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I cannot forgive PPP leaders; they shouldn’t rule my country again

Feb 24 2019


They say in life, you must forgive, forget and move on. I don’t know who coined that saying, but everything has context, and it must have been said in a context that does not have universal applicability.How can you forgive and forget when your country’s future is at stake? In specific, situational dramas, you can forgive and forget what was done to you. But can you forgive and forget actors whose irredeemable features can hurt your fellow citizens and the country in general?

Let me be pellucid, unambiguous and iridescent; I do not think a Granger presidency under an APNC+AFC government will deny my daughter employment when she returns from graduate studies. I cannot see those in the present government saying; “don’t employ Freddie’s daughter, you know whose daughter is that?”I fear for my daughter’s employment prospects and I fear for my life if the PPP returns. The leadership of that party is recidivist, insensitive, narcissist, and undemocratically sadistic. A majority PPP government with wild hegemony will not employ Freddie Kissoon’s daughter. This is my genuine belief.

I only trust Anil Nandlall not to react personally to my activism if he is president. The other PPP leaders are vindictive tyrants. The PPP had an obsession with me. They tried to kill me. They victimized my family. Burnham had his ways, but he was too decent to drag the family of an anti-government activist into his oppressive net.
What kind of monsters were/are the PPP leaders? They hounded my wife out of her job. They posted fake pictures of an explicit nature on social media of my daughter. This young girl who never said or did anything against the PPP leadership did not deserve that smear campaign. These people when they were doing so were parents of young daughters. What kind of beasts are PPP leaders?

The lowest point in Guyana’s evolution of democracy was during the reign of Jagdeo and Ramotar. These men’s authoritarian instincts were unleashed on me. Why should I forgive and forget? Tell me why I should. And when should I start? If President Burnham knew that my UG contract had five months before expiration, I know what he would have said. I knew how Burnham’s temperament worked.
Burnham would have told his subordinates not to worry with him (Kissoon); he has five more months to perform. My UG contract was terminated one month after Donald Ramotar was sworn in as president in November 2011; it had a mere five more months.The same Ramotar never showed an ounce of concern after his son struck down my nephew. Ramotar and his son never made contact with the injured man. Not satisfied with breaking up an academic conference during the presentation of my paper, President Jagdeo sued me for libel based on the contents of that very paper. The case is now into its eighth year.

Twice I was attacked and almost lost my life on both occasions. One of the men convicted and sent to jail is out on bail. He is seen everywhere with Jagdeo since the no-confidence vote. When he got bail from the Full Court, my friends told me that some PPP leaders were rejoicing on their Facebook page. The main witness to the second attack died mysteriously. The GRA under Jagdeo and Ramotar was used to target me; me a poor church mouse.Two years ago, I met the guy they ordered to victimize me; then GRA head, Khurshid Sattaur. He held on to the passenger door of my car and said to me, “Freddie, I was instructed to go after you, I had nothing against you.” Juan Edghill asked Justice Insanally to commit me to prison for contempt of court over my criticism of his nasty politics. I spent three days and nights in a Brickdam station cell for two traffic offences that do not carry more than $5000 fine.

I created history in journalism when the PPP was in power. For five consecutive years, the Chronicle published a yearly output of about two hundred missives on me in its letter pages. I could go on.I will affirm that I cannot forgive or forget. The ruthless leadership of the PPP that tried to ruin me, my family and my country, want to be reelected to govern Guyana once more. If and when that happens, Guyana will die.Where is the soul of the human that would willingly put these people back in power? I dearly would like to see a multi-party government. Because of the ethnic reality, the PPP will have to be part of it. But the PPP by itself should never govern Guyana again. I hope it never does.


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That’s his opinion but it’s the people of Guyana who will decide.  The PPP have every right should the people decide in their favor.  

Thus far, the only example of recidivism is the PNC quickly sliding back to past behaviors and attitudes.  


I have to stand on Freddie's side here especially with regard to victimizing his young daughter. But I also side with him on the victimization of his wife and even him being victimized for his work in the media. As much as I prefer the PPP, I would never claim that they were saints because they weren't. Politics is an ugly occupation and politicians are generally very ugly. The only language that politicians understand is the one that takes place on election day. Whether it was deserved or the voters fell for the Coalition's empty promises, the reality is that the voters chose the Coalition in 2015. Unfortunately, the Coalition immediately began behaving like ugly politicians and in the process, forgot who gave them the opportunity to be in government. Now thy are two dozen days away from being officially declared not the government. They too deserve the position they have found themselves in just as the PPP did in 2015. The time has come again for the voters to again offer their opinion on who should govern them and the Coalition government and more particularly the PNC needs to respect the voters rights here. As long as there are no shenanigans during that election, whichever group emerges would again be the legitimate one. Lastly, I do share Freddie's hope for a mixed party government. That APNU/AFC is a farce. Nothing mixed about that.


One of my friends was a security guard at UG in the 1980s. He told me that the PYO members on campus would pelt bricks at Freddie when he would ride his bike at the UG campus. That is the same Freddie that PNC thugs would pelt bricks at when he would speak at WPA road side meetings.


What pisses me off is this.  Freddie was taking bricks from PNC thugs because he is WPA and instead of the PYO members showing some sympathy towards him instead they shower him with bricks also.

Prashad posted:

. He told me that the PYO members on campus would pelt bricks at Freddie when he would ride his bike at the UG campus

And yet there are still people who insist that the PYO are saints.

Prashad posted:

What pisses me off is this.  Freddie was taking bricks from PNC thugs because he is WPA and instead of the PYO members showing some sympathy towards him instead they shower him with bricks also.

Cheddi told Indians that the WPA was for black people.  Indians also joining the WPA angered him.  It was reported that when Rodney began to speak to Indians the PPP was upset.

While Rodney was definitely killed by the PNC you can bet that the PPP wasn't upset.  They saw him as much of a threat as the PNC did.

Last edited by Former Member

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