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ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This whole issue about busing as a way to integrate neighborhoods in America has been a failure. This does not excuse Biden's tacit accommodation with southern racist congressmen. 


It is my belief that if Harris had a bill that she wants passed and she needs one or two more votes for its passage, she will have no trouble accepting the votes of any southern racist congressperson. That is what legislators do everyday. Harris is being hypocritical in her fake indignation. She has done nothing to help minority people so what is she talking about.

I have just taken the time to read this thread in its entirity and not spot read as I often do because I am busy. I am astounded by you. You missed the point completely. It is not Biden needing votes for a virtuous bill but Biden siding with racist senators on a racist proposition. Busing has a long history as students were bused to schools that had more facilities for learning. Rural children were always bused to these better consolidated schools. When Black kids had to be bused also it became a controversy. Racist did not want school integration much less blacks in these proffered schools.

Why is her indignation fake? Do you have any experience with segregation and overt racism of that era to comment on it with authenticity? I have a friend who has a store and office in a Rittenhouse square Philadelphia. He owns a number of other buildings in the city. I thought he could have switched the office to a building closer to were he live on the water front where he has better space there. Plus he could rent the office he has for lots of cash. The reason he said that is out of the question was personal. He was there was to remind himself that he was once beaten for "walking black" in the area It was off limits. I know philly and racism would get your ass kicked even today in Fish Town by whites. Think of it back then when the law defended it. 

Do you think you could call his personal angst inauthentic if you did not walk in his shoes? Actually, you are here because of these struggles. I am sure Kamala's parents could hace sent her to any of the ivy league or elite colleges but she sent her to an HBCU, Do you think it is to gain authenticity?

What has Trump or any of those white folks on stage did for black folks that they get an easy pass? This kind of subliminal racist uninformed commentary is how we undermine our own status here and integrity as an honest commentator. I know Kamala as a person. I interacted with her as a student. I do not know why she or I or anyone has to prove what is a social reality when the fact is there is no avoiding it. I am sure someone follows you around anytime you are in a high end store. To say it does not happen or excuse ther reality of it is they hypocrisy  There is no avoiding the fact she is black and because and because  of that will have to endure all the slings and arrows of historical and institutional  racism. And her father's people were slaves. That he was not born here does not change that realty.

I don’t disagree with any of your points above as we all faced some form of racism or prejudice whether in Guyana or our adopted home country. I wasn’t addressing any particular collaboration but was pointing out that politicians collaborate with other politicians every day including the diabolical ones. The meanings of many actions have transformed over time and what was once acceptable is not necessarily acceptable today. Remember the Democratic Party was the racist one but today it is the Democratic Party that advances racial equality. I think Harris was acting out her desperation by attacking Biden who has been on the right side for as long as anyone can remember. I think it was a low blow and while she seemed to have gotten a bounce in the polls, I don’t think it will be sustainable.

the southern senators were vile. We lived through the vestigial remains of a few, Strum Thormman and Helms and I am sure you had to take them as you would castor oil....not ever if possible.

Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
Stormborn posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This whole issue about busing as a way to integrate neighborhoods in America has been a failure. This does not excuse Biden's tacit accommodation with southern racist congressmen. 


It is my belief that if Harris had a bill that she wants passed and she needs one or two more votes for its passage, she will have no trouble accepting the votes of any southern racist congressperson. That is what legislators do everyday. Harris is being hypocritical in her fake indignation. She has done nothing to help minority people so what is she talking about.

I have just taken the time to read this thread in its entirity and not spot read as I often do because I am busy. I am astounded by you. You missed the point completely. It is not Biden needing votes for a virtuous bill but Biden siding with racist senators on a racist proposition. Busing has a long history as students were bused to schools that had more facilities for learning. Rural children were always bused to these better consolidated schools. When Black kids had to be bused also it became a controversy. Racist did not want school integration much less blacks in these proffered schools.

