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Former Member

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.

Hinds, also Guyana’s longest serving Prime Minister, reasoned that the underground killing wave dates back to 1997  when the People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) electoral victory was rejected by “an opposing and extreme criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”. He reasoned that after the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force failed to apprehend them, “a similar irregular counter-force” surfaced.

Hinds’ assessment came one day after Retired Justice Donald Trotman was appointed as a one-man Commission of Inquiry to investigate the killing of eight miners at Lindo Creek, Upper Berbice River 10 years ago.

He indicated that the situation worsened following the escape of five prisoners from the Georgetown Prison on February 23, 2002 and, again, after the security forces again recorded little success in catching them, another group of armed persons took on the task.

“Following the 2001 jailbreak and their projection by key political factions as ‘Freedom Fighters’, the attacks on assumed supporters of the PPP/C were taken to a higher level. When the national security forces showed remarkable inability to apprehend them it was inevitable that a similar irregular counter-force emerged,” said Hinds who served as Prime Minister from 1992 to 2015.

Hinds did not elaborate on the counter-force, but said his party should be praised for the way it had handled the crime wave without seeing Guyana plunging into racial factionalism.  “Rather than make it appear that Jagdeo and/or the PPP/C was the cause of those troubles, I submit, that it should be recognized that our (PPP/C) handling of that period, though criticized from many directions, saw our nation through as a whole avoiding the intensified polarization, which was intended by the opposing and extreme criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links,” he said

While Guyanese drug kingpin, Shaheed “Roger” Khan was on the run, a number of statements, attributed to him, had appeared in the privately-owned Kaieteur News newspaper, claiming responsibility for preventing the Bharrat Jagdeo administration from being toppled. Khan, who had been named in a United States (US) narcotics report, was subsequently caught in neighbouring Suriname and flown from Trinidad to New York where he was convicted and jailed for cocaine trafficking.

Before he had fled to Suriname, Khan and two other men, including ex-policeman Sean Benfield, has been arrested on December 3,2002 with high-powered weapons and sophisticated phone call interception and geo-location equipment that is only purchased with government authorization.

Late Agriculture Minister, Satyadeow ‘Sash’ Sawh.

In his letter to the media, the former Prime Minister referred to President David Granger’s view that a former PPPC government minister had played a role in acquiring the telephone interception and geo-location equipment. “We have been reminded by our President about the seeming compelling evidence about one of my colleagues, sitting with me at Cabinet, obtaining and providing high-tech equipment to the phantom force,”  Hinds said, without denying that that was so. Then Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy has already denied playing any role in acquiring the spy equipment from the United Kingdom-headquartered company, Smyth-Myers, although evidence tendered a New York court names him in the process.

In the same way that President Granger has reminded Guyanese about the alleged involvement of a government minister in acquiring the wiretap and location equipment, Hinds said the nation could have been reminded about an illegally taped conversation between then Police Commissioner, Winston Felix and then Vice-Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform, Basil Williams about killings at Agricola, East Bank Demerara.

When that tape surfaced Hinds said his my colleague,then Minister of Home Affairs, Gail Teixeira, was assailed by our Cabinet enquiring what the then Commission of Police was saying about that conversation. She reported that he did not refute that the voice was his but that he was playing along the Vice Chairman to learn what the People’s National Congress Reform had known and had been thinking. “And today that former Commissioner of Police and that former PNCR Vice Chairman are in President Granger’s cabinet as Minister of Citizenship and Attorney- General, respectively.”

Ronald Waddell.

A Commission of Inquiry has also cleared then Home Affairs Minister, Ronald Gajraj of being involved in an alleged state-sponsored “phantom” death squad. Phone records had shown that Gajraj had been in frequent contact with Axel Williams who had been issued a firearm licence with his consent. Williams was subsequently shot and killed.

Former Prime Minister Hinds questioned the motive behind President Granger ordering a Commission of Inquiry into the killing and burning of eight miners at Lindo Creek, Upper Berbice River in June 2008- the last of the three massacres that year. “Starting at the end indicates an attempt to negate and escape the logical deductions, which would be inherent in a chronological review of events over that period. The period from 1998 to 2008 was one of great testing of our peoples and our country,” he said.

