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Elderly man remanded for drug possession

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The accused in court on Friday.

Acting Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on Friday, January 17, 2020, remanded a 63-year-old miner to prison for possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

Alexander Braithwaite of the West Coast of Demerara appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and denied the charge when it was read to him.

Particulars of the charge stated that on January 14, 2020, at Arakaka, in the North West District, he had in his possession 164.5 grams of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.

Attorney-at-Law Jerome Khan, who represented Braithwaite, asked that his client be granted reasonable bail.He told the court that his client was in a hotel at Arakaka, sleeping in his hammock when police woke him up in the wee hours of the morning asking for the owner of the place.A search was conducted on his  person and nothing was found.

Khan added that the police continued to search the area and said they found the narcotic and Braithwaite denied it.The officers then took the man to the police station. At that point, one Corporal McGregor started to question the elderly man about one Basdeo Francis who was allegedly involved in a robbery at Matthew’s Ridge.

Khan stated that the Corporal wanted to know if Francis has guns, gold or drugs and this was after Francis made a complaint that the McGregor stole several  ounces of gold from him. Braithwaite then explained to the Corporal that he did not work with Francis but rather, the man’s brother.

The police prosecutor objected to bail being granted to Braithwaite and told the court that on the day in question about 06:00 hours, ranks acting on information went to the compound of the hotel where they met Braithwaite.

A search was conducted and a blue, black and gray haversack was found containing a transparent plastic bag with a solid creamy substance inside.It was suspected to be cocaine.

Braithwaite was told of the allegation to which he admitted that the items belonged to him; he was arrested and taken to the Arakaka Police Outpost and was later charged.

Acting Chief Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus remanded Braithwaite to prison and adjourned the matter until February 3, 2020. The matter was transferred to the Matthew’s Ridge Magistrates’ Court.

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I am three years that banna's senior and he seem the age of my dad.

Last Tue I stopped into a drugstore in town to get a few items. After the girl gave me my change I asked her if they have senior days (Usually Tuesdays in some  some stores) to which she said, " yes but you have to be at least 65 to qualify," I smiled and thanked her for not charging me senior prices which kinda baffled her. I then whipped out my.........................driver's licence.

cain posted:

I am three years that banna's senior and he seem the age of my dad.

Last Tue I stopped into a drugstore in town to get a few items. After the girl gave me my change I asked her if they have senior days (Usually Tuesdays in some  some stores) to which she said, " yes but you have to be at least 65 to qualify," I smiled and thanked her for not charging me senior prices which kinda baffled her. I then whipped out my.........................driver's licence.

That ganja preserve you good. 


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