Why is her indignation fake? Do you have any experience with segregation and overt racism of that era to comment on it with authenticity? I have a friend who has a store and office in a Rittenhouse square Philadelphia. He owns a number of other buildings in the city. I thought he could have switched the office to a building closer to were he live on the water front where he has better space there. Plus he could rent the office he has for lots of cash. The reason he said that is out of the question was personal. He was there was to remind himself that he was once beaten for "walking black" in the area It was off limits. I know philly and racism would get your ass kicked even today in Fish Town by whites. Think of it back then when the law defended it. 

Do you think you could call his personal angst inauthentic if you did not walk in his shoes? Actually, you are here because of these struggles. I am sure Kamala's parents could hace sent her to any of the ivy league or elite colleges but she sent her to an HBCU, Do you think it is to gain authenticity?

What has Trump or any of those white folks on stage did for black folks that they get an easy pass? This kind of subliminal racist uninformed commentary is how we undermine our own status here and integrity as an honest commentator. I know Kamala as a person. I interacted with her as a student. I do not know why she or I or anyone has to prove what is a social reality when the fact is there is no avoiding it. I am sure someone follows you around anytime you are in a high end store. To say it does not happen or excuse ther reality of it is they hypocrisy  There is no avoiding the fact she is black and because and because  of that will have to endure all the slings and arrows of historical and institutional  racism. And her father's people were slaves. That he was not born here does not change that realty.

I don’t disagree with any of your points above as we all faced some form of racism or prejudice whether in Guyana or our adopted home country. I wasn’t addressing any particular collaboration but was pointing out that politicians collaborate with other politicians every day including the diabolical ones. The meanings of many actions have transformed over time and what was once acceptable is not necessarily acceptable today. Remember the Democratic Party was the racist one but today it is the Democratic Party that advances racial equality. I think Harris was acting out her desperation by attacking Biden who has been on the right side for as long as anyone can remember. I think it was a low blow and while she seemed to have gotten a bounce in the polls, I don’t think it will be sustainable.

the southern senators were vile. We lived through the vestigial remains of a few, Strum Thormman and Helms and I am sure you had to take them as you would castor oil....not ever if possible.

But Biden isn’t that so she could have passed on chastising him on that. She could have been more gracious. Obama was extremely gracious for the 9 years that he was dealing with elections pressure and he erred in judgment by facilitating Hillary’s quest to create a racial element to Trump’s candidacy. When He was asked about what McCain’s camp was saying about him, he replied that he can deal with what they say for a few months but the country can’t live with another 4 years of president Bush. That was graciousness.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

She cannot beat Trump!  She has a lot of hypocritical inconsistencies which will be exposed!

She will not get the nomination. Busing is an outdated issue. She had a sympathetic moment. Let's see her record as California AG and the way she handled cases against the blacks.

Follow the polls. Her biggest boost come from Blacks abandoning Biden for her. That will top out.  She has to win over middle America, where Biden is strong.  This is difficult for a California elitist!

What has she done for blacks in CA? Blacks believed that Obama will be their prophet who lead them to the promised land. Well, they got laand. Harris has nothing different to promise blacks that the other candidates don't have. Daily rantings of busing will not cut the mustard. I see her attack dog Booker is always on Biden's ass. He will soon fade and will be a blip.

you are unsurprisingly out of touch and still not unexpectedly so. Somehow you missed the entire on going reality of who are these people and their relationship to each other. Booker does not carry water for anyone. Booker will never be a blip. He is smart, am alpha personality and will be with us in some form or the other in politics for a long time. 


This is a primary. Everyone's life is under examination. It is particularly important this time given we have an megalomaniacal oaf and racist in the WH. Even Kamala will get her life turned upside down. Biden is not a racist and did very many great things in his life. But still, this is one aspect for which he has demonstrated no reflective retrospective. It asks for an answer. 

Last edited by Former Member

I do agree that Biden is stubborn in areas where he shouldn’t be. Maybe he feels in his heart that he did nothing malicious. Similarly in the way he dealt with his inappropriate touchings.