President Granger’s styling of the murders, kidnaps and robberies during that period as the Jagedo era killings also did not find favour with Hinds who labeled that characterization as “misleading” “There is a lot in a name and we need to get names right. Assuming that our President HE. Mr. David Granger and the majority of us Guyanese would welcome one (or more) Commission of Inquiry (COI), which would provide our nation an understanding, as true as can be, and would take us along a path of revelation, redemption, resolution and reconciliation, then the names we start with and the terms of reference are important.”

Hinds called for an inquiry into the 1998-2008 period as a whole in chronological sequence because the APNU+AFC coalition’s approach to hold selective inquiries raises suspicions. “Starting at the end indicates an attempt to negate and escape the logical deductions, which would be inherent in a chronological review of events over that period. The period from 1998 to 2008 was one of great testing of our peoples and our country,” he said.

The former Prime Minister said the then PPPC-led administration stayed away from holding a Commission of Inquiry, waiting on a time when it could have been healing. He said the holding of such a probe would have been in consultation with the opposition.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A government must do what it takes to protect the citizenry.  An extreme threat requires extraordinarily measures.  In the great USA, extraordinary renditions were used to capture and neutralize certain threats.   

I will never back away support for BJ and the PPP on this issue. This is a “circle the wagons” period in history. 


Starting at the end indicates an attempt to negate and escape the logical deductions, which would be inherent in a chronological review of events over that period. The period from 1998 to 2008 was one of great testing of our peoples and our country,” he said.
The former Prime Minister said the then PPPC-led administration stayed away from holding a Commission of Inquiry, waiting on a time when it could have been healing.

Baseman posted:

A government must do what it takes to protect the citizenry.  An extreme threat requires extraordinarily measures.  In the great USA, extraordinary renditions were used to capture and neutralize certain threats.   

I will never back away support for BJ and the PPP on this issue. This is a “circle the wagons” period in history. 

The security of the nation came first. Democracy was threatened. This type of activity happens in countries all over the world all the time.

Nehru posted:

ABSOLUTELY!!  BHAI GAJRAJ KI JAI!!!  Mr Gajraj was/is an astute Military Leader who SAVED our beautiful Guyana!!!!!

Mr. Gajraj is a good guy.  Among his credentials are: Guyana Ambassador to India, Minister of Home Affairs, Lieutenant in the GDF, Attorney-At-Law, etc.

Bibi Haniffa
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.


Geez....this is certainly not good for the PPP. Hinds is inditing the PPP government here by saying that 1) his government may have insiduously sought extra-parliamentary means to fight crime, and that 2) his government was impotent in doing so and that 3) the police was ill equipped to do their job, and , now 4) HE IS OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR THE GOVERNMENT not DOING ITS JOB.

This is UNADULTERATED nonsense from Hinds because:

1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING ITS OWN SUPPORTERS. The PPP failed miserably in this endeavor...especially given the fact that they experienced the brunt of harassment under the 28 Burnham years. It means Jagan and dem other PPP leaders learnt nothing from the 28 years of being in the forest.

2) Sam Hinds may not realise it, but he is implicating his government by his own words here....suggesting that a drug lord was unofficially recruited do the job that the government was elected to do.

I have said it before....Granger may have blood on his hands (we know for certain Burnham did)...but dem coolie people deserve what they getting today because their leaders were a bunch of could these guys refuse to investigate the murder of one of their own MINISTER!?. 

Guyana need a thorough cleansing from all really is a S**thole country. Every damn politician should take a bath is a pool of concentrated chlorine and rebaptised. 



These PNC people have not changed a bit. They act and behave in the same ways how they did in the days of the Kabaka. This promise about change by the AFC and APNU turned out to be a hoax.  Those who wanted change expected a much more competitive economy with less corruption.  On the contrary, we have a less competitive economy with greater corruption.  Some say we must not blame the AFC since they don't have a voice in the present government.  I say they should be blamed since they used the votes of traditional PPP supporters to give a slight advantage to PNC at the polls. Why should the AFC be forgiven when in the first place they were the ones who played a major role in putting the PNC back in power?  Here are some of the changes that occurred since May 2015:

1. Time allotted for the opposition to debate the budget in parliament have been reduced by 50%

2. Commission of Inquiry in the assassination of Dr. W. Rodney squashed within days by Granger

3. Ministers received 50% salary increase and an additional Prado vehicle for the wife and additional driver. Hmmm!.. Government is spending as much as $500,000 per month on rents for each minister and advisers. Ministers and other top officials are guarded 24 hours at home and their security guards are using a portable toilets which cost the government $80k for per month.  The president is building a luxury home in West Demerara. These people have added a new dimension to the term Prodoville. 

