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Former Member

Dr Jagan took the PPP to victory after 28 years of PNC oppression and rigged elections.


The PPP was transparent until the the nation started to progress and then it became a friends and family party. It became a party of whom you knew in high places and how big of a contract you can get.


Transparency and accountably were thrown in the back seat and forgotten. Arrogance became the norm of the day.


Those who opposed the Freedom House were kicked out. It was run like a Communist bootcamp.


Blacks were left behind and there was anger, frustration and despair. Young people felt hopeless. Indo Guyanese were taken for granted. They left in very large numbers, no different when they fled from the PNC.


Friendly foreign countries became enemies of the PPP.


During this time, a few became very rich while the middle class collapsed. Enter the AFC and it attracted this base while the PPP felt that it was invincible.


This election will be a test on where Guyanese want the country to go. We are a deeply divide people and we need healing very badly.


Why did I support the PPP ?


I was treated as third class citizen in my own country under the PNC era, the same experiences that blacks are experiencing today. I still await an apology from the PNC.


Regardless of who wins, ordinary Guyanese have spoken and we must now put Guyana first and this friends and family business must end now.


I have serious reversions as to how the PNC will govern, read what Carib writes. If they win, we must give them a fair chance and pass judgement after five years. Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana and made it a basket must never hold that position again.


Time for Change, the PPP must reform or it will disappear from the political landscape of Guyana. 



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:


I was treated as third class citizen in my own country under the PNC era, the same experiences that blacks are experiencing today..


So you finally admit that blacks today experience what you under went in the 70s.  We are making progress.


Now don't call blacks racist for not voting PPP, the same way as you wouldn't want to be called racist for voting PPP.


Understand that a new model of governance is needed, and given their histories, neither a stand alone PPP or a stand alone PNC can work.  This is why I support the APNU AFC as it represents the best opportunity for a new paradigm, provided that Guyanese hold them accountable.

Originally Posted by Tola:


I am impressed Yuji, you are on the ball on this.


If Guyana is to go forward, we need to dwell less on the past, be more inclusive of all races equally and be more accountable to the people, who voted for the politicians.

Racial politics must not be allowed continue, or we all lose.   


I forgot to add that crime escalated and the government had no policy in place to deal with it. The police force must be modernized. Let us stop blaming Black cops and Black criminals and how about some of our Indo Boys raise their hands and join the force ?


I have to hire private security to guard my residence when I visit Guyana. What a shame. 


We need no goat to fight crime. 


How about any future government hire a decorated Soldier like Shaitaan as a consultant in dealing with crime in Guyana ? 

Last edited by Former Member

Yuji you may be able to fool those young people but not an old goat like me. Cheddi Jagan like Gerhard rightly pointed out excluded any opposition people from his government.  I would venture to say this.  The present gang of eight PPP party is much more inclusive of Afro-Guyanese in the PPP than the administration of Comrade Cheddi was.  So keep that nonsense for the likes of Churchill, Prashad, Tola and other Jaganites.  

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:


I am impressed Yuji, you are on the ball on this.


If Guyana is to go forward, we need to dwell less on the past, be more inclusive of all races equally and be more accountable to the people, who voted for the politicians.

Racial politics must not be allowed continue, or we all lose.   


I forgot to add that crime escalated and the government had no policy in place to deal with it. The police force must be modernized. Let us stop blaming Black cops and Black criminals and how about some of our Indo Boys raise their hands and join the force ?


I have to hire private security to guard my residence when I visit Guyana. What a shame. 


We need no goat to fight crime. 

Lets find a way to work together for Guyana.


Our thing is domestic violence/suicide prevention for youth. We tried for six years and had successes, with challenges, but support and resources are still available to continue. Two of our school dropouts recently became  teachers at schools they dropped from. A wonderful mentorship program for students with similar problems.

I would like to live in GY permanent, but the crime situation is not acceptable.

