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Baseman posted:

The country is filled with leftist liberals who want to overthrow the system and destroy the civilization.  Some are Trojan horse immigrants and others are cancers from within.  One must always guard against these infidels!

Quit the useless right wing rant. I doubt liberals and progressives want to overthrow the system. The want to make sure it works for the most and not for the few plutocrats. Calling people who have concerns for general human needs "cancers" are what stupid shit smear like the one in office does.


I also notice you are using the same right wing lexicon about "infidels" as if Liberals and progressives are the new "muslims". There is a general need for a more compassionate world  and that implies looking to individual human needs and not to the faceless needs of corporations. It is not immigrants that is causing the nations problems either. Given the definition all are immigrants even the native peoples who white people almost wiped out in their immigration. We need a more compassionate world not one filled with these stupid mind set that labels and hurls word bombs ignorantly in accusatory tones when they are the problem.

There is a beautiful docudrama on TV called Mars that examines this relationship beautifully. You should look at it and get a glimpse of a world you are beginning to be alienated from. Most of us once we are a bit secure from poverty forgets that poverty and constant starvation is the status quo for most of the planet. It is unfortunate we spend for the military what could feed the world  That is not to say I am anti that spending. The fact that we have to spend that much is a measure of the human dysfunction on the planet. There is a need for more network density among the nations of the world that address needs. 

Were it not for trump in office we would be hearing more about the Ebola outbreak in Congo that they are struggling to contain ( per his pull back of vaccine protocol) We would be hearing about the starving children in Yemen who are dying daily in huge numbers from a human caused tragedy in which the US play an indirect part ( arming the Saudis). I believe the greatest creation of human kind is democracy but it is a fragile thing and does not grow easily or without confusion. However it is true believers in the idea that the individual human being matters most that are central to the system working. 


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