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APNU and AFC sign revised pact

Dec 25, 2019 News, Source -- Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...c-sign-revised-pact/

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance for Change (AFC) have now cemented their continued partnership as a coalition, with the signing of the revised Cummingsburg Accord yesterday at State House., AFC Chairmen David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan shake hands after signing the revised accord

The accord was signed by the Chairmen of both parties, David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan, who currently serve as President and Minister of Public Security respectively. They were accompanied by the parties’ General Secretaries, Joseph Harmon and David Patterson, who signed as witnesses to the agreement.

A joint statement from APNU+AFC indicated that there appeared at the signing, representatives of all the parties that make up the APNU coalition, including Errol Ross of the Guyana Action Party (GAP), Keith Scott of the National Front Alliance, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), Chandra Narine Sharma and Jaipaul Sharma of Justice For All Party (JFAP)

The President reportedly said that the Accord was strengthened based on experiences garnered over the last four and a half years. Kaieteur News understands that the Alliance For Change has been forced to settle for 30 percent of the allotted seats, down from 40 percent it agreed to in the initial 2015 iteration of the Cummingsburg Accord, indicating that the AFC’s negotiating position was weakened, since the first signing.

The smaller party has reportedly secured Ramjattan’s place as the prime ministerial candidate, on the condition that if the President is absent, he would not accede to the Presidency.

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Demerara_Guy posted:

APNU and AFC sign revised pact

Dec 25, 2019 News, Source -- Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...c-sign-revised-pact/, AFC Chairmen David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan shake hands after signing the revised accord

The smaller party has reportedly secured Ramjattan’s place as the prime ministerial candidate, on the condition that if the President is absent, he would not accede to the Presidency.

Jhaaattttt with a huge smile as he tek anadda huge laura; while Soulja Bai and Harmon; dee "effective" president; smile and laugh at him.

Rum Jhaattt will never be president when Soulja Bai is away.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

APNU and AFC sign revised pact

Dec 25, 2019 News, Source -- Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...c-sign-revised-pact/, AFC Chairmen David Granger and Khemraj Ramjattan shake hands after signing the revised accord

The smaller party has reportedly secured Ramjattan’s place as the prime ministerial candidate, on the condition that if the President is absent, he would not accede to the Presidency.

Jhaaattttt with a huge smile as he tek anadda huge laura; while Soulja Bai and Harmon; dee "effective" president; smile and laugh at him.

Rum Jhaattt will never be president when Soulja Bai is away.

The key features of the initial accord were that the AFC would have the prime ministerial position in the government and 12 seats in Parliament, but a source has said that under the new agreement the AFC would hold fewer seats and its designated prime ministerial candidate,

Ramjattan, will not become the president were that position to become vacant.


Representatives of the APNU parties and the AFC at yesterday’s event. (APNU photo)

 December 25 2019

Governing coalition partners A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Chance (AFC) yesterday inked an updated agreement for a unified slate to contest the March 2nd, 2020 general and regional elections.

The β€œRevised Cummingsburg Accord” was signed at State House by President David Granger, who is Chairman of APNU and Public Securities Minister Khemraj Ramjattan, who is the leader of the AFC, with APNU General Secretary Joseph Harmon and AFC General Secretary David Patterson signing as witnesses to the agreement.

The signing was first made public on the AFC’s Facebook page yesterday afternoon. The media was not invited to the signing, which was officially announced after the fact by way of a joint APNU+AFC statement.

The joint statement reported Granger as saying that the Cummingsburg Accord was strengthened based on experiences garnered over the last four and a half years. He was also reported as saying that the coalition parties had worked well together and the Revised Accord would lay the foundation for a more enhanced quality of governance for all the people of Guyana.  Ramjattan, the statement added, said the parties that make up the coalition were β€œbetter together” and congratulated the negotiating team that worked to fashion the revised accord.

No details of the revised agreement were released but the AFC last month confirmed that there would be a 30:70 ratio in favour of APNU in the allocation of parliamentary seats, while Ramjattan would be designed the prime ministerial candidate on the joint slate. The split was 40:60 under the previous agreement for the 2015 polls, where the coalition unseated the PPP/C after 23 years in office, albeit by a slim margin of votes.