Warrior's banaaf for a poor African have been abandoned and now occupied by derelicts living on Quamina Street. LOL

Plantain factory in Wakenaam forgotten

Repairs to Kitty Market left half way after 240 million have been spent. 

Granger is trying to take control of the election commission just like what his hero  Burnham did. We are all waiting for him to dis the AFC the way the UF was dissed. 

Commission of Inquiries are being established with the sole intent of strangling the PPP. 

Parking Meters on the City is just another form of brutal taxation on a people who have been burdened too long with taxes.

More taxes on the population while services keeps declining.


Billy Ram Balgobin
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

ABSOLUTELY!!  BHAI GAJRAJ KI JAI!!!  Mr Gajraj was/is an astute Military Leader who SAVED our beautiful Guyana!!!!!

Dont know this banna...but how did he?

He launched a prolific and skillful offensive against Babies, children and women KILLERS.

VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

ABSOLUTELY!!  BHAI GAJRAJ KI JAI!!!  Mr Gajraj was/is an astute Military Leader who SAVED our beautiful Guyana!!!!!

Dont know this banna...but how did he?

Are you Guyanese?

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These PNC people have not changed a bit. They act and behave in the same ways how they did in the days of the Kabaka. This promise about change by the AFC and APNU turned out to be a hoax.  Those who wanted change expected a much more competitive economy with less corruption.  On the contrary, we have a less competitive economy with greater corruption.  Some say we must not blame the AFC since they don't have a voice in the present government.  I say they should be blamed since they used the votes of traditional PPP supporters to give a slight advantage to PNC at the polls. Why should the AFC be forgiven when in the first place they were the ones who played a major role in putting the PNC back in power?  Here are some of the changes that occurred since May 2015:

1. Time allotted for the opposition to debate the budget in parliament have been reduced by 50%

2. Commission of Inquiry in the assassination of Dr. W. Rodney squashed within days by Granger

3. Ministers received 50% salary increase and an additional Prado vehicle for the wife and additional driver. Hmmm!.. Government is spending as much as $500,000 per month on rents for each minister and advisers. Ministers and other top officials are guarded 24 hours at home and their security guards are using a portable toilets which cost the government $80k for per month.  The president is building a luxury home in West Demerara. These people have added a new dimension to the term Prodoville. 

Warrior's banaaf for a poor African have been abandoned and now occupied by derelicts living on Quamina Street. LOL

Plantain factory in Wakenaam forgotten

Repairs to Kitty Market left half way after 240 million have been spent. 

Granger is trying to take control of the election commission just like what his hero  Burnham did. We are all waiting for him to dis the AFC the way the UF was dissed. 

Commission of Inquiries are being established with the sole intent of strangling the PPP. 

Parking Meters on the City is just another form of brutal taxation on a people who have been burdened too long with taxes.

More taxes on the population while services keeps declining.


Back in 2011 I warned the AFC boys not to trust the PNC.  I never trusted them. Too many old days Burnhamites.  I saw them picking up from 1992.  But them bais hated BJ more than concern for the PNC.   I had no personal grudge so I saw things differently!

Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.




So clearly the GDF and the GPF weren't under the control of the PNC if, according to the Chief Negro Uncle Tom, AKA Sam Hinds, an "ethno political" force needed to be put together in an attempted coup to remove the PPP.

If the PNC controlled these forces they would have just used them to stage the coup.  Why the complications and expense of an "ethno political" force?

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Nehru posted:

ABSOLUTELY!!  BHAI GAJRAJ KI JAI!!!  Mr Gajraj was/is an astute Military Leader who SAVED our beautiful Guyana!!!!!

Dont know this banna...but how did he?

Are you Guyanese?

Yes..,..they tell me I am a dougla boy,  my parents are mixed (African and Indian)...left Guyana a long time ago.  

Baseman posted:

A government must do what it takes to protect the citizenry.  An extreme threat requires extraordinarily measures.  In the great USA, extraordinary renditions were used to capture and neutralize certain threats.   

I will never back away support for BJ and the PPP on this issue. This is a “circle the wagons” period in history. 

