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Stop politically-inspired legal interpretations- Attorney Nigel Hughes


Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes delivering his presentation on the topic “public forum on “The Collision of Law and Politics in Guyana’s Oil and Gas era”.

Oil industry lawyer, Nigel Hughes is warning that political interpretations of the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) judgements on the no-confidence motion are sending bad signals to investors.

“We are now at the advent in the unfolding oil and gas era in which the interpretations of orders of court on matters of political importance are likely to be subject to different interpretations depending on the political consequences of those decisions,” Mr. Hughes told an Alliance For Change (AFC)-organised event at the Theatre Guild.

Mr. Hughes says the CCJ judgements on the no-confidence motion were interpreted by lawyers to suit their political views – either elections have to be held by a particular date or after the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) announces that it is ready.

However, he stopped short of directly naming former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall who had criticised the CCJ judges for not issuing orders for holding elections by specific dates.

He cautioned that such a posture could have serious consequences for investor confidence and the cost of doing business. “We will be treading on new and perhaps dangerous ground where our interpretation of the law is governed by our politics which, with all our jurists following suit,” he said.

The Attorney-at-Law, whose law firm of Hughes, Fields and Stoby recently opened operations in Houston, Texas, says this comes at a time when Guyana has not passed any new laws or regulations for the oil sector. “In a world where the conduct of the business of oil and gas is transacted, the unpredictability of the interpretation of what the order of court says and which is subject to your political position questions the reliability of your legal system,” says Hughes.

He says this risks investors insisting on contracts that avoid the settlement of disputes in Guyana’s Courts or local arbitration. Instead, they will resort to the Convention on the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes which overrides local laws in signatory States and is final.

Participants at the Alliance For Change-organised public forum on “The Collision of Law and Politics in Guyana’s Oil and Gas era”.

“We don’t appreciate the impact of that. You can pass whatever laws you want. If you go to international arbitration and the determination is made on the consequences of domestic legislation, the decision of the arbitrators overrides that and once we conduct ourselves the way we have been conducting ourselves in the interpretation of our laws, we will continue to provide reasons why people will not want to rely on our domestic courts,” Mr. Hughes, a United Kingdom-trained lawyer, says.

It was Mr. Hughes who had at first stated that the absolute majority of Guyana’s 65-seat National Assembly was 34 instead of 33 after the Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo had virtually conceded that government had been defeated by a no-confidence motion on December 21, 2018 by a vote of 33 to 32 after a government backbencher had voted with the opposition.

The government and a private citizen had filed several court cases challenging the validity of the no-confidence motion on the basis of what had constituted an absolute majority, and whether the vote by then government parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud had been validly cast because he is the holder of dual (Canadian-Guyanese) citizenship.

Eventually, the CCJ had ruled that the absolute majority in Guyana’s National Assembly is 33 and upheld rulings in the Guyana High Court and Court of Appeal that although Persaud is a dual citizen, his vote was constitutionally valid.

TIMELINE: Guyana’s No-Confidence Motion

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE This JACKASS is beyond repair. Interpreting 33 <32???  Even a JACKASS should know 33>32!!!

Yuh rass mad or what!  It tek some high powered top notch lawyers to let the courts know 33 > 32 and that half man nah count!

No jackass can do that!!😁

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...he is one privilege high class Guyanese...hey hey hey...he start de whole 34 is majority rass...he give de PNC de excuse foh delay de eleckshun...hey hey hey...

Is true dat. The PNC being hapless was willing to vacate until this fart man Ralph started this BS that 33 is not an absolute majority. Dem chaps like Ralph should be sent into exile for creating this delay and eventually rape of democracy in Guyana.

I wonder how Miss Bibi feels about this rouge family member ?

Sean posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...he is one privilege high class Guyanese...hey hey hey...he start de whole 34 is majority rass...he give de PNC de excuse foh delay de eleckshun...hey hey hey...

Is true dat. The PNC being hapless was willing to vacate until this fart man Ralph started this BS that 33 is not an absolute majority. Dem chaps like Ralph should be sent into exile for creating this delay and eventually rape of democracy in Guyana.

I wonder how Miss Bibi feels about this rouge family member ?

Mr Ralph never seh suh...was Mr Nigel who start de ting...hey hey hey. Bai everybady talk bout democracy when it suit dem...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...he is one privilege high class Guyanese...hey hey hey...he start de whole 34 is majority rass...he give de PNC de excuse foh delay de eleckshun...hey hey hey...

Is true dat. The PNC being hapless was willing to vacate until this fart man Ralph started this BS that 33 is not an absolute majority. Dem chaps like Ralph should be sent into exile for creating this delay and eventually rape of democracy in Guyana.

I wonder how Miss Bibi feels about this rouge family member ?

Mr Ralph never seh suh...was Mr Nigel who start de ting

ahmmm . . . actually, SC Ralph was de fuss wan ventilating dis commonness (in wan detailed SN column) ‘advising’ PPP pan strategy before the No Confidence vote

den he do wan fancy 2-step and seh he was wrang . . . afterwards! pan FaceBook

casting a spell of amnesia pan his admirers . . . apparently including you

try to keep up, arite?

Last edited by Former Member

Interesting that the fool is worried about people seeking remedies through international tribunals rather than become entrapped in the Guyana legal codes which sways by the politicians. He should take his concerns to Granger and encourage him to start behaving like civilized people and stop violating the current laws of Guyana.

skeldon_man posted:

Nigel Hughes is protecting the scums of Guyana. He needs to make them look smart.

How can he do that when he couldn’t even comprehend that 33 is greater than 32? 😀


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