When contacted, Harmon explained that the coalition would release a document containing the central elements of the agreement β€œin a few days.” He explained that the official name for the agreement is the Revised Cummingsburg Accord, as it retains some of the features of the old accord, while featuring changes which he said are informed by experiences with, and interpretations of the Constitution, as well as missteps experienced during the current term.

Harmon did not specify what the experiences, interpretations, and missteps were.

Harmon said that in agreeing on the terms of the Revised Accord, the two parties β€œfocused on governance and on constitutional reform, which are going to feature in a significant way in this accord, and it has been given prominence in terms of what we will do.” Constitutional reform, Harmon explained, will remain the responsibility of the Office of the Prime Minister, which office Harmon said will be strengthened, although he did not say in what way.


The Office of the Prime Minister has held the responsibility for constitutional reform since 2015. A Steering Committee on Constitutional Reform was commissioned, and, in 2016, submitted a report of its work, which included recommendations garnered through negotiations, and the last reform exercise to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo. The Prime Minister’s office also initiated initiatives meant to sensitise the public on areas believed to be appropriate for revision, however, the actual reform process has been stalled.

Meanwhile, Patterson shared with Stabroek News that the last of the issues which plagued the agreement and stymied its conclusion were ironed out during a meeting between the parties’ leaders last Friday. He said the Revised Accord will see a 70:30 ratio in terms in terms of the distribution of power among the parties.

Patterson clarified yesterday that this division pertains to all aspects of governance, including seats in the National Assembly and at the level of Regional Democratic Councils.

The key features of the initial accord were that the AFC would have the prime ministerial position in the government and 12 seats in Parliament, but a source has said that under the new agreement the AFC would hold fewer seats and its designated prime ministerial candidate, Ramjattan, will not become the president were that position to become vacant.

Patterson said both he and the AFC were happy with the outcome of the negotiations, and the resulting agreement.

The reduced concessions to the AFC under the revised agreement is seen as a reflection of the belief that the party has lost support, particularly in light of its poor showing at the 2018 local government polls. The defection of an AFC member, Charrandass Persaud, resulting in the passage of a no-confidence vote against government in the House last year, is also believed to have influenced the negotiations.

The joint APNU+AFC statement yesterday said representatives of APNU’s constituent partiesβ€”the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), which is APNU’s largest member, the Guyana Action Party (GAP), the National Front Alliance (NFA), the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), and the Justice for all Party (JFA)β€”attended the signing ceremony.  GAP was represented by Errol Ross, the NFA by Keith Scott, the WPA by Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, and the JFA by CN Sharma and Jaipaul Sharma.


Last edited by Django
Gilbakka posted:

Demerara Waves says Granger said he would give Prime Minister  Ramjattan more teeth and claws than that which  PM Nagamootoo has. 

The trouble was that Granger had said that PM Nagamootoo was going to be a real PM also and he never kept that promise so his promise to Ramjattan doesn't have any more credence to that to Nagamootoo.

Nehru posted:

Some people will sell Dem Mudda for fame and fortune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Khemraj was expelled when he spoke out on the corruption ,at that time he was handling most legal matters for the PPP.  Shortly after the AFC was formed and stated clearly ,he will bring Jagdeo down. If you consider that to be fame seeking ,Khemraj accomplished such.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Some people will sell Dem Mudda for fame and fortune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Khemraj was expelled when he spoke out on the corruption ,at that time he was handling most legal matters for the PPP.  Shortly after the AFC was formed and stated clearly ,he will bring Jagdeo down. If you consider that to be fame seeking ,Khemraj accomplished such.

Not true my brother. Ramjattan's AFC only received 5 seats in the 2006 elections which was the last time Jagdeo contested an election. Jagdeo's take in that election was 36 seats, the most by any candidate in Guyana's elections history. Keep in mind that I am excluding those sham elections by the PNC rigging machine. Ramjattan didn't even bring down the lesser Ramotar. He had to combine his 7 seats with the 26 from the PNC dominated APNU to amass one more seat than the 32 PPP sole seats. And even as he completely morphed his AFC into the PNC dominated APNU for the 2015 elections, they still won no more than the combined 33 they got from the 2011 elections. No wonder the PNC dominated APNU has reduced his slice of the pie from 40% to 30%.

