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I am sure APNU is demanding that the AFC must content with no more than 10% of the ministries and seats in parliament. APNU is wounded and paranoid tiger backed up in a corner. Since Charrandass crossed party line and voted with the opposition them Congress Place boys don't want a repeat. They will dictate who the AFC can go to parliament and hold ministerial positions.  It's a complicated situation and Trotman is wise ass  doing the talking to cover up the crap that is going on.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am sure APNU is demanding that the AFC must content with no more than 10% of the ministries and seats in parliament.

APNU is wounded and paranoid tiger backed up in a corner. Since Charrandass crossed party line and voted with the opposition them Congress Place boys don't want a repeat.

They will dictate who the AFC can go to parliament and hold ministerial positions.  It's a complicated situation and Trotman is wise ass  doing the talking to cover up the crap that is going on.

It's not about that !!! is who will take over from Granger.

No stunt like what the PPP had done.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am sure APNU is demanding that the AFC must content with no more than 10% of the ministries and seats in parliament.

APNU is wounded and paranoid tiger backed up in a corner. Since Charrandass crossed party line and voted with the opposition them Congress Place boys don't want a repeat.

They will dictate who the AFC can go to parliament and hold ministerial positions.  It's a complicated situation and Trotman is wise ass  doing the talking to cover up the crap that is going on.

It's not about that !!! is who will take over from Granger.

You got to be really naive' to believe that.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

I am sure APNU is demanding that the AFC must content with no more than 10% of the ministries and seats in parliament.

APNU is wounded and paranoid tiger backed up in a corner. Since Charrandass crossed party line and voted with the opposition them Congress Place boys don't want a repeat.

They will dictate who the AFC can go to parliament and hold ministerial positions.  It's a complicated situation and Trotman is wise ass  doing the talking to cover up the crap that is going on.

It's not about that !!! is who will take over from Granger.

You got to be really naive' to believe that.

That's it  !!!  thought you were a seasoned political analyst.


I don't doubt Trotman that there will be a pre-elections agreement between APNU & AFC. The Dead Meat AFC knows that it can no longer contest general elections by itself to remain in power. So, holding on to the heavy-foot PNC-dominated APNU, the dead meat cabal will accept significantly less parliamentary seats in the new accord. Not another Cummingsburg Accord but a CongressPlace Accord. Wait and see.

Django posted:
Sean posted:

LOL. Django missed the big picture here. Its about a PM position, not a Presidential position.

Presidential Position comes from the PNC side.

Come on DJ, get with the programme here.

Well seems you doan know what's playing out !!! will leave to wallow in wonderland.

Welcome back Gil. Stay close to the physio and diet.


What does the constitution say, who takes over when the president  is not capable of performing his/her duties ? 

Will the PNC select another president from its party ? 

Sometimes its better to ignore, than to argue with those who feel they have all the answers.  

ksazma posted:

When Trotman said that he hopes good sense will prevail, he was in effect saying that he hopes Ramjattan comes to his senses and not stand in Granger’s way in picking a die hard PNCite to be PM candidate.

I learned a lot about how Indians operate when I joined the AFC!  Dem was bound to get out-foxed and kicked!

Ayuh coolies nah deh donk hay!


@Former Member by the Lake. Dem boys seh dem see one Benz floating in de lake purposefully. Dem hear it was refitted as an amphibious vehicle. Suh me hear.

On a serious note I wish to thank all well-wishers for your kind words. Whatever party in Guyana you support, that's your democratic right. But I urge you to be vigilant and make sure that upcoming elections are free and fair.

Health-wise I am not fit and proper to post here regularly but be assured that my mind is sharper than a yuji22-endorsed cutlass.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

When Trotman said that he hopes good sense will prevail, he was in effect saying that he hopes Ramjattan comes to his senses and not stand in Granger’s way in picking a die hard PNCite to be PM candidate.

I learned a lot about how Indians operate when I joined the AFC!  Dem was bound to get out-foxed and kicked!

Ayuh coolies nah deh donk hay!

Well, the PNC stocked up Moses and Ramjattan with expensive booze and nice vehicles and this is what ended up happening. I am not one bit surprised.

I was just waiting for this day to come. I never expected it to happen so soon. 

Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member by the Lake. Dem boys seh dem see one Benz floating in de lake purposefully. Dem hear it was refitted as an amphibious vehicle. Suh me hear.

On a serious note I wish to thank all well-wishers for your kind words. Whatever party in Guyana you support, that's your democratic right. But I urge you to be vigilant and make sure that upcoming elections are free and fair.

Health-wise I am not fit and proper to post here regularly but be assured that my mind is sharper than a yuji22-endorsed cutlass.

Spoken like a true and kind hearted individual. Glad to see you back. I used to read up on GNI for years before I joined and finally decided to jump in. It is now to a point where posters are assuming that I am Yujie.

Dat banna Yujie was a true PPP man and I have no idea why he left so suddenly. A True loss to the PPP at GNI.

I like the PPP and hope that they win. I am a strong supporter and defender of democracy and free speech. May the better party win.

Please keep contributing here and keep us in line when we deflect 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
kp posted:
Sean posted:

Right on the money. Less seats and a pro PNC PM candidate who can be easily manipulated by them.

Its the PNC's way or the Highway for the deadbeat AFC. The AFC is stuck in Berbice mud.

Explain that to Django. PM will be a PNC PUPPET.

Explain?? Dat is an impossible task

Why ayuh worry about APNU/AFC , focus should be on ayuh party. Nahi deflect on the other side to cover up.


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