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Baseman posted:

Hey hey. Labba teaming up wid cuzz Ralphy to overthrow PNC and PPP.  Well lookhu story heh!

Hey hey dat TK stupidee na? Dat man doan want be like all abie and support abie mattie coolie party. Dat man doan want get he mala and put it pon abie coolie King Jagdoe and abie puppy Irfaan. Look how dem blackman 99% vote foh dem mattie blackman PNC and dis man TK only hop hop hop from one small party to anada. Hey hey hey...all he gat to do is wash de baxide of dem fake dactas like Irfaan and Jagdoe and all abie goh sing kumbayah...hey hey hey. Even Ronan and Green salipenta support dem blackman party and dis man refuse foh fall in line wid abie coolie party. Sad! Hey hey hey...

Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

It is interesting that you express an independent view

Vish M
Labba posted:
Baseman posted:

Hey hey. Labba teaming up wid cuzz Ralphy to overthrow PNC and PPP.  Well lookhu story heh!

Hey hey dat TK stupidee na? Dat man doan want be like all abie and support abie mattie coolie party. Dat man doan want get he mala and put it pon abie coolie King Jagdoe and abie puppy Irfaan. Look how dem blackman 99% vote foh dem mattie blackman PNC and dis man TK only hop hop hop from one small party to anada. Hey hey hey...all he gat to do is wash de baxide of dem fake dactas like Irfaan and Jagdoe and all abie goh sing kumbayah...hey hey hey. Even Ronan and Green salipenta support dem blackman party and dis man refuse foh fall in line wid abie coolie party. Sad! Hey hey hey...

You gafu guh back, Ramjattan like you!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

Vish M posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

It is interesting that you express an independent view

Poor Bibi, caught between dream-lover BJ/PPP, who kick she fambly to the curb, and she fambly who trying to remain relevant.

ANUG head have a large PNC/Black following so he guh sink the PNC further into quicksand!  BJ welcomes ANUG!

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

Unless fuh Basil Williams and Raphael Trotman where page 3 comes before page 2. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

The Campbell guy said it very clearly. The purpose was to prevent the PPP from getting a majority in 2020. He has left and gone back to the PNC. Shankar has resigned so the two members of the political elite who benefitted directly from the present constitution by important parts of government now seem to have a renewed sense of morality. The only one there I trust is Jonas. He is smart, capable and committed to a different Guyana.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

Hehe and people think Bibi put those words together!  I remember another member posted something on Blackchain as it was their's but was quickly uncovered as being lifted from another source!

Anyone remember who did that?

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

Hehe and people think Bibi put those words together!  I remember another member posted something on Blackchain as it was their's but was quickly uncovered as being lifted from another source!

Anyone remember who did that?

I was just guessing & jesting, Base.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

I have never read the ANUG Manifesto. Didn’t even know they have one. I drew that conclusion based on the video posted by Vish M.  I have never been a supporter of a 3rd party in Guyana politics because history has shown that they always merge with the PNC to upstage the PPP.  The leadership of ANUG is saying that there will be no merger.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

ANUG has a clear and defined purpose to change the political model of politics as usual in Guyana.  The objective may not necessarily be to win the election, but to create a balance of power that prevents either the PPP or the PNC from absolute power that corrupts absolutely.

Source: ANUG MANIFESTO. Page 2 which comes before page 3.

Hehe and people think Bibi put those words together!  I remember another member posted something on Blackchain as it was their's but was quickly uncovered as being lifted from another source!

Anyone remember who did that?

I was just guessing & jesting, Base.

Your comment was mischievous and condescending with the intent of drawing negative and blasphemous comments.  You comment is also dead wrong.

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why the AFC failed to create a government that ANUg is suggesting  now?  AFC promised they same things Anug is prmising now.

Yes they did, the AFC.  I remember saying the best solution is a hand-cuffed PPP where they have to deal with the AFC to get their agenda through.  Some PPP diehards on this site said it's nonsense.

ANUG will ensure a PPP victory. If they do so with a minority PPP, then good.  The problem with the AFC, they hated BJ and the PPP and could not see themselves working with them.  I was totally against this line of thinking! 

Maybe ANUG willing to work with a minority PPP Govt, then it might work.  So not because it did not work in the past, it may not work this time.  Let them have a go, nothing to lose!

ksazma posted:

Guyanese politicians are devoid of honesty and conviction. That is why parties should never be allowed to form alliances after elections because the citizens would be the only ones screwed.

That's not the only way.  A small party with a swing could affect outcomes with a minority Govt without forming an alliance!  They can also bring them down in an NCV cooperating with the opposition!  So they could have real power!

Vish M posted:

He also stated that he will be re-opening the Sugar Factories

Keep the East Indians in the fields. The Country will be getting revenues when the black gold start flowing, there should be an increase in education spending and opening of of other Industries to create employment.

Vish, you asked a question about vegetables imports from from Guyana, it was sidelined to power generation. The gov't should use some of GUYSUCO lands to cultivate cash crops for exports, also lobby the USDA to remove the vegetables from the ban list.

Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

He also stated that he will be re-opening the Sugar Factories

You 100% on the ball with the reliability!

The only way Sugar can be profitable in Guyana, the industry have to be mechanized. Currently there are scarce labor at Uitvlugt Estate. The Berbice estates also have openings for harvesters and other work force.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Your comment was mischievous and condescending with the intent of drawing negative and blasphemous comments.  You comment is also dead wrong.

I apologize, Bibi.

Thank you.  Do you have a copy of the Manifesto?  I would like to read it.

As I said, I was jesting. There is no manifesto.

Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He also stated that he will be re-opening the Sugar Factories

Keep the East Indians in the fields. The Country will be getting revenues when the black gold start flowing, there should be an increase in education spending and opening of of other Industries to create employment.

Vish, you asked a question about vegetables imports from from Guyana, it was sidelined to power generation. The gov't should use some of GUYSUCO lands to cultivate cash crops for exports, also lobby the USDA to remove the vegetables from the ban list.

That is a waste of time.  You need to go industrial and process.  Guyana have ZERO chance lobbing the USDA, wasted thought!  Guyana has to get into some CARICOM agreement with the US to access the US markets.

There is an FDA qualification process in Guyana and it's USD 5000 + all direct costs of the inspector for the review with no guarantee!  This is why you need critical mass!


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