In the meantime, he is impotent to criticize the wickedness of the PNC which has been usurping power now for the past year. I am not holding my breath regarding that March 3, 2020 elections. Hope you aren't either.

Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

Well well, I am now convinced you have been grabbing at straws for your arguments and just shooting the shit. 

Re Ramjattan: it all started in 1994 and Cheddi express surprise at Ramjat stance to change PYO constitution at PYO congress at Enterprise. 

- Ramjat continue to push for change at PPP Congress and got the support of the Campbellville group - Janet then accused Ramjattan of dividing  and breaking up PPP. 
- Party leaders then call Ramjat a RAT. 
- Ramjattan then want a secret vote to support his change, Ramkaran said NO. 

It all went down hill from then, he was not trusted and was speaking with the media and US officials. The party is in order to kicked traitors out. 

Last edited by Former Member

  I am awaiting the publication of the agreement. From their announcement, it appears that the AFC’s role has been diminished. I am interested in who selects the members of parliament to represent the AFC component of parliament and the ministers from the AFC. The last I had heard was that Granger will make those selections with advice from the AFC. This I find hard to believe because such, if true, guts the AFC. Maybe, DJ has some info.

Zed posted:

  I am awaiting the publication of the agreement. From their announcement, it appears that the AFC’s role has been diminished. I am interested in who selects the members of parliament to represent the AFC component of parliament and the ministers from the AFC. The last I had heard was that Granger will make those selections with advice from the AFC. This I find hard to believe because such, if true, guts the AFC. Maybe, DJ has some info.

It’s true.  Granger will have last say on any AFC MP. So only pro-PNC will be chosen!

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

Well well, I am now convinced you have been grabbing at straws for your arguments and just shooting the shit. 

Re Ramjattan: it all started in 1994 and Cheddi express surprise at Ramjat stance to change PYO constitution at PYO congress at Enterprise. 

- Ramjat continue to push for change at PPP Congress and got the support of the Campbellville group - Janet then accused Ramjattan of dividing  and breaking up PPP. 
- Party leaders then call Ramjat a RAT. 
- Ramjattan then want a secret vote to support his change, Ramkaran said NO. 

It all went down hill from then, he was not trusted and was speaking with the media and US officials. The party is in order to kicked traitors out. 

But it was Ramjattan’s progressive thinking that would get him into trouble with the PPP.

Ramjattan joined the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), the youth arm of the PPP, while still in University, and move up rapidly.Navin Chandarpal, another PPP stalwart, was the head of the PYO at the time Ramjattan joined.β€œDr Cheddi wanted bright, committed young persons who could do the party work and I guess I was one of those persons.”Ramjattan was sent by the PYO to the World Festival of Youths and Students in North Korea and then to a Latin American Legal Seminar held in Havana.

He had become chairman of the PYO [Youth Group ] in 1988 and started to realize that there was need for a change in course.Ramjattan had always questioned the hardcore Marxist, Leninist, and Communist ideology of the PPP, especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1990.This brought him into heated arguments with Feroze Mohamed, one of the main political ideologues in the PPP. He also had robust debates with Dr Roger Luncheon.

Ramjattan did not like the concept of democratic centralism as an organisation principle. He thought it was a deceptive political tool that was not a legitimate form of democratic governance.He decided that at least he could bring about change at the level of the PYO.He did not get the outright support of Dr. Jagan, but once the PPP leader was convinced that the PYO was a sort of autonomous body that could change its constitution if it wanted to, Ramjattan was allowed to make his move at the PYO Congress at Enterprise, East Coast Demerara in mid-1994.
Dr Jagan was surprised at the outcome.

With the support of the Congress, Ramjattan struck out from the PYO constitution any mention of Marxism, Lennism and Communism, replacing these with the words β€œnational democratic principles” as representing the guiding force of the PYO.
But Mrs Janet Jagan was not at all pleased at what had transpired; Ramjattan held up to his argument.β€œThe young people didn’t want anything to do with these hardcore ideological principles,” Ramjattan argued. But the repercussions would soon come.