And how well did the PPP "protect its citizenry"?  Does the current wave of crime which has continued unabated from the PPP era suggests that in fact the PPP put in place measures to ensure an effective crime fighting apparatus in Guyana?

Evidence shows that it did no such thing.

VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.


Geez....this is certainly not good for the PPP. Hinds is inditing the PPP government here by saying that 1) his government may have insiduously sought extra-parliamentary means to fight crime, and that 2) his government was impotent in doing so and that 3) the police was ill equipped to do their job, and , now 4) HE IS OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR THE GOVERNMENT not DOING ITS JOB.

This is UNADULTERATED nonsense from Hinds because:

1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING ITS OWN SUPPORTERS. The PPP failed miserably in this endeavor...especially given the fact that they experienced the brunt of harassment under the 28 Burnham years. It means Jagan and dem other PPP leaders learnt nothing from the 28 years of being in the forest.

2) Sam Hinds may not realise it, but he is implicating his government by his own words here....suggesting that a drug lord was unofficially recruited do the job that the government was elected to do.

I have said it before....Granger may have blood on his hands (we know for certain Burnham did)...but dem coolie people deserve what they getting today because their leaders were a bunch of could these guys refuse to investigate the murder of one of their own MINISTER!?. 

Guyana need a thorough cleansing from all really is a S**thole country. Every damn politician should take a bath is a pool of concentrated chlorine and rebaptised. 


Your points are what most rational people would think.  The truth is that a corrupt drug fuelled narcotic oligarchy waged a battle with another possible group of drug connected mercenaries.

What is obvious is that at no time was there ever an attempt by the PPP to put in place an efficient, effective, fair and transparent crime fighting apparatus.

I will add that there is no evidence that APNU/AFC has done so either, or this attempt by them has anything other than political motives. Sensing an increasing jaded base this is an attempt to mobilize them by reminding them of the evils of the Jagdeo era when ordinary blacks lived in fear of the phantoms.

An aunt of mine, ageing at the time, used to be terrified to speak politics to me over the phone.  This because she said that it was insecure.  She suggested that I get my news online and not ask for her analysis as she feared the consequences. An elderly church going female of African descent thinking like this.  Granger wants to remind people of this era, because he has done nothing else to improve their lives.

Both Granger and Jagdeo need to retire from politics.  Granger can paint and write history books and Jagdeo can rage at his demons.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.


Geez....this is certainly not good for the PPP. Hinds is inditing the PPP government here by saying that 1) his government may have insiduously sought extra-parliamentary means to fight crime, and that 2) his government was impotent in doing so and that 3) the police was ill equipped to do their job, and , now 4) HE IS OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR THE GOVERNMENT not DOING ITS JOB.

This is UNADULTERATED nonsense from Hinds because:

1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING ITS OWN SUPPORTERS. The PPP failed miserably in this endeavor...especially given the fact that they experienced the brunt of harassment under the 28 Burnham years. It means Jagan and dem other PPP leaders learnt nothing from the 28 years of being in the forest.

2) Sam Hinds may not realise it, but he is implicating his government by his own words here....suggesting that a drug lord was unofficially recruited do the job that the government was elected to do.

I have said it before....Granger may have blood on his hands (we know for certain Burnham did)...but dem coolie people deserve what they getting today because their leaders were a bunch of could these guys refuse to investigate the murder of one of their own MINISTER!?. 

Guyana need a thorough cleansing from all really is a S**thole country. Every damn politician should take a bath is a pool of concentrated chlorine and rebaptised. 


Agreed but separate the country from it's politicians.....

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.


Geez....this is certainly not good for the PPP. Hinds is inditing the PPP government here by saying that 1) his government may have insiduously sought extra-parliamentary means to fight crime, and that 2) his government was impotent in doing so and that 3) the police was ill equipped to do their job, and , now 4) HE IS OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR THE GOVERNMENT not DOING ITS JOB.

This is UNADULTERATED nonsense from Hinds because:

1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING ITS OWN SUPPORTERS. The PPP failed miserably in this endeavor...especially given the fact that they experienced the brunt of harassment under the 28 Burnham years. It means Jagan and dem other PPP leaders learnt nothing from the 28 years of being in the forest.

2) Sam Hinds may not realise it, but he is implicating his government by his own words here....suggesting that a drug lord was unofficially recruited do the job that the government was elected to do.

