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Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Vish M posted:

He also stated that he will be re-opening the Sugar Factories

You 100% on the ball with the reliability!

The only way Sugar can be profitable in Guyana, the industry have to be mechanized. Currently there are scarce labor at Uitvlugt Estate. The Berbice estates also have openings for harvesters and other work force.

That has been evaluated for decades by both the PNC and PPP.  PPP even tried and did not work.

Baseman posted:

I think I will listen to the Rank more now.  He seems reasonable and pragmatic and is on the ball with key challenges. 

TK/Labba should make himself more visible with the Rank!

Me na know bout you but me look at de video and it look like Mr TK not too please dat Mr Ramkarran loooove de Burnham law and constitution. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Baseman posted:

I think I will listen to the Rank more now.  He seems reasonable and pragmatic and is on the ball with key challenges. 

TK/Labba should make himself more visible with the Rank!

Me na know bout you but me look at de video and it look like Mr TK not too please dat Mr Ramkarran loooove de Burnham law and constitution. Hey hey hey...

Mr.Ramkarran said nothing wrong with the Constitution, while the PPP was in opposition, the document was no good. Anil boasting over 200 amendments was made, looking at the Constitution difficult to find the 200 changes.


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