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On this cold day stuck at home,i have decided to read this report,it's a must read no one should miss,i was not even a teenager living in the country side,when this incident occured.It's a bit tough to read on this site,i have converted it for better reading.

Here are a few quotes from the report that caught my attention  reference to Dr.Jagan

Dedicated man

"There was a certain glamour about him, emanating from his youthful exuberance and a zeal which is characteristic of dedicated men. He seemed to possess a sense of purpose and a determination to work for his countrymen's freedom and their material progress."
Thunder, 30 June 1962)



"Sirs, there are various definitions of communism. If one looks at the United States Immigration Act, one finds a definition of communism there and if I were to be asked" Do I agree with this definition and would you say you are a communist?' I would say I am not a communist. In the law, the Suppression of Communist Act, in South Africa, to criticise the policy of apartheid is regarded as communism. In such a situation I would consider myself a communist.

"If you look in a Webster dictionary, one would find there a definition of communism which will compel me to say that I am not a communist because the assumptions there are that liberties on freedoms will be denied under such a set up. And therefore, I feel that in this complicated question of communism there are many sides, many views, but in this country the people who have been accusing us for many years on this question have always assumed that communism is evil. That is why I have always refused to give a yes or no answer to this very complicated question. I have always said that I am a Marxist, if I am to be tagged, because Marxism is a philosophy.

Anti Colonialist

"Marxism is a science of the laws of development of society from one stage to the next, as was pointed out this morning. There could he various stages to this, the national democratic independence level - the stage we are on, the socialist level, and then ultimately, the so called communist level. Now, Sir, by saying that I am a Marxist, I could be at one and the same time anti Colonialist, an anti-Imperialist, a Democrat, a Socialist, a Humanist, and a Communist. I wish to make this very clear, because already statements are being made as a result of what I said on the last occasion to smear me.

End to Domination

"As a passionate anti Colonialist, I am interested in the independence of my country - political independence; as an anti Imperialist, I am interested in putting an end to the domination and subjection of the economy of my country; as a Democrat, I am interested in preserving the liberties and freedom of the people - not only in preserving, but in enlarging them; as a Socialist, I am interested in the creation of a new society which will lay the basis for the end of exploitation. . . "


Dr. Jagan - "I believe the tenets of communism to be >From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". I believe in that."

Mr. Luckhoo [Consul for the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce] - "This is your conception of the tenets of communism and you believe in that?"

Dr. Jagan - "Yes."

Mr. Luckhoo - "That represents your communist belief."

Dr. Jagan - "Yes."

Here are some of Dr. Jagan's more important remarks to the Commission on questioning:

Fight Against Racialism

"I have never subscribed to racialism in this country. I have always fought against it, and will always continue to fight against it."

Defenders of Freedom

AI am referring to persons who dominate society here. For instance, there its a society here called the Defenders of Freedom. I am referring to persons like Mr. Willems who is the head of that group who, when I was President of the Sawmill and Forest Workers' Union, refused to allow me, the Secretary of the Union, and others to go on Government property to organise workers to fight for workers' rights."

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