Baseman posted:


White people prefer to let Trump continue.

I think that you live in Canada.  Were you in the USA you would know that People of Color have a front row seat eating peanuts and popcorn watching the "white on white" battle over Trump. 

The people who are most hysterical about Trump are whites as they can no longer hide the vile racism and ugliness which pervades much of this country.

I Trump loses McConnell and the rest of the WHITE GOP will plunge the dagger in Trump's back and give the cadaver to the Dems for them to feast over it like carrion crows.

ksazma posted:
People don't give a shit about those victimhood cries anymore .

This past election was all about white victimhood.  If white male victimhood wasn't real they wouldn't have cared a bit about the "deplorables" comment.  They did because they think that they are victims of the intellectual elites, of non whites and of immigrants.

What is interesting is how "white normativeness" is so taken for granted that you cannot even see the degree to which white identity politics now dominates the discussion.

Of course you think that you are on honorary white, but rest assured those people don't like you and will do their best to pack you off to Grangerland or to some Muslim country.

Prashad posted:

The people are right.  I probably got more African black slaves in me than Harris with Caribj and may be Hinds and the Linden Trade Unionist  seeing me as just another koolie.

When Jim Crow Laws existed they didn't care what % of "slave" Harris had in her.  She wasn't white and so was treated as if she was black. 

Baseman posted:

Imagine, I had to stop wearing my MAGA hat due to Liberal insults.  I watching my cap gathering dust, it painful 😣😢!


Not its the MAGA thugs who object to a "sand ni99er" like you spoiling America's fine (white) heritage.  They blame Obama for people like you even thinking that you have a right to be MAGA. 

No wonder Trump wants to deport everyone who cannot claim Norwegian ancestry. Apparently even being Italian is no longer good enough as Italy is too close to Africa and parts once ruled by "Mawslums".

VishMahabir posted:


I find it interesting that Ms. Harris, who I like and believe might be the democratic nominee, see herself as "Black". Her mother, I believe was Indian, while her father is Jamaican. I believe emphasizing her "blackness" is a political move to steer Blacks away from Biden. She is therefore exploiting her "blackness", but this is all well and good in politics.

She went to Harvard and is a member of a huge black sorority.  She definitely has a black identity and it might even have been her mother that put her up to that.  If the Indo KKK want to engage in honor killings over marrying a black man imagine Asian Indians in the late 60s. 

Her mother likely told her that her Jamaican family will accept her while her Indian family quite likely wouldn't so it would be better to anchor her identity around being black.

I very much doubt that Kamala joined the AKA because she planned as a college kid to run for president of the USA.

Baseman posted:

She ain’t going to make it beating up Biden and playing the Black card.  White democrats are already turned off.  

She has zero appeal in middle America and with the Blue collar.  California Liberal elitists will not give her the White House.

And yet she is running second behind Biden in Iowa and not far behind either.  Almost no blacks there.

The things is that you members of the Indo KKK console yourselves that whites hate blacks as much as you all do. Some do but many don't.

Stormborn posted:

Kamala is on the ticket as President or VP. That is a fact jack given how this is playing out. Two white men cannot head the ticket.

This will be a white woman (Warren?) with Cory or a white man (will not say who at this time) with Kamala.  There cannot be two men or two women are two whites running.

The Dems will have to end the Civil War between the centrists and the progressives.  They only won back the House because of the centrists and the progressives are to visible now to be ignored.

So this is why the gender/ethnic balancing act.

Btw Biden isn't electable as his performance was to weak in the debate.  Unless he redeems himself in the next two debates he is toast.  As is he is only a stand-in because the others aren't seen as beating Trump.  But as they become better known many fears of this will dissipate.

My prediction is that the two old white men will bow out before the CA primaries.  Unless the others implode.

skeldon_man posted:
 I never looked for sympathy and took the racists insults. It made me more determined to do well. What is wrong with hard work?

