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I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

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Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

Petty bureaucratic corruption is not what the PPP is engaged in these past dozen yearshere.

Nothing less than CRIMINALIZATION OF THE STATE on a grand scale approaches the truth!

You are either extremely naive or (more likely) intentionally scampish to post that piece of MISDIRECTION above.
Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

Thanks for bringing this up. I knew that. I also know that many who are now accusing the government of corruption were once corrupt themslves..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

Thanks for bringing this up. I knew that. I also know that many who are now accusing the government of corruption were once corrupt themslves..

Of course you should know about corruption. Are you reminiscing about your glory days in Guyana as a bribe tekkin Customs clerk? Big Grin
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

Thanks for bringing this up. I knew that. I also know that many who are now accusing the government of corruption were once corrupt themslves..

Of course you should know about corruption. Are you reminiscing about your glory days in Guyana as a bribe tekkin Customs clerk? Big Grin

Actually it is a preception in Guyana, if true or not should be the question. While I was there last month I got the same line that "bribery is a way of life" and no party would be different from a lot of my relatives I tried to get to vote for change.

I was able to swing most by explaining that even if its true you have nothing to lose but you need to send a message to highway robbers who insult your inteligence and take your sheep like attitude for granted and if AFC screw up you still have a chance to vote them out next election.
I tell them there is no perfect party, in the states people don't vote a party in they vote them out when they screw up.
Change can only come about when people understand that they have the power to hold whoever is in charge accountable and send them packing...
Originally posted by sachin_05:
Actually it is a preception in Guyana, if true or not should be the question. While I was there last month I got the same line that "bribery is a way of life" and no party would be different from a lot of my relatives I tried to get to vote for change.

I was able to swing most by explaining that even if its true you have nothing to lose but you need to send a message to highway robbers who insult your inteligence and take your sheep like attitude for granted and if AFC screw up you still have a chance to vote them out next election.
I tell them there is no perfect party, in the states people don't vote a party in they vote them out when they screw up.
Change can only come about when people understand that they have the power to hold whoever is in charge accountable and send them packing...

Petty corruption is real . . . and will continue to bedevil us as long as the institutions of governance are weak and poverty is widespread.

What the Suharto like criminals masquerading as a 'government' in Guyana are engaged in is another matter entirely.

[imposed] scarcity of information barely mitigated by a weak press with limited reach hinders full education of the people.
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.
Originally posted by TI:
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.

How many times did you bribe the customs when you returned to guyana?
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TI:
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.

How many times did you bribe the customs when you returned to guyana?

That's a no brainer. Apart from bribing customs, I had to bribe his boss too, then give the guard a raise for keeping an eye on my car. And I had to pay duty too.
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TI:
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.

How many times did you bribe the customs when you returned to guyana?

That's a no brainer. Apart from bribing customs, I had to bribe his boss too, then give the guard a raise for keeping an eye on my car. And I had to pay duty too.

what year, I need to know so I can be prepare when i get there. Big Grin
Originally posted by AndrÃĐ:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.

Thanks for bringing this up. I knew that. I also know that many who are now accusing the government of corruption were once corrupt themslves..

Of course you should know about corruption. Are you reminiscing about your glory days in Guyana as a bribe tekkin Customs clerk? Big Grin

ramjattan is a the king of corruption. they burn gomattie face. No shame
Originally posted by alex:
I see many folks here shout, scream and threaten everyday that PPP is corrupt or AFC want thief or APNU want rob. It doesn't matter who wins the election, bribery will be a way of life forever in Guyana. I live here, and for the past 15 years I have worked here and the system remains the same. There are some public officers that wont accept a payout but most would gladly take a top up to grant a favour. I deal with Government and Private officers on a daily basis and both are looking for side incomes. All this talk about a new Government bring can will only see new faces doing the same old things.
While one can understand your pessimism one must understand also that all of Guyana's existence has been under the rule of two uncreative, insular, corrupt parties who did not take the job to correct the things you spoke to. They saw capturing the state through the Presidency as conserving ethnic hegemony and as a means to loot the treasury. These are not the people to transform a society.

Also, from a more philosophic and fundamental view of humans in general; yours would be the Hobbsiean view of government vs the Lockean view. Without getting to the details of each, one would know by the act of you coming to your conclusion that you envision there can be a difference. The world is not as "brutish" as Hobbes say it is but it can be ordered. That is immediately obvious so your view above is not a correct one.The statement that the "system remains the same" acknowledges men do fabricate or grow the society with some sense of intentionality and that there are "systems that can be ethical".

My suggestion is you take the tact in your personal life to change that which is about you by articulating you desire for moral systems. You can begin that by waking away from those who say the system is fine and voice your concerns as to why it is bad. You can then turn to those who say the system is sick and articulates changes to it. Actively engage with them into clarifying what those changes are to be and decide rationally how to make them real.

The world is what you make it not what you encounter it as being. You can be that change. Just walk away from them that lies that you live in the best system human mind can conceive. You know immediately it is not.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TI:
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.

How many times did you bribe the customs when you returned to guyana?
hey fool the government create this suituation,the people is following by exmaple.the new government will stamp out corruption and thiefing by inproving the people way of life not by roads only but increase their wages
Originally posted by TI:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by TI:
Guyanese are notorious for palm greasing and expecting a raise for any activity, and they are not ashamed to demand. It's very cultural. Politicians are no different.

If you hire them to do a job, you have to keep your eyes on them all the time.
They have also brought this attitude to the U.S. They all want to become rich the easy way.

If you choir boys think differently, my sympathies to you.

How many times did you bribe the customs when you returned to guyana?

That's a no brainer. Apart from bribing customs, I had to bribe his boss too, then give the guard a raise for keeping an eye on my car. And I had to pay duty too.

So you paid 200 dollars in bribes to save 20.

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