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Former Member

Child Labour in Africa


The 2016 Global Estimates of Child Labour  indicate that one-fifth of all African children are involved in child labour, a proportion more than twice as high as in any other region. Nine per cent of African children are in hazardous work, again highest of all the world’s regions.

Africa has the largest number of child labourers; 72.1 million African children are estimated to be in child labour and 31.5 million in hazardous work.

Progress against child labour appears to have stalled in Africa. Child labour went up in Sub-Saharan Africa over the 2012 to 2016 period, in contrast to continued progress elsewhere in the world, and despite the targeted policies implemented by African governments to combat child labour. It is likely that the retrogression was driven in important part by broader economic and demographic forces acting against government efforts, although this matter would require further research. The Africa region has also been among those most affected by situations of state fragility and crisis, which in turn heighten the risk of child labour.

Worldwide, the agriculture sector accounts for by far the largest share of child labour. In Africa, agriculture accounts for 85 per cent of all child labour and for 61.4 million children in absolute terms. Child labour in agriculture relates primarily to subsistence and commercial farming and livestock herding; and it is often hazardous in its nature and in the circumstances it is carried out. Of the remaining children in child labour in Africa, 8.1 million (11 per cent) are found in the services sector and 2.7 million (4 per cent) are found in industry. Most child labour is unpaid, and most children in child labour are not in an employment relationship with a third party employer, but rather work on family farms and family enterprises.

Young children form the largest group of those in child labour. The age breakdown of children in child labour indicate that 59 per cent of all those in child labour are in the 5–11 years age bracket, 26 per cent are aged 12–14 years and 15 per cent fall into the 15–17 years age range. This age profile of child labour in Africa is much “younger” than elsewhere. Children in the youngest age bracket also constitute the largest group in hazardous work in Africa. The group of very young African children facing hazardous work conditions directly endangering their health, safety and moral development is of special concern.

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Yet you wouldn't adopt one of them to Canada. Plus, they are endless child labor, child-trafficking-in-persons, child marriages, homelessness, and malnutrition are in India and neighboring Bangladesh. Where do you start, Yuji? Bharat Mata Ki Jai? Yes, no?


So this thread with an article from 2016, is a rebuttal to the article about Caste and child sexual exploitation  in India, D2 posted on a thread.

Yugi, you got class bhai.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

How the hell you are making such a connection ? 

72 million children are experiencing child labour and you are not concerned ?

What year is the article, don't  burst a blood vessel .

yuji22 posted:

Bhai, I support a food for life program in India. 

D2 should start a program to assist these 72 million children out of child labour. 

I do my part by sending my little bit to orgs I like. But does this represent your concern for this issue or you are just your sick racist self trying to ...what shall we say..."retaliate" for me posting the one about caste. If you you are one nasty human being.

My friend Dr Gary Girdhari, whose son sometimes post here, sent me that story. The link has stories on Slavery in Africa, Italy etc  He accompanied it with a comment that as humans we are truly terrible creatures. It was not to disparage race, ethnicity, or creed.

If you go back to that link you will see that "The Guardian" is participating in a special series  highlighting  cruel practices all over. I posted it because it is information that surprised me and thought it would be new to others as well. If you see malice in it I suggest you look inside your self and ask what is happening there.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Listen Jackass D2, since when it it racist to reveal exploitation of 72 million children ?

You are one sick SOB. 

Since when one can easily suspect you are a simpleton sufficiently ignorant to think posting this and inviting me to help is a way of getting back for posting a link on casteism.

Baseman posted:

A lot of awful things happen to children in rural India.  A lot is not reported!

Child Labor is not unique to Africa.

Guyana is experiencing a similar trend as we lose kids to the streets due to poverty.


Why drag India into this ? India also has its share of problems. 72 million exploited children is quite a shame and this must be addressed. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Why drag India into this ? India also has its share of problems. 72 million exploited children is quite a shame and this must be addressed. 

If you look about the Guardian link there are numerous stories about kids in India and the world over being  entrapped to this kind of labor practices. Here is another from the washington post

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Why drag India into this ? India also has its share of problems. 72 million exploited children is quite a shame and this must be addressed. 

Because child labor is all around, Africa and India are the two leading centers.  Take care of it in India and Africa and you have 75% captured!


Where did I deny that India does not have its share of problems ? You are one sick SOB to just brush aside 70 million exploited children. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

A lot of awful things happen to children in rural India.  A lot is not reported!

Child Labor is not unique to Africa.

Guyana is experiencing a similar trend as we lose kids to the streets due to poverty.

I am aware of the Guyana problem, remember I have been present there and have supported several families to get kids back in school.  It's an economic issue!

yuji22 posted:

Where did I deny that India does not have its share of problems ? You are one sick SOB to just brush aside 70 million exploited children. 

You seem rather perturbed!  Relax!

I don't brush off.  I support the kids of Guyana.  When I was in India, I supported Indian kids and Guyanese kids.

yuji22 posted:

Where did I deny that India does not have its share of problems ? You are one sick SOB to just brush aside 70 million exploited children. 

You just have a belly gripe. Visit your toilet before you come here venting nonsense. No one dismissed anything. You are merely mentally mal adjusted. 

yuji22 posted:

Bai, I dont run to admin like Cry babies Mitwah and D2.

I do not cry to the admin. I advise him to do his duty least I do it for him and it is to your detriment. You have a nasty pretentious habit to think you are all that when you are another Guyanese Indian with origins no less than the rest of us. Go and read Safraz's eulogy to his father an learn.


You are GNI’s biggest cry baby. Admin posted your whining and crying !

Being a proud Indo Guyanese does not make me inferior or superior to anyone. 

You are a bare faced liar and should cease your dirty habit of lying. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Bhai, I support a food for life program in India. 

D2 should start a program to assist these 72 million children out of child labour. 

That’s a big venture. Big talk on GNI does not pay him anything. 😃

yuji22 posted:

You are GNI’s biggest cry baby. Admin posted your whining and crying !

You are a bare faced liar and should cease your dirty habit of lying. 

You have no other option but  scream and shout for attention. Otherwise you are as stale as yesterdays rotie. Cyar you rass da are irrelevant to me.

alena06 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bhai, I support a food for life program in India. 

D2 should start a program to assist these 72 million children out of child labour. 

That’s a big venture. Big talk on GNI does not pay him anything. 😃

sorry lady, I am not Bill Gates or Buffet to make a dent in that.I do my part with the little I have. 

Ask him what he does...since he is the tell the little prick to to go down the street from his house ...which by the way is modest... to the park off La Pinta and meditate so he can come here present a kinder and gentler nature. 

yuji22 posted:

Ha Ha ! Cry baby D2 can’t stand the heat. Did you already knock on admin’s door this morning ?

Ha Ha Ha !

You are just silly...and talk too much crap. You should not laugh but reflect that there are decent people here who see through this facade of bluster. Be the real you. I am certain what you present here cannot be real.

yuji22 posted:

Bai, I dont run to admin like Cry babies Mitwah and D2.

I don't cry to admin. I have to wake them up every now and then when they fall asleep on the jobs and pricks like you posting nasty stuff.

yuji22 posted:

Bhai, I support a food for life program in India. 

D2 should start a program to assist these 72 million children out of child labour. 

You should also support a program to end child slavery in India.

yuji22 posted:

Listen Jackass D2, since when it it racist to reveal exploitation of 72 million children ?

You are one sick SOB. 

when you pretend as if this isnt also a problem in South Asia.


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