And you can thank the Civil rights movement in the USA that it was only insults. And don't scream that Canada is different as I have already schooled Demerara about how racist that country was prior to 1962. With the USA, then the most openly bigoted nation in the West, beginning to clean up its act others like Canada were compelled to follow.

seignet posted:


Black ppl are not stupid, they know Black ppl. Cheddie tried telling Stokey he was a black man. Stokey replied, yuh aint.

There is no bond in just being anti-white.

Stokely had Trini roots so might have had a different concept of race than do many black Americans. Americans blacks tend to be very open when it comes to embracing people within their community.  Very near to Malcolm X was a Japanese woman who embedded herself within Harlem.

Prince posted:

The misconception between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India aka (South Asians) are Indians by nationality and Guyanese are Indian by race. 

Indians have a ranking. At the top are those born in India.  Just below are Indians born overseas to people born in India (NRI's). 

Then there are those of the (inferior) indentures ranked by the degree to which they have retained Indians culture.  East Africans, Fiji, Mauritius, and South Africans.

Caribbean Indians being ranked at the bottom as they are seen as having lost their culture, desperately clinging on to 19thC peasant concepts of Indian culture and what they glean from Bollywood.

I know that Yuji/Skeldon and others cried bitter tears when they migrated to North America and discovered that Asian Indians see them as "Hindu Negroes with straight hair".

Prashad posted:

C Jagan closest friends were all black professionals. He himself said that his father closest friends were fellow African foremen on the plantation. The man only know Indians when he wanted their political support and money and he was quick to point out to Afro Guyanese that East Indians are saying that I am anti-Indian.

A true description of the Jagans in the late 40s. Janet was embedded among black and colored women with one or two Christian Indo ladies. She looked down on Indos as peasants that she could act "white savior" to.

This is why she hates blacks  as they deserted her when her husband allowed the PPP to be turned into the Indo KKK.  She never forgave them for that as these Indo peasants didn't provide the intellectual stimulation that those black and colored upper middle class GT women did.

seignet posted:

Caribj is going to tell you a newly indentured to the plantation would never speak to or befriend an African, he came off the boat prejudiced. Caribj doan know that in Southern India there are lots of Africans living there for centuries who can never avoid the Indian population.

And in fact evidence is that the indentures quickly decided that the blacks were no better than the Dalits of India.  Research the meaning of the word "dougla". 

Many Indo women were impregnated by white men on the estates yet the insult directed at those of mixed origin were towards those who had a black parent.

ksazma posted:

Cribby is too obsessed with race. 

This said by a man who screams every day without fail how "evil" black people are, screaming that we are a curse and a scourge.  Interestingly that I haven't been posting much recently and now that I spent time on GNI I have seen a nest of your screams about black people.

Maybe you have a little dingaling and are jealous of blacks because you think that we don't.  That is often the root of those non black men who hate blacks.

caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:

Kamala is on the ticket as President or VP. That is a fact jack given how this is playing out. Two white men cannot head the ticket.

This will be a white woman (Warren?) with Cory or a white man (will not say who at this time) with Kamala.  There cannot be two men or two women are two whites running.

The Dems will have to end the Civil War between the centrists and the progressives.  They only won back the House because of the centrists and the progressives are to visible now to be ignored.

So this is why the gender/ethnic balancing act.

Btw Biden isn't electable as his performance was to weak in the debate.  Unless he redeems himself in the next two debates he is toast.  As is he is only a stand-in because the others aren't seen as beating Trump.  But as they become better known many fears of this will dissipate.

My prediction is that the two old white men will bow out before the CA primaries.  Unless the others implode.

Trump gon maul them.  If they cannot split the Trump base then woo the undecided, they lose. This is what Biden is attempting.

With his base intact, keep the economy going, make some deal with NK, Trump home free.

I believe Trump is working out a deal with NK which will come to fruitful a month prior to elections.   NK will play ball and if re-elected, Trump will reward them with a non-aggression treaty and lifting of sanctions!

