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Tola posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

So much lies and manipulation from the Donkeys!  No wonder support is slipping! 

The Donkeys will be crushed by the Elephants in 2020!

Indeed .. dee Donkeys will crush the Elephants ..

Also, its harder to mate elephants, than donkeys. 

Really, have you mated with donkeys and then tried elephants!

Ok, leave it at that!


Although the only reason it turned out to be an attempt is because the President of Ukraine decided that Trump is an idiot and so did not make the announcement he wanted.

Point for Base, Sean and Prince:

The only reason that the funds were released to Ukraine was because Trump got caught holding up congressional approved funding to extort Ukraine to act on his personal request.

cain posted:

I just read that Parnas, one of the two of Rudy's buddy being held, wants to spill the beans, apparently bringing Nunes into the fracas. Fun,,,WOW.

Nunes always look like a shady person. Maybe he will take one more of those leave of absence from his leadership role on the committee although he really didn't actually took that leave of absence. 


Trump's GOP impeachment firewall holds strong


President Trump has had a rough couple of weeks, but his Republican wall of defense is holding in the Senate.

Senate Republicans by and large are standing by Trump despite polls showing growing public support for impeachment, even among GOP voters.

Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) have criticized Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he pressed for an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic candidate for president. But none has endorsed the House impeachment inquiry.

The Ukraine controversy, which has been the impetus of the House’s impeachment inquiry, comes amid other negative headlines for the White House. Members of both parties have ripped Trump’s recent decision to pull U.S. forces out of Syria, and last week two associates of Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani were arrested for alleged campaign finance violations in a probe that is not yet complete.

Regardless, Republican aides and strategists say it would be a political mistake for a GOP lawmaker to take on Trump publicly.

“If you don’t have anything nice to say, you just keep your mouth shut and see how the cards fall,” said Republican strategist Ford O’Connell.


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