A few months after the congress, Ramjattan contested for one of the 35 seats on the PPP’s Central Committee. He won enough votes but was disqualified on the basis that he did not have full PPP membership of five years. He was short by just a few days.
Ramjattan recalls that Bharrat Jagdeo, who had just returned from studies in Moscow, also contested a seat, and won. But he too was short on membership – by months – but he was allowed in.

Jagdeo, Ramjattan recounted, had argued on his behalf, pointing out that if the credentials committee had accepted that Ramjattan contested the seat and if he secured the votes, then he should be let in.

But it was not to be. The next in line to receive Ramjattan’s vote would have been his friend, Lionel Peters, the other top vote getter.

But he was bypassed for someone else. Peters was one of those who supported Ramjattan in changing the constitution of the PYO.

The Committee argued that it was not binding that they accept the next highest vote getter, but Ramjattan was furious because that was the principle from time immemorial.β€œIt was one of the saddest moments in my life as a member of the PPP.”
But there was nothing he could do.

At the next triennial congress, Ramjattan won his seat on the PPP’s Central Committee.As the years went by, he continued to be tormented about the politics of the PPP and wanted change.

Things came to head when he decided, with the backing of forward thinking persons in a Campbellville Group of the party, to propose the motion to change the party’s constitution, and get the Congress to elect presidential and prime ministerial candidates, and other leaders of the party.

Ramjattan was told that his resolution would be supported by many in the party, even from President Jagdeo.

But there was a complete somersault of positions.

Mrs Jagan, who could not attend because of ill-health, sent a video accusing Ramjattan of wanting to break up the PPP, even though he insisted all he wanted was internal party democracy and to give the wider membership a greater say and to hold party leaders accountable.One by one, party leaders chastised Ramjattan, with two of them even calling him a β€œrat.”He says that when he asked for a secret vote on proceeding with his resolution, Ralph Ramkarran, who was chairing the proceedings declined, saying he preferred an open vote.

Ramjattan failed miserably at his efforts and that created tension with him and party leaders.But he continued, writing letters in the Stabroek News that were critical of the government.In 2004, Ramjattan was expelled from the PPP, after he was accused by President Jagdeo of leaking information to the US embassy and the media.

The PPP explained that Ramjattan was expelled for showing disregard for party rules via a breach of a commitment he made at a February 6 meeting with Executive Committee to cease all public attacks on party leaders and the government; to use the internal party mechanism to air positions; and to abide with the constitution and rules of the party.

Ramjattan tried to reverse his expulsion, but because of a number of demands he could not meet, including apologizing for things he did not do, he decided to give up.β€œI saw after my expulsion that the PPP wasn’t going to change its course and get attuned to the times.”

Mr.Dave are there any truth ,what is said here ? apart from the somersault of positions.

I have the source of the information , just need your input , will present after your rebuttal.

Last edited by Django

The PPP was right to kick Ramjattan's ass out. If one finds that they don't longer agree with the rules of an organization, they should just leave instead of making a jackass of themselves the way Ramjattan did. He seems like an antiman always looking for attention. Now he is getting fvcked by the PNC and because their dicks are stuffed deep down his throat, he can't say anything. Ramjattan is a disgrace.


I remember Feroze Mohammed since he lived close to us in Prashad Nagar. I was a teenager back then and remember talking with him a few times. I don't remember him talking politics though so I don't know how much of an ideologue he was. I do remember he was friendly and had a beautiful family. I thought I saw a girl visiting from overseas who I thought was really beautiful but I can't be too sure now.


@ Django. What you posted is from a interview done by KN .the source  is below.As usual you hoping and hoping and don’t deal with the subject. 

Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

You accused Dr Jagdeo out kicking out Ramjattan, and the very article you posted above have the reasons and when it started . You stabbed your own self.

Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 


Make up story to justify Jagdeo action.


Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

Dave posted:

@ Django. What you posted is from a interview done by KN .the source  is below.As usual you hoping and hoping and don’t deal with the subject. 

Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

You accused Dr Jagdeo out kicking out Ramjattan, and the very article you posted above have the reasons and when it started . You stabbed your own self.

Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 


Make up story to justify Jagdeo action.
Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

Let's assume , my hearing was bad when it was said Jagdeo was involved , and stabbed my self saying what i heard.

Are there any truth in the interview given by Prak. That was my question ,i don't think another topic is needed ,my expectation was your thoughts on what transpired.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

Is he  leaking information to you too? How do you know that he is still in the  party?

Django posted:
Dave posted:

@ Django. What you posted is from a interview done by KN .the source  is below.As usual you hoping and hoping and don’t deal with the subject. 

Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

You accused Dr Jagdeo out kicking out Ramjattan, and the very article you posted above have the reasons and when it started . You stabbed your own self.

Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 


Make up story to justify Jagdeo action.
Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

Let's assume , my hearing was bad when it was said Jagdeo was involved , and stabbed my self saying what i heard.

Are there any truth in the interview given by Prak. That was my question ,i don't think another topic is needed ,my expectation was your thoughts on what transpired.

Banna you are the one who reply to Nehru that Ramjattan was expelled because of corruption. 

- Kaz reply to you

- I then reply of the reason why he was expelled ( speaking to the media ) 

- you reply β€œ make up stories for Jagdeo action β€œ 

stop chasing your tail or are you still drunk

Base on the article, its proven Ramjattan wanted to change the party constitution, common sense will tell you it will divide party members. 
Dr Jagan was surprised at Ramjattan move, and so was Janet and other party leaders. 

PPP did the right thing and expelled Ramjattan, he was given an opportunity to respect the party policy which he signed to after his public spat and still went ahead and break that promise. 



Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

Is he  leaking information to you too? How do you know that he is still in the  party?

Very good question Cde. 


The PNC has basically taken control of the AFC!  It's now a total sell-out and treachery of the ideals of the AFC!  The few AFC fat-cats will be made happy and Granger/PNC will say who comes in!

The AFC, as part of the Coalition, was a requirement of the US so the results of the pending electoral malpractice could have some plausibility!  It's just a storefront!

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Make up story to justify Jagdeo action. The individual who was leaking info to the embassy is still in the party.

- Party leaders then call Ramjat a RAT. 
- Ramjattan then want a secret vote to support his change, Ramkaran said NO

It all went down hill from then, he was not trusted and was speaking with the media and US officials. The party is in order to kicked traitors out. 

And wuh happen to he rass??

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

@ Django. What you posted is from a interview done by KN .the source  is below.As usual you hoping and hoping and don’t deal with the subject. 

Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

You accused Dr Jagdeo out kicking out Ramjattan, and the very article you posted above have the reasons and when it started . You stabbed your own self.

Dave posted:

Ramjattan was expelled from PPP because he was giving confidential information to the media about PPP and was warned on numerous occasion to stop. Their is speculation he was a informant to US Embassy. 


Make up story to justify Jagdeo action.
Regarding your question... that’s for another topic. 

Let's assume , my hearing was bad when it was said Jagdeo was involved , and stabbed my self saying what i heard.

Are there any truth in the interview given by Prak. That was my question ,i don't think another topic is needed ,my expectation was your thoughts on what transpired.

Banna you are the one who reply to Nehru that Ramjattan was expelled because of corruption. 

- Kaz reply to you

- I then reply of the reason why he was expelled ( speaking to the media ) 

- you reply β€œ make up stories for Jagdeo action β€œ 

stop chasing your tail or are you still drunk. 

Base on the article, its proven Ramjattan wanted to change the party constitution, common sense will tell you it will divide party members. 
Dr Jagan was surprised at Ramjattan move, and so was Janet and other party leaders. 

PPP did the right thing and expelled Ramjattan, he was given an opportunity to respect the party policy which he signed to after his public spat and still went ahead and break that promise.

Actually i am more interested in your response , was the idea  ,looking at the changing political dynamics of the world and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, a good move ? see quote below

"With the support of the Congress, Ramjattan struck out from the PYO constitution any mention of Marxism, Lennism and Communism, replacing these with the words β€œnational democratic principles” as representing the guiding force of the PYO.

Finally , is your last paragraph the final take ?

Last edited by Django

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