After that, a Trump Tower will rise over Pyongyang!  Trump is clever.

Stormborn posted:

This is a primary. Everyone's life is under examination. It is particularly important this time given we have an megalomaniacal oaf and racist in the WH. Even Kamala will get her life turned upside down. Biden is not a racist and did very many great things in his life. But still, this is one aspect for which he has demonstrated no reflective retrospective. It asks for an answer. 

I am sure that an examination of Sanders will also find him wanting in terms of his political behavior.

People have to understand politicians are a creature of their times and this informs how they behave so anyone who was active in the 90s will manifest behaviors that will be seen as unacceptable in 2019. 

Even the Black Caucus advocated a "tough on criminals" advocacy in the 80s and early 90s because in that era many black neighborhoods were killing fields.  2,200 were killed in NYC and even middle class areas in SE Queens became dangerous. They blamed crack dealers for this so urged punitive measures to be taken.  In hindsight this had negative impacts as the police  became an occupying force in many black neighborhoods and the abuse and excessive arrests destroyed many lives.  So many pretend as if they weren't complicit in what happened, but their voting records will show otherwise.

Obama deported 410k people in 2012. Trump deported 250k last year. When Obama sent ICE to deport people they didn't care whose kid was abandoned at daycare while their mother was being hustled over the border to Tijuana.  Quite a few became orphans when Obama deported their parents, and who knows how some of these kids ended up.

When Haitians attempted asylum in the last years of Obama, using the same reasons that Central Americans now use, Obama told them "no" and many were forced to start new lives in northern Mexico.   And in fact some of the abuse on the southern border is a heightening of tactics that began under Bush and continued under Obama.

Many attempting to enter the USA illegally met their deaths in the deserts as US presidents deliberate tried to discourage this by forcing people into harsh environments.  While the recent deaths in the Rio Grande were tragic so were many more in the deserts of Arizona where only skeletons remain and where much of the flesh was consumed by the coyotes.

Open bigotry by Trump has caused people to condemn acts that they ignored under Obama. When the Hispanic caucus called Obama "Deporter in Chief" few cared.

Baseman posted:

Trump gon maul them.  If they cannot split the Trump base then woo the undecided, they lose. This is what Biden is attempting.

With his base intact, keep the economy going, make some deal with NK, Trump home free.

I believe Trump is working out a deal with NK which will come to fruitful a month prior to elections.   NK will play ball and if re-elected, Trump will reward them with a non-aggression treaty and lifting of sanctions!

After that, a Trump Tower will rise over Pyongyang!  Trump is clever.

Do you live in the USA.  Do you know that Trump won the election (based on the Electoral College) by a mere 70k votes and that 40% of the whites voted for Hillary?

Do you know that since then Trump has lost some support among college educated whites and suburban women?  Do you know that losing the House suggests that he will lose the election next year, especially when one considers that the mid terms had a far higher turnout than normal.

The Dems will lose if they elect some lefty white candidate who thinks that Canadians and Swedes are voting for them.  If they elect a centrist and the platform represents a compromise between the centrist and the progressive wings its likely that the Dems will win.

No non white candidate will be a lefty because nonwhites are practical people who support centrists and for this person to win they will have to have massive non white support.  Who do blacks support now?  Biden and Harris, both centrists (though Harris is pretending that she isn't).  Sanders and Warren only get blacktivist support.

If the platform is based on modifying the ACA to include a Public Option (and not canceling private insurance which is where most Americans get coverage).   Also on focusing on reducing healthcare costs. The Dems could win.

 If border policy is based on enforcing existing immigration laws but also displaying humane treatment for those applying for asylum and also focusing on DACA then the Dems stand a good chance.

If the Dem plank is 100% single payer and "open borders" then they lose. What the Dems will have to understand is that while more than 50% of Americans despise Trump they despise "socialism" even more.

