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Dem boys seh…President Jagdeo shameless

August 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News

Some people name does tell wha dem is. Tek de name Ali. When dem woman miners check pun some Chinee who wukking dredge in de bush de people tell dem that Ramzan Ali bring dem fuh wuk. Well dem boys want fuh know since when people got to bring in Chinee fuh operate dredge in de bush. Guyanese de doing that all de time and when dem did want fuh expand dem call de Brazilians. But this man bring Chinee. People want fuh know if he and Irfaat is family. But then again it could be Irfaat heself who bring dem Chinee, because he don’t have no shame. He is not de only one who don’t have shame. Bharrat Jagdeo don’t have no shame, too. De man put a really fancy package fuh he pension just before he lef de government. One man who write a letter to de press seh that Bharrat is not a shameless person, he is DE shameless person. On de other hand Joe Singh is a man wid pride and shame. He wukking wid de telephone people and at de same time Ohh Pee hire he as an adviser. When a man ask Parliament how much money dem contract worker does get, Joe Singh name come up. Joe send a letter fuh explain that although dem got he name pun de pay sheet, he never tek a cent from Ohh Pee. Well dem boys want fuh know who does collect he money when de month come. But Bharrat Jagdeo is another kettle of fish. He not only tek de pay as President, he also mek arrangement fuh tek de pay when he lef de wuk. He put together a package that giving he money fuh security, fuh lights, fuh telephone, fuh drivers, fuh maid, fuh gardener and money fuh travel. And de same Bharrat Jagdeo lef some pensioner wid $10,000 a month and dem got to pay dem own light and water and telephone bill from that. De man ain’t got shame. No wonder a mayor had to call he gutter rat. Without shame he go back in time and change de law fuh he friend collect de Santa complex after de Waterfalls paper expose de lawlessness. Today he got people wasting time in Parliament fuh review de package. A foreign Finance Minister wife get ketch wid nuff money. De Minister resign because he shame. An act goes much farther than a word will ever travel. That is wha dem boys seh. Talk half and don’t shame fuh lef de other half.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The ex-president goan loose his pension some day. It is unbelievable that he should get a pension like that when the country revenues relies heavily on wire transfers, loans from foreign institutions and grants.


Just as the PPP recieved a minority government which may have shocked them, this group of opportunists will be even more shocked when they recieve their EMBARRASMENT PAPERs branded as men and women who stole from an impoverished nation.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This thread should be closed for its defamatory heading.

The fact that you calling for the thread to close means that you are ashame...which is a good thing....


I support the closing of this thread.  Regardless of what we think of the man.  The man was a former head of state and should not be called "Batty Boy" 


Try calling Burnham or Dr Jagan "batty boy"in public in Guyana and see what will happen.  I guarantee that you will be given a severe  beating or worst by one of their supporters.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This thread should be closed for its defamatory heading.

The fact that you calling for the thread to close means that you are ashame...which is a good thing....

I am ashamed of your wretched language.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

This thread should be closed for its defamatory heading.

The fact that you calling for the thread to close means that you are ashame...which is a good thing....

I am ashamed of your wretched language.

Sunil 05 is a batty Boy but not comfortable to come out of the Closet.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

I support the closing of this thread.  Regardless of what we think of the man.  The man was a former head of state and should not be called "Batty Boy" 


Try calling Burnham or Dr Jagan "batty boy"in public in Guyana and see what will happen.  I guarantee that you will be given a severe  beating or worst by one of their supporters.

Some day, I will have to tell every indian that the Jagans were fools. He has put them in cemetaries burdened with unfilled lives. Look at the opportunists he has saddled them with. Thieves they are. At death -in their heap of dried bones, where are the things that made them proud.




I am not going to waste my time and reply to this blasted nonsense.  The Jagans were some of the best things that ever happen to Guyana.


The PPP party always had a hidden gang inside of it that manipulated the leadership of the party. Would Cheddi and Janet Jagan order the rigging of elections and the terrorizing,  killing and bombing of poor people or innocent people in the name of the PPP party.  Hell no.  So don't blame them for the works of that hidden gang.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I support the closing of this thread.  Regardless of what we think of the man.  The man was a former head of state and should not be called "Batty Boy" 


Try calling Burnham or Dr Jagan "batty boy"in public in Guyana and see what will happen.  I guarantee that you will be given a severe  beating or worst by one of their supporters.

Some day, I will have to tell every indian that the Jagans were fools. He has put them in cemetaries burdened with unfilled lives. Look at the opportunists he has saddled them with. Thieves they are. At death -in their heap of dried bones, where are the things that made them proud.



We have to evaluate them in their total work as politicians and not just heap praise on them as they were living Gods and romanticize them as immortals.  Would they have wanted people to just shower them with praise and say they were Gods even Stalin did not like that. They were humans and they had failures just like every other human.



Originally Posted by seignet:

The ex-president goan loose his pension some day. It is unbelievable that he should get a pension like that when the country revenues relies heavily on wire transfers, loans from foreign institutions and grants.


Just as the PPP recieved a minority government which may have shocked them, this group of opportunists will be even more shocked when they recieve their EMBARRASMENT PAPERs branded as men and women who stole from an impoverished nation.



Meh Kno yuh dadda Burnham was the Best. You miss your weekly ASS whiping at Hope Estate!!!


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