I have said it before....Granger may have blood on his hands (we know for certain Burnham did)...but dem coolie people deserve what they getting today because their leaders were a bunch of could these guys refuse to investigate the murder of one of their own MINISTER!?. 

Guyana need a thorough cleansing from all really is a S**thole country. Every damn politician should take a bath is a pool of concentrated chlorine and rebaptised. 


Your points are what most rational people would think.  The truth is that a corrupt drug fuelled narcotic oligarchy waged a battle with another possible group of drug connected mercenaries.

What is obvious is that at no time was there ever an attempt by the PPP to put in place an efficient, effective, fair and transparent crime fighting apparatus.

I will add that there is no evidence that APNU/AFC has done so either, or this attempt by them has anything other than political motives. Sensing an increasing jaded base this is an attempt to mobilize them by reminding them of the evils of the Jagdeo era when ordinary blacks lived in fear of the phantoms.

An aunt of mine, ageing at the time, used to be terrified to speak politics to me over the phone.  This because she said that it was insecure.  She suggested that I get my news online and not ask for her analysis as she feared the consequences. An elderly church going female of African descent thinking like this.  Granger wants to remind people of this era, because he has done nothing else to improve their lives.

Both Granger and Jagdeo need to retire from politics.  Granger can paint and write history books and Jagdeo can rage at his demons.

Wow...Carib, there is hope for you yet...this sounds like a fair comment, unlike some of your usual harangues.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

A government must do what it takes to protect the citizenry.  An extreme threat requires extraordinarily measures.  In the great USA, extraordinary renditions were used to capture and neutralize certain threats.   

I will never back away support for BJ and the PPP on this issue. This is a “circle the wagons” period in history. 

And how well did the PPP "protect its citizenry"?  Does the current wave of crime which has continued unabated from the PPP era suggests that in fact the PPP put in place measures to ensure an effective crime fighting apparatus in Guyana?

Evidence shows that it did no such thing.

What’s happening now, as bad as it is, pales in comparison to the terror unleashed by the “ Freedom Fighters”, as designated by the PNC.   

And since the PNC took over, it has escalated beyond what was occurring under the PPP.   The PNC dismantled some measures the PPP had put in place.   

VishMahabir posted:

Wow...Carib, there is hope for you yet...this sounds like a fair comment, unlike some of your usual harangues.

You condemn me when I counter your points that the PPP and Indians are angels. I suddenly become "reasonable" when I suggest that the PNC and blacks are no better.

My FIRST post in GNI said exactly that.  I cannot recall any post by you showing that objectivity.  Even this post by you has an Indo focus as you don't seem ready to discuss how exactly did Jagdeo's actions damage Afro Guyanese and ensure that the gulf of ethnic distrust remains broad.

When you are ready to discuss the role of the PPP and Indians in ensuring that the PNC can play their silly games to mobilize blacks and mixed voters, and get away with it, then we can speak.  Right now you are only willing to speak when I focus against the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

What’s happening now, as bad as it is, pales in comparison to the terror unleashed by the “ Freedom Fighters”, as designated by the PNC.   

And since the PNC took over, it has escalated beyond what was occurring under the PPP.   The PNC dismantled some measures the PPP had put in place.   

I have a suspicion that only Indian business elites, who had their para-militias to protect them, will agree with you.  The ordinary Guyanese of all races remain as plagued by criminals now as they did then.

Guyana has an ineffective, incompetent, under equipped and untrained police force and a court system that cannot function.  It was true in 2000 and in 2014 and is still true in 2018.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.


Geez....this is certainly not good for the PPP. Hinds is inditing the PPP government here by saying that 1) his government may have insiduously sought extra-parliamentary means to fight crime, and that 2) his government was impotent in doing so and that 3) the police was ill equipped to do their job, and , now 4) HE IS OFFERING AN APOLOGY FOR THE GOVERNMENT not DOING ITS JOB.

This is UNADULTERATED nonsense from Hinds because:

1. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS, ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING ITS OWN SUPPORTERS. The PPP failed miserably in this endeavor...especially given the fact that they experienced the brunt of harassment under the 28 Burnham years. It means Jagan and dem other PPP leaders learnt nothing from the 28 years of being in the forest.

2) Sam Hinds may not realise it, but he is implicating his government by his own words here....suggesting that a drug lord was unofficially recruited do the job that the government was elected to do.