Despite her screams AOC will NEVER be president unless she plans to relocate to Cuba or Venezuela.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted: 

Cribby is too obsessed with race. 

This said by a man who screams every day without fail how "evil" black people are, screaming that we are a curse and a scourge.  Interestingly that I haven't been posting much recently and now that I spent time on GNI I have seen a nest of your screams about black people.

Maybe you have a little dingaling and are jealous of blacks because you think that we don't.  That is often the root of those non black men who hate blacks.

What is your obsession with lolo bai. You and the other fool talking about lolo like two antimen. Y'all should get some help for y'all sicknesses.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump gon maul them.  If they cannot split the Trump base then woo the undecided, they lose. This is what Biden is attempting.

With his base intact, keep the economy going, make some deal with NK, Trump home free.

I believe Trump is working out a deal with NK which will come to fruitful a month prior to elections.   NK will play ball and if re-elected, Trump will reward them with a non-aggression treaty and lifting of sanctions!

After that, a Trump Tower will rise over Pyongyang!  Trump is clever.

Do you live in the USA.  Do you know that Trump won the election (based on the Electoral College) by a mere 70k votes and that 40% of the whites voted for Hillary?

Do you know that since then Trump has lost some support among college educated whites and suburban women?  Do you know that losing the House suggests that he will lose the election next year, especially when one considers that the mid terms had a far higher turnout than normal.

The Dems will lose if they elect some lefty white candidate who thinks that Canadians and Swedes are voting for them.  If they elect a centrist and the platform represents a compromise between the centrist and the progressive wings its likely that the Dems will win.

No non white candidate will be a lefty because nonwhites are practical people who support centrists and for this person to win they will have to have massive non white support.  Who do blacks support now?  Biden and Harris, both centrists (though Harris is pretending that she isn't).  Sanders and Warren only get blacktivist support.

If the platform is based on modifying the ACA to include a Public Option (and not canceling private insurance which is where most Americans get coverage).   Also on focusing on reducing healthcare costs. The Dems could win.

 If border policy is based on enforcing existing immigration laws but also displaying humane treatment for those applying for asylum and also focusing on DACA then the Dems stand a good chance.

If the Dem plank is 100% single payer and "open borders" then they lose. What the Dems will have to understand is that while more than 50% of Americans despise Trump they despise "socialism" even more.

Despite her screams AOC will NEVER be president unless she plans to relocate to Cuba or Venezuela.

We will see!

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

She cannot beat Trump!  She has a lot of hypocritical inconsistencies which will be exposed!

She will not get the nomination. Busing is an outdated issue. She had a sympathetic moment. Let's see her record as California AG and the way she handled cases against the blacks.

Follow the polls. Her biggest boost come from Blacks abandoning Biden for her. That will top out.  She has to win over middle America, where Biden is strong.  This is difficult for a California elitist!

What has she done for blacks in CA? Blacks believed that Obama will be their prophet who lead them to the promised land. Well, they got laand. Harris has nothing different to promise blacks that the other candidates don't have. Daily rantings of busing will not cut the mustard. I see her attack dog Booker is always on Biden's ass. He will soon fade and will be a blip.

you are unsurprisingly out of touch and still not unexpectedly so. Somehow you missed the entire on going reality of who are these people and their relationship to each other. Booker does not carry water for anyone. Booker will never be a blip. He is smart, am alpha personality and will be with us in some form or the other in politics for a long time. 

Kamala Harris will not beat Donald Trump if she is nominated. America is not ready for another black president. Donald Trump will not hesitate to chew and spit out Kamala. The pools indicate that Biden has the best chance to beat Trump. Keep up on your current affairs. BOOKER IS AN ATTACK DOG FOR KAMALA HARRIS.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted: 

Cribby is too obsessed with race. 

This said by a man who screams every day without fail how "evil" black people are, screaming that we are a curse and a scourge.  Interestingly that I haven't been posting much recently and now that I spent time on GNI I have seen a nest of your screams about black people.

