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Reply to "We will be here beyond 2020’ –Harmon"

Keffer posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

Maybe, but they did win in 2015!

What was the result of the recount? 

What did/would recount matter when the PNC goons and thugs, with shameless support from gun-toting police and soldiers brazenly and blatantly prevented thousands of PPP supporters from voting; yes ...thousands !! I hope that Granger, braaaad-nose Harmon and braaaad-mouth Greenidge will one day be brought to justice and hung by their scrotums for their treachery and dishonesty !! 

I was not there so I cannot say first hand.  However, in today’s world, I’m surprised none of this appeared on social media.  Every kid in Guyana a phone with camera.  

If this is true, it reflects bad on the PPP organization to allow an open air voter suppression to occur in their strongholds and it’s not captured and blasted all over social media.  This is no longer the 70’s!   All we hearing is recount, not mass voter suppression.

from all reports, the conclusion was the AFC converted enough to make a difference!  And we do know that Nagamootoo did have a following which was fedup of PPP corruption.