I have said it before....Granger may have blood on his hands (we know for certain Burnham did)...but dem coolie people deserve what they getting today because their leaders were a bunch of could these guys refuse to investigate the murder of one of their own MINISTER!?. 

Guyana need a thorough cleansing from all really is a S**thole country. Every damn politician should take a bath is a pool of concentrated chlorine and rebaptised. 


Your points are what most rational people would think.  The truth is that a corrupt drug fuelled narcotic oligarchy waged a battle with another possible group of drug connected mercenaries.

What is obvious is that at no time was there ever an attempt by the PPP to put in place an efficient, effective, fair and transparent crime fighting apparatus.

I will add that there is no evidence that APNU/AFC has done so either, or this attempt by them has anything other than political motives. Sensing an increasing jaded base this is an attempt to mobilize them by reminding them of the evils of the Jagdeo era when ordinary blacks lived in fear of the phantoms.

An aunt of mine, ageing at the time, used to be terrified to speak politics to me over the phone.  This because she said that it was insecure.  She suggested that I get my news online and not ask for her analysis as she feared the consequences. An elderly church going female of African descent thinking like this.  Granger wants to remind people of this era, because he has done nothing else to improve their lives.

Both Granger and Jagdeo need to retire from politics.  Granger can paint and write history books and Jagdeo can rage at his demons.

Wow...Carib, there is hope for you yet...this sounds like a fair comment, unlike some of your usual harangues.

Be careful patronizing Caribj.  This banna see no place for Indian rule in Guyana.  And I’m sure he want granger out of the way to make way for a pan-Africanist!

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

“Counter-force” emerged after security forces failed to catch “criminal fringe with ethno-political pretensions and links”- Sam Hinds

in News, Politics February 1, 2018,

Former President, Samuel Hinds on Thursday said a “counter-force” emerged after Guyana’s security forces failed to nab politically-motivated criminals  who had been bent on destabilising the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration.

Former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.



Your points are what most rational people would think.  The truth is that a corrupt drug fuelled narcotic oligarchy waged a battle with another possible group of drug connected mercenaries.


What was clear, the nation was over run by hordes of PNC sponsored racist terrorist aided and abetted by loyalists within the GDF/GPF with the sole aim of getting rid of the duely elected government.  You convoently missed that part. You can fool Vish, who knows little of what went on, of your good intentions, but you were in lock step.  I remember you and other PNC “roaring lions” on this site!

The PNC/GDF had established terrorists beachheads in Buxton and Agricola with the sole intention of brutalizing the Indian population and bring down the PPP. 

So keep your happy horse shit goody two soapbox speeches for “Martians”!


Sam Hinds personifies the collective mind of the PPP leadership


There appeared a letter at the beginning of the week in this newspaper and all the other dailies with the same heading; “The morbid one is Freddie, not the PPP/C nor Jagdeo” authored by former Prime Minister Sam Hinds. It is a huge letter replying to my column of January 23 in which I described the PPP government’s attitude to African Guyanese as the politics of morbidity and the morbidity of politics. I stand by that description.
Mr. Hinds chose to be personal in the use of his caption. His headline boldly stated that I was the one who is morbid not former president Jagdeo. I will ignore Sam’s personal jab. But for the record, there is a significant detail that must be stated, because it brings into sharp focus just who is morbid when a comparison is made between me and Jagdeo.
Historians are people that are obligated to dig deep, so the following needs to be put in print. Next year marks forty years of unbroken marriage for me. I have never been accused of “hi-tech domestic abuse,” the words of Mr. Jagdeo’s common law wife, Varshnie Singh, which is just part of a wider concatenation of accusations in relation to spousal mistreatment.
Secondly, I have never held membership in a political party or been part of the exercise of power. Mr. Jagdeo has. And during his tenure, he has been cited for the most egregious violations of rights.
I would like to remind Sam that head of the Energy Agency, Joseph O’Lall, cited President Jagdeo as illegally sacking him in the presence of Mr. Hinds, who uttered not a word of support for him. Surely if Sam finds me morbid, I cannot see how any decent mind can exonerate Jagdeo from such a charge. If you say that I have a record of morbidity, then surely, Jagdeo’s morbid record is billions of miles longer than mine.
Let’s examine the contents of Sam’s reply.
In his missive he wrote; “I do not do so as a Freddie fan; far from being a fan, I do so respectful of the opinion of any fellow Guyanese, and aware that Freddie’s view would be informed by some scholarship; although in my view it is too often forced, selective and distorted, all in efforts to be critical of the PPP and the PPP/C.”
I will be harsher in my judgement. I see nothing scholarly in the many letters Sam Hinds has written since the PPP lost power. They are all propagandistic sermons without even a modicum of regret. They are unadulterated embraces of the tragic roads the PPP presidents took this nation through.
This column here is a response to Mr. Hinds’ Sunday piece. He has another letter in all the dailies yesterday, accusing the then-opposition of creating the mayhem that Guyana experienced during 2002-2006 which is commonly referred to as the crime wave. I will respond on another occasion to that emanation. It is viciously misleading and needs to be confronted. But let’s stick to his propaganda last Sunday.
I offered a mere four examples of ethnic insensitive and race crudeness when Mr. Jagdeo ruled with hegemonic bombast. Roger Luncheon’s statement in my libel trial that no African Guyanese was qualified to be ambassador; the refusal of the Public Service Ministry to provide data on scholarship recipients to a researcher from the Ethnic Relations Commission who investigated ethnic bias in the awards; the horrible racist editorial in the Chronicle by an Indian woman who openly stated that African youths are socialized to hate Guyanese East Indians; and the erection of the 1823 monument on the seawall not at Parade Ground.
In every instance, Sam Hinds defended what could not be politically and morally defended. That Indian woman should have been charged and jailed under our anti-discrimination and anti-incitement law. Here are the apologetic words of Hinds as he came to the side of the lady, “It could only be considered “venomous” in the pain of its truth. I, like Jagdeo and Ramotar, sense no case for sanctioning that lady.”
Do readers understand what this former Prime Minister is saying? An editorial posits that African youths have been socialized to hate Indians and that is why they rob and kill them. Hinds is saying that it is a painful truth we must all face.
I have several nieces and nephews who are half-African and none of them hate Indian people. Sam Hinds’ sons are African Guyanese. Were they socialized to hate Indians? I will not cite Hinds’ justification of the 1823 monument placed on the seawall rather than at the Parade Ground, the spot where the slaves were tortured and executed. Sam Hinds’ defence of that caricature honestly makes me nauseated.


 Eh Eh Bai Mitwah yuh back and look who you cuttin and pasting this dunder head who cant seem to get the PPP and Jagdeo out of his mind. Freddie is not someone who is in his right mind all his rantings are without any research or scholarship. The Modus Operand is to sell that KN rag. One day its the PPP, then the PNC, AFC, City Council and even the common man.

Read this -


This Labba seh Sam Hinds is saying FACTS baby Mr Pavi seh. Here is de problem. PPP refuse to lead and balance de army. That is de problem, suh deh going to get destabilise all the time. 


Hey Labba Rat.

You cannot forcibly balance the Army. Indos do not want to join the army, period. The problem is bigger than your simplistic analysis of blaming the PPP for not balancing the army.

Conservative Yuji.

Mitwah posted:

Sam Hinds personifies the collective mind of the PPP leadership


There appeared a letter at the beginning of the week in this newspaper and all the other dailies with the same heading; “The morbid one is Freddie, not the PPP/C nor Jagdeo” authored by former Prime Minister Sam Hinds. It is a huge letter replying to my column of January 23 in which I described the PPP government’s attitude to African Guyanese as the politics of morbidity and the morbidity of politics. I stand by that description.
Mr. Hinds chose to be personal in the use of his caption. His headline boldly stated that I was the one who is morbid not former president Jagdeo. I will ignore Sam’s personal jab. But for the record, there is a significant detail that must be stated, because it brings into sharp focus just who is morbid when a comparison is made between me and Jagdeo.
Historians are people that are obligated to dig deep, so the following needs to be put in print. Next year marks forty years of unbroken marriage for me. I have never been accused of “hi-tech domestic abuse,” the words of Mr. Jagdeo’s common law wife, Varshnie Singh, which is just part of a wider concatenation of accusations in relation to spousal mistreatment.
Secondly, I have never held membership in a political party or been part of the exercise of power. Mr. Jagdeo has. And during his tenure, he has been cited for the most egregious violations of rights.
I would like to remind Sam that head of the Energy Agency, Joseph O’Lall, cited President Jagdeo as illegally sacking him in the presence of Mr. Hinds, who uttered not a word of support for him. Surely if Sam finds me morbid, I cannot see how any decent mind can exonerate Jagdeo from such a charge. If you say that I have a record of morbidity, then surely, Jagdeo’s morbid record is billions of miles longer than mine.
Let’s examine the contents of Sam’s reply.
In his missive he wrote; “I do not do so as a Freddie fan; far from being a fan, I do so respectful of the opinion of any fellow Guyanese, and aware that Freddie’s view would be informed by some scholarship; although in my view it is too often forced, selective and distorted, all in efforts to be critical of the PPP and the PPP/C.”
I will be harsher in my judgement. I see nothing scholarly in the many letters Sam Hinds has written since the PPP lost power. They are all propagandistic sermons without even a modicum of regret. They are unadulterated embraces of the tragic roads the PPP presidents took this nation through.
This column here is a response to Mr. Hinds’ Sunday piece. He has another letter in all the dailies yesterday, accusing the then-opposition of creating the mayhem that Guyana experienced during 2002-2006 which is commonly referred to as the crime wave. I will respond on another occasion to that emanation. It is viciously misleading and needs to be confronted. But let’s stick to his propaganda last Sunday.
I offered a mere four examples of ethnic insensitive and race crudeness when Mr. Jagdeo ruled with hegemonic bombast. Roger Luncheon’s statement in my libel trial that no African Guyanese was qualified to be ambassador; the refusal of the Public Service Ministry to provide data on scholarship recipients to a researcher from the Ethnic Relations Commission who investigated ethnic bias in the awards; the horrible racist editorial in the Chronicle by an Indian woman who openly stated that African youths are socialized to hate Guyanese East Indians; and the erection of the 1823 monument on the seawall not at Parade Ground.
In every instance, Sam Hinds defended what could not be politically and morally defended. That Indian woman should have been charged and jailed under our anti-discrimination and anti-incitement law. Here are the apologetic words of Hinds as he came to the side of the lady, “It could only be considered “venomous” in the pain of its truth. I, like Jagdeo and Ramotar, sense no case for sanctioning that lady.”
Do readers understand what this former Prime Minister is saying? An editorial posits that African youths have been socialized to hate Indians and that is why they rob and kill them. Hinds is saying that it is a painful truth we must all face.
I have several nieces and nephews who are half-African and none of them hate Indian people. Sam Hinds’ sons are African Guyanese. Were they socialized to hate Indians? I will not cite Hinds’ justification of the 1823 monument placed on the seawall rather than at the Parade Ground, the spot where the slaves were tortured and executed. Sam Hinds’ defence of that caricature honestly makes me nauseated.

Ayoo hear this low class rice mar belly Kissoon. Sam Hinds seh the crime was political. What all this gat to do with political mastermind? 


I agreed wid Labba about the Low class rice mar belly idiot Kisson and Low class people like Chammar Mitwah who support Kisoon's viewpoint.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Hey Labba Rat.

You cannot forcibly balance the Army. Indos do not want to join the army, period. The problem is bigger than your simplistic analysis of blaming the PPP for not balancing the army.

Conservative Yuji.

Aye bai Balahoo Brahmin how yuh doin nuh? Balram Singh Rai bin do it. Ayoo prefer drug pushers? And foh dem to drink rum? Yuh know how much benefit that army gee? Same sk%#2nt Moses, Pek, Khemraj, Janet, Feroze was saying. Now reap yuh kankie. 


BS Rai, the most racist Indo who hated Blacks. He would have caused race wars in Guyana, boldly idiot Rai.

Anyway, Labba sounds exactly like TK. Did TK reincarnate ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

BS Rai, the most racist Indo who hated Blacks. He would have caused race wars in Guyana, boldly idiot Rai.

Anyway, Labba sounds exactly like TK. Did TK reincarnate ?

Doan worry bout that kanta professer and econmist Mr TK. Granger use he and kick de pon the curb. Lol

Labba posted:
yuji22 posted:

Deflection ? Looks like TK reincarnated. Anyway, carry on.

Yuji like yuh was on vacation bai? Or yuh went on pilgrimage to Vrindavan?

TK, Bai dat "Pavi" reference blew your new handle. Maybe your next handle should be an opossum. 

Last edited by Former Member

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