Maybe you have a little dingaling and are jealous of blacks because you think that we don't.  That is often the root of those non black men who hate blacks.

What is your obsession with lolo bai. You and the other fool talking about lolo like two antimen. Y'all should get some help for y'all sicknesses.

Cannot help you if your inferior manhood causes your intense hatred of black men.

Resume screaming that "blacks are the scourge of the planet, and the worst and most evil people".   If this helps assuage your complexes and gives you mental stability  then go ahead

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Kamala Harris will not beat Donald Trump if she is nominated. America is not ready for another black president. Donald Trump will not hesitate to chew and spit out Kamala. The pools indicate that Biden has the best chance to beat Trump. Keep up on your current affairs. BOOKER IS AN ATTACK DOG FOR KAMALA HARRIS.

Time will tell.  If we are in a recession by next year Trump isnt going to win. He promised jobs and if the Midwest is filled with the unemployed he will lose.

Trump inherited a good economy from Obama so he will have only himself to blame if he leaves a bad one.  Leading indicators suggest real risk in the economy with slowing business investment.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted: 

Cribby is too obsessed with race. 

This said by a man who screams every day without fail how "evil" black people are, screaming that we are a curse and a scourge.  Interestingly that I haven't been posting much recently and now that I spent time on GNI I have seen a nest of your screams about black people.

Maybe you have a little dingaling and are jealous of blacks because you think that we don't.  That is often the root of those non black men who hate blacks.

What is your obsession with lolo bai. You and the other fool talking about lolo like two antimen. Y'all should get some help for y'all sicknesses.

Cannot help you if your inferior manhood causes your intense hatred of black men.

Resume screaming that "blacks are the scourge of the planet, and the worst and most evil people".   If this helps assuage your complexes and gives you mental stability  than go ahead

Anyone who address the evil of some blacks never say, that person is evil because of their sexual qualities or lack thereof. The comments have always been about their lack of sense of responsibility, laziness, dishonesty, violence, etc. Your apparent obsession with lolo or your need to deflect from those wicked and negative ways are quite feeble. If blacks can't find enough in each other to stay together, why should anyone else do? Who do you think this sign was made for?


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  • mceclip0
caribny posted:

Time will tell.  If we are in a recession by next year Trump isnt going to win. He promised jobs and if the Midwest is filled with the unemployed he will lose.

Trump inherited a good economy from Obama so he will have only himself to blame if he leaves a bad one.  Leading indicators suggest real risk in the economy with slowing business investment.

And here I agree with you 100%. If this economy flips, he loses.  Nothing will mitigate that.  

cain posted:
 Who do you think this sign was made for?

Crooked Guyanese peeps?

Leave poor Kszama alone. He spends all day screaming why Allah left him so limited in his dingaling and expresses his rage against those who he thinks that Allah more amply blessed.

cain posted:

Oi Kaz, rumour has it you aging against me...something about Iman bein blessed. Dah true?

Bai keep your attention on dem big bamzees. Lef de lolo obsession for the fools who can't help bringing it up here. You discuss big bamzees and I discuss all kinds of p ussies while Cribby and his crew are obsessed with lolos. 

caribny posted:
cain posted:
 Who do you think this sign was made for?

Crooked Guyanese peeps?

Leave poor Kszama alone. He spends all day screaming why Allah left him so limited in his dingaling and expresses his rage against those who he thinks that Allah more amply blessed.

Bai from all indications it looks like Allah did not care much for those people because he made them the footstool of the world. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:
 Who do you think this sign was made for?

Crooked Guyanese peeps?

Leave poor Kszama alone. He spends all day screaming why Allah left him so limited in his dingaling and expresses his rage against those who he thinks that Allah more amply blessed.

Bai from all indications it looks like Allah did not care much for those people because he made them the footstool of the world. 

There goes Ksazma threatening to shoot black people.  I told you to get some penile enlargement tools so that you could release yourself from your mental stress.


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