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Originally posted by TI:
What is racist about it? Seems a brave woman to me...not afraid of black people. Nuff coolie men would have run and hide under the bed.
Of late you are talking a load of crap. If you condone her 4th octave racist bilge then you are kindred. It is not about being afraid but the shameless public display of an entitlement injure or insult that is the question. It is seen no less on this site. The fact she does not fear retribution in the form of an ass whipping she would have received on the streets of NY shows Guyanese black people not to be the marauders some say they are. I personally would throw a rock at her ugly ass if she said the same of an amerind in my presence. After all, my compromised capacity to reason well would be a good excuse if she is indeed right.
When black people cuss coolie people(which is happening in the background) it is called equal rights. When a coolie woman confront black people, it is called racism.

What occurs here is a common occurrence in Guyana on both sides of the fence. Only expats sitting in the comfort of their westernized plush armchairs can opine on racist behavior on native peoples.
Originally posted by TI:
When black people cuss coolie people(which is happening in the background) it is called equal rights. When a coolie woman confront black people, it is called racism.

What occurs here is a common occurrence in Guyana on both sides of the fence. Only expats sitting in the comfort of their westernized plush armchairs can opine on racist behavior on native peoples.
Who called it such? That is silly. Were she indeed confronted with racist abuse her response would be like mine, to demonstrate its ignorance. I lived in Guyana, and experienced its crude barbaric displays of bilious racism there. While I have experienced racism in Europe, Canada and the US I have never seen that kind of open public madness. I do not doubt others have seen it but I have not.
Originally posted by TI:
Try marching through Howard Beach with Al Sharpton, or through Crown Heights with Rosenbaum.
The difference is, in Guyana they don't make no secret of their emotions in any busedown.
I do not have to march with sharpton to have an opinion on the post above. It is wrong and crude and you agreeing with it is not only disappointing but disturbing.

In any event, I took the time to record and enhance the background audio. No one is having racist conversation as you suggest to cause her to act that way. Some are indeed being vulgar but it is clear that many insist "they like da, they racist" as one said and another threatens to give her a beating for her racism.
Originally posted by TI:
I didnt say I agreed with it. I asked what's racist about it?
"Black people can't run a country?"
That my friend is a thought shared by thousands of Guyanese and millions across the western world. Nobody accuses them of racism for that thought.
If that is a thought shared by thousands of guyanese it was one shared by millions of the ancestors of those Guyanese that their forefathers were incapable learning and were on par with farm animals.

If the thousands of ignorant Guyanese who cannot reflect on their ancestors thousands of years sojourn at the boot of India then indeed that lady writing on the recreating of caste hierarchy by Indians in Guyana was on the mark.

I do no not have to address the existence of racism everywhere. I have to address personal instances of racist thought and action before me when they occur. I am responsible for me and to change my social environment if I can. I am responsible to you and this board to say the above is from the offspring of outcasts pretending she has her own out-castes in Guyana is utter and impenetrable ignorance.

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