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Reply to "Why H2H as the only way to harvest a list for fair elections is false."

The list as it stands why we should not have H2H

1. No constitutional edicts demands H2H
2. H2H creates a "bloated list" by including people who do not vote.
3. The franchise is voluntary. Only people who care to register voluntary  should be on the list. 
4 The authenticity of any H2H list relies on government selected and      trained canvassers and the PNC is known for creative list making. 
5. The data collected in the hands of the unscrupulous can be used to       model the elections before hand. They 30% or so nonvoting      individuals to use to pad the elections and no audit can uncover their fraud.
6. GECOM is constitutionally mandated to carry out continuous registration and maintain an updated list ready to deliver an election in 90 days from any drop dead 
7 Established democracies the world over do not use H2H registration to harvest a voter file. They deliver free and fair elections from voluntary registration of electors. 
 Kaz's contribution

8 It is an unnecessary expenditure for a country that is cash strapped and other areas of operations being able to better utilize those funds.

9 It places an undue burden on the constitutional requirement to hold elections within 90 days of the proper passage of a NCM and given how equally the country is divided, there will definitely have other NCMs and this Coalition is setting a very dangerous precedent.

10 The Coalition is making themselves look like subverters which will cause people around the world to see them in a negative light. They are cheating themselves of real legitimacy.
