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Granger raps AFC for threatening to begin elections campaign without APNU

Leader of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) David Granger has rapped the Alliance For Change (AFC) for threatening to begin its elections campaign outside of the coalition.

“It is part of the agreement that we should have a joint campaign. So, I cannot understand why, in spite of that agreement, there should be an attempt to have separate campaigns,” Granger expressed during an interview on the sidelines of an event this morning.

“It’s one coalition, not two coalitions,” he said.

The AFC had threatened to start its campaign for the March 2020 elections without the APNU, if talks on a new Cummingsburg Accord were not finalised on Monday, November 18.

The deadline has passed without a conclusion of the negotiations.

In fact, instead of meeting with the AFC on Monday to wrap up those talks, the APNU held an internal meeting where it made its own proposals on a number of matters, such as the allocation of seats among the two parties.

Granger has contended that he will not abide by threats and deadlines.

“We should not allow the preoccupation of personalities to derail the importance of seeking an agreement based on principles…the most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the Constitution of Guyana, so that is not subject to deadlines or threats.”

The AFC has been pushing for a fair deal in the new accord.

However, its demands are being contested by the APNU.

One sore topic is the allocation of seats for parliamentary and ministerial postings.

The AFC wants to keep the existing formula but the APNU appears to want a change.

During its meeting on Monday, the APNU said it came up with a “post-election formula for the allocation of seats and recommended an approach for the continuation of negotiations with the AFC in accordance with the core principles already agreed”. GUYANA TIMES.

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Honest” and “efficient” government needed; no need for noise or deadlines – Granger on APNU-AFC talks


FLASH BACK: President David Granger and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan. In the background is Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

Chairman of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), President David Granger on Wednesday said he is keen on selecting an “honest government” to run Guyana should he win next year’s general elections, even as he flayed the Alliance For Change (AFC) for setting a deadline for ending negotiations for a revised political agreement between the two sides.

“The negotiations are determined by agreement, not be deadlines,” Granger said. Mr. Granger and AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan are expected to hold another round of talks.

For the first time, the President expressed his dissatisfaction publicly about the AFC’s tone in the negotiations which included setting last Monday as the deadline after which that party would have pulled out and gone the March 2, 2020 general elections separately. “The question of a deadline would not necessarily bring about the best outcome. I am confident that were we to sit without noise, sit down soberly and quietly, we will arrive at a position that is best for Guyana,” the President said.

Mr. Granger did not hide his concerns at the AFC saying that it would launch a separate elections campaign. “I cannot understand why, in spite of that agreement, there should be an attempt to have a separate campaign… I don’t understand who made that suggestion and why it should be made at this stage of the discussions or the negotiations; that’s a mistake,” he said.

The APNU Chairman said the two sides should go into the talks based on principles including using Guyana’s constitution as the guide post for the talks. “The most important principle is that any agreement should be in accordance with the constitution of Guyana. That is not subject to deadlines or threats,” he said.

Mr. Granger said he wants representation in the National Assembly and government “which is honest and which is efficient”.

APNU insiders have said the 60-40 percentage of parliamentary seats with AFC, which was agreed to in the 2015 Cummingsburg Accord, would not be possible this time around and APNU was more interested in offering AFC 30 percent of the seats that would be won in the next elections.

The AFC has, by overwhelming majority, identified Mr. Ramjattan as Mr. Granger’s running mate. However, there is no clear indication from both sides that Ramjattan’s candidacy has been accepted by APNU.

Already, Mr. Granger has said a political agreement could not supersede Guyana’s constitution which gives him the right to pick his prime minister after the next general elections.

Messrs Granger and Ramjattan will be accompanied by APNU Chief Negotiator, Volda Lawrence and her AFC counterpart, David Patterson.


Grangah doing to the AFC exactly what he did to the PPP, tickle their balls to frustrated!  He will then toss a hot cookie at them and tell them kech!

Look what Grangah did to PPP, get his head of GECOM and election just shy of a full term!


Look at who is talking about doing things in accordance with the nation's constitution!! He is telling them that the Cummingsburg agreement is outdated and illegal. Get with the new program!  It's a PNC program. Love it or leave it.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:

Bai Billy, it is called PNC party paramountcy 

That is precisely what it is. Granger is turning Guyana into a military state. Expect more to happen when the oil money rolls in.  The GDF will play a bigger part in the political of the nation. You don't have to guess who controls the GDF

Billy Ram Balgobin

Granger rendered Moses and Rumboogie Ramjattan impotent by scolding them yesterday and basically told them to buzz off.  He calls the shots and rendered the so-called “Cum Bird”  accord useless. 


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