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Former Member

Govt. accepts caretaker status, will restrain exercise of legal authority

Jul 14, 2019 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-of-legal-authority/

Following the Consequential orders and declarations of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Friday, the Granger administration said it has accepted that it is in “caretaker” mode. In fact, the Government said it will restrain the exercise of its legal authority.

President, David Granger

“This means that while the Government will continue its routine management of the country, it will also address urgent issues that are in the public interest,” the government noted in a statement to the press last evening.

That said, the administration pointed out that Cabinet has not stopped functioning and that Government must continue to provide public services. The government said that the Constitution notes clearly in Article 106 (7) that, notwithstanding its defeat in the National Assembly, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election.

In addition to this, the Government said it is prepared to consult with the Opposition on matters which require the agreement of both sides.

On that note, the coalition administration said it agrees with the Court that it is of greatest importance that President David Granger and the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, conclude the process of appointing a new Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

The Government reminded that it has met with the opposition three times in the past week to “hammer out” the list of six nominees in accordance with the CCJ guidelines.

It noted that that process has not yet been completed and that it intends to continue to approach the matter in a consensual manner, as stipulated by the CCJ. Furthermore, the Government said it is confident that a GECOM Chairman could be appointed in a few days’ time.

The Government said that the appointment of a Chairman of the Elections Commission is an important step in continuing the elections process which has already begun. As such, it said that it remains committed to holding credible elections in the shortest possible time.

The administration said, “It is to be noted that the Elections Commission is responsible for holding elections and not the Executive. GECOM therefore has to advise the President of its readiness to conduct elections.

The Government maintains that credible elections are the hallmark of a democratic state. Credible elections are dependent on, in part, the integrity of the Official List of Electors.”

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Clear and effective process, which has not yet done ---

... Government MUST resign.

When that is done -- the President then remains in office for the elections to take place within 3 months.


Typical PNC deceit and dishonesty; they continue to employ tricks and dishonesty to remain in office ! The no-confidence vote against them was as clear as daylight for all to see; except the devious and grossly dishonest PNC hooligans !!

Keffer posted:

Typical PNC deceit and dishonesty; they continue to employ tricks and dishonesty to remain in office ! The no-confidence vote against them was as clear as daylight for all to see; except the devious and grossly dishonest PNC hooligans !!

I agree. The continued straw clutching nonsense has no limits. I see they touting a new one now. The should have done the civilized thing and just call early elections like what any civilized government would do.

ksazma posted:
Keffer posted:

Typical PNC deceit and dishonesty; they continue to employ tricks and dishonesty to remain in office ! The no-confidence vote against them was as clear as daylight for all to see; except the devious and grossly dishonest PNC hooligans !!

I agree. The continued straw clutching nonsense has no limits. I see they touting a new one now. The should have done the civilized thing and just call early elections like what any civilized government would do.

HEHEHE Kascz, civilized and PNC is like Ile and Wata

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Everyone taking care of themselves!  Guyanese pon dem own!!

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

Excellent choice of words Len. Piggy bank are what lil chirren have before they really start handling real money. 😀

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Everyone taking care of themselves!  Guyanese pon dem own!!

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

.... and by the time they are forced to vacate, you can bet the national coffers will be empty !

Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Everyone taking care of themselves!  Guyanese pon dem own!!

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

.... and by the time they are forced to vacate, you can bet the national coffers will be empty !

Yes, sir, that is their plan. Some PNC bigwigs said that PPP kings and queens got their share, and now is PNC's turn. 

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Everyone taking care of themselves!  Guyanese pon dem own!!

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

.... and by the time they are forced to vacate, you can bet the national coffers will be empty !

Yes, sir, that is their plan. Some PNC bigwigs said that PPP kings and queens got their share, and now is PNC's turn. 

Talk by PNC dunces of theft by members of the PPP is nothing more than "shyte' ! These morons and dunces stole far more than 'their share'  when Burnham, Guyana's biggest-ever jackass, transformed Guyana from one of the most prosperous and progressive nations in the region, into the foremost rival to Haiti for the 'coveted' title of the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere ! The ultra-dunce PNC K-K-holes have been shouting, hollering and screaming about theft and defalcation by the PPP; despite the fact that they have utterly failed to convict even a single  PPP member !  One of their most prominent, callous and bare-faced thieves, Hamilton Green, has still not paid even a black penny for all the metal sheet-piling that he 'moved' from the M&TC bond in Georgetown to his property when he was the mayor of Georgetown and was building his house in Lodge ! Less than a month ago, that thick-lipped baboon Paterson failed to provide proper information on a deposit of close to US$10K into his personal account ! Despite a perfectly appropriate and legitimate query of this transaction by Bharat Jagdeo, Granger's mouth conveniently gravitated into his rectum and to date not a word of explanation has been provided by any of his goons !         

Leonora posted:
Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Everyone taking care of themselves!  Guyanese pon dem own!!

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

.... and by the time they are forced to vacate, you can bet the national coffers will be empty !

Yes, sir, that is their plan. Some PNC bigwigs said that PPP kings and queens got their share, and now is PNC's turn. 

Talk by PNC dunces of theft by members of the PPP is nothing more than "shyte' ! These morons and dunces stole far more than 'their share'  when Burnham, Guyana's biggest-ever jackass, transformed Guyana from one of the most prosperous and progressive nations in the region, into the foremost rival to Haiti for the 'coveted' title of the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere ! The ultra-dunce PNC K-K-holes have been shouting, hollering and screaming about theft and defalcation by the PPP; despite the fact that they have utterly failed to convict even a single  PPP member !  One of their most prominent, callous and bare-faced thieves, Hamilton Green, has still not paid even a black penny for all the metal sheet-piling that he 'moved' from the M&TC bond in Georgetown to his property when he was the mayor of Georgetown and was building his house in Lodge ! Less than a month ago, that thick-lipped baboon Paterson failed to provide proper information on a deposit of close to US$10K into his personal account ! Despite a perfectly appropriate and legitimate query of this transaction by Bharat Jagdeo, Granger's mouth conveniently gravitated into his rectum and to date not a word of explanation has been provided by any of his goons !         

Keffer posted:

Talk by PNC dunces of theft by members of the PPP is nothing more than "shyte' ! These morons and dunces stole far more than 'their share'  when Burnham, Guyana's biggest-ever jackass, transformed Guyana from one of the most prosperous and progressive nations in the region, into the foremost rival to Haiti for the 'coveted' title of the most impoverished nation in the western hemisphere ! The ultra-dunce PNC K-K-holes have been shouting, hollering and screaming about theft and defalcation by the PPP; despite the fact that they have utterly failed to convict even a single  PPP member !  One of their most prominent, callous and bare-faced thieves, Hamilton Green, has still not paid even a black penny for all the metal sheet-piling that he 'moved' from the M&TC bond in Georgetown to his property when he was the mayor of Georgetown and was building his house in Lodge ! Less than a month ago, that thick-lipped baboon Paterson failed to provide proper information on a deposit of close to US$10K into his personal account ! Despite a perfectly appropriate and legitimate query of this transaction by Bharat Jagdeo, Granger's mouth conveniently gravitated into his rectum and to date not a word of explanation has been provided by any of his goons !         

Supposedly Jagdeo was involved in the Narco trade in Guyana and was Roger Khan's friend in that respect. Khan spent some 10 years in jail for his involvement and it is reasonable to think that he sang like a canary in order to minimize his sentence. Forget about the Coalition charging Jagdeo. They are too busy taking the country back to when it was the second poorest country in the western hemisphere. But the US does not have the same level of haplessness. Today, the discussion was whether Trump can be charged after he leaves the presidency and it was determined that he can. If the US president can be charged after he leaves the presidency, the US would have no hesitation charging Jagdeo. And they didn't even have to travel to Guyana to uplift Jagdeo as he was in Queens recently. They could have arrested him then or any of the other times he has visited since Khan was incarcerated.

cain posted:

Kaz, wuh name he travelling under? 

Bai, the US is not hapless as the PNC. No matter what name he travels under, he will still be Jagdeo to the US so if he was so intricately involved with Roger Khan in the narco trade, he would have already been before the US courts.

Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:
Keffer posted:
Leonora posted:

PNC is holding on to the piggybank as long as possible.

.... and by the time they are forced to vacate, you can bet the national coffers will be empty !

Yes, sir, that is their plan. Some PNC bigwigs said that PPP kings and queens got their share, and now is PNC's turn. 

.....Hamilton Green, has still not paid even a black penny for all the metal sheet-piling that he 'moved' from the M&TC bond in Georgetown to his property when he was the mayor of Georgetown and was building his house in Lodge ....! !         

Bai you know nuff things!  He had ask my dad to help him with all his yellowing trees and plants.  When my dad went he also saw the new house had developed lots of cracks, which also baffled Green.  It turned out the he drove the steel pilings creating a retaining wall all around the yard.  The yard then got fully water logged due to the pilings! He had govt workers come i and blow-torch holes in the pilings to drain the property!  That solved his problems!

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:

.....Hamilton Green, has still not paid even a black penny for all the metal sheet-piling that he 'moved' from the M&TC bond in Georgetown to his property when he was the mayor of Georgetown and was building his house in Lodge ....! !         

Bai you know nuff things!  He had ask my dad to help him with all his yellowing trees and plants.  When my dad went he also saw the new house had developed lots of cracks, which also baffled Green.  It turned out the he drove the steel pilings creating a retaining wall all around the yard.  The yard then got fully water logged due to the pilings! He had govt workers come i and blow-torch holes in the pilings to drain the property!  That solved his problems!

This is the fool that Granger found deserving enough for the country's second highest honor. Birds of a feather flock together.

Last edited by Former Member

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