Friends on the ECD have an armed guard at night, its a bit unnerving.    

Originally Posted by Wally:

Yuji you may be able to fool those young people but not an old goat like me. Cheddi Jagan like Gerhard rightly pointed out excluded any opposition people from his government.  I would venture to say this.  The present gang of eight PPP party is much more inclusive of Afro-Guyanese in the PPP than the administration of Comrade Cheddi was.  So keep that nonsense for the likes of Churchill, Prashad, Tola and other Jaganites.  

Wally, why do your think I am a Jaganite, when I support equality for all in Guyana.

Like Burhham, Jagan had his problems dealing with Guyana. Both  made serious mistakes that contribute to what Guyana is today.

In my youth I supported  the PPP, but after noticing what the PNC and PPP did to Guyana during the past 49 years, racial politics would only destroy the country and both parties were good at doing it.

When we see students displaying  racial attitudes, we realize something is terrible wrong with the MOE and the current PPP leadership.      

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Dr Jagan took the PPP to victory after 28 years of PNC oppression and rigged elections.


The PPP was transparent until the the nation started to progress and then it became a friends and family party. It became a party of whom you knew in high places and how big of a contract you can get.


Transparency and accountably were thrown in the back seat and forgotten. Arrogance became the norm of the day.


Those who opposed the Freedom House were kicked out. It was run like a Communist bootcamp.


Blacks were left behind and there was anger, frustration and despair. Young people felt hopeless. Indo Guyanese were taken for granted. They left in very large numbers, no different when they fled from the PNC.


Friendly foreign countries became enemies of the PPP.


During this time, a few became very rich while the middle class collapsed. Enter the AFC and it attracted this base while the PPP felt that it was invincible.


This election will be a test on where Guyanese want the country to go.

We are a deeply divide people and we need healing very badly.


Why did I support the PPP ?


I was treated as third class citizen in my own country under the PNC era, the same experiences that blacks are experiencing today. I still await an apology from the PNC.

Bhai giving "Love & Unity, Peace & Unity" a Chance is better than any apology.


Regardless of who wins, ordinary Guyanese have spoken and we must now put Guyana first and this friends and family business must end now.


I have serious reversions as to how the PNC will govern, read what Carib writes. If they win, we must give them a fair chance and pass judgement after five years. Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana and made it a basket must never hold that position again.


Time for Change, the PPP must reform or it will disappear from the political landscape of Guyana......"AMEN" 




my friend,

yes said it right


"This election will be a test

on where Guyanese want the country to go.

We are a deeply divide people

and we need healing very badly."


Do not feel bad

we all realize at some time

we were on the back of a donkey

in a horse race.


And we have to Jump off

and let the Jackass go.


It was hard for all of us

 Me, Churchill, Gilbakka,

Cain, Mitwa, Chief, Kari,

Gerhard, Mars, Tota

and many others to stop seeing ourselves

as Indian or Jihaji Racist Coolie.....


and look in the mirror and

see ourselves as Guyanese

just like CaribJ and Granger.


Do not feel bad....

Rev & Baseman

buss de Bubble earlier today.


No one want to tie bundle with

Ignorance, Arrogance and Dotishness

we see everyday from

Jagdeo, Nandalall, Ramotar, Luncheon,

Gail, Prya, Ben, Kwame or Beri Beri.


Tell me which Guyanese can defend ....
Slapping, Kicking or Stripping

just for the Fun of it....


We do not want to be alligned

with those who take money for Sperm

We are not like Shaitan or Kwame...


We are not looking for

Consul General Wuk


We do not want

Contract or Favors..


We do not go anywhere

UnInvited like them...


We do not want to be

a Liability like them...


We want

Peace & Unity

Love & Harmony


Leave the Donkeys Alone...



"We are a deeply divide people

and we need healing very badly."


Time for Change,

the PPP must reform

or it will disappear

from the political

landscape of Guyana..




Welcome aboard....






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