplies 24,800 cubic meters of gas per month to Georgetown.

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I've been wondering why Guyana has chosen this moment to request an extension of its continental shelf jurisdiction to 350 miles. The government already has lots of pressing problems on its hands. Why it wants to pick up a live grenade with the pin pulled off is bewildering to me. Is someone setting up next president Donald Ramotar for big trouble? dunno
Venezuelan politician says Chavez too lenient with Guyana
Written by Demerara Waves Friday, 23 September 2011 11:11

Oswaldo Álvarez Paz

(El Universal) Oswaldo Álvarez Paz, an opposition candidate running for primaries, railed on the government's foreign policy regarding the boundary dispute with Guyana, and accused President Hugo Chávez of taking a too lenient attitude in this issue of national interest. The Venezuelan president, he added, "has an accommodating attitude because he places the regime's political interests over the needs and rights of the nation."

Álvarez Paz referred himself to a boundary dispute with Guyana on the Essequibo and explained that Chávez's actions against Venezuela are not due to errors or negligence, but they are in line with a political strategy on the international stage. "He seeks to gain support from the OAS (Organization of American States), no matter the damage he does to Venezuela."

It's apparent that the kfc creeps would turn over all disputed territory to the Venezuela without a fight. However the fact that the US is at odds with Venezuela bodes well for Guyana as it is a bait waiting for Chavez or his successors to bite. ahahhahha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
It's apparent that the kfc creeps would turn over all disputed territory to the Venezuela without a fight. However the fact that the US is at odds with Venezuela bodes well for Guyana as it is a bait waiting for Chavez or his successors to bite. ahahhahha

Nehru as I told you before you are not an advocate for the PPP you are a shameless brute.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
It's apparent that the kfc creeps would turn over all disputed territory to the Venezuela without a fight. However the fact that the US is at odds with Venezuela bodes well for Guyana as it is a bait waiting for Chavez or his successors to bite. ahahhahha

Let's invade Venezuela and fix this issue once and for good.
Originally posted by Lucas:
Let's invade Venezuela and fix this issue once and for good.

Are you a natural born dunce or was this a trait that was developed later in life? Venezuela has claims to Guyana's territory not the other way around. Why invade when the US is waiting for an excuse to do it for us. ahhahahah
Originally posted by Lucas:
Chavez has been a friend of Guyana, anyone who comes after him, specially if pro-American, won't be so.

Lucas if he was a friend he wouyld have flown to Guyana and publicly tore up the document claiming 2/3 of Guyana. Venezuela stil claims this and initimidates any from exploring what they feel is theirs.
Originally posted by Wally:
As long as Fidel Castro is alive and Chavez is in power in Venezula there will be good relations between Guyana and Venezuela. When Fidel dies all bets are off.

Not so fast, Wally. We can still count on lil brother Raul Castro. Smile
Book, little brother Raul is himself getting on in age soon he will be 81 years old. It seems that no other Castro family member wants to be involve in politics except Raul's daughter who is a gay rights activist and is loved by mostly Cuban gays and lesbians.
Originally posted by Wally:
Book, little brother Raul is himself getting on in age soon he will be 81 years old. It seems that no other Castro family member wants to be involve in politics except Raul's daughter who is a gay rights activist and is loved by mostly Cuban gays and lesbians.

All the better for some ah dem bai at OP. No names no warrant. Big Grin
Well when Venezuela starts massing troops at the borders, I guess the PPP supporters will mass themselves with cutlasses,donkey carts and liquor cocktails to drive them back,the the PNC GDF will call in sick.. cheers yippie
The Venezuelan opposition is accusing Chavez of surrendering the Essequibo to Guyana. Again, this is a card the Americans are playing against Chavez. It seems like Guyana's destiny is tied to the domestic politics of Venezuela.
Originally posted by gbana:
Well when Venezuela starts massing troops at the borders, I guess the PPP supporters will mass themselves with cutlasses,donkey carts and liquor cocktails to drive them back,the the PNC GDF will call in sick.. cheers yippie

No the US embassy will take care of that. ahhahahahhaha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
It's apparent that the kfc creeps would turn over all disputed territory to the Venezuela without a fight. However the fact that the US is at odds with Venezuela bodes well for Guyana as it is a bait waiting for Chavez or his successors to bite. ahahhahha

I think you mis-calculating. Venez has a trisk with anti-Americanism while Guyana has had that posture for 60 years. Chavez will come and go and Venez will return to the fold of the US camp. This does NOT bode well fpr Guyana as the US will keep the territorial issue to limit the potential of Guyana and thwart any strategic development as they see fit.

The position of the PPP during the Chavez era is a lost opportunity with the USA, something which will hang over us for another genaration as it did the last. Once again Guyana has been playe